Riverview_thumbnail.png - width=1000 height=800
andreaortez.png - width=864 height=864
Andrea Ortez
andreaortez.png - width=237 height=744
Andrea Ortez
angelinewagner.png - width=864 height=864
Angeline Wagner
angelinewagner.png - width=237 height=744
annemariemoed.png - width=864 height=864
Annemarie Moed
annemariemoed.png - width=237 height=789
Annemarie Moed
brooklatoll.png - width=864 height=864
Brook Latoll
brooklatoll.png - width=237 height=744
Brook Latoll
brunodearborn.png - width=864 height=864
Bruno Dearborn
brunodearborn.png - width=237 height=744
Bruno Dearborn
clementalexander.png - width=864 height=864
Clement Alexander
clementalexander.png - width=237 height=711
Clement Alexander
corneliuscrumbs.png - width=864 height=864
Cornelius Crumbs
corneliuscrumbs.png - width=237 height=711
Cornelius Crumbs
cynthiaallenrhodes.png - width=864 height=864
Cynthia Allen-Rhodes
cynthiaallenrhodes.png - width=256 height=764
eddystrummer.png - width=864 height=864
Eddy Strummer
eddystrummer.png - width=237 height=653
Eddy Strummer
eugenecruz.png - width=864 height=864
Eugene Cruz
eugenecruz.png - width=237 height=648
Eugene Cruz
georgemcelligot.png - width=864 height=864
George McElligot
georgemcelligot.png - width=237 height=605
George McElligot
hermanlansing.png - width=864 height=864
Herman Lansing
hermanlansing.png - width=237 height=711
Herman Lansing
jackiesudworth.png - width=864 height=864
Jackie Sudworth
jackiesudworth.png - width=256 height=795
Jackie Sudworth
jaredsharnk.png - width=864 height=864
Jared Sharnk
jaredsharnk.png - width=237 height=739
Jared Sharnk
jeannetesinger.png - width=864 height=864
Jeanette Singer
jeannettesinger.png - width=237 height=744
Jeanette Singer
josephineolson.png - width=864 height=864
Josephine Olson
josephineolson.png - width=237 height=744
Jsephine Olson
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Juro Samura
jurosamura.png - width=237 height=744
Juro Samura
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Karl Holzmann
karlholzmann.png - width=237 height=626
Karl Holzmann
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Levi Krakel
levikrakel.png - width=237 height=744
Levi Krakel
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Leyla Russoue
leylarussoe.png - width=237 height=800
Leyla Russoue
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Linda Donohue
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Linda Donohue
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Lizzy Gellen
lizzygellen.png - width=237 height=744
Lizzy Gellen
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Mervin Elfman
mervinelfman.png - width=237 height=541
Mervin Elfman
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Naomi Havener
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Naomi Havener
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Roger Clover
rogerclover.png - width=237 height=711
Roger Clover
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Sabrine Decker
sabrinadecker.png - width=237 height=744
Sabrina Decker
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Sandra Wojcik
sandrawojcik.png - width=268 height=782
Sandra Wojcik
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Shawnda Kemp
shawndakemp.png - width=251 height=779
Shawnda Kemp
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Shelby Bluestone
shelbybluestone.png - width=256 height=787
Shelby Bluestone
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Stephan Potts
stephanpotts.png - width=237 height=608
Stephan Potts
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Tetsuya Kimora
tetsuyakimora.png - width=237 height=605
Tetsuya Kimora
yuliyhustev.png - width=864 height=864
Yuliy Hustev
yuliyhustev.png - width=237 height=744
Yuliy Hustev
What you get:
Each zipped folder contains 8 sims. In total, there are 32 sims available for download: 8 adult males, 8 young adult males, 8 adult females, and 8 young adult females.
The sims are all saved wearing Pyxis's Huckleberry Pie default skin, which will be replaced with the default skin in your game (cc or EA).
All sims' facial features are individually tweaked by me, never presets.
How to install:
.sim files go in Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/SavedSims
In order to have these sims appear as homeless townies, move them into a house via Edit Town and then evict them.
