Cow Plant Tweaks, with multiple flavors - 1.63
dead.jpg - width=460 height=452
Cow Plant don't care. Cow plant just eats what it wants!
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No sim is safe from the hungry cow plant.
Note: You MUST have the Laganaphyllis Simnovorii (aka The Cow Plant) from the Sims 3 Store in order for this mod to work. It will NOT add the item to your game.
Looking for a mod that only allows Paparazzi to use the Eat Cake interaction? Want vampires to be able to use the Eat Cake interaction? Take a look at this script mod, written by me.

This mod is compatible with patch levels 1.66 and 1.67
19 October 2013 - This mod has been updated for patch 1.63. Package files have been renamed to include Nona. Please make sure you delete any older versions before installing the update.
19 September 2012 - Added flavor 10a: 50% spit chance, more paparazzi advertising, hungry every 2 days, no autonomous feed.
21 April 2012: Added Flavor 9b and Flavor 11 as well as all unaltered EA tuning files so those who wish to tune the cow plant to their own liking.
2 April 2012 - Added: Flavor 7c, which increases attractiveness of the Eat Cake interaction for Paparazzi.
12 February 2012 - All mods now allow non-greeted sims to use Eat Cake interaction. Please re-download. See spoiler for more information.
- Again, this requires the The Cow Plant Premium Content Item from the Sims 3 Store to be installed in your game, or it will do absolutely nothing.
- No other Expansion or Stuff Packs are required for this mod, ONLY the store item.
- These require patch 1.63.
- These mods will conflict with any other mods that override the same resources listed under each flavor.

Note:You may need to buy a new Cow Plant (or otherwise wait for the end of the current hunger cycle) for these mods to kick in properly if you use it in a previous save game (even after deleting the scriptCache).

Flavor | Package | Description |
Flavor 1a | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance.package | No spit chance. No Sim is safe. |
Flavor 1b | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_noplayer.package | No spit chance. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe. |
Flavor 2a | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed.package | No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No sim is safe. |
Flavor 2b | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_noplayer.package | No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe. |
Flavor 3 | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_Green.package | No spit chance. No autonomous feed. Green Thumbs are safe. |
Flavor 4a | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_Piggy.package | No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No sim is safe. Are you sure it's not a Pig Plant? Cow Plant is hungry after 1 sim day. |
Flavor 4b | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_Piggy_noplayer.package | No spit chance. No autonomous feed. Cow Plant is hungry every day. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe |
Flavor 5 | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_Piggy_Green | No spit chance. No autonomous feed. Green Thumbs are safe. Cow plant is hungry after 1 sim day. |
Flavor 6 | Nona_CowPlant_LessSpitChance.package | Same chance for your Cow Plant to spit up her meal (50%). However no sim is immune to the cow plant based on traits or poor hygiene. |
Flavor 6b | Nona_CowPlant_LessSpitChance_Green_noplayer.package | Same chance for your Cow Plant to spit up her meal (50%). Green Thumbs are safe. Your active sims are safe. |
Flavor 7a | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_Piggy12_noplayer.package | No spit chance. No autonomous feed. Cow plant is hungry after 12 sim hours. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe. |
Flavor 7b | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_NoAutonomousPlayWith_NoPet_Piggy12_noplayer.package | No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No autonomous Play With. No autonomous Pet. Cow plant is hungry after 12 sim hours. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe. |
Flavor 7c | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_NoAutonomousPlayWith_NoPet_Piggy12_morePapa_noplayer.package | No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No autonomous Play With. No autonomous Pet. Cow plant is hungry after 12 sim hours. No NPC is safe. Paparazzi should be more attracted to the Eat Cake interaction. Your active sims are safe. |
