No Autonomous "Watch TV" while carrying a baby (January 25th, 2014)
NoWatchTVCarryingBaby.jpg - width=760 height=539
Conflicts :
The following ITUN resources have been changed :
* files changed for NoAutonomousWatchTVCarryingBaby are marked with (1)
* files changed for NoWatchTVCarryingBaby are marked with (2)
(1) (2) - WatchTVAutonomously_TVCheap
(1) (2) - WatchTVAutonomously_TVExpensive
(1) (2) - WatchTVAutonomously_TVHolographic
(1) (2) - WatchTVAutonomously_TVModerate
(1) (2) - WatchTVAutonomously_TVModerateFlatscreen
(1) (2) - WatchTVAutonomously_TVWall
(2) - WatchHomeMovie_TV
(2) - WatchTV_TVCheap
(2) - WatchTV_TVExpensive
(2) - WatchTV_TVHolographic
(2) - WatchTV_TVModerate
(2) - WatchTV_TVModerateFlatscreen
(2) - WatchTV_TVWall
This mod will conflict with any other mod that change the above files.
Description :
Have you ever wondered why sims will pick up a baby and go watch tv, while carrying it, if the baby has no gain from it?
The poor thing gets bored while the parent is having a lot of fun!
Well, no more!
With this mod, your sims will never be able to watch TV while carrying an infant/toddler, sparing the little creature hours of pure boredom!

It comes in 2 Flavors :
NoAutonomousWatchTVCarryingBaby : Sims won't autonomously watch TV while carrying an infant/toddler, they will put it down first. You can, however, still have your sim watch TV while carrying an infant/toddler if you choose the interaction manually.
NoWatchTVCarryingBaby : Sims won't ever watch TV while carrying an infant/toddler, they will put it down first, either autonomously or manually.
I have tested both versions with all TVs, also CC and from the Store, no problems so far.

Additional Credits:
Inge and Peter Jones for S3PE
| Old Versions for 1.33 to 1.57
Uploaded: 18th Oct 2013, 6.5 KB.
| Sims will always put down the infant/toddler before watching TV, either autonomously or manually choosing the option.
Uploaded: 6th May 2012, 4.1 KB.
| Sims will put down the infant/toddler before autonomously watching TV. If you manually choose the option, they can still watch TV while carrying an infant/toddler.
Uploaded: 6th May 2012, 2.7 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 25th Jan 2014 at 12:36 AM - Updated for 1.67
#autonomous, #watch, #tv, #television, #baby, #infant, #toddler
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