Fitness Decay

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With this mod, Sims lose fitness every N hours (depending on the config file), if they:
  • belong to a currently played family,
  • are at home or on vacation,
  • aren't babies, toddlers, or servos,
  • aren't exercising.
The rate of decay depends on the Sim's age and fitness level (see the technical details section).

You need both core and config files to make this mod work.
There are 4 config versions of this mod:
  • standard: N is 4 hours,
  • slow: N is 12 hours,
  • no fatness: prevents Sims from losing fitness if their fitness meter level is below 50%, N is 4 hours,
  • no fatness, slow: a combination of no fatness and slow versions.
Use only one version of the config file at a time.
14 Nov 2021: Sims can no longer lose their fitness while building it. I accidentally broke that feature in the previous update. Redownload the core part.
14 Oct 2021: Servos are no longer affected by the decay. Redownload the core part.
Technical details
The in-game fitness meter can have values from 0 (fittest) to 1000 (fattest).
There are 3 areas of it:
  • fit: from 0 to 333,
  • thin: between 333 and 666,
  • fat: from 666 to 1000.

With this mod, every N hours, each Sim who fulfills the conditions has a certain value subtracted from their fitness meter (note that two minuses make a plus), according to the table below.

Fitness range nameFitness rangeChildTeenAdultElder
thin+ to obese501–1000 If a Sim is hungry (-50** or less):
  • additional +2 – fitness gain instead of decay,
  • their hunger motive is satisfied by 1 point**.

* 0 in no fatness config versions.
** Motive bars range from -100 (empty red bar) to 100 (full green bar).

You can change the settings by editing the behavior constant of the selected config file in SimPe.

Fitness thresholds changes mod
This is a standalone mod that prevents Sims from losing muscle or gaining weight shortly after a workout if you use the fitness decay mod.

With this mod, a Sim must have their fitness meter filled:
  • to a slightly higher level to get thin or fit,
  • to a slightly lower level to get thin or fat.
It creates a safe zone of 30 points that may be lost without changing the Sim's body shape.

TransitionOriginal rangeModified range
thin/fat to fit in the fit area
(333 or less)
in the fit area but at least slightly above the bar
(318 or less)
fat to thin in the thin area
(334 to 666)
in the thin area but at least slightly above the bottom bar
(319 to 651)
fit to thin in the thin area
(333 to 665)
in the thin area but at least slightly below the top bar
(348 to 680)
thin/fit to fat in the fat area
(666 or more)
in the fat area but at least slightly below the bar
(681 or more)

None that I know of.

Overridden resources
Resource nameType nameGroup/object nameTypeGroupInstance
Controller - Decay?Behaviour FunctionFitness - Controller0x424841560x7FEE33110x00001002
Controller - ProcessBehaviour FunctionFitness - Controller0x424841560x7FEE33110x00001003
Get in Temp 0 - DecayBehaviour FunctionFitness - Controller0x424841560x7FEE33110x00001016
TuningBehaviour ConstantFitness - Controller0x42434F4E0x7FEE33110x00001002

New resources
Resource nameType nameGroup/object nameTypeGroupInstance
Fitness Decay TuningBehaviour ConstantFitness - Controller0x42434F4E0x7FEE33110x00001003
Fitness Decay TuningBehaviour Constant LabelsFitness - Controller0x5452434E0x7FEE33110x00001003

jfade (The Compressorizer!)
Creators of SimPe
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