New Memories – University EP
newMemoriesUniversityEP-logo.png - width=300 height=225
Each memory from the pack consists of two parts:
- token: the memory itself, may be many files when a memory has subtypes (e.g. positive and negative); Sims don't receive it without the event part,
- event: makes Sims receive the memory.
Use the regular versions of them unless the instructions in the conflicts section say otherwise.
29 Jun 2024: Added Brazilian Portuguese and Finnish translations.
- Added French, Spanish, and Swedish translations.
- Added a semester changes version of the event part of the Went to the First Lecture memory compatible with Semester Changes by Cyjon.
- Added a remote dorm doors version of the event part of the Moved Into a Dormitory memory compatible with Remote Dorm-Doors by BoilingOil.
Icon | Name | Repeatability | Quality | Description | Cause | Notes |
Decided to Streak | Unique | Positive | Some fresh air! Not necessarily what I'm proud of, but streaking in front of others is a major step towards positive body image, and a great way to reduce some stress it seems. | A Sim streaks for the first time. |
The event part requires at least one of these packs: Nightlife, any later expansion pack, any stuff pack.
The memory hasn't got a negative subtype because Sims always look happy while streaking, regardless of their personalities or aspirations. | |
| Dropped Out | Unique | Positive | I guess the college life just isn't for everyone. I have better things to do! Who needs a diploma anyway? | A Sim drops out of college and none of the conditions of getting the negative version of the memory are met. | |
Negative | What a shame I was unwilling to put extra effort to get that degree. | A Sim drops out of college and at least one of the below conditions are met:
| ||||
Went to the First Lecture | Unique | Positive | I've been waiting for so long to open the gates of my faculty, and now I am in a lecture hall with my notebook for the first time. What a thrill! | A Sim goes to the lecture for the first time on their first* semester, not on probation. * Or on their second semester in the semester changes version. See the conflicts section for more info. | ||
Had a Plastic Surgery | Repeatable | Positive | Who knew the technology went thus far! We're all aware it's what's inside that matters, but can't I feel more beautiful? | A Sim uses the plastic surgery machine career reward and the surgery is successful. | A Sim who got the memory won't get another Had a Plastic Surgery memory within the next 12 hours – unless a result of another surgery is opposite. | |
Negative | I look like a nightmare! I should've seen that coming messing with my natural looks! | A Sim uses the plastic surgery machine career reward and the surgery goes wrong. | ||||
Joined a Secret Society | Unique | Positive | Whoever knew there's a secret society at my college? Now that I've managed to get in, I daresay I am starting to feel special. | A Sim visits the secret society lot for the first time and gets the special outfit. | ||
| Moved Into a Dormitory | Repeatable | Positive | Now look who moved into a dorm! Let me just organize some stuff first and then I can go on with befriending fellow students. I hope I will find enough time to study though. | A Sim claims a dormitory room and the condition of getting the negative version of the memory isn't met. | A Sim who got the memory won't get another Moved Into a Dormitory memory within the next 12 hours – unless a claimed room is in another dormitory. |
Negative | I'm not particularly fond of the idea of living with unpredictable strangers under one roof, let alone using a communal bath. Couldn't I afford something else? | A Sim claims a dormitory room and has at most exactly 3 points of being outgoing. |
Available translations
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Polish
- Russian
- Spanish
- Swedish
It seems safe to remove both token and event parts of each memory mod from the pack even if your Sims already have got the memory.
From my observations, after you have removed the token part, its occurrences (memories and gossips) disappear once you enter a neighborhood.
But if you want to be extra safe while uninstalling a memory mod from the pack:
- Remove only the event part first to prevent new memories and gossips from being created.
- Remove all occurrences of the token part (memories and gossips) in your neighborhood(s), preferably using SimPe.
- Once no Sim has the memory or its gossip form, you can remove the token part of the mod as well.
My mod | Conflicting mod | Way to resolve | Comment |
Dropped out – event | College Tuition and Student Loans by kestrellyn | My mod must load after the conflicting mod. | |
"Sim Dropped Out" Memory Fix by me | The memory event mod must load after the fix. | The memory event mod contains a part of the fix but I strongly recommend using the whole fix as well. | |
Went to the first lecture – event | Semester Changes by Cyjon | Use the semester changes version of the event part. The load order doesn't matter. | The conflicting mod skips odd semesters (1, 3, 5, 7) so the regular version of my mod won't work with it. |
Moved into a dormitory – event | Remote Dorm-Doors by BoilingOil | Use the remote dorm doors version of the event part. My mod must load after the conflicting mod. |
Overridden resources
Resource name | Type name | Group/object name | Type | Group | Instance |
simNopke-memory-decidedToStreak-event | |||||
Want Satisfy - Streaking | Behaviour Function | PersonGlobals | 0x42484156 | 0x7F01EC29 | 0x0000220E |
simNopke-memory-droppedOut-event | |||||
Memory - Dropped Out | Behaviour Function | Phone Call - College - Drop Out | 0x42484156 | 0x7F3FDB15 | 0x0000100C |
simNopke-memory-firstLecture-event | |||||
Wants Satisfy - Go to Class | Behaviour Function | MajorGlobals | 0x42484156 | 0x7F17E3A4 | 0x0000201B |
