Insane Converse V20 (November 17th, 2014)
InsaneSimConverse.jpg - width=600 height=540
Microwave Love
InsaneSimConverse2.jpg - width=1020 height=764
Insane Group Conversation with TV

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- JunJayMdM.InsaneConverse V20
- November 17th, 2014
- Added tunable value to enable/disable overriding of the 'Talk to Self' interaction
- Full revision of the mod, focused on improving performance and optimizing all the tasks related to interactions and settings. The result was a new rewrite of the framework, along with many bug fixes
- November 17th, 2014
March 15th - Updated framework
March 2nd, 2014 - The 'Let Off Steam' moodlet will now lasts longer depending on the interaction duration
March 2nd, 2014 - Pushed interactions now have a lower priority, preventing other high priority game interactions from being canceled
February 4th, 2014 - Replaced a process on loadup that was causing freezes under certain circumstances
January 25th, 2014 - Verified 1.67 Compatibility
January 25th, 2014 - Added error catching when interactions are added on World loaded
January 15th, 2014 - Verified 1.66 Compatibility
November 11th, 2013 - Fixed a potential bug in the errors detection causing Exceptions being thrown while trowing Exceptions (ah the irony...)
November 11th, 2013 - Improved framework for better code management
November 11th, 2013 - Added Greek (GRE_GR) translation (thanks to tasos500)
November 11th, 2013 - Insane Converse V14
October 27th, 2013 - Fixed interaction for Holographic TV
October 27th, 2013 - Old version for patch level 1.50 up to 1.57 archived and downloadable
October 27th, 2013 - Insane Converse V13
October 19th, 2013 - Updated for 1.63 (removed unnecessary code from the framework to ensure compatibility with 1.50 and 1.57 patch level)
October 19th, 2013 - Insane Converse V12
September 9th, 2013 - More balloons added, specifically topic balloons (the ones used in conversations)
September 9th, 2013 - Introduced a Push system that will push nearby Insane Sims that witness another "colleague" conversing, to join the fun. See details in the 'Interaction Specifics' section below
September 9th, 2013 - Fridges and Mirrors now allow group Conversing. This means children can use Mirrors too now
September 9th, 2013 - Interaction length for the timed stage can now be set in minutes. See details in the 'Settings' section below
September 9th, 2013 - Overriden 'Talk to Self' interaction to make it part of the Insane Converse set. See details in the 'Interaction Specifics' section below
September 9th, 2013 - Overriden 'Change Channel' interaction to prevent its availability while Insane Sims are happily conversing with TVs
September 9th, 2013 - Several bug fixes and improvements
September 9th, 2013 - Updated internal framework to its final form (finally!)
September 9th, 2013 - Verified 1.57 compatibility
September 9th, 2013 - Insane Converse V11
August 18th, 2013 - Added Mexican (SPA_MX) and Spanish (SPA_ES) translations (thanks to BXXN)
August 12th, 2013 - Fixed potential bug where the interaction was not being added to new objects
August 12th, 2013 - Fixed potential bug where the interaction wasn't working with FishTanks
August 12th, 2013 - Updated internal framework
August 12th, 2013 - Insane Converse V10
July 16th, 2013 - Added downloadable package to restrict the 'Settings' menu. See details in the 'Settings' section below
July 16th, 2013 - Version and date of the last update for the mod are now shown in the header of the Settings dialog
July 16th, 2013 - Updated internal framework
July 16th, 2013 - Insane Converse V9
June 21st, 2013 - Removed the NoAutonomous version of the mod, since now it can be switched in the Settings
June 21st, 2013 - Added Settings. See details in the 'Settings' section below
June 21st, 2013 - Removed the injection for the "Talk To Self" interaction, for the same reason as below
June 21st, 2013 - Removed the threshold for autonomy, the game seems to handle it fine now without it
June 21st, 2013 - Added Polish(PL) translation (thanks to sarkotka)
June 21st, 2013 - Verified 1.55 compatibility
June 21st, 2013 - Massive code change
June 21st, 2013 - Insane Converse V8
<--- Older entries have been deleted --->
Game Version : 1.63 - 1.67

Unlikely. This mod will hardly ever conflict with another one. However, the 'Talk To Self' and 'Change Channel' have been overriden, so another mod that somehow fiddles with those interactions, might not work as intended.
Known Issues
They're insane. Is that an issue?
Insane sims are insane... they love having a nice conversation with objects around the house, it makes them feel appreciated.
This mod adds a 'Converse With' interaction to TVs, Stereos, Mirrors, Fridges, Counter appliances, FishTanks and FishBowls for sims with the 'Insane' trait. (see Interactions Specifics section below)

Awww, isn't she cute? What? You think it doesn't make sense that she's interacting with a microwave, falling in love with it and emitting robotic sounds? It doesn't have to, she's insane! Gagablll blllgagaghhh!
Interaction Specifics
- There are 2 stages available for the interaction :
1) Default - Interaction duration is timed (drag to the far right) * the interaction will always start with this one
2) Indefinite - Interaction duration is unlimited (drag to the far left)
- If a Counter Appliance is in use, the interaction in the Pie Menu will be greyed out. If any breakable object is broken, the interaction won't appear in the Pie Menu.
- All the interactions are Autonomous, unless you disable it from the mod settings.
- Other Sims, in the same room and in a 8m radius, will react to the interaction (Insane Sims will be excited about it and get a 'Fascinated' moodlet, while others will think they're nuts and get a 'Creeped Out' moodlet).
- Sims with the 'Light Sleeper' trait, sleeping in the