Spell Book Tweaks, with multiple flavors (Updated for Carousel, Mill and Gondola)

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Casting spells with the spell book from the Sims 3 store has never been easier!

Note: You MUST have the Lady Ravendancer Goth's Book o' Spells from the Sims 3 Store in order for these mods to work. It will NOT add the item to your game.

Is your Premium Content not working properly? Read this to fix your problems: DCBackup, ccmerged.package and Your Premium Content Items

This mod is compatible with patch levels 1.66 and 1.67

As the Last Venue of the Amore is the last Sims 3 Premium Content release, this mod is now compatible with all Sims 3 Premium Content and should not require another update.

10 August 2014 - BUFF mods have all been updated for: World of Wonder Carousel Collection, Brunch at the Old Mill and the Last Venue of Amore (Gondola). If you do have this content you don't need to update, but it will not cause any problems if you do update. I always recommend updating.

  • Again, this requires the The Spell Book Premium Content Item from the Sims 3 Store to be installed in your game, or it will do absolutely nothing.
  • No other Expansion or Stuff Packs are required for this mod, ONLY the store item.
  • These mods work for patch 1.29 and up.

Conflicts This is important. READ THIS
  • These mods modify two completely different resources. You may download these separately, or together and use them both at the same time.
  • The Better Spell Casting And Reviewing mod will conflict with any other mod that alters the same resource or otherwise replaces it. Please see each mod for specific conflicts and installation instuctions.
  • You must update the BUFFs mod every time there is new premium content in the store that provides custom moodlets.
  • These mods will not conflict with the texture replacement created by Nukael.
  • You can always use Delphy's Sims 3 Dashboard Tool to test for conflicts.
  • Please note: I update this mod every time their is a new premium content item with Buffs.

You may mix and match these two mods. Use only one flavor from "Makin' Magic" and one from Better Spell Casting and Reviewing

Makin' Magic
Does the Makin' Magic buff disappear too quickly for your taste? Then this mod is for you.

FlavorPackageDescription - Use only one of these!
Buff_1Longer_Magic_1.packageMakin' Magic moodlet lasts 1 sim day.
Buff_30Longer_Magic_30.packageMakin' Magic moodlet is Permanent.
Buff_30_nobonusLonger_Magic_30_nobonus.packageMakin' Magic moodlet lis Permanent. The moodlet does not provide any mood boost.
Buff_6hrLonger_Magic_6hr.packageMakin' Magic moodlet lasts 6 hours.
Buff_90min_5bonusShorter_Magic_90_5bonus.packageMakin' Magic moodlet lasts 90 minutes and gives a +5 mood bonus.

How to install
Put this file in your Mod\Overrides folder. If you do not have one, create one and ensure that your Resource.cfg is properly set up for overrides. If you aren't sure, re-download the framework from here and put the included Resource.cfg in your Mods folder.

  • Put this mod in a properly configured Overrides folder..
  • This mods alters the buffs_store XML in the ccmerged.package and will conflict with any other mod that alters the same XML.

Better Spell Casting and Reviewing
Is your skilled witch tired of her casts failing for no apparent reason? Does your warlock wish he knew how to speed read, so that he could review his spells quicker? Look no further, as your wishes have been granted.

Spells_1Spellbook_Always_successful.packageYour sim has a 100% chance to cast a spell successfully.
Spells_2Spellbook_Always_successful_quickreview.packageYour sim has a 100% chance to cast a spell successfully. Reviewing a spell takes 1 sim minute.
Spells_3Spellbook_2xsuccess_5review.packageYour sim has twice the default chance to cast a spell successfully. Reviewing a spell takes 5 sim minutes.
Spells_4Spellbook_2xsuccess_5review_LTR30.packageYour sim has twice the default chance to cast a spell successfully. Reviewing a spell takes 5 sim minutes. Mood Elevatus Spell increases relationship by 30 (up from 15)

  • This mod alters the SpellBook_0x5c5946dbffca3d44 XML resource found in GameplayData.package and the Spell Book package.
  • This mod will conflict with any other mod that alters or otherwise replaces the above mentioned XML resource.

How to install
  • Put this file in Mods\Packages or wherever you install your package files.
  • If you installed this object a package file instead of using the Sims3Pack, put this file in your Mod\Overrides folder. If you do not have one, create one and ensure that your Resource.cfg is properly set up for overrides. If you aren't sure, re-download the framework from here and put the included Resource.cfg in your Mods folder.

Other Problems with your Spell book?
If, after removing your old Spell Book/FOY fix, the interactions on your Spell Book and Fountain of Youth are blank, you will need to re-install your Spell Book and Fountain of Youth. To do this, first uninstall those two items via the Launcher. Then you can re-install them using the sims3packs for Hidden Springs and the Gothique Library/Spell Book. See Tips for Effective Use of the Sims 3 Launcher How can I uninstall content using the Launcher ?

Always back up your files before you do this! In fact, just make a copy of your entire Sims 3 folder. This way, if you uninstall Hidden Springs entirely, you won't lose your save games. Also, when I did this, my Killer Classics set uninstalled itself as well for some reason. I re-installed it and everything was fine.

If your spell book is causing you grief by making your sim reset whenever he tries to use it, you have two ways to fix the problem:

If you'd like an additional flavor, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Additional Credits:
Peter & Inge Jones for S3PE, Armiel for the Builder's DIY Island which I use so frequently for testing. Omega for his Magic Items Fix and Simon (from MATY) for his fix for the spell book reset bug. Note: New Premium Content Fix at MATY is also by Omega.
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