Auto Pay Bills - Once per week - 5 Flavors (0, 1%, 2.5%, 5%, and 10%)
Screenshot-6.jpg - width=1600 height=896
Screenshot-4.jpg - width=1600 height=896
Screenshot-2.jpg - width=1600 height=896

Ever notice that your Sim's neighbors go out and get their mail while you have to make your sim do it? I wanted a more realistic instance and kind of got tired of RepoMan if I forgot to make someone pay bills. So I looked into the bill paying sections and found that User sims are not Autonomous enabled by default. Enabling this though, wasnt enough, so I added a fun instance to prod them along.

- Base game has you pay bills twice a week (Monday & Thursday) at 1.3% each day. This mod schedules the bill to arrive on Friday only.
- There are 5 versions: bills at 1%, bills at 2.6%, bills at 5%, bills at 10%, and bills at 0% aka No Bills. (The default is 2.6%)
- I have used this for some time and have only had them not pay bills a couple of times. Often times sims will line up to do this. This is NOT a guarantee that bills will be paid since Sims are busy taking care of personal needs, job requirements, etc so they may or may not carry this out depending on free time and mood. You are ultimately responsible for paying bills.
- Works with patches 1.57 - 1.67 and edits the following resources:
- PayAllBills_Bill
- PayAllBills_Mailbox
- PayBill_Bill
- Mailbox_0x894944a6dad4a2cf
- Bill_0x4c526e5a10fc8802

cazelfax - Higher Bills - No money for you! Now in SEVEN exciting flavours!
The reason this mod has various bill amounts
SilentResident - ***UPDATED *** Pay Bills Only Once Per Week (Choose the day you like!!!)
I used this mod for sometime, until I looked into autonomous actions for bill paying
Peter L Jones for S3PE
Note from the Creator:
| No Bills (rate at 0.0%)
Uploaded: 26th Dec 2009, 4.1 KB.
| Auto Pay Bills at 10%
Uploaded: 26th Dec 2009, 5.3 KB.
| Auto Pay Bills at 5%
Uploaded: 26th Dec 2009, 5.3 KB.
| Auto Pay Bills at 1%
Uploaded: 26th Dec 2009, 5.3 KB.
| Auto Pay Bills at 2.6% (Game Default)
Uploaded: 26th Dec 2009, 5.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 17th Jun 2014 at 2:56 PM
by SolaceInSound 9th Jul 2009 at 11:30pm
14 43.4k 31
***OUTDATED *** Pay Bills Only Once Per Week (Choose the day you like!!!)
by SilentResident updated 20th Jul 2009 at 5:17am
31 53k 71
by SolaceInSound 6th Aug 2009 at 8:03pm
10 42k 33
by Winterhart 11th Dec 2009 at 7:27pm
46 53.2k 89
Vehicle Speed Mods (GEN Compatible!)
by Rainbow_Brite updated 6th Jul 2010 at 1:02am
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Auto Pay Bills + Higher Bills All-In-One (OUTDATED - FIX IN PROGRESS)
by Rainbow_Brite 20th Feb 2010 at 8:49pm
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World Adventures
by Rainbow_Brite updated 31st Oct 2010 at 2:41am
+1 packs
World Adventures
by claudiasharon updated 1st Jun 2011 at 2:08pm
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Higher bills (or no bills) and less CAS money - for 1.55, works with 1.67
by cheeroke updated 15th Apr 2013 at 6:44pm
40 115.1k 230
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