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  • Vampiric Bloodlines

    by baniduhaine 5th Dec 2021 at 9:02pm , updated 29th Mar 2024 at 11:53pm

    In spite of it showing up as a search suggestion, I couldn’t actually find a pre-existing mod for Vampire Bloodlines more...

    +1 packs 51 105.2k 173


  • Frog Breeding Skill

    by baniduhaine 24th May 2022 at 3:08am , updated 24th Mar 2024 at 1:22am

    "Why?" Well, for once, this was kinda requested, if by requested you mean I took someone's indirect request, did it, more...

    11 16.5k 71

    Game Mods » Miscellaneous

  • Skill Book Usage

    by baniduhaine 3rd Dec 2023 at 5:49pm , updated 24th Mar 2024 at 1:16am

    :!: Also requires the Horse Ranch pack, which did not show up when selecting requirements. This mod requires XML Injector ( Skills more...

    +10 packs 3 7.4k 11

    Game Mods » Miscellaneous

  • Skeleton Bloodlines

    by baniduhaine 21st Jan 2022 at 10:34pm , updated 23rd Oct 2023 at 4:27am

    Welcome, welcome, to the description of yet another bloodlines set. more...

    +1 packs 10 25k 40


  • PlantSim Bloodlines

    by baniduhaine 18th Jan 2022 at 7:02pm , updated 23rd Oct 2023 at 4:26am

    Another request that I'm super late on, because apparently schedules and I don't get along! more...

    17 28.7k 75
