Throw Bigger Parties whenever you want!
partytime.jpg - width=1134 height=535
It's not even 1am, but lots of sims are starting to show up early.
earlybirdparty.jpg - width=438 height=244
All the good parties start late.
throwparty.jpg - width=1047 height=559
Party Picker dialog
This mod is compatible with patch levels 1.66 and 1.67.
Important Details:
- This mod does not require any Expansion or Stuff Packs.
- This mod was built with patch 1.33 but it should be compatible for 1.22 (Generations) and up. Please keep in mind, I can only test for patch 1.3x. Due to its simplicity, this mod may not necessarily require an update after major patches. It’s always best to check in, though.
- This mod is unnecessary if you are using NRaas MasterController and MasterController Integration v83 or above.
- This is an XML tuning mod and should not conflict with any script or core mod.
- This mod will conflict with any other mod that alters the PartyPickerDialog_0x60041acaad16c0b4 resource in the GameplayData.package.
- This mod will conflict with graycurse’s original mod, which is not compatible with the current patch level.
- If you are not sure if a mod will conflict with another, use Delphy’s Sims 3 Dashboard Tool to check.
Flavor | Description |
Nona_PartyLimit_2x | Guest limit increased to 20 (default: 10) |
Nona_PartyLimit_2x_notime | Invite up to 20 guests and there are no time restrictions for parties. |
Nona_PartyLimit_3x | Guest limit increased to 30 (default: 10) |
Nona_PartyLimit_3x_notime | Invite up to 30 guests and there are no time restrictions for parties. |
Nona_PartyLimit_500 | Guest limit increased to 500 virtually removing the guest limit (default: 10) |
Nona_PartyLimit_500_notime | Invite up to 500 guests and there are no time restrictions for parties. |
Nona_PartyLimit_notime | Invite up to 10 guests to a party (no change) but there are no time restrictions for parties. |

If you are using NRaas MasterController and MasterController Integration:
As of NRaas MasterController v83, using the MasterController Integration module will replace the Throw Party Interaction on the phone and use one which does not have any restrictions. This mod is now unnecessary if you are using those two mods.

Inviting too many guests to a single party can cause game breaking lag, or worst case, crash your game. Please use this mod responsibly and take into consideration how well your computer can run the game. If you experience frequent Save Error 12 issues, I do not recommend inviting more than 10 guests to a party.
Please comment or PM me if you have any problems with this mod, or if you want to request a new flavor.
Additional Credits:
Peter & Inge Jones for S3PE. graycurse for the original mod.
Uploaded: 19th Mar 2012, 662 Bytes.
| Invite up to 500 guests to a party. No time restrictions for parties.
Uploaded: 19th Mar 2012, 673 Bytes.
| Invite up to 500 guests to a party.
Uploaded: 19th Mar 2012, 690 Bytes.
| Invite up to 30 guests to a party. No time restrictions for parties.
Uploaded: 19th Mar 2012, 669 Bytes.
| Invite up to 30 guests to a party.
Uploaded: 19th Mar 2012, 687 Bytes.
| Invite up to 20 guests to a party. No time restrictions for parties.
Uploaded: 19th Mar 2012, 669 Bytes.
| Invite up to 20 guests to a party.
Uploaded: 19th Mar 2012, 686 Bytes.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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About Me
As far as my policies go, you can do whatever you want with my mods or anything else I create, just stay away from paysites and the Exchange. Edit, tune, change, update, etc. my mods however you like. You may even upload them somewhere else under your own name, I really don't care.
More mods at Simlogical: Nona's Nook
And my blog: Nona's Sims
Finally, check out my Mod Index to get an overview of all of my mods.
Please note, I am not taking requests.