Georgian Manor - Unfurnished - NL OFB and MG

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Georgian Manor
"This is truly classical, Georgian design at its best. Some of the exterior highlights of this two-story include the pediment gable, the beautifully proportioned columns, the front door detailing and the window treatment. These are just some of the features which make this design so unique and appealing. Behind the facade of this design is an equally elegant interior. Imagine greeting your guests in the large receiving hall. It is graced by two curving staircases and opens to the formal living and dining rooms. Beyond the living room is the study; with access to the rear terrace. Those large, festive occasions for family get-togethers or formal entertaining will be enjoyed in the spacious ballroom. It has a centered fireplace flanked by windows on each side, access to the terrace and a wet bar. Your appreciation for this room will be never-ending..."
- said the architectural digest reporter in his review of this property.

This is pretty much the first house I've built that actually followed the suggested blueprints. 'Course I added a few little simified 'surprises' like the attic space over the garage is a game room, and the crawl space surrounding the foyer's domed ceiling makes a great master's retreat/hideout/secret lab. The service entrance is supposed to house a laundry with a small 'staff' bathroom tucked in the corner; but I didn't care for that - instead I added a powder room in the corner of the ballroom.

I worked for ever on those stairs, I'm still not happy with them - I wanted real curved staircases (both sides) and have them be open underneath. Oh, I also wanted them next to the wall. LOL! Right. Not in this game. I learned a lot about stairs and levels, and in the end, chose to live with this solution - until I learn how to mesh myself and defy those blasted Maxian 'levels'.

This lot has been play-tested even though it is unfurnished. My testers could walk everywhere, open and close all doors, use every potty, etc... I used Numenor's invaluable AnyGameStarter to build this mansion. The only required expansions are NL, OFB, and M&G. Please check out the floor plan pictures below - I labeled each of the rooms so your Sims won't get lost LOL!

  • Lot size: 30X50 (3X5).
  • About 4,401 sq ft covered living space - 4 bedroom, 4 bath, living and dining rooms, formal foyer, library, study/office, ballroom, kitchen, game room, secret lab, service entrance, backyard terrace, and maze with center fountain
  • Around $196,489 simoleons - I say "around" because I have extensively re-organized my build/buy catalogues and, in doing so, re-priced most everything. I don't know if this will effect the cost in your game or not. If it does, maybe your Sims qualify for a huge tax break? Inheritance? Or, it's their turn to win the lottery?
  • Unfurnished - Energy efficient appliances and fixtures, with interior/exterior finishings to make your Sim's new house feel like home.
  • Quality all copper plumbing.
  • Wiring/cable has been upgraded to smart-house technology - complete with a thought-control light system. You can now turn on/off a single light or all the lights in the house with just one thought!
  • Need a pizza for the moving crew? The Phone is installed and ready.
  • Invisible/stealth Alarm systems included (for both fire and burglar)
  • Beautiful solid wood panelling found throughout the house.
  • An opulent color scheme with textured ceilings in every room
  • Lush Karastan wall-to-wall wool carpets
  • Gleaming hardwood parquet in the kitchen and ballroom
  • Highly polished Italian marble in the foyer, both on the floor and overhead in an impressive domed marble and gold ceiling.
  • Not one, not two, but four 2-story Crystal Chandeliers illuminate the domed foyer ceiling
  • Two exquisite Fireplaces - the one in the ballroom is carved alabaster imported from Turkey
  • Take the single person elevator from the garage up to the game room
  • The game room is furnished with a card table, chessboard, darts, a disco ball, and a home-theatre surround sound karaoke machine.
  • From the Master Suite take another single person elevator up to your own private laboratory
  • The game room is also accessible via a secret door in the Master's closet.
  • Imagine the parties you could throw in that beautifully appointed ballroom (complete with wet bar)
  • ...And the cool, refreshing night air out on the terrace between dances. Ahhhhh *sigh*
  • The grounds feature mature landscaping and a well manicured lawn with a delightful hedge maze.
  • In the center of the maze you'll discover a splash-pad fountain and a couple of benches to relax upon.

Credit & Thanks:
To all the wonderfully talented creators & re-colorers whose work I have used in this house: THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for downloading! I really enjoy reading your comments - leave me some?
Thanks MTS2 for having such a great site!

There are two files to download for this lot. The usual Sims2pack and the EXTRAs file. Yes, you need BOTH! Plus the items listed in on the short shopping list.