Flavor 8 | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_Piggy8.package | No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No sim is safe. Cow Plant is hungry every 7.2 hours. |
Flavor 9 | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_NoMilk_immortal_noplayer.package | No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No Autonomous milk. Milk lasts 7 days. Cow Plant lives 2000 days after last feed. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe. |
Flavor 9b | Nona_CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_NoMilk_immortal_safeservice_morePapa_noplayer.package | No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No Autonomous milk. Milk lasts 7 days. Cow Plant lives 2000 days after last feed. Some service sims (incl. maid & butler) are much less likely to use Eat Cake interaction. Paparazzi are far more likely to use Eat Cake interaction. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe. |
Flavor 10 | Nona_CowPlant_LessSpit_NoFeed_NoPlay_NoPet_NoMilk_Piggy.package | 50% spit chance. No autonomous Feed. No autonomous Play With. No Autonomous Pet. No autonomous Milk. Cow Plant is hungry every day. No sim is safe. |
Flavor 10a | Nona_CowPlant_LessSpit_NoFeed_morePapa_2days.package | 50% spit chance. No autonomous Feed. More Papa. Cow Plant is hungry every 2 days. No sim is safe. |
![]() | Nona_CowPlant_LessSpit_NoFeed_NoPlay_NoPet_NoMilk_Green_morePapa_safeservice_noplayer.package | 50% spit chance. No autonomous feed. No autonomous Play With. No autonomous Pet. No autonomous Milk. Some service sims (incl. maid & butler) are much less likely to use Eat Cake interaction. Paparazzi are far more likely to use Eat Cake interaction. Green Thumbs are safe. Your active sims are safe. |
Flavor 11 | Nona_CowPlant_AlwaysSpitOutSim.package | 100% spit chance. Cow Plant lives 2000 days after last meal. Paparazzi more attracted to Eat Cake. |
![]() | Nona_CowPlant_AlwaysSpit_NoFeed_NoPlay_NoPet_NoMilk.package | 100% spit chance (no sims die). Cow Plant lives 3000 days after last meal. No Autonomous interactions at all (except Eat Cake). |
Also Available:Unaltered EA Tuning - This single package files contains all XMLs and ITUNs for the Cow Plant. You can tune these resources the way that you like. If you prefer to use EA's default tuning for some resources, you can delete those resources from this package file. It is not necessary; it will just make the package smaller.
If you'd like an additional flavor, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
- All mods listed below are simple tuning mods.
- All mods edit the Eat Cake Interaction ITUN (EatCake_CowPlant). Changed AllowNonGreetedSimsIfObjectOutside="False" to AllowNonGreetedSimsIfObjectOutside="True" . Non-greeted sims, such as paparazzi, will be able to use the Eat Cake interaction without guilt.
- Additionally, all negative trait values in the aforementioned ITUN were converted to positive, so no sim will have an aversion to Eat Cake, but some will like it a bit more.
Flavor 1a - CowPlant_NoSpitChance.package: No spit chance, No Sim is safe.
- Edited _XML, Instance ID: 0xA4B6AAE62A33CA6C. Changed <kDirtyThreshold value="30"> to <kDirtyThreshold value="-100">. This means your sims with absolutely horrid hygiene will not be spit out.
- Edited _XML, Instance ID: 0x2A08693A95868C37. Changed <kEatSimProbability value="50"> to <kEatSimProbability value="100"> Your Cow Plant will have a 100% chance to eat a sim.
- Same _XML. Changed <kEatCakeLessAttracted value="Coward, Lucky, Perceptive, Genius, Grumpy, HatesOutdoors, Loner, MeanSpirited"> to <kEatCakeLessAttracted value=""> No sim can resist the temptation of cake.
- Same _XML. Changed <kEatCakeSavedByTrait value="Slob, Lucky, Brave, Daredevil, GreenThumb, Neurotic, LovesTheOutdoors"> to <kEatCakeSavedByTrait value=""> Let them have cake! Your Cow Plant eats whatever sim is stupid enough to "Eat Cake."
- See Flavor 1b if you want this flavor plus your active sims to be safe.
Flavor 1b - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_noplayer.package: No spit chance. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
- Exactly the same as Flavor 1PLUS:
- Edited ITUN, Instance ID: 0x237586075924F7CC - DisallowPlayerSim="False" changed to DisallowPlayerSim="True"
- You will not see the interaction "Eat Cake" when the Cow Plant is hungry. It will not be possible for anyone in your active household to use the interaction. Rest assured, the NPCs can use the interaction.
