MORE TOWNIES: Oasis Landing
Oasis_Landing_thumbnail.png - width=1000 height=800
alfzeelen.png - width=691 height=689
Alf Zeelen
alfzeelen.png - width=237 height=520
Alf Zeelen
alzeahigbee.png - width=691 height=689
Alzea Higbee
alzeahigbee.png - width=237 height=615
Alzea Higbee
arliealders.png - width=691 height=689
Arlie Alders
arliealders.png - width=237 height=641
Arlie Alders
aurmaaz.png - width=691 height=689
Aur Maaz
aurmaaz.png - width=237 height=677
Aur Maaz
becklandry.png - width=691 height=689
Beck Landry
becklandry.png - width=237 height=588
Beck Landry
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Bee Ricketts
beericketts.png - width=237 height=605
Bee Ricketts
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Bobby Olmos
bobbyolmos.png - width=237 height=574
Bobby Olmos
darwinspier.png - width=691 height=689
Darwin Spier
darwinspier.png - width=237 height=635
Darwin Spier
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Del Deneb
deldeneb.png - width=237 height=650
Del Deneb
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Elara Eridani
elaraeridani.png - width=237 height=635
Elara Eridani
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Elli Zorn
ellizorn.png - width=237 height=622
Elli Zorn
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Evanna Chiang
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Evanna Chiang
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Gareth Hamilton
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Gareth Hamilton
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Idris Read
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Idris Read
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Jago Betita
jagobetita.png - width=237 height=655
Jago Betita
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Jaynie Speight
jayniespeight.png - width=237 height=605
Jaynie Speight
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Keid Kerr
keidkerr.png - width=237 height=711
Keid Kerr
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Merlyn Whitney
merlynwhitney.png - width=237 height=649
Merlyn Whitney
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Mitzi Ferris
mitziferris.png - width=237 height=589
Mitzi Ferris
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Neoma Gogan
neomagogan.png - width=237 height=605
Neoma Gogan
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Pike Visco
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Pike Visco
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Pluto Pérez
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Pluto Pérez
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Rhea Keynes
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Rhea Keynes
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Rigel Rabino
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Rigel Rabino
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Seldon Mayer
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Seldon Mayer
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Stef Penny
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Stef Penny
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Syd Yuan
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Syd Yuan
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Sylvi Strand
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Sylvi Strand
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Taryn Torok
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Taryn Torok
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Uma Tania
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Uma Tania
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Vicus Kelly-Bootle
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Vicus Kelly-Bootle
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Zev Jenkins
zevjenkins.png - width=237 height=520
Zev Jenkins
What you get:
Each zipped folder contains 8 sims. In total, there are 32 sims available for download: 8 adult males, 8 young adult males, 8 adult females, and 8 young adult females.
The sims are all saved wearing Pyxis's Huckleberry Pie default skin, which will be replaced with the default skin in your game (cc or EA).
All sims' facial features are individually tweaked by me, never presets.
How to install:
.sim files go in Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/SavedSims
In order to have these sims appear as homeless townies in Oasis Landing, move them into a house there via Edit Town and then evict them.
You can also use MC to assign specific roles to sims, if you want a certain sim for a certain role.
Don't reupload these sims or claim them as your own, but feel free to use them in legacies/stories/what have you, as long as you link back to the download here!
Under the cut is a list of each sim's traits & LTW. All sims also have the hidden "Future Sim" trait.
Gareth Hamilton AM
Bot Fan, Dislikes Children, Inappropriate, Unlucky, Unstable
More Than a Machine
Zev Jenkins AM
Absent-Minded, Athletic, Flirty, Loner, Loser
Illustrious Author
Idris Read AM
Commitment Issues, Flirty, Light Sleeper, Neat, Unstable
Vicus Kelly-Bootle AM
Couch Potato, Daredevil, Loser, Party Animal, Slob
Made the Most of my Time
Aur Maaz AM
Friendly, Frugal, Light Sleeper, Never Nude, No Sense of Humor
Leader of the Free World
