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  • Middling Ranch

    by tylersada 18th Jul 2024 at 10:54pm , updated 19th Jul 2024 at 2:58pm

    I enjoyed this build as I was making specifically for myself to play. more...

    +3 packs 641 1

    Lots & Housing » Residential

  • Comfortable Rustication

    by tylersada 5th Jul 2024 at 8:07pm , updated 5th Jul 2024 at 8:15pm

    I really like the furniture and Build items from Horse Ranch. I used them quite liberally in this build. more...

    +2 packs 519

    Lots & Housing » Residential

  • Newcrest Rustic

    by tylersada 11th Jun 2024 at 4:44pm , updated 11th Jun 2024 at 11:44pm

    This is a very simple 2 bedroom 1 bath rustic on a small lot. more...

    +8 packs 1.3k

    Lots & Housing » Residential

  • Moorish Influence

    by tylersada 7th Jun 2024 at 1:12pm , updated 7th Jun 2024 at 1:25pm

    I wanted a restaurant in Newcrest that I imagined as a cross between Spain and the Middle East (therefore the more...

    +20 packs 894

    Lots & Housing » Community

  • The Anakin

    by tylersada 6th Nov 2013 at 3:20am

    30X30 2 Bedroom 3 Bath built in Oasis Landing at 405 Intrinsic Way. Very modern but has homey touches to help keep your visiting sim from being future shocked. Furnished $317,090.00 Unfurnished $95, more...

    +15 packs 8 11.7k 19

    Lots & Housing » Residential

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