- Note, your sims will still autonomously Feed the Cow Plant, meaning your Cow Plant may take a long time to get hungry if you don't carefully watch your sims.
Flavor 2a - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed.package: No spit chance, no autonomous feed. No sims is safe.
- Exact same _XML edits as Flavor 1.
- Edited ITUN, Instance ID: 0x135948AB438C9188. Changed <Disallow DisallowAutonomous="False" DisallowUserDirected="False" DisallowPlayerSim="False" /> to <Disallow DisallowAutonomous="True" DisallowUserDirected="False" DisallowPlayerSim="False" /> Your sims will not autonomously feed the cow plant.
Flavor 2b - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_noplayer.package: No spit chance, no autonomous feed. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
- Exactly the same as Flavor 2a PLUS:
- Edited ITUN, Instance ID: 0x237586075924F7CC - DisallowPlayerSim="False" changed to DisallowPlayerSim="True"
- You will not see the interaction "Eat Cake" when the Cow Plant is hungry. It will not be possible for anyone in your active household to use the interaction. Rest assured, the NPCs can use the interaction.
Flavor 3 - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_Green.package: No spit chance, no autonomous feed, Green Thumbs are safe.
- Exact same _XML edits from Flavor 1, EXCEPT: GreenThumb is included in kEatCakeSavedByTrait.
- Edited ITUN, Instance ID: 0x135948AB438C9188. Changed <Disallow DisallowAutonomous="False" DisallowUserDirected="False" DisallowPlayerSim="False" /> to <Disallow DisallowAutonomous="True" DisallowUserDirected="False" DisallowPlayerSim="False" /> Your sims will not autonomously feed the cow plant.
Flavor 4a - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_Piggy.package: No spit chance, no autonomous fed. No sim is safe. Are you sure it's not a Pig Plant? Cow Plant is hungry after 1 sim day.
- Exact same _XML edits from Flavor 1. PLUS:
- Edited _XML, Instance ID: 0x2A08693A95868C37. Changed <kNumberOfDaysUntilHungry value="3"> to <kNumberOfDaysUntilHungry value="1">. This means your Cow Plant will be hungry every day. You have 7 days to find her food.
- Edited ITUN, Instance ID: 0x135948AB438C9188. Changed <Disallow DisallowAutonomous="False" DisallowUserDirected="False" DisallowPlayerSim="False" /> to <Disallow DisallowAutonomous="True" DisallowUserDirected="False" DisallowPlayerSim="False" /> Your sims will not autonomously feed the cow plant.
Flavor 4b - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_Piggy_noplayer.package: No spit chance, no autonomous feed. Cow Plant is hungry every day. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
- Exactly the same as Flavor 4a PLUS:
- Edited ITUN, Instance ID: 0x237586075924F7CC - DisallowPlayerSim="False" changed to DisallowPlayerSim="True"
- You will not see the interaction "Eat Cake" when the Cow Plant is hungry. It will not be possible for anyone in your active household to use the interaction. Rest assured, the NPCs can use the interaction.
Flavor 5 - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_Piggy_Green: No spit chance, no autonomous feed, Green Thumbs are safe, cow plant is hungry after 1 sim day.
- Exact same _XML edits from Flavor 1, plus extras from Flavor 4, PLUS:
- Edited _XML, Instance ID: 0x2A08693A95868C37- <kEatCakeSavedByTrait value="Slob, Lucky, Brave, Daredevil, GreenThumb, Neurotic, LovesTheOutdoors"> to <kEatCakeSavedByTrait value="GreenThumb"> This means your Cow Plant will not eat sims with the Green Thumb trait.
Flavor 6 - CowPlant_LessSpitChance_Green_noplayer.package: Same chance for your Cow Plant to spit up her meal.
- Exact same _XML edits from Flavor 1, EXCEPT:
- <kEatSimProbability value="50"> remains the SAME in this flavor.
