Script for Custom Foods (removes Foul Food, Tunable, Includes Custom Buffs) - Updated 29 June

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This is an object script mod for Custom Edible Objects, such as the food available from Around The Sims 3, One Billion Pixels, and Parisian Sims.

If you have ever used those objects (and I do recommend them, they are really fun), you may have noticed that snob sims do not enjoy them as much, because they are using the script class of the WA Dried Food. Additionally, when sims eat those foods, their Tomb Stats counter for Dried Food Eaten increases, and moodlet origin is listed as "From Eating Dried Food." This script is an altered version of EA's DriedFood script, which removes those side effects (and more!). In short, this script makes custom food way more fun for your sims!

Custom Food Directory - Find links to all custom food here. If you know of a custom food not listed, share!

This mod is compatible with patch levels 1.66 and 1.67

7 October 2013 - Updated OBJK Overrides available at my blog to fix an issue with OBP's Edible Cherry Dessert (Christmas Gift Part 5)

29 June 2013
  • New moodlet: Killer Instinct. Mermaids will receive this moodlet when eating Raw Meat foods.

Custom Raw Meats - You can get Custom Raw Meats made by me and Cmo at Simlogical. These do not require OBJK overrides, but they do require this mod.

All custom food from other creators require OBJK overrides to work with this script. Download the OBJK overrides at my blog.

I am currently looking for feedback on the moodlet icons, descriptions and origins. Please let me know how I can improve them! If you are an artist and would like to contribute a custom moodlet icon to this project, and agree to my distribution terms at the bottom of this post, let me know. You will get full credit if I use your icon. Moodlet icons must be in PNG format and should not be larger than 54x54 px.

Note: This mod contains ONLY the script and the tuning. If you wish for your objects to use this mod, you must enable it by changing the script class in the OBJK resource of your objects. See OBJK Overrides available at my blog.

  • Requires patch 1.55
  • Should not require any expansion packs.

Conflicts: This mod has no known conflicts. The chance of this mod conflicting with other mods is next to none.

What is this mod?
This is a wholly new script class based on EA's DriedFood from World Adventures.
  • Snob sims will not receive the Foul Food moodlet when they eat custom food which uses this script.
  • Custom Food will not contribute towards the dried food eaten statistic in the WA Adventure Journal, when using this script.
  • Moodlet origin will vary based on the type of food eaten instead of saying "From Eating Dried Food," when using this script
  • This script has eight tunable food quality types (Low, Mid, High, Dessert, Pizza, Cookie, Raw Meat, Sushi). Much better than the EA Original!
  • This script does not replace or otherwise override WA Dried Food. Your WA Dried Food will not be affected by this mod.
  • This script contains custom moodlets! Your sims can eat their custom food on top of their normal meal and get an extra buff for it, if they so choose.
  • This script can be used to raise Vampire Thirst.
  • This script can be used to increase the Plant Sim Water motive.

All food types are tunable.

Why so many food types?
With several different quality types, creators have more options. They can create, for example, candy bars that aren't very filling, but also a delicious sandwich that can serve as a great meal. Since the different quality types are tunable, users are able to choose how they want the items to function in their own games. Perhaps some people want custom edible foods to only serve as a snack, while others would like them to replace meals entirely. The possibilities may not be endless, but there is a great opportunity for various levels of customization with this mod.

TagDescriptionFound in
HungerGainHow much hunger the sim should gain from eating this dried foodNonaDriedFood* XML
ThirstGainHow much thirst a vampire will gain from raw meatNonaDriedFoodRawMeat XML
WaterGainHow much water a plant sim will gain from raw meatNonaDriedFoodRawMeat XML
EffectValueStrength of moodlet providedbuffs_nonadriedfood XML
TimeoutLengthLength of moodlet providedbuffs_nonadriedfood XML

Tunable Defaults
Food Quality TypeHungerGainMoodletStrengthDuration
NonaDriedFoodLow75Tasty Treat5120
NonaDriedFoodMid90Sumptuous Snack10120
NonaDriedFoodHigh120Gastronomical Delight25120
NonaDriedFoodDessert60Blissfully Satisfied25120
NonaDriedFoodRawMeat120Varies by Occult statusVaries120
NonaDriedFoodSushi50Sashimi Satisfaction20120

Special Information about Custom Pizza Food (such as OBP's Edible Pizza).

