Novel Royalty Fixes

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This mod fixes various problems with novel and restaurant guide (introduced in FreeTime) royalties:
  • When there's no landline phone on a lot or no one has picked up a phone call from a publishing house, a dialog appears as if someone has answered the phone, and the royalty is paid out. Originally, in such cases, no dialog appears and money is lost.
  • The real author of a novel correctly gets memories and fulfills their wants regarding writing novels or earning money, and increases their personal wealth.
    • In the base game, the one who has answered the phone gets considered an author. It has been fixed in expansion and stuff packs, however, receiving the Sold a Great Novel memory prevented money-related wants or memories and a personal wealth income from being handled.
  • In the delayed version, a publishing house will try to call at least 12 hours after a Sim has finished their novel/restaurant guide. Time counts only between 6:00 AM and 9:59 PM, and only on habitable lots.
    • E.g. when a Sim has finished their novel/restaurant guide at 7:30 AM, then the phone calls (or a dialog appears) up to an hour after 7:30 PM on the same day. But when they have finished at 7:30 PM, then it happens up to an hour after 5:30 PM next day.

Use only one version at a time.
Update (11 Feb 2024): Included restaurant guide fixes. Made some technical changes to address rare errors. Recreated the delayed version to make it work on different lots.
You can change the delay and publishing house's work hours in the delayed version by editing the behavior constant from the file in SimPe.

Known issues
  • If an author of a novel/restaurant guide moves out, leaves their vacation home, or dies while the publishing house calls, then it may happen that no one will get royalty and no dialog will appear. It also happens without mods. However, it's easier to achieve with the delayed version of this mod.
  • With the delayed version, if an author of a novel/restaurant guide dies before the publishing house calls, then the publishing house will only call after the Sim gets resurrected.
  • After you have uninstalled the delayed version, royalties which were supposed to be paid with a delay won't be paid until you install it back.

Conflicting modWay to resolveComment
Sell Great Novel Personal Wealth Fix by Midge the TreeDon't use it with my mod.My mod is basically an extended version of the conflicting mod.
50 New Lifetime Wants – Novels by LamareFollow instructions in the description of the conflicting mod.
50 New Lifetime Wants – Food Critic by LamareFollow instructions in the description of the conflicting mod.

Overridden resources
Resource nameType nameGroup/object nameTypeGroupInstance
simNopke-novelRoyaltyFixes and simNopke-novelRoyaltyFixes-delayed
Attribute LabelsText ListsPhone - Incoming Call - Novel Victory0x535452230x7FFAA9360x00000100
CT - Handle CallBehaviour FunctionPhone - Incoming Call - Novel Victory0x424841560x7FFAA9360x00001002
Function - MainBehaviour FunctionPhone - Incoming Call - Novel Victory0x424841560x7FFAA9360x00001001
Attribute LabelsText ListsPhone - Incoming Call - Restaurant Guide Victory0x535452230x7F2183DF0x00000100
CT - Handle CallBehaviour FunctionPhone - Incoming Call - Restaurant Guide Victory0x424841560x7F2183DF0x00001002
Function - MainBehaviour FunctionPhone - Incoming Call - Restaurant Guide Victory0x424841560x7F2183DF0x00001001

New objects
Package fileObject nameGUIDGroup
simNopke-novelRoyaltyFixes-delayedNopke - Novel Royalty Delay Controller0x008ED40D0x7FECDE0E

jfade (The Compressorizer!)
Midge the Tree (Sell Great Novel Personal Wealth Fix)
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