- Make no mistake, your sims WILL die from this flavor!
Flavor 6b - CowPlant_LessSpitChance_Green_noplayer.package: Same chance for your Cow Plant to spit up her meal (50%). Green Thumbs are safe. Your active sims are safe.
- Exact same _XML edits from Flavor 6, EXCEPT:
- Edited _XML, Instance ID: 0x2A08693A95868C37- <kEatCakeSavedByTrait value="Slob, Lucky, Brave, Daredevil, GreenThumb, Neurotic, LovesTheOutdoors"> to <kEatCakeSavedByTrait value="GreenThumb"> This means your Cow Plant will not eat sims with the Green Thumb trait.
- Edited ITUN, Instance ID: 0x237586075924F7CC - DisallowPlayerSim="False" changed to DisallowPlayerSim="True"
- You will not see the interaction "Eat Cake" when the Cow Plant is hungry. It will not be possible for anyone in your active household to use the interaction. Rest assured, the NPCs can use the interaction.
Flavor 7a - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_Piggy12_noplayer.package: No spit chance, no autonomous feed, cow plant is hungry after 12 sim hours. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
- Exact same _XML edits from Flavor 1, PLUS:
- Edited _XML, Instance ID: 0x2A08693A95868C37. Changed <kNumberOfDaysUntilHungry value="3"> to <kNumberOfDaysUntilHungry value=".5">. This means your Cow Plant will be hungry every 12 hours. You have 7 days to find her food.
- Edited ITUN, Instance ID: 0x135948AB438C9188. Changed <Disallow DisallowAutonomous="False" DisallowUserDirected="False" DisallowPlayerSim="False" /> to <Disallow DisallowAutonomous="True" DisallowUserDirected="False" DisallowPlayerSim="False" /> Your sims will not autonomously feed the cow plant.
- Edited ITUN, Instance ID: 0x237586075924F7CC - DisallowPlayerSim="False" changed to DisallowPlayerSim="True"
- You will not see the interaction "Eat Cake" when the Cow Plant is hungry. It will not be possible for anyone in your active household to use the interaction. Rest assured, the NPCs can use the interaction.
Flavor 7b - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_NoAutonomousPlayWith_NoPet_Piggy12_noplayer.package: No spit chance, no autonomous Feed, no autonomous Play With, no autonomous Pet. Cow plant is hungry after 12 sim hours. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
- Exact same _XML edits from Flavor 7, PLUS:
- Edited _XML, Instance ID: 0x31CAEE217A40C482. Changed Disallow DisallowAutonomous="False" to Disallow DisallowAutonomous="True" Your sims will not autonomously Play With Cow Plant.
- Edited _XML, Instance ID: 0xBEC691A24075D952. Changed Disallow DisallowAutonomous="False" to Disallow DisallowAutonomous="True". Your sims will not autonomously Pet Cow Plant.
- You will not see the interaction "Eat Cake" when the Cow Plant is hungry. It will not be possible for anyone in your active household to use the interaction. Rest assured, the NPCs can use the interaction.
Flavor 7c - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_NoAutonomousPlayWith_NoPet_Piggy12_noplayer.package: No spit chance, no autonomous Feed, no autonomous Play With, no autonomous Pet. Cow plant is hungry after 12 sim hours. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
- Exact same _XML edits from Flavor 7b, PLUS:
- Added <Change type="RolePaparazzi" advertised="2000" locked="True" actual="200" updateType="ContinuousFlow" timeDependsOn="False" updateEvenOnFailure="False" updateAboveAndBelowZero="Either" /> to Eat Cake ITUN, to make the interaction more attractive to Paparazzi.
- You will not see the interaction "Eat Cake" when the Cow Plant is hungry. It will not be possible for anyone in your active household to use the interaction. Rest assured, the NPCs can use the interaction.
Flavor 8 - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_Piggy8.package: No spit chance, no autonomous feed. No sim is safe. Are you sure it's not a Pig Plant? Cow Plant is hungry every 7.2 hours.