Special Information about Custom Cookies

Special Information about Custom Raw Meat

Who should use this mod?
  • Creators making custom food might be interested in this mod, as the custom food will function better and will have more options.
  • Users who download custom food which uses this script, will need to download this script (unless otherwise specified by the creator).
  • Users who have downloaded custom food which does not use this script, can use my OBJK overrides so that their custom food uses this script.

How to Install:
1. Place the NonaEdibleFood_WITHCustomBuffs.package in your Mods\Packages folder, or wherever you keep your mods.
2. Make sure you have installed some custom food from ATS3, OBP,Parisian Sims or the Raw Meats at Simlogical.
3. Download the OBJK Overrides available at my blog and place them in your Mods\Overrides folder. Note: Overrides are not required if you use only the raw meats. All other custom food requires the overrides.
4. Optional: Download NonaEdibleFood_RawMeatForAll_Tuning to allow all sims to eat custom raw meat.
5. Optional Tune the objects to your liking by editing the XMLs in the NonaEdibleFood_WITHCustomBuffs.package. (How to Edit XML Tuning)
6. Before you start your game for the first time with this mod installed, delete the scriptcache.package found in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3

Note: This mod does work with ani's Sell from Inventory mod. Food that uses this script will current only show up in "Food" registers when using ani's Sell from Inventory mod.

Distribution policy: You may distribute this script with your objects, claim it as your own, upload it elsewhere, whatever you want. However, in order to avoid possible conflicts due to duplicate XMLs, I do recommend that you link here and ask people to download the mod separately. Do not re-upload to paysites.

Localization: This mod requires translations. Currently, all localizations are in English unless otherwise stated. Before you translate my strings, please ensure you agree to my distribution policy above. Note: The mod currently contains English text for all non-English games. Unless translated, moodlets will appear in English, but you won't see any strange or blank text.
Do you want to translate this mod? First, thanks so much for your interest! Second, please download the in the Downloads section, and translate the strings in the text document. Save the translated document and re-upload as an attachment. This is the most convenient way for me to keep the package file updated.

This mod requires new translations for all languages!
- 29 May 2013 - Added Portuguese (BR) translation.
- 18 March 2013 - Added Russian translation
- 23 January 2013 - Added Spanish (Spain) translation
- 5 January 2013 - Added Spanish (Latin America) translation
- 4 November - Updated French translation
- 23 October - Added Japanese Translation
- 21 May - Added Dutch translation
- 14 May - Added French translation

Additional Credits:
This mod would not be possible without: Twallan (for his unprotect script), Peter Jones (for his unprotect program), Velocitygrass (for custom origins), and last but certainly not least, Buzzler, for all of his help, patience and kindness (not to mention his totally amazing logger and debug interactions).

Inge & Peter Jones for s3pe, everyone in the modding discussion forums at MTS, armiel for the Builder's DIY Island, spladoum for encouraging me to post this. Also, credit is due to the creators of these lovely objects which inspired this mod, ATS Sandy (ATS3, the first!) and New One (One Billion Pixels). Without their awesome foods, my mod is useless

Additional credits to Inge Jones, caterpillar, and MDM.

Lovely sim models by HystericalParoxysm (Nadya Crane) and SimSample (Hayleigh Honey).

Translations credits:
MiniMimi (French)
yannickvanloon (Dutch)
KurehaYuizaki (Japanese)
octopushead (Spanish-Latina America)
Nahuel3d (Spanish -Spain)
Galaxy777 (Russian)
Taissa_Ty (Portuguese BR)
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