Pleasantview with Tutorial Joe and Jane

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After finding you that Tutorial Joe is the child of Bob and Betty; I have always felt that Joe and Jane should be residents of Pleasantview. So I did just that. This is meetme2theriver's clean Pleasantview with Tutorial Joe Sim and Tutorial Jane Sim (named Joe Newbie and Jane Newbie in this hood) from the sims 2 tutorial as a bin family.

Version Compatibly
The main hood version is base game compatible, but I believe the subhood version requires Mansion & Garden Stuff.

Known issues
*I tried to change Joe and Jane's family thumbnail in the no townie version, but it will revert to what it originally was after you move them in.
*I forgot to capitalize Skip's last name in Joe and Jane's family bio.

things to note
*Joe and Jane don't have their lifetime wants and turn ons and turn offs set so they will be random.
*I gave Joe and Jane proper memories just like the maxis premade.
*I set the family ties for Joe and Jane so they are related to Brandi.
*Joe and Jane do have relationships with the members of the Broke family
*Joe and Jane have proper recessive genes.
*Brandi does have the memories and Joe joining the family and Joe aging up.
*Joe is friends with Daniel.
*Jane's parents are in the family tree.

Update 7
Remade this hood for the 3rd time as I made a major breakthrough. The preious version required Mansion & Garden Stuff as it was made using the Ultimate Collection from and I can't get anygamestarter to work. Well, this hood is now base game compatible as I was able to get the first retail release version of Sims 2 running on Windows 11. (this hood does not have any random townies or npcs as no townie regen and Anti-Redundancy do work with that version)

Other changes
*Took this opportunity to finally add a no townies version. (The only Maxis NPCs in this version are Kaylynn Langerak and Gordon King)
*In order to avoid confusion when figuring out which version to download, I made it so that all versions of this hood make Bella be missing.
(If you want Bella to be playible or to be a townie, then you need to go into SimPE and delete her death token)
*Fixed an issue with the no Bella version where it was still possible for Bella to appear.
*Joe is actually one day younger than Brandi in the tutorial. I decided to make that his age here and I have come up with an explanation where they are twins, but Brandi was born before 6pm and Joe was born after 6pm.
*Jane's age is now the same as her age in the tutorial.
*Overhauled Joe and Jane's memories to reflect their new ages and to include all of the memories they have in the tutorial.
*Fixed some minor issues with Joe and Jane's relationships.
*Changed Joe and Jane's reccessive genes.

Update 1
*Jane's recessive genes didn't save for some reason. I fixed this.
*Changed Joe's recessive genes to make more sense.

If you have already started playing this hood, then you can change the recessive genes yourself. If you don't know how to do that then you can follow this guide. (One thing the guide does not say is that for recessive skintones you change the SkintoneRange number but not the Skintone number.)
(Select the link and click "go to")

Joe's recessive genes
brown eyes
black hair
tan (skintone 2)

Jane's recessive genes
dark blue eyes
brown hair
dark (skintone 4)

Update 2
*Jane's parents are no longer set as townies and now they are in the same category as the dead premades.
*Brandi now has memories of Joe getting engaged and married.
*Dustin now has a memory of Joe getting married.

Added a 2nd version called the no Bella version.
This version also makes Bella actually be missing the exact same way as my "Clean Pleasantview without Bella Goth".

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to introduce Bella at some point while playing this hood, then don't try to resurrect her in game. You would need to go into SimPE and delete her death token.

Update 3
Added a shopping district version for the regular and no Bella versions for people that play uberhoods.

Update 4
*Changed Peggy and Roger's appearance so now it matches their appearance in the tutorial.
*Joe and Jane's interest now match their interest in the tutorial.
*Fixed an issue where Joe and Jane did not have a one true hobby.
*All of Joe and Jane's outfits now match their outfits in the tutorial.
*I originally had it so that Joe and Daniel met while Daniel was a teen, however I realized this makes no sense since Daniel is way older then Joe. I fixed this plot hole.

Update 5
*I just realized that mod the sims bugged out and didn't update the no Bella main hood version to the newest update. This should now hopefully be fixed.
*Joe and Jane now start with some skills.
*Fixed a couple of very minor oversites that I made.

Update 6
*Both subhood versions now have unique filenames which fixes an issue where the subhood versions would not show up in game.
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