Shopping List: Necessary but NOT included in either the .Sims2pack or the EXTRAs.rar.
romantic-fireplace by Dincer Hepgular on Page 1 of his sets (part of the 'Romantic Set' about 3/4 of the way down the page)
BaseGame3Bars_UpdatedToOFB fix by Lord Darcy
IndestructableConcreteModularRECOLORABLE by HugeLunatic
Lunatech Ceiling Light FIX by Menaceman44 at MTS2

The EXTRAs file - includes things NOT in the main file, but that are needed for this house to work. Either they just didn't package properly or I couldn't find a direct link - so you could easily go get them yourself. And/or they are things from Creators without a current web presence (At least, none that I could find) The items are listed in with the other CC below.

Lot Size: 3x5
Lot Price: $196,489

Custom Content by Me:
- sVr-YardSignage
- 1tileFullPosterBorder-CatherineTCJD_MESH
- CGT-Sep-BlueDiamondsCrown
- excellexteriors-baywindowsystemREC

Custom Content Included:
- MatchThisMaxisToilet_ColonialTub by TabbyLou @ MTS2
- Wrought Iron Cemetary Fence Black by tbudgett @ MTS2
- WroughtWright, Inc. "Iron Age" Fence by tbudgett @ MTS2
- abbylane-diagcheck9-blue by Amethystfenix @ Sims2Artists
- amelia-lgflower by Amethystfenix @ Sims2Artists
- authenticbathroom_bathtub001 by Sandy @ Around The Sims
- "Annie" Modular Sofa by BlakeBoy @ MTS2
- "Annie" Modular Sofa with no Cushion by BlakeBoy @ MTS2
- ciaotimefridge-copper by Syera @ Bogsims
- elegantchefstove-copper by Syera @ Bogsims
- microwave-copper by Syera @ Bogsims
- antiquestylesinkblackberry by Cathy @ AussieTopEnders
- MaxisFiligreeSinkTulipCountry by Cathy @ AussieTopEnders
- milanwallmirror by Cathy @ AussieTopEnders
- chimneyflue_greybrick by Poony @ EliteSimBuilders
- chimneyflue_retrogreybrick by Poony @ EliteSimBuilders
- ChicStairsMAIN by Huge Lunatic @ MTS2
- ChicStairsRC_WoodlandBrown by iCad @ MTS2
- invisible drivewaynightlife by Sophie-David @ MTS2
- anniesofa_recol10 by Jonesi @ Black Pearl Sims
- SinkKitchen_granitered by Merco @ MermaidCove
- mirrorquaint_MaxisYelMarble by Schafrym @ N99
- trianononetileglassdoor_DIAG_MESH by simnuts101
- trianontwotiledoor_DIAGONAL_MESH by simnuts101
- trianontwotiledoor_MESH by simnuts101
- trianontwotileglassdoor_DIAG_MESH by simnuts101
- trianonwindowone_DIAGONAL_MESH by simnuts101
- trianonwindowtwo_DIAGONAL_MESH by simnuts101
- SleekCuisineCounters-Bradford by KiaraRawks @ MTS2
- SleekCuisineCounters-Kensington by KiaraRawks @ MTS2
- small midnight ride straight by Leesestor @ MTS2
- Transporter-Pad by Paladin
- platinumnouveaubar by EliteSimBuilders (ESB) @ MTS2
- 2tile_2storyArchedWindow by tbudgett @ MTS2
- 2Tile_ArchedWindow by tbudgett @ MTS2
- 3Tile_ArchedWindow_WithSides by tbudgett @ MTS2
- A and C Wallpaper - Scroll by Jendea @ jendea2
- hkaw-CheapShowerBackless by HugeLunatic & Hokadk47 @ sims2artists
- hkaw-TubShowerBackless by HugeLunatic & Hokadk47 @ Sims2Artists
- Aegean Series - Sea by ??? Someone at MTS2 - Is it you?
- Edge Smoother Black by Ailias
- Au 79 by K8 @ Parsimonious
- Ballroomfloor by KomoSims
- "Annie" Modular Sofa Ottoman by BlakeBoy @ MTS2
- Blue-Lagoonfloor2 by Simlin55 @ CasaSims
- Blue-Lagoonfloor3 by Simlin55 @ CasaSims
- Blue-Lagoonfloor4 by Simlin55 @ CasaSims
- Bookcase Hole rc rustic wood by Kitten @ All4Sims
- Butternut Panels by Parsimonious
- caligraphia 13 by Cassandre @ BPS
- caligraphia 13 by Cassandre @ BPS
- NavyGoldMosaicFloor by Cathy @ AussieTopEnders
- Coastingwall by KomoSims
- Colonial privacy straight by Leesestor @ MTS2
- Contessawall by KomoSims
- ArtNouveau-Cabinet by CTNutmegger @ MTS2
