Leth Nurae - Woodland Community Lot

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Picked Upload!   This is a picked upload! It showcases some of the best talent and creativity available on MTS and in the community.
Right! Get outside all of you! Leth Nurae is a companion lot to my residential/furnished Cai'al Brael lot - after all my purty elfies need somewhere to go!

Leth Nurae is a wooded grove with swimmable/diveable lake, fishable stream,waterfalls, a wooded walk through ancient caves and gorgeous scenery - including The Great Tree where you can pay homage to the
woodland spirits. There is plenty of room to run and play or add items like childs swings etc. On the *commercial* side of things - you will find an outdoor market providing groceries, clothing, pets AND weapons The amenities block has been built underground and also provides shower facilities. In the interests of space saving - the outdoor nightclub sits atop the amenities block amid lush shrubberies.

Further up the hill is an outdoor/indoor restaurant with magnificent views of the lake etc. The toilet amenities in this structure are special - with an open wall bringing you and nature together while you do what nature intends!

Up the ladder from the restaurant is a chill out area where you can read a book, have a game of chess or simply relax. The lake has a low and high diving board - and the walkway they are on is attached to the restaurant.

Lot Size: 4x4
Lot Price: n/a

files used but not included in download - must be downloaded

file: Daisy mae plant & recolour,lush green ground cover x2 creator: Catc3m @ http://simestates2.planetthesims.gamespy.com/index.htm
(daisy mae collection http://simestates2.planetthesims.ga...andscape_10.htm - first item on page
ground cover 4 mesh set - http://simestates2.planetthesims.ga...andscape_11.htm - scroll to bottom

file: Twig fence creator: Simcastic Designs http://www.simcasticdesigns.com/buildmode.htm#Twig Fence Mesh

file: Arwen couch creator: lethe_s @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=50252 direct link to thread http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=172684
file: Medicinal herbs & recolour,wrapped herbs & recolour creator: HChangeri @ http://www.retailsims.com part of the Medieval Set http://www.retailsims.com/PreOFBSho...PO-Medieval.htm
file: Urlaub deco bauble creator: Harmony Sims 2 Friends http://www.harmonysims2friends.de/ - part of the Garten/Outdoor Mesh Set

Files Removed As They Have NO Creator Info
Taz - Deadwoode 2 Floor
Dancin' Glass in Black
I am sure people can whack a couple of their own floors in the right spots =) Sorry about that but for some reason I thought I could use *unsigned* walls and floors =/