You can also use MC to assign specific roles to sims, if you want a certain sim for a certain role.
Don't reupload these sims or claim them as your own, but feel free to use them in legacies/stories/what have you, as long as you link back to the download here!
Under the cut is a list of each sim's traits & LTW.
Cornelius Crumbs AM
Easily Impressed, Hopeless Romantic, Perfectionist, Technophobe, Vegetarian
World-Rempwmed Surgeon
Mervin Elfman AM
Athletic, Brave, Childish, Heavy Sleeper, Hot-Headed
Become an Astronaut
Tetsuya Kimora AM
Brave, Charismatic, Childish, Hydrophobic, Natural Chef
Celebrated Five-Star Chef
Stephan Potts AM
Commitment Issues, Couch Potato, Family-Oriented, Great Kisser, Loner
Renaissance Sim
Roger Clover AM
Computer Whiz, Grumpy, Inappropriate, Loser, Never Nude
Chess Legend
Yuliy Hustev AM
Can't Stand Art, Childish, Light Sleeper, Never Nude, Unlucky
International Super Spy
Herman Lansing AM
Bookworm, Evil, Family Oriented, Grumpy, Loves the Outdoors
Illustrious Author
George McElligott AM
Good, Heavy Sleeper, Kleptomaniac, Neurotic, Unflirty
Leader of the Free World
Eugène Cruz YAM
Daredevil, Excitable, Hopeless Romantic, Hydrophobic, Snob
Living in the Lap of Luxury
Levi Krakel YAM
Angler, Good, Hopeless Romantic, Light Sleeper, Slob
Become a Creature-Robot Cross-Breeder
Eddy Strummer YAM
Charismatic, Good, Good Sense of Humor, Green Thumb, Heavy Sleeper
Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers
Clement Alexander YAM
Clumsy, Computer Whiz, Loser, Over-Emotional, Slob
CEO of a Mega-Corporation
Juro Samura YAM
Ambitious, Charismatic, Inappropriate, Loves the Outdoors, Lucky
Super Popular
Bruno Dearborn YAM
Artistic, Bookworm, Couch Potato, Hydrophobic, Loner
Master of the Arts
Jared Sharnk YAM
Insane, Natural Cook, Never Nude, Over Emotional, Perfectionist
Celebrated Five-Star Chef
Karl Holzmann YAM
Excitable, Imsane, Loner, Mean-Spirited, Snob
Jack of All Trades
Jackie Sudworth AF
Charismatic, Coward, Evil, Vegetarian, Vehicle Enthusiast
Leader of the Free World
Annemarie Moed AF
Good, Great Kisser, Heavy Sleeper, Never Nude, Unflirty
Forensic Specialist: Dynamic DNA Profiler
Linda Donohue AF
Computer Whiz, Inappropriate, Kleptomaniac, Loves the Outdoors, Slob
The Tinkerer
Jeanette Singer AF
Bookworm, Computer Whiz, Easily Impressed, Lucky, Virtuoso
Hit Movie Composer
Naomi Havener AF
Couch Potato, Frugal, Good, Heavy Sleeper, Loner
Professional Author
Sandra WĂłjcik AF
Absent Minded, Genius, No Sense of Humor, Party Animal, Slob
World Renowned Surgeon
Josefine Olson AF
Absent Minded, Easily Impressed, Great Kisser, Insane, Unflirty
Gold Digger
Leyla Russoue AF
Grumpy. Hopeless Romantic, Mooch, Never Nude, Snob
Swimming in Cash
Shelby Bluestone YAF
Artistic, Heavy Sleeper, Hydrophobic, Mean Spirited, Virtuoso
Rock Star
Sabrina Decker YAF
Daredevil, Heavy Sleeper, Mooch, Over Emotional, Vehicle Enthusiast
Become an Astronaut
Angeline Wagner YAF
Charismatic, Loves the Ourdoors, Mooch, Perfectionist, Vehicle Enthusiast
Star News Anchor
Andréa Ortez YAF
Couch Potato, Daredevil, Evil, Hot-Headed, Snob
Lizzy Gellen YAF
Genius, Good, Good Sense of Humor, Natural Cook, Workaholic
The Culinary Librarian
Cynthia Allen-Rhodes YAF
Green Thumb, Mooch, Neat, Party Animal, Vehicle Enthusiast
The Perfect Garden
Brook Latoll YAF
Artistic, Family-Oriented, Kleptomaniac, Lucky, Unflirty
Surrounded by Family
Shawnda Kemp YAF
Daredevil, Kleptomaniac, Light Sleeper, Neat, Snob
