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Minimized Modern

406 Downloads 162 Thanks  Thanks 5 Favourited 17,852 Views
Uploaded: 14th Jun 2009 at 3:14 AM

Base Game Compatible
Under 20k
No Custom Content
1x1 lot

A little while back, I decided to do a few 1x1 mini lots, and they were pretty... sub par, so I decided to try again, only go modern this time. It was a challenge, no question, but it was fun to do, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.

This lot is furnished for up to two Sims, with one bedroom, one bathroom, and is furnished with starter furnishings.


Lot Size: 1x1
Lot Price: $19, 950

Additional Credits:
Thankies to Twilight, for her help with the lot, Corrie, for not letting me give up, and encouraging me to keep going with modern, and to Numenor, for the Any Game Starter.