Welcome To Retroville! A FULL Neighborhood Themed Set*Now with B&W cars!*
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Welcome To Retroville......
Submerse your sims in the olden days with this completely Black and White world before you. Created to remind us of that warm feeling of 1950's Americana, this set includes everything you need to create a TV-Land neighborhood. Every aspect (within the moddable world) has been created to allow you to create a full Retroville neighborhood.
This set is being presented to you from the MTS2 Community and a group of incredibly talented modders, meshers, and members. We have worked very hard together over the past weeks to bring you something truly unique for your gaming pleasure. We hope you enjoy this new world.
Members of The Mod Squad: LyricLee, Faylen, CynicalChick, DBCAB, TKDJunkie, JWoods, Boblishman, Numenor, xanathon, Bink13y, just_kathy, faeriegurl, anonymous, besen
*A special thank you to DameSporkalot for her I Love Lucy sim that can be found in the forums as one of our Retroville teasers. Thanks as well to all of the staff and the members of chat for their ears and eyes and ideas for this set. Thank you all.*
We began this project privately and hope to be able to bring you more sets in the future just like this one... This is a community effort. And what we hope to accomplish from this, is inspiration to new creators to make new and unique additions to this set...as well as future sets.... So anyone who wishes to create pieces for this set, please do so, and feel welcome to note in your post title that your items are add-ons to the Retroville Set and a link back to here...... Have fun with it!
For those of you who have seen the movie "Pleasantville" You will recognize where some of our inspiration came from. Some of our items on this thread show just a small splash of color as happened in the film. This also makes the Black and White stand out even more dramatically..... Other inspirations were the TV sit-coms from the 1950's such as Leave it to Beaver, and Ozzie and Harriet. We tried to encompass all genres from the 50's and 60's
For those of you with a high speed connection-Please take note of post #12 which contains all of the items in one compressed file per room-for speedy download
*****Please take note that most of the new meshes specially designed for the Retroville set also include a color texture as well as the black and white one. Which means all of these items are versatile. As well, the new meshes you see are all within the confines of the poly ranges listed by maxis and have been tested in game. In addition these should all be both original and university capable. You should not need the EP for any pieces unless noted in the posts.
*****You'll all notice the file names for this set do not necessarily match eachother. That is because we formed an idea together and worked both as a group and independantly. But You'll also see that each post has an itemized list of the content in the downloads. The order of the list matches the order of the downloads So you can easily find any specific items you want.
*****You'll also notice that there may be repeats of certain Maxis items. Each one should be a varying shade of grey, however if you feel you dont want two grey toilets, you can easily remove one from your downloads folder after you install.
*****Also, the files here are a mix of both WinZIP and WinRAR files. We will not be changing these over. If you need an extracting program please go to www.rarlabs.com and download WinRar. It also unzips zip files as well and then you will be good to go. The files have been presented here in smaller packages, so that those on slower connections may download as they like and those on high speed connections will have no problems downloading many small files.
*****You need CEP installed in order for recolors to show up in your game. You can download CEP from here*****
******Redistribution Notes******
You can redistribute this material with proper credits as long as NOTHING from this set or recolors of new meshes from this set go on to any PAY SITES....This set was presented free and it shall always be free, as should all recolors of any items as well.
This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
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Updated: 29th May 2008 at 9:09 AM by MTS2Staff - Fixed inline image
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About Me
You may use our creations in your creations on MTS2 alone. For any other use, you must contact the individual who made the item.