- Ceiling-PorchinWhite by CTNutmegger @ MTS2
- colonialshortwindow102006 by Dgandy @ SimsFashionBarn
- LafenetreNoArchShuttered111307 by Dgandy @ SimsFashionBarn
- Double Colonial Door Straight by Leesestor @ MTS2
- Stairs_Iron_Outer by DremeMynd
- ancient wall by Esse @ Esse ti Sims Royale
- excellexteriors-baywindowsystem-left by FifthAce2007 @ MTS2
- fifthace2007-excellexteriors-baywindowsystem-main by FifthAce2007 @ MTS2
- excellexteriors-baywindowsystem-right by FifthAce2007 @ MTS2
- FireplaceWall_GreyWithWhite by sarah*rose @ MTS2
- Invisible flooring by Frillen
- Arabesque 2 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Granite 01 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Granite 02 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Granite 03 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Granite 05 by Celebkiriedhel @ Simthing for Everyone
- Ford_Royalefloor01 by KomoSims
- formalgreyblue by Christine @ cc4sims
- InvisibleTile by Frillen @ MTS2
- PoppyDayFloorsCeilings_Camel by Gelydh @ Club Crimsyn
- PoppyDayFloorsCeilings_DuckEgg2 by Gelydh @ Club Crimsyn
- PoppyDayFloorsCeilings_Mint by Gelydh @ Club Crimsyn
- ChicStairsMAIN_Open by Huge Lunatic @ MTS2
- ShowerExpensiveBackless by Huge Lunatic @ MTS2
- Hole_Kitten-Bookcase by Kitten @ all4sims
- Hole_Kitten-Lamp by Kitten @ all4sims
- Horsefloor2 by KomoSims
- Chic Fence in Woodland Brown by iCad @ MTS2
- LDF_WoodlandBrown by iCad @ MTS2
- invisibleburglaralarm by pfish @ MTS2
- Invisiblesecretdoor by pfish @ MTS2
- Invisiblesmokealarm by pfish @ MTS2
- Just Black by SimMaster @ MTS2
- flispheregoldpetal by K8 @ Parsimmonious
- fwogoldengoosewood by K8 @ Parsimmonious
- Lampe Hole rc rustic wood kitten by Kitten @ all4sims
- floralies-vase1-mesh by MangoSims
- Marble Black Rumble by MaryLou @ MTS2
- ChezMoi_Diswasher by MaryLou & Numenor @ MTS2
- ChezMoi_TrashCompactor by MaryLou & Numenor @ MTS2
- tinyceilinglight by senesi2003 @ MTS2
- DeckStairs_main by Numenor @ MTS2
- Opalescent Laces Oak Paneling by HappyMoonBelly @ Parsimonious
- Panelwalls_0017 by KomoSims
- PaxtonWallPaper by HopeBaylor @ MTS2 (I can
- NumenorDeckStairs-Wood08 by Piggis @ PiggisSims
- MaxisLost-CrosswoodFloor by Piggis @ PiggisSims
- Plain Wall blues-961 by sim-placement
- Project "Hestia - outdoor set 01 by Margierytka @ MTS2
- Rocks-MossyLarge by Brighten11 @ MTS2
- trianononetileglassdoor_MESH by simnuts101
- trianontwotileglassdoor_MESH by simnuts101
- trianonwindowone_MESH by simnuts101
- trianonwindowtwo_MESH by simnuts101
- Multiplicity Carpet by Sesame @ Sims2Artists
- Ascension_V2 by Targas @ MTS2
- Wrought Iron Cemetary Fence White by tbudgett @ MTS2
- WroughtWright, Inc. "Iron Age" Fence by tbudgett @ MTS2
- Colonial Tract Arch-End-STR by tbudgett @ MTS2
- Colonial Tract Arch-Top-STR by tbudgett @ MTS2
- terazzofloor_holidaysalt by Piggis @ PiggisSims
- The 20s Beige by Parsimonious
- TheEpicFountain by Michelle111 @ MTS2
- TheEpicFountainmacrock5 by Michelle111 @ MTS2
- Curtain_2StoreyCurtainColW by TheJim07 @ MTS2
- Curtain_2StoreyCurtainColW_WhiteRec by TheJim07 @ MTS2
- Sculpture_PlafondAngleExt by TheJim07 @ MTS2
- Sculpture_PlafondPlat by TheJim07 @ MTS2
- Sculpture_PlafondVoute by TheJim07 @ MTS2
- Tottenheimwall by KomoSims
- Turquish Mosaic by Parsimonious
- DK02ClayTile3 by Deathkat @ DKDesigns
- Green Marble Tile Wallpaper by Deathkat @ DKDesigns
- White Top Ceiling-Rose1 by Gelydh @ Club Crimsyn
- Lafenetre Glass Door by Windkeeper
- roundwindow by Windkeeper
- Golden walls, oh my! by Yuxi @ Un Amour Éternel
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