simNopke-memory-hadAPlasticSurgery-event | |||||
Want Satisfy - Plastic Surgery | Behaviour Function | Career - Home Plastic Surgery Kit | 0x42484156 | 0x7FA3FD85 | 0x0000100A |
simNopke-memory-joinedASecretSociety-event | |||||
Interaction - Join Secret Society | Behaviour Function | Controller - Secret Society | 0x42484156 | 0x7F175BF9 | 0x0000101A |
simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-event, simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-event-remoteDormDoor | |||||
Interaction - Claim Room | Behaviour Function | DoorGlobalsNew | 0x42484156 | 0x7FD0DEBA | 0x0000202E |
New resources
Resource name | Type name | Group/object name | Type | Group | Instance |
simNopke-memory-droppedOut-event | |||||
Call Named Tree prim string set | Text Lists | Phone Call - College - Drop Out | 0x53545223 | 0x7F3FDB15 | 0x0000012F |
simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-event, simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-event-remoteDormDoor | |||||
Memory - Moved Into a Dorm | Behaviour Function | DoorGlobalsNew | 0x42484156 | 0x7FD0DEBA | 0x00002147 |
New objects
Package file | Object name | GUID | Group |
simNopke-memory-decidedToStreak-token | Nopke - Memory - Decided to Streak | 0x008ED410 | 0x7F974928 |
simNopke-memory-droppedOut-good-token | Nopke - Memory - Dropped Out - Good | 0x008ED416 | 0x7F47C7CC |
simNopke-memory-droppedOut-bad-token | Nopke - Memory - Dropped Out - Bad | 0x008ED417 | 0x7FB14D9C |
simNopke-memory-firstLecture-token | Nopke - Memory - First Lecture | 0x008ED415 | 0x7FA2887F |
simNopke-memory-hadAPlasticSurgery-good-token | Nopke - Memory - Plastic Surgery - Good | 0x008ED413 | 0x7F81FFB3 |
simNopke-memory-hadAPlasticSurgery-bad-token | Nopke - Memory - Plastic Surgery - Bad | 0x008ED414 | 0x7FA24273 |
simNopke-memory-joinedASecretSociety-token | Nopke - Memory - Secret Society | 0x008ED40F | 0x7FD9497F |
simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-good-token | Nopke - Memory - Moved Into a Dorm - Good | 0x008ED411 | 0x7F1EB56A |
simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-bad-token | Nopke - Memory - Moved Into a Dorm - Bad | 0x008ED412 | 0x7F59935A |
bambisi (Spanish translation)
blåbär (Swedish translation)
Ciastko (the whole idea, descriptions)
DioGrant (Brazilian Portuguese translation)
heyoniina (Finnish translation)
Izenvy (Russian translation)
jfade (The Compressorizer!)
LimeyYoshi (German translation, feedback)
sismik (French translation)
Creators of SimPe
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
simNopke-memory-decidedToStreak-event.package | package | 355 |
simNopke-memory-decidedToStreak-token.package | package | 5757 |
simNopke-memory-droppedOut-bad-token.package | package | 5721 |
simNopke-memory-droppedOut-event.package | package | 721 |
simNopke-memory-droppedOut-good-token.package | package | 5942 |
simNopke-memory-firstLecture-event.package | package | 305 |
simNopke-memory-firstLecture-token.package | package | 4525 |
simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-bad-token.package | package | 6223 |
simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-event.package | package | 994 |
simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-good-token.package | package | 6195 |
simNopke-memory-plasticSurgery-bad-token.package | package | 5834 |
simNopke-memory-plasticSurgery-event.package | package | 305 |
simNopke-memory-plasticSurgery-good-token.package | package | 8151 |
simNopke-memory-secretSociety-event.package | package | 402 |
simNopke-memory-secretSociety-token.package | package | 6624 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
simNopke-memory-droppedOut-bad-token.package | package | 5721 |
simNopke-memory-droppedOut-event.package | package | 721 |
simNopke-memory-droppedOut-good-token.package | package | 5942 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
simNopke-memory-decidedToStreak-event.package | package | 355 |
simNopke-memory-decidedToStreak-token.package | package | 5757 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
simNopke-memory-firstLecture-event.package | package | 305 |
simNopke-memory-firstLecture-token.package | package | 4525 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
simNopke-memory-plasticSurgery-bad-token.package | package | 5834 |
simNopke-memory-plasticSurgery-event.package | package | 305 |
simNopke-memory-plasticSurgery-good-token.package | package | 8151 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
simNopke-memory-secretSociety-event.package | package | 402 |
simNopke-memory-secretSociety-token.package | package | 6624 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-bad-token.package | package | 6223 |
simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-event.package | package | 994 |
simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-good-token.package | package | 6195 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
simNopke-memory-firstLecture-event-semesterChanges.package | package | 315 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
simNopke-memory-movedIntoADormitory-event-remoteDormDoors.package | package | 992 |
Note from the Creator:
| all memories in one archive file; it doesn't contain special event versions
Uploaded: 29th Jun 2024, 49.0 KB.
Uploaded: 29th Jun 2024, 10.7 KB.
Uploaded: 29th Jun 2024, 5.3 KB.
Uploaded: 29th Jun 2024, 4.1 KB.
Uploaded: 29th Jun 2024, 11.1 KB.
Uploaded: 29th Jun 2024, 6.2 KB.
Uploaded: 29th Jun 2024, 11.6 KB.
Uploaded: 11th May 2024, 466 Bytes.
Uploaded: 11th May 2024, 1.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 2nd Jan 2025 at 8:35 PM
#memory, #streak, #streaking, #dropped out, #drop out, #lecture, #lectures, #plastic surgery, #plastic, #surgery, #secret society, #secret, #society, #dorm, #dorms, #dormitory, #dormitories, #college, #auto
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
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