- Exact same _XML edits from Flavor 1. PLUS:
- Edited _XML, Instance ID: 0x2A08693A95868C37. Changed <kNumberOfDaysUntilHungry value="3"> to <kNumberOfDaysUntilHungry value=".3">. This means your Cow Plant will be hungry every 7.2 hours. You have 7 days to find her food.
- Edited ITUN, Instance ID: 0x135948AB438C9188. Changed <Disallow DisallowAutonomous="False" DisallowUserDirected="False" DisallowPlayerSim="False" /> to <Disallow DisallowAutonomous="True" DisallowUserDirected="False" DisallowPlayerSim="False" /> Your sims will not autonomously feed the cow plant.
Flavor 9 - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_NoMilk_immortal_noplayer.package: No spit chance, no autonomous feed, no autonomous milk. Milk is available longer. Cow Plant loves 2000 days after last meal. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
- Exactly the same as Flavor 2b PLUS:
- Edited _XML, Instance ID: 0x2A08693A95868C37. Changed <kMilkAvailabilityDuration value="2"> to <kMilkAvailabilityDuration value="7"> Milk will be available for 7 days after a meal.
- Same _XML. Changed <kNumberOfDaysUntilStarvation value="7"> to <kNumberOfDaysUntilStarvation value="2000"> Cow Plant should never die.
- Edited ITUN, Instance ID: 0x7A5955110A9C35C7. Changed DisallowAutonomous="False" to DisallowAutonomous="True" . Your sims will not autonomously Milk the Cow Plant.
- You will not see the interaction "Eat Cake" when the Cow Plant is hungry. It will not be possible for anyone in your active household to use the interaction. Rest assured, the NPCs can use the interaction.
Flavor 9b - CowPlant_NoSpitChance_NoAutonomousFeed_NoMilk_immortal_safeservice_morePapa_noplayer.package: No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No Autonomous milk. Milk lasts 7 days. Cow Plant lives 2000 days after last feed. Some service sims (incl. maid & butler) are much less likely to use Eat Cake interaction. Paparazzi are far more likely to use Eat Cake interaction. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
- Exactly the same as Flavor 9 PLUS:
- Added negative tradeoff for Eat Cake interaction for Maid, Butler, RepairMan, Pianist, and Bartender to make these service sims less attracted to the Cow Plant.
- Added huge positive tradeoff for Eat Cake interaction for Paparazzi, so paparazzi will be more attracted to the interaction.
- You will not see the interaction "Eat Cake" when the Cow Plant is hungry. It will not be possible for anyone in your active household to use the interaction. Rest assured, the NPCs can use the interaction.
Flavor 10 - CowPlant_LessSpit_NoFeed_NoPlay_NoPet_NoMilk_Piggy.package: 50% spit chance. No autonomous Feed. No autonomous Play With. No Autonomous Pet. No autonomous Milk. Cow Plant is hungry every day. No sim is safe.
- <kEatSimProbability value="50"> remains the SAME in this flavor.
- Edited _XML, Instance ID: 0x2A08693A95868C37 Changed <kEatCakeLessAttracted value="Coward, Lucky, Perceptive, Genius, Grumpy, HatesOutdoors, Loner, MeanSpirited"> to <kEatCakeLessAttracted value=""> No sim can resist the temptation of cake.
- Same _XML. Changed <kEatCakeSavedByTrait value="Slob, Lucky, Brave, Daredevil, GreenThumb, Neurotic, LovesTheOutdoors"> to <kEatCakeSavedByTrait value=""> Let them have cake! Your Cow Plant eats whatever sim is stupid enough to "Eat Cake."
- Same _XML. Changed <kNumberOfDaysUntilHungry value="3"> to <kNumberOfDaysUntilHungry value="1">. This means your Cow Plant will be hungry every day.
- Edited _XML, Instance ID: 0xA4B6AAE62A33CA6C. Changed <kDirtyThreshold value="30"> to <kDirtyThreshold value="-100">. This means your sims with absolutely horrid hygiene will not be spit out.
