Cow Plant mod: Only Paparazzi can Eat Cake & Occult can Eat Cake Redux
papaeatcake.jpg - width=496 height=657
Paparazzi eating some cake. Hehe.
vampireeatcake.jpg - width=995 height=862
Even Vampires cannot resist the Cow Plant Cake.
This is a new and improved pure script mod version of my previous Cow Plant scripted object mod. This script removes the occult check on the Eat Cake interaction, unlocking the Eat Cake interaction for Occult sims. It can also be configured to allow only Paparazzi to Eat Cake, and can also allow only Vampires or only Paparazzi or Vampires to eat cake.
Last Update: 20 June 2013 - Minor coding update.
29 July 2012 - Tuning has been changed entirely. If you want to change the tuning for the EAT CAKE interaction, please download my Cow Plant Tweaks mod.
23 July 2012 - Fix some issues with the interaction test, which I introduced in the last update. Everything should now work properly.
**Ignore this update Information**26 June 2012 - Fix for the Eat Cake interaction Tuning. Your sims can now use the interaction autonomously. Please read the section "Eat Cake Interaction Tuning". You must tune the interaction yourself. -- This information from 26 June is no longer relevant.
Note: You MUST have the Laganaphyllis Simnovorii (aka The Cow Plant) from the Sims 3 Store in order for this mod to work. It will NOT add the item to your game.
- Again, this requires the The Cow Plant Premium Content Item from the Sims 3 Store to be installed in your game.
- This mod will no longer crash your game when loading, if you have not installed the Cow Plant, due to EA including the code for the Cow Plant in the core. However, it will be a perfectly useless mod if you have not installed the Cow Plant.
- No other Expansion or Stuff Packs are required for this mod, ONLY the store item.
- This mod requires patch level 1.38 or higher.
- This mod will work for Cow Plants installed through the launcher, Cow Plants installed as package files, and de-crapified Cow Plants.
- This is a pure script mod and has little chance of conflict with other script mods, core mods or tuning mod.
- This mod will not conflict with any other Cow Plant tuning mods. Other tuning mods will work with this mod.
- The tuning available with my Cow Plant Tweaks modwill work for this mod. Simply choose the flavor you like best and put it in your mods folder alongside this one.

This mod no longer requires a custom tuning file for the Eat Cake interaction. Simply download a flavor of my Cow Plant Tweaks mod if you want further customization of the Eat Cake interaction.
Note: you can also further tune my Cow Plant Tweaks mod if you like.
Extra Configurations
Use only one configuration.
Configuration | Description |
Nona_CowPlant_Config_OnlyPaparazziEatCake | Use this alongside the mod if you want only Paparazzi to be able to use the Eat Cake interaction. |
Nona_CowPlant_Config_OnlyVampireEatCake | Use this alongside the mod if you want only Vampires to be able to use the Eat Cake interaction. |
Nona_CowPlant_Config_OnlyVampireORPaparazziCanEatCake | Use this alongside the mod if you want all Vampires -- and also Paparazzi -- to be able to use the Eat Cake interaction. |

1. Download the Nona_CowPlant_EatCakeInteractionMod file and put it in your Mods\Packages folder or wherever you keep your mods.
2. Optional: Download one of the three configuration listed above in Extra Configurations and put that in your Mods\Packages folder,
3. Optional: Further tune your Cow Plant by downloading one of the tweaks available here: Cow Plant Tweaks
Additional Credits:
Peter & Inge Jones for S3PE, Buzzler, Twallan & MTS modding forums.
Many thanks to twallan for the tuning injection.
| Optional Configuration: Only Vampires or Paparazzi Can Eat Cake (Use only one configuration)
Uploaded: 21st Jun 2012, 392 Bytes.
| Optional Configuration: Only Vampires Can Eat Cake (Use only one configuration)
Uploaded: 21st Jun 2012, 380 Bytes.
| Optional Configuration: Only Paparazzi Can Eat Cake (Use only one configuration)
Uploaded: 21st Jun 2012, 381 Bytes.
| Script mod which removes occult check from Eat Cake interaction.
Uploaded: 21st Jun 2012, 5.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 27th Jan 2014 at 10:32 PM - Minor coding update. Compatible with 1.55.
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About Me
As far as my policies go, you can do whatever you want with my mods or anything else I create, just stay away from paysites and the Exchange. Edit, tune, change, update, etc. my mods however you like. You may even upload them somewhere else under your own name, I really don't care.
More mods at Simlogical: Nona's Nook
And my blog: Nona's Sims
Finally, check out my Mod Index to get an overview of all of my mods.
Please note, I am not taking requests.