files included in download
...Objects and Recolours
file: Bigger oleander,bigger bougainvillea & recolour,Spring blossom tree & recolour creator: Corvidophile2@ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=305362
file: Bookstand creator: Ellis RU http://sims2ellis.narod.ru
file: Turnip,pillows,pillow chair,pumpkin,peppers creator: Steffor @ Avalon http://jaue.com/avalon/index.htm
file: Willow tree,mirror 01 creator: Pimp My Sims http://www.pimp-my-sims.com
file: Peaceful solitude bench.octagonal coffee table creator: @ Avalon http://jaue.com/avalon/index.htm
file: Clump of grass x2,elven throne & 3x recolours,elven dining chair & table,modular stairs(readme enclosed) creator: lethe_s @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=50252
file: Eponymous garden flax & recolour,St.johns wort & recolour,ladys smock,fennel,blackberry,amicus wall lamp and torch,chess table creator: Kate@ http://www.parsimonious.org/
file: Birch tree shrubby & Larger & spriggly ,cypress shrub x3,road tree creator: kkhakidoo @ mts2 http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=325636
file: Hanging herbs,gothic throne toilet & recolour creator: yggadra http://www.spiffysims.com/
file: Amali rug & recolour,baskets of carrots,leeks,onions,bread creator: Mounes @ http://mounes-neighbourhood.110mb.com/
file: Fruit basket ,pumpkin creator: Fee-essen@ mts2 http://www.sims2-feeessen.de/
file: Lavender creator: besen @ http://www.besens-sims2.de
file: cypress creator: PG Sims http://www.pg-sims2.at/index.html
**file: Pond waterfall (base game),mosaic plant,roof ornament3 creator: macarossi @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=44745
file: Huge hole in the wall,small hole in the wall (repository) creator: Simstones by Mod Squad @ mts2 http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=172481
file: Single & double columns creator: HugeLunatic @ http://www.modthesims2.com/member/HugeLunatic
file: Egg basket,sink,creator: Tarox Design Sims 2 @ http://tarox.sx.am/
file: Tree stump chair,tree log bench creator: darylmarkloc @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=243958
file: Tall bread basket,double loaf creator: mdhttr323 @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=252682
file: Provence bar & recolour,candles creator: Sandy @ ATS http://www.aroundthesims2.com/
file: Build a Shelf creator: dgandy @ http://www.simsfashionbarn.net/YaBB.pl
file: Ash tree creator: http://www.muranomobilia.com
file: Divine lime tree creator: Grapholina @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=27463
file: Excalibur creator: maylin @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=323183
file: Fabric rack,old fashioned change room creator: Brasstex @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=49959
file: Flat rocks x3,large standing stone,mid size standing stone,huge bougainvillea,scattered rocks x2,recolours x2 creator: nengi65 @ Sims Crossing http://www.simscrossing.net/index.htm
file: Fish x5,wine shelf2 & 1 creator: Hope Bayler,Katy_76,rebecah http://www.pc-sims.com
file: Ladder (custom anims) & recolour creator: Marvine @ mts2 http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=52935
file: Plant & recolour creator: Blacky Sims 2 Zoo @ http://blackypantherde.h704946.serv...?path=start.php
file: Malana grill & recolour creator: MizzesSimmer @ mts2 http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=75853
file: Other 1 fountain creator: Sims in Paris http://www.simsinparis.com/
file: Tribal shop counter creator: tkangie http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/comhair_objects_tk/
file: Flight of freedom birdcage creator: Mike19 @ mts2 http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=50320
file: Umbrella creator: Fey @ http://sims2.die-gerwerts.de
file: Waterbowl with flowers & recolour,bunch of spears,hanging arrows/quiver creator: Buggybooz @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=580522
file: Small willow tree & recolour creator: mickeyss http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=94426
file: Recolour of fabric rack creator: dewshine @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=13882
file: 2x recolours of octagonal table,recolour of Steffor cushions creator: Cri @ http://serenitysims.heim.at/
file: Recolour of mosaic plant creator: engelchen @ http://www.all4sims.de
file: Invisible Magisplay creator: eddief66 @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=65927
file: Maxis recolours - diving board x2,ladder x1 creator: tkdjunkie @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=14365
file: 2x recolours lethes elven couch creator: tiggerypum @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=92716
file: Recolours of: eliis bookstand,Lethes elven stairs,SiP fountain, maxis door,bougainvillea,comm fridge,comm cooker,petdisplay,produce bins,
Clone/reco Gnurpsel fence creator: loverat @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=99 & http://www.loverat.net/sims2.htm
file: Fence creator: Gnurpsel @ http://www.meshkiste.de/
file: Invisible fence creator: moon_ez @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=67276
file: Fruit leaf creator: Birgit43 @ http://www.birgit43.de

...Floors, Walls, Terrains
file: Indien wall x2,dirt terrain creator: lethe_s @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=50252
file: India vine floor creator: Cathy @ http://www.aussietopenders-sims2.com/
file: Bamboo slats floor,grass with daisies terrain creator: Jonesi @ mts2 http://modthesims2.com/member.php?u=95035 or http://www.reflexsimsforum.com/
file: Desert oasis water creator: Jendea @ http://www.thesimszone.co.uk
file: Dark panel wall,bohemian plank floor creator: Om @ http://jaue.com/avalon/index.htm
file: Strange stone wall creator: SusanJoan19 @ http://www.simcasticdesigns.com/index.htm
file: Wood1 wall Creator: http://simplan.s75.xrea.com/
file: Cyclone sues shallow seawater - bluer recolour terrain creator: loverat @ mts2 http://db.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=99 & http://www.loverat.net/sims2.htm

Additional Credits:
Uber creators of free/share friendly files make Loverat much happiness =D
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