- All ITUNs except praise and scold changed to disallowed autonomy.
Additional Credits:
MTS Tutorial on XML modding, Peter & Inge Jones for S3PE, Armiel for the Builder's DIY Island which I use so frequently for testing.
| 100% spit chance. Cow Plant lives 2000 days after last meal. Paparazzi more attracted to Eat Cake.
Uploaded: 5th Oct 2013, 6.8 KB.
| 50% spit chance. No autonomous feed. No autonomous Play With. No autonomous Pet. No autonomous Milk. Some service sims (incl. maid & butler) are much less likely to use Eat Cake interaction. Paparazzi are far more likely to use Eat Cake interaction. G
Uploaded: 5th Oct 2013, 6.9 KB.
| 50% spit chance, No auto feed, more Papa, Cow Plant is hungry every 2 days, No sim is safe.
Uploaded: 19th Sep 2012, 4.8 KB.
| 100% spit chance. Cow Plant lives 2000 days after last meal. Paparazzi more attracted to Eat Cake.
Uploaded: 21st Apr 2012, 4.3 KB.
| No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No Autonomous milk. Milk lasts 7 days. Cow Plant lives 2000 days after last feed. Some service sims (incl. maid & butler) are much less likely to use Eat Cake interaction. Paparazzi are far more likely to use Eat Ca
Uploaded: 21st Apr 2012, 5.4 KB.
| Unaltered EA Tuning files. Contains all ITUNs and all XMLs for the CowPlant. You may alter the ones you wish and delete the ones you want to keep the same as EA's tuning. Only use if you want to tune the Cow Plant yourself.
Uploaded: 21st Apr 2012, 7.1 KB.
| No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No autonomous Play With. No autonomous Pet. Cow plant is hungry after 12 sim hours. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe. Paparazzi are more likely to use Eat Cake.
Uploaded: 2nd Apr 2012, 5.7 KB.
| 50% chance to spit up meal. No auto Feed, No auto Pet, No auto Play With, No auto Milk. Hungry every day. No sim is safe.
Uploaded: 22nd Feb 2012, 6.0 KB.
| Same chance for your Cow Plant to spit up her meal (50%). Green Thumbs are safe. Your active sims are safe.
Uploaded: 20th Feb 2012, 4.3 KB.
| No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No Autonomous milk. Milk lasts 7 days. Cow Plant lives 2000 days after last feed. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 5.3 KB.
| No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No sim is safe. Cow Plant is hungry every 7.2 hours.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 4.8 KB.
| No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No autonomous Play With. No autonomous Pet. Cow plant is hungry after 12 sim hours. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 5.7 KB.
| No spit chance. No autonomous feed. Cow plant is hungry after 12 sim hours. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 4.9 KB.
| Same chance for your Cow Plant to spit up her meal. However no sim is immune to the cow plant based on traits or poor hygiene.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 4.3 KB.
| No spit chance. No autonomous feed. Green Thumbs are safe. Cow plant is hungry after 1 sim day.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 4.9 KB.
| No spit chance. No autonomous feed. Cow Plant is hungry every day. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 4.9 KB.
| No spit chance. No autonomous fed. No sim is safe. Are you sure it's not a Pig Plant? Cow Plant is hungry after 1 sim day.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 4.8 KB.
| No spit chance. No autonomous feed. Green Thumbs are safe.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 4.8 KB.
| No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 4.9 KB.
| No spit chance. No autonomous feed. No sim is safe.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 4.8 KB.
| No spit chance. No NPC is safe. Your active sims are safe.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 4.3 KB.
| No spit chance. No Sim is safe.
Uploaded: 13th Feb 2012, 4.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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About Me
As far as my policies go, you can do whatever you want with my mods or anything else I create, just stay away from paysites and the Exchange. Edit, tune, change, update, etc. my mods however you like. You may even upload them somewhere else under your own name, I really don't care.
More mods at Simlogical: Nona's Nook
And my blog: Nona's Sims
Finally, check out my Mod Index to get an overview of all of my mods.
Please note, I am not taking requests.