Become a Master Thief
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Annemarie_Moed.sim | sim | 361637 |
Jackie_Sudworth.sim | sim | 423294 |
Jeanette_Singer.sim | sim | 478025 |
Josephine_Olson.sim | sim | 409348 |
Leyla_Russoe.sim | sim | 403615 |
Linda_Donohue.sim | sim | 355122 |
Naomi_Havener.sim | sim | 492013 |
Sandra_Wojcik.sim | sim | 490854 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Cornelius_Crumbs.sim | sim | 396689 |
George_McElligot.sim | sim | 386931 |
Herman_Lansing.sim | sim | 407192 |
Mervin_Elfman.sim | sim | 365716 |
Roger_Clover.sim | sim | 322042 |
Stephan_Potts.sim | sim | 431414 |
Tetsuya_Kimora.sim | sim | 380169 |
Yuliy_Hustev.sim | sim | 410224 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Andrea_Ortez.sim | sim | 411363 |
Angeline_Wagner.sim | sim | 410822 |
Brook_Latoll.sim | sim | 430014 |
Cynthia_Allen-Rhodes.sim | sim | 381082 |
Lizzy_Gellen.sim | sim | 320544 |
Sabrina_Decker.sim | sim | 340690 |
Shawnda_Kemp.sim | sim | 400820 |
Shelby_Bluestone.sim | sim | 400688 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Bruno_Dearborn.sim | sim | 362723 |
Clement_Alexander.sim | sim | 369821 |
Eddy_Strummerr.sim | sim | 421964 |
Eugene_Cruz.sim | sim | 394379 |
Jared_Sharnk.sim | sim | 432177 |
Juro_Samura.sim | sim | 371983 |
Karl_Holzmann.sim | sim | 429434 |
Levi_Krakel.sim | sim | 404098 |
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Riverview by The Sims 3 Store
- Huckleberry Pie Skin by Pyxis
- Big Q Eyes by Brntwaffles
Uploaded: 3rd Aug 2022, 2.84 MB.
Uploaded: 3rd Aug 2022, 2.81 MB.
Uploaded: 3rd Aug 2022, 2.77 MB.
Uploaded: 3rd Aug 2022, 3.10 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the sim to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
2. Select the .sim file you got from extracting.
3. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\SavedSims folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game, enter Create-a-Sim, and save a sim to the sim bin to create this folder, rather than doing so manually. After that you can close the game and put the .sim file in SavedSims
4. Once the .sim file is in SavedSims, you can load the game, and look for your sim in the premade sims bin in Create-a-Sim.
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see Game Help:Installing TS3 Simswiki for a full, detailed step-by-step guide! Special Installation Instructions
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
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Updated: 26th Aug 2022 at 9:17 PM
#ts3, #ts3 store, #ts3world, #ts3sim, #ts3sims, #the sims 3, #the sims 3 store, #the sims 3 riverview, #riverview, #sims 3 riverview, #sims 3 store, #sims 3 sims, #sims 3 townies, #sims 3 npcs, #npcs, #townies
Riverview Antiques - Consignment Store
by Ferguson Avenue 10th Jun 2012 at 3:31pm
+1 packs
by strexstrexstrex 6th Oct 2021 at 5:49pm
MORE TOWNIES: Starlight Shores
by strexstrexstrex 31st Jan 2022 at 3:36pm
by strexstrexstrex 4th Jun 2022 at 1:28am
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8 4.1k 10
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Bridgeport has always been my favorite of the EP worlds, so I'm beyond excited about these. more...
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Confession: I have never played in Barnacle Bay. Didn't even have it installed in my normal gameplay folder. more...
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