Rigel Rabino AM
Clumsy, Commitment Issues, Hates the Outdoors, Mean-Spirited, Vehicle Enthusiast
Renaissance Sim
Bobby Olmos AM
Couch Potato, Excitable, Good Sense of Humor, Inappropriate, Natural Cook
Celebrated Five-Star Chef
Alf Zeelen AM
Artistic, Daredevil, Good, Over-Emotional, Slob
Master of the Arts
Pluto Pérez YAM
Can't Stand Art, Good Sense of Humor, Over-Emotional, Party Animal, Unstable
Rock Star
Merlyn Whitney YAM
Bot Fan, Frugal, Handy, Mooch, Natural Cook
More than a Machine
Arlie Alders YAM
Bot Fan, Brave, Excitable, Neat, No Sense of Humor
High-Tech Collector
Pike Visco YAM
Brave, Easily Impressed, Mean-Spirited, Neurotic, Technophobe
Perfect Mind, Perfect Body
Jago Betita YAM
Childish, Daredevil, Insane, Loser, Snob
Jack of All Trades
Seldon Mayer YAM
Couch Potato, Hydrophobic, Never Nude, Over-Emotional, Unlucky
Chess Legend
Keid Kerr YAM
Bookworm, Green Thumb, Hopeless Romantic, Hot-Headed, Lucky
Professional Author
Darwin Spier YAM
Dislikes Children, Good, Green Thumb, Perfectionist, Schmoozer
The Perfect Garden
Elli Zorn AF
Artistic, Great Kisser, Hot-Headed, Party Animal, Slob
Star News Anchor
Uma Tania AF
Genius, Great Kisser, Loves the Outdoors, Neurotic, Vegetarian
Become a Creature-Robot Cross-Breeder
Neoma Gogan AF
Absent Minded, Athletic, Brave, Easily Impressed, Neurotic
Made the Most of my Time
Evanna Chiang AF
Athletic, Can't Stand Art, Commitment Issues, Light Sleeper, Workaholic
Become an Astronaut
Jaynie Speight AF
Evil, Family Oriented, Frugal, Grumpy, Neat
More than a Machine
Sylvi Strand AF
Couch Potato, Easily Impressed, Grumpy, Loves the Outdoors, Party Animal
High-Tech Collector
Del Deneb AF
Excitable, Great Kisser, Over-Emotional, Unstable, Vehicle Enthusiast
Swimming in Cash
Stef Penny AF
Bookworm, Coward, Good, Loner, Slob
Forensic Specialist: Dynamic DNA Profiler
Mitzi Ferris YAF
Angler, Charismatic, Vegetarian, Vehicle Enthusiast, Virtuoso
Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium
Rhea Keynes YAF
Coward, Insane, Light Sleeper, Loves the Outdoors, Neurotic
World-Renowned Surgeon
Syd Yuan YAF
Ambitious, Artistic, Hates the Outdoors, Inappropriate, Virtuoso
High-Tech Collector
Alzea Higbee YAF
Friendly, Good Sense of Humor, Insane, Kleptomaniac, Vegetarian
Become a Master Thief
Taryn Torok YAF
Bot Fan, Can't Stand Art, Clumsy, Commitment Issues, Lucky
More than a Machine
Beck Landry YAF
Bookworm, Evil,Inappropriate, Lucky, Party Animal
Rock Star
Elara Eridani YAF
Couch Potato, Handy, Kleptomaniac, Loves the Outdoors, Unstable
Gold Digger
Bee Ricketts YAF
Computer Whiz, Daredevil, Grumpy, Unlucky, Unstable
Made the Most of my Time
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Del_Deneb.sim | sim | 345591 |
Elli_Zorn.sim | sim | 512116 |
Evanna_Chiang.sim | sim | 413682 |
Jaynie_Speight.sim | sim | 451896 |
Neoma_Gogan.sim | sim | 394737 |
Stef_Penny.sim | sim | 339757 |
Sylvi_Strand.sim | sim | 384879 |
Uma_Tania.sim | sim | 383995 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Alf_Zeelen.sim | sim | 407373 |
Aur_Maaz.sim | sim | 346387 |
Bobby_Olmos.sim | sim | 398615 |
Gareth_Hamilton.sim | sim | 371261 |
Idris_Read.sim | sim | 443444 |
Rigel_Rabino.sim | sim | 379618 |
Vicus_Kelly-Bootle.sim | sim | 400460 |
Zev_Jenkins.sim | sim | 412035 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Alzea_Higbee.sim | sim | 396683 |
Beck_Landry.sim | sim | 452572 |
Bee_Ricketts.sim | sim | 404606 |
Elara_Eridani.sim | sim | 359569 |
Mitzi_Ferris.sim | sim | 317194 |
Rhea_Keynes.sim | sim | 466650 |
Syd_Yuan.sim | sim | 425622 |
Taryn_Torok.sim | sim | 390275 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Arlie_Alders.sim | sim | 326576 |
Darwin_Spier.sim | sim | 406342 |
Jago_Betita.sim | sim | 435933 |
Keid_Kerr.sim | sim | 376802 |
Merlyn_Whitney.sim | sim | 334438 |
Pike_Visco.sim | sim | 434613 |
Pluto_Perez.sim | sim | 336545 |
Seldon_Mayer.sim | sim | 391215 |
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Huckleberry Pie default skin by Pyxis
- Big Q default eyes by BrntWaffles
Uploaded: 2nd Jul 2022, 2.69 MB.
Uploaded: 2nd Jul 2022, 2.89 MB.
Uploaded: 2nd Jul 2022, 2.80 MB.
Uploaded: 2nd Jul 2022, 2.91 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the sim to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
2. Select the .sim file you got from extracting.
3. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\SavedSims folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game, enter Create-a-Sim, and save a sim to the sim bin to create this folder, rather than doing so manually. After that you can close the game and put the .sim file in SavedSims
4. Once the .sim file is in SavedSims, you can load the game, and look for your sim in the premade sims bin in Create-a-Sim.
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see Game Help:Installing TS3 Simswiki for a full, detailed step-by-step guide! Special Installation Instructions
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
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#ts3, #ts3itf, #the sims 3, #into the future, #itf, #sims 3, #sims 3 into the future, #oasis landing, #future world, #townies, #sims 3 townies, #npcs, #sims 3 npcs, #future, #futuristic
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Into the Future
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Into the Future |