Customizable chance of Death by Murphy Bed

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Update: Now separated settings for body and mood check. Re-download if you want to be able to set them separately.
Update 2: Accidentally uploaded the zips with a second package in them, if you happened to download that version just delete the second package. It was just meant as a placeholder while deleting the old versions of mods from the zip, but I forgot to remove it after adding the updated mods back. I have fixed it now, but if anyone had time to download it before then you know what happened.

No death by Murphy bed, or perhaps always death by Murphy bed? I don't know if you've ever tried to have a Sim die by Murphy bed, but I have. And I ended up giving up because it refused to happen. No more!

The way it's coded by EA, Murphy beds have a 5% chance when opened to fall on the Sim and kill them. This only happens if the Sim has less than 5 body points, the Sim is in a bad mood when opening the bed and the random roll produces the right number. Which makes for a very frustrating trial and error if you for some reason want to induce Murphy bed death, or if you would just like it to happen now and then on it's own.

I give you a global mod that allows you to decide for yourself what the chance of death by Murphy bed should be, and if it should care about body skill and mood.

What is this?
This is a global mod that alters the chance of death by Murphy bed, and gives you the option of disabling the body skill and mood checks.

I offer three versions here, but you can very easily edit them to your liking. See below for instructions
1. 5% chance no checks
-> This mod keeps the 5% chance that EA gave us, but disables the body skill and mood checks so that any Sim is eligible.

2. 20% chance no checks
-> This mod increases the chance to 20%, and disables the body skill and mood checks so that any Sim is eligible.

3. 100% chance no checks
-> This mod increases the chance to 100% and disable the body skill and mood checks. Any Sim that opens a Murphy bed will get squashed. Beware of the almighty Murphy Bed!

Body skill and mood check
If the checks are active, body skill must be less than 4,99 for Sims to be crushed, and their mood must be below -69. Mood is the meter that is to the left of your Sims motives. It's reflects your Sims motives, so bad mood means one or more needs are low.

I decided to disable the checks in all versions offered here, but you can easily change this if you want one or both of them to still apply. See below for instructions.

How do I edit this?
Using SimPE you can change the chance of death, and you can change if the game should look at body skill and mood or not. As requested by Amura, they now have individual settings so you can decide if it should ignore one of the checks or both. I have included instructions and screenshot of SimPE marking where each step is done. If you need clarifications, post a comment and I'll try to help you.

Click the spoiler for instructions

As always, if you for some reason can't use SimPE or you don't understand how to edit it, you are welcome to ask me for help. Just tell me what you want it to be set as, and I'll make it for you when I have time.

Requires Apartment Life. Compatible with all EPs and SPs.

Will conflict with mods affecting chance of death by Murphy bed, like my No Death by Murphy Bed.

No others that I know of. If you find a problem, let me know.

Terms of Use
You are most welcome to edit this for your own personal use, but do not share your edit anywhere. Link to this thread instead.

Nocomment who requested no death by Murphy bed
Amura for the request to have separate settings for checks
BoilingOil who taught me the things I needed to know to make this mod
NeonSim who built the lot I took the screenshots in - Project "Him!" - House number 2
Makers of SimPE
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