(4.1 Update)Remove Shoes/Wear Slippers Indoors mod

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4.0 Update Note
My goal with this update was to add an option to wear slippers indoors. In addition to making this mod much more practical, convenient, and compatible. Due to the changes to this mod, the mod now works in any home scenario. A regular residential home, apartment, and even a hybrid build (House/Store). Please scroll down to 4.0 Update/Changes, this will note all the changes and updates I have made to the mod in 4.0

This will most likely be the last update to this mod. Unless there are bugs to be fixed. If you have any questions in regards to this mod, feel free to ask.

Important with the 4.0 Update. Please read
With the 4.0 update, I have added an interaction to the shoe rack which will allow sims to wear slippers indoors automatically. The slippers are custom slippers that I have made. So, please install my updated puffy flip flop slippers for women and simple slippers for men in order to make the "wear slippers indoors" interaction work. If you already downloaded prior to 11/02/2022 please delete the old version and download the updated slippers that I have made. The new version is compatible with this script mod. I will leave the link below.


-Have you ever wanted your sims to wear flip flops while wearing their swimwear? But, didn't want them to go swimming with their flip flops on?

-Have you ever wanted your sims to remove their shoes in the comfort of their home? And immiedietaly put them back on when stepping outside their home?

-Have you ever wanted your household to have a house rule to remove their shoes when entering their house?

-Have you ever missed that feature from The Sims 4 Snowy Escape, where the shoe rack object can give you the option of making the household take off their shoes when inside their house?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above. Then it is your lucky day, as this mod aims to be the solution to all those wants.

What This Mod Does

This mod provides you with a shoe rack that can dictate whether sims remove their shoes indoors on the lot that the object is placed on. There are many options for the shoe rack. In an attempt to satisfy everyone who might want to use the object in a specific way.

This mod also provides sims with an interaction which allows them to take off their shoes and put them back on whenever they would like.

Additionally, I have made a Default Replacement mod for Chisami's feet. If you were like me, who wanted to use this mod with Chisami's feet, rather than EA's feet.

How To Use The Shoe Rack

Step 1: Locate The Shoe Rack

The Shoe Rack is in Buy Mode. Where the Vanilla Shoe Rack is located.

Step 2: Place The Shoe Rack
Grab it and Place it. Ideally, in a reasonable nice looking spot. (With the new update, the Shoe Rack can now Intersect objects, sims, etc. To make it more convenient.)

Step 3: Click on The Shoe Rack
After clicking it choose an option

Remove Shoes Automatically(For Lot...):
-Takes you to more detailed options regarding automatically removing sims shoes upon entering each room in the lot.

Remove Shoes Automatically(For Room...):
-Takes you to more detailed options regarding automatically removing sims shoes upon entering inside the room that the shoe rack is located in.

Wear Slippers Automatically(For Lot...)
-Takes you to more detailed options regarding automatically putting slippers on sims upon entering each room in the lot.

Wear Slippers Automatically(For Room...)
-Takes you to more detailed options regarding automatically putting slippers on sims upon entering inside the room that the shoe rack is located in.

-Completely Disarms the script.

-Hides the Shoe Rack object. If you make a shoe rack hidden, you will need another shoe rack to make it unhidden in live mode. (With the 4.0 Update, the shoe rack now unhides every time you enter build/buy mode. Goes back to hidden when exiting build/buy mode)

Unhide all on Lot:
-Unhides all Shoe Racks that were hidden.

Step 4: If you chose "Remove Shoes Automatically(For Lot...)
Choose the option that you prefer.

Remove Shoes Indoors:
-This option will remove the shoes of all sims that enter inside any rooms within the lot. And it will readd the shoes of any sim that goes either outside or a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Remove Shoes Indoors(Females Only):
-This option will remove the shoes of all female sims that enter inside any rooms within the lot. And it will readd the shoes of all female sim that goes outside or a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Remove Shoes Indoors(Males Only):
-This option will remove the shoes of all male sims that enter inside any rooms within the lot. And it will readd the shoes of all male sim that goes outside or a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Remove Shoes Indoors(Household Only):
-This option will remove the shoes of all sims living in the lot that enter inside any rooms within the lot. And it will readd the shoes of the sims living in the lot that go outside or a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Remove Shoes Indoors(Female Household Members Only):
-This option will remove the shoes of all female sims living in the lot that enter inside any rooms within the lot. And it will readd the shoes of all the female sims living in the lot that go outside or a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Remove Shoes Indoors(Male Household Members Only):
-This option will remove the shoes of all male sims living in the lot that enter inside any rooms within the lot. And it will readd the shoes of all the male sims living in the lot that go outside or a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Step 5: If you chose "Remove Shoes Automatically(For Room...)

