Invisible Gate 2.0

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For more info and some example scenes, please click this Youtube Video Link:
Invisible Gate 2.0

Invisible Gate 2.0
This invisible gate works exactly the same as every other gate in game. Except for the fact that it doesn't need to be placed in between fences placed with the fence tool*.

This makes it possible to place it in between my Invisible Fence 2.0 or any other objects in game without using the MOO-cheat.

The 2.0 in the object's name refers to the fact that it's perfectly usable in combination with my Invisible Fence 2.0. Other then the fence, this gate is always invisible, so both in build mode as in live mode.
The file name is also named "BakieGaming-InvisibleFence-2.0-Gate", so it will appear right below the invisible fences in your Mods folder (If you have those too).

*Fence tool
It still does work with fences placed with the fence tool, though there're a few things you should keep in mind. First of all, just as normal gates, this invisible gate will also cut out a part of the fence. As my invisible gate has no posts on the sides, this can look a bit weird with some of the fences.

To fix this:
Manually delete one part of the fence, so the game will create a fence post on each side of the opening. Now place my invisible fence slightly in front or at the back of the gate (a quatre tile). Where you should place it, depends on if the posts will disappear. Sims will still be able to use the gate.
Sometimes you might want to delete two parts of a fence and place the invisible gate in the middle as some pets will need that space to go through.

Placement (Water surface)
I've already explained that it can be placed as an object on it's own in between other objects and in between fences created with the fence tool. But there's another thing I've added, which is placing the object on the water surface. This way you can lock certain swimmable areas for who-ever you want to. For example, lock it for everyone but your household to create secret entrances to your castle.

As with swimming pools, you can also build an invisible fence with invisible gate around your entire pool to only give access to it for your household.

Gate Options
To be able to get gate lock options, a Sim must be selected and the gate has to be closed (When a Sim go's through, you can't click the gate until it's closed again after your Sim went through. You can try to click the open gate though).

Small 'problems'
In some circumstances a shadow of the gate will pop-up for a split second even though it doesn't have one. This mostly happens when zooming in or out or while placing the object. I can't fix this at the moment.

Also the sounds of the gate opening and closing are still there. It's attached to the animation of the gate, which I can't delete either. If you're zoomed out a lot or listen to music while playing the Sims, you won't even notice this probably.



Short notes
• This object is Base Game compatible.
• It's a standalone object, so it won't override any other objects in game.
• The invisible gate can be found in Build Mode in the gates section, where you would look for other gates too. It will probably appear as the first one to select.
• You can also find it by typing "Invisible gate" into the search.
• The object's catalog thumbnail, is a visible gate with 'invisible' written in the lower left corner. It can also be recognized by my "BakieGaming" icon in the lower right corner of the thumbnail.

Game Requirement
Base Game Compatible

Game Version


Custom Content visible on the images made by me:
Invisible Fence 2.0


I hope you like this Invisible Gate and if you do, please leave a comment!
If you want to use it in screenshots or videos, be sure to give me some credit!

>> Want to share my mods? <<
Besides giving me credit and linking back to this page, I would appreciate it if you could add my video (If available) instead of (only) the thumbnail.


Additional Credits:
Thanks to the Sims 4 Studio
Thanks Adobe for making Photoshop
Creator Recommendations:
I have also made other CC like Animated Objects/Walls/Floors/Animals, Invisible Dance Floors, Pool Water Recolors, Backdrop Replacements, (Dynamic Light) Objects & Clothing, Unlocked Item Packs and more! To see and or download them, please take a look at my profile page: CLICK HERE
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