"Dress Me Correctly" Mod
Dress_Me_Correctly_Child.jpg - width=799 height=181
Get Dressed details for a Child
Dress_Me_Correctly_Weekend.jpg - width=799 height=181
Get Dressed details for the weekend/days off/unemployed
Dress_Me_Correctly_Teen.jpg - width=799 height=300
Get Dressed details for a Teen
Dress_Me_Correctly_Elder.JPG - width=799 height=300
Get Dressed details for an Elder
Dress_Me_Correctly_Adult.JPG - width=799 height=450
Get Dressed details for an Adult
Shower3.jpg - width=279 height=348
Correctly dressing in Everyday/School/Pajamas/Work after taking a Shower/Bath
So I have designed a global mod that controls which outfit the Sim puts on when they get out of the shower/bath, instead of it always being the Sims everyday outfit. Now when your Sim has finished their shower/bath they will get dressed into an appropriate outfit based on how close they are to starting any of the following 'tasks':-
- Going to work
Some jobs have special uniforms, and some the Sim goes wearing their Everyday outfit. Bear this mind if you see your Sim change into Everyday clothes when you are expecting Work clothes. The easy way to tell is if your Sim owns a Dresser; there will be a separate menu option "Dress for Work" if this Sim has a special outfit to wear to work. - Going to school
Private School has a uniform, but for Public School your Sim goes wearing their Everyday outfit. Bear this mind if you see your Sim change into Everyday clothes when you are expecting School clothes. - Going to bed
Bedtime is calculated based off School Start time for Children and Teens and off Work Start Time for Adults and Elders. This means that bedtime moves for Adults and Elders.
If by any chance your Sim does end up changing into the wrong outfit, no harm will come to them as they will still change into the correct attire when attending to this 'task'.
Please note that your Sim only changes clothes if they take a shower or a bath - it's not going to direct them to change just because it's two hours before Work/School/Bedtime.
The gory details
These diagrams will try to explain exactly when a Sim will change into a specific outfit.

- If it is between two hours before School Start time and half way through the school day (and it isn't the weekend), the Sim will change into School clothes - at the weekend this period will be treated as an Everyday clothes period (
see here).
- If it is three hours after School Start time (i.e. half way through the school day), the Sim will change into Everyday clothes (on the assumption that they are skipping school today (or perhaps have been expelled?!).
- If it is within two hours of bedtime (bedtime assumed to be 10 hours before school starts (8 hours sleep, 1 hour for breakfast, then the school bus arrives), the Sim will change into Pyjamas.
- If it is four hours after bedtime (i.e. half way through expected sleep period), the Sim will change into Everyday clothes (on the assumption they are getting up very early and it is not really time to change into school clothes yet).

Teens can have varying job start times, but it is School that is most important, and bedtime will be set based on the school start time not the job start time.
- If it is between two hours before School Start time and half way through the school day (and it isn't the weekend), the Sim will change into School clothes - at the weekend this period will be treated as an Everyday clothes period (
see here).
- If it is between two hours before Job Start time and half way through their working hours (and they work on this day), the Sim will change into Work clothes - if the Sim doesn't have a Teen job this period will be treated as an Everyday clothes period.
- If it is later that half-way through their Job hours, the Sim will change into Everyday clothes (on the assumption that they are skipping work today, or perhaps have been fired!).
- If it is within two hours of bedtime (bedtime assumed to be 10 hours before school starts (8 hours sleep, 1 hour for breakfast, then the school bus arrives), the Sim will change into Pyjamas.
- If it is four hours after bedtime, (i.e. half way through expected sleep period), the Sim will change into Everyday clothes (on the assumption they are getting up very early and it is not really time to change into school clothes yet).
The first timeline shows a standard 9am - 4pm work day. If the Sims job starts later than 9am, all the times will be pushed later for the various clothing periods; similarly if the Sims job starts early, all the times will be pushed earlier.
There are certainly some extreme work times. The second timeline shows the Fish Chummer job in the Oceonography Career track which is 5 hours earlier than a 'normal' 9am job. The third timeline shows the Security Guard Job in the Law Enforcement Career track which is 11 hours later than a 'normal' 9am job.
- If it is between two hours before Job Start time and half way through their working hours (and they work on this day), the Sim will change into Work clothes - if the Sim doesn't have a job this period will be treated as an Everyday clothes period (
see here).
- If it is later that half-way through their Job hours, the Sim will change into Everyday clothes (on the assumption that they are skipping work today, or perhaps have been fired!).
- If it is within two hours of bedtime (bedtime assumed to be 10 hours before work starts (8 hours sleep, 1 hour for breakfast, then the car pool arrives), the Sim will change into Pyjamas.
- If it is four hours after bedtime (i.e. half way through expected sleep period), the Sim will change into Everyday clothes (on the assumption they are getting up very early and not really time to change into work clothes yet).
The diagram shows Work starting at 3pm. If the Sims job starts later than 3pm, all the times will be pushed later for the various clothing periods; similarly if the Sims job starts early, all the times will be pushed earlier.
- If it is between two hours of the Job Start time and half way through their working hours (and they work on this day), the Sim will change into Work clothes - if the Sim doesn't have a job this period will be treated as an Everyday clothes period (
see here).
- If it is later that half-way through their Job hours, the Sim will change into Everyday clothes (on the assumption that they are skipping work today, or perhaps have been fired!).
- If it is within two hours of bedtime (bedtime assumed to be 8 hours after work starts, the Sim will change into Pyjamas (on the assumption they are having an early night).
- If it is four hours after bedtime (i.e. half way through expected sleep period), the Sim will change into Everyday clothes.
I have done a lot of testing of this mod, with various different job start times crossing various time boundaries, but I shouldn't pretend that this is perfect, so if you do find an issue where you think the Sim is getting dressed into the wrong outfit the following section tells you the information I will need.
Bug Reporting Info
- What expansion packs do you have?
- What day and time was it when your Sim got out of the Shower/Bath?
- What outfit did you expect them to change into?
- What outfit did your Sim actually change into?
- What Age is your Sim (Child/Teen/Adult/Elder etc)?
- What School do they go to (Public/Private)?
- What Job do they have?
- What is the start and end times of that job?
- Is your Sim visibly pregnant?

Update History
- Fixed a problem where children changed into school uniforms (only apparent when children attend Private School) on Saturday. Thanks to myokichoccy and Sadie79 for reporting this issue.
- Fixed a problem where children changed into school uniforms on Snow Days. Thanks to Sadie79 for reporting this issue.
Additional Credits: :lovestruc
Quaxi for SimPEwiki
Numenor for the AnyGameStarter.
All the people responding on the Creator Feedback Forum who helped me in designing this mod.
crumplebottom_marky4444 for the More Snow During Winter mod which made it easier to test behaviour on Snow Days.
| Base Game Compatible Global Mod to change "Get Dressed" behaviour
Uploaded: 6th Feb 2009, 1.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 15th Jun 2010 at 12:36 PM - Replacement .rar after server problem
#shower, #bath, #uniform, #clothes, #work outfit, #pajamas, #gameplay annoyances
There is a toddler version of this mod here.
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