Allow Shoes(Only In Room):
-This will readd any sims shoes that enter the room where the Shoe Rack is placed.

Remove Shoes Indoors(Room Only):
-This will remove the shoes of any sims that enter the room wherever the Shoe rack is placed at. It will also readd the shoes of all sims when the sim goes outside or a room with either a public or hidden room marker. (Not outside the room. Like outside of the house/building.)

Remove Shoes Indoors(Room Only/Females Only):
-This will remove the shoes of any female sims that enter the room wherever the shoe rack is placed at. It will also readd the shoes when the female sim goes outside or a room with either a public or hidden room marker. (Not outside the room. Like outside of the house/building.)

Remove Shoes Indoors(Room Only/Males Only
-This will remove the shoes of any male sims that enter the room wherever the shoe rack is placed at. It will also readd the shoes when the male sim goes outside or a room with a public or hidden room marker. (Not outside the room. Like outside of the house/building.)

Remove Shoes Indoors(Room Only/Household Only):
-This will remove the shoes of all sims living in the lot whenever they enter the room of where the shoe rack is placed. It will also readd the shoes of all sims that live in the lot when they go outside or enter a room with a public or hidden room marker. (Not outside the room. Like outside of the house/building.)

Remove Shoes Indoors(Room Only/Female Household Only):
-This will remove the shoes of all female sims living in the lot whenever they enter the room of where the shoe rack is placed. It will also readd the shoes of all female sims that live in the lot when they go outside or enter a room with a public or hidden room marker. (Not outside the room. Like outside of the house/building.)

Remove Shoes Indoors(Room Only/Male Household only
--This will remove the shoes of all male sims living in the lot whenever they enter the room of where the shoe rack is placed. It will also readd the shoes of all male sims that live in the lot when they go outside or enter a room with a public or hidden room marker. (Not outside the room. Like outside of the house/building.)

Step 6: If you chose "Wear Slippers Automatically(For Lot...)
Choose the option you prefer.

Wear Slippers Indoors
-This option will make sims wear slippers indoors when entering any room within the lot. And it will readd the shoes of any sim that goes outside or enters a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Wear Slippers Indoors(Females Only)
-This option will make female sims wear slippers indoors when entering any room within the lot. And it will readd the shoes of female sims that goes outside or enters a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Wear Slippers Indoors(Males Only)
-This option will make male sims wear slippers indoors when entering any room within the lot. And it will readd the shoes of male sims that goes outside or enters a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Wear Slippers Indoors(Household Only)
-This option will make all sims living in the lot wear slippers indoors when entering any room within the lot. And it will readd the shoes of the sims living in the lot when they go outside or enter a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Wear Slippers Indoors(Female Household Only)
-This option will make all female sims living in the lot wear slippers indoors when entering any room within the lot. And it will readd the shoes of the female sims living in the lot when they go outside or enter a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Wear Slippers Indoors(Male Household Only)
-This option will make all male sims living in the lot wear slippers indoors when entering any room within the lot. And it will readd the shoes of the male sims living in the lot when they go outside or enter a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Step 7: If you chose "Wear Slippers Automatically(For Rooms...)
Choose the option you prefer.

Wear Slippers Indoors(Rooms Only)
-This option will make any sims wear slippers that enter the room wherever the shoe rack is placed at. It will also readd the shoes of all sims that go outside or enter a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Wear Slippers Indoors(Room Only/Females Only)
-This option will make female sims wear slippers that enter the room wherever the shoe rack is placed at. It will also readd the shoes of female sims that go outside or enter a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Wear Slippers Indoors(Room Only/Males Only)
-This option will make male sims wear slippers that enter the room wherever the shoe rack is placed at. It will also readd the shoes of male sims that go outside or enter a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Wear Slippers Indoors(Room Only/Household Only)
-This option will make all sims living in the lot wear slippers whenever they enter the room wherever the shoe rack is placed at. It will also readd the shoes of all sims living in the lot whenever they go outside or enter a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Wear Slippers Indoors(Room Only/Female Household Only
-This option will make all female sims living in the lot wear slippers whenever they enter the room wherever the shoe rack is placed at. It will also readd the shoes of all female sims living in the lot whenever they go outside or enter a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

Wear Slippers Indoors(Room Only/Male Household Only
-This option will make all male sims living in the lot wear slippers whenever they enter the room wherever the shoe rack is placed at. It will also readd the shoes of all male sims living in the lot whenever they go outside or enter a room with either a public or hidden room marker.

How to use the RemoveShoes/PutShoesOn Interactions

Step 1: Click Active Sim
Whichever sim you control at the moment. Click on that sim.

Step 2: Pick Remove Shoes
To remove shoes click on the Remove Shoes Interaction.

Step 3: Pick Put Shoes On
After removing your shoes, if you wish to put them back on select Put Shoes On Interaction.

Yay! Now you know how to use the Remove Shoes/Put Shoes On Interactions!

Chisami's Feet Default Replacement

I made a Default Replacement for Chisami's feet to go alongside this mod. As I wanted the feet to be Chisami's rather than EA's feet when sims were removing their shoes. I want to heavily point out that Chisami has made the feet. All I did was make a default replacement for them. To the best of my knowledge, Chisami has never made a Default Replacement with her feet. Only a non default. Which unfortunately, I recently found out that where I got them from originally. The non default Chisami feet are no longer available.

With that being said, I made a Default Replacements with two of Chisami's feet. The first one is just like the original non default Chisami's feet. Except it is a default replacement. The second one is a larger varient of Chisami's feet. Which Chisami used on some of her sandals that she made. Just incase you preferred one over the other, I made default replacements for the two.

Polygon Counts:
For Both Default Replacement Feet
LOD1: 2,630
LOD2: 234
LOD3: 102

Information Regarding Default Replacement
-Only use one at a time. Otherwise they will conflict. Additionally, Make sure you don't already have a default replacement installed if you want to use the Default Replacement I made for Chisami.

-Both Defaul Replacements of Chisami's feet only effect YoungAdult/Adult Female sims. If you have other default feet replacements for other age/gender groups you can use them alongside the default replacement I made for Chisami's feet. For example I use Bloom's feet for Male adult sims. Bloom's male adult default replacement does not conflict with my Chisami's Feet Default Replacement since they both target a different group.

-The Chisami's Feet Default Replacement are not necessary, if you are fine with keeping EA's Feet.

-If you use Bloom's Feet Default Replacement/or any other default replacement for feet, they will also work fine with this mod.

Slippers Option
-The new wear slippers indoors option will return my custom slippers for both males and females. Please download the updated puffy flip flops and simple slippers for men. Which are compatible with this script mod. If they are not downloaded. Then the Wear Slippers Indoors option will not work. I will show you how the slippers looks

-Female Slippers

-Male Slippers


-The only potential conflict is if you use two default replacements for youngadult/adult female sims feet at once.

My inspiration for making this mod, was The Sims 4 Snowy Escape. Since that expansion has a game object that makes sims remove their shoes when indoors, and puts shoes on when going outside.

Additionally, my "Excitement"

2.0 Patch/Changes
-In the original version there was a bug. If any method was used to remove the shoes of Children/toddler sims, their feet would turn invisible. This issue has been resolved. Now this mod no longer discriminates against Children and Toddlers. (Also massive thanks to gamefreak130, his solution and diagnosis was much more accurate than my initial diagnosis of what was causing the bug.

-I changed the way the Remove Shoes Immediate interaction works. Instead of a social queue popping up for your sim. The Remove shoes Immediate Interaction is now truly immediate and no social queu will pop up for your sim. Instead it will just remove the shoes of your sim.

3.0 Patch/Changes

-Made additional options where you can make the remove shoes methods run whenever a sim enters a room wherever the shoe rack is placed. This was intended to help simmers who wanted to use this mod for their hybrid home/business lot.

-Made the "Allow Shoes(Only In Room)" interaction for the shoe rack, so whenever a sim enters that specific room that the shoe rack is placed in. it will add shoes to sims that have had their shoes taken off

-Added a hide option in the shoe rack. That will hide the shoe rack.

-Added a Unhide all on Lot option to the shoe rack. Which will unhide all shoe racks that became hidden.

-Added path menus, to make the options in the shoe rack less clunky.

-Added the none Interaction to the shoe rack. This will disarm the script.

-Made it so whenever the Shoe Rack object is sold/deleted in buy mode, the script is also disarmed. In the previous version you had to use the allow shoes indoors option to disarm the script.

4.0 Update/Changes

-The 4.0 Update focuses on adding the "Wear Slippers Indoors" Interaction and attempts to make the mod much more convenient than the previous version. In Addition, the mod now can work on Normal homes, apartments, and even hybrid lots (For example a store/house)

-Added an additional option to wear Slippers indoors

-Made the Shoe Rack more convenient by making it able to intersect with other objects, walls, sims, etc.

-Now, whenever the Shoe Rack is hidden via the hidden interaction, if you enter Build and Buy mode the Shoe Rack will now appear. Making it easier and more convenient for you to delete hidden shoe racks. Once you exit Build and Buy mode, the shoe racks will go back to hidden again.

-For the remove shoes/wear slippers indoors Interactions, I made a condition in which the shoes will be reaplied if the sim steps into a room with a public or hidden room marker. In addition to just the outside condition. This change makes the mod more compatible with Apartments.

-For the (For Lot...) interactions, the remove shoe/wear slippers indoors triggers each time the sim enters a new room. Instead of just triggering whenever the sim enters inside. This change makes it more convenient for the player to remove their shoes/wear slippers if your sim were to add their shoes back on after taking a shower or changing their outfits.

4.1 Update/Changes

-Added STBL's for other languages. My apologies, I completely forgot to add these in for the 4.0 update.

-Fixed an error for the hide/unhide options. When clicking the hide option then clicking unhide afterwards. The shoe rack should remain unhidden. However, when entering and then exiting build/buy mode the shoe rack returns as hidden. This has now been fixed.

Languages that this mod currently supports

Additional Credits:

gamefreak130 helped me put together the script to actually remove shoes and put shoes back on to sims. Thanks to gamefreak130, I was able to understand/use the code that I found in ILSpy that removes shoes when sims use the Firewalk object. On top of that, gamefreak130 has also helped me resolve errors.

Battery helped me fix errors that I ran across in my code. Thank you so much!!

aarin made the best suggestion of the year. aarin suggested that I look at Consorts dresscode mod, which lead me to accomplish my Shoe Rack which would remove shoes indoors and put them back outdoors. Without his suggestion, I most likely would be scratching my head trying to find an object ingame that accomplished something similar to what I was trying to create.

Chisami's Amazing feet were used to create the Default Replacements. At this point, it should go without saying that I am a massive admirer of her feet. The feet mesh she made, not her actual feet lol.

SecretX provided a French translation to the 2.0/3.0 version of my mod. Thank you! I appreciate that!

LimeyYoshi provided a German translation to the 2.0/3.0 version of my mod. Thank you! I appreciate that!

FrN0679 provided a Swedish translation to the 2.0/3.0 version of my mod. Thank you! I appreciate that!

Laconia provided a image that I decided to convert into the cover image for this mod. Thanks for sharing I like how cozy this image makes me feel.

MisoSimmer provided a Brazilian Portuguese translation to the 3.0 version of my mod. Thank you! I appreciate that!

HYDRO1st provided a Russian translation to the 4.1 version of my mod. Thank you! I appreciate that!

CC used in photos
-Flip Flops Were made by me

-Arizona Birkenstock made by me

Made Using:
-Visual Studios 2019
-Battery's Script Mod Template Creator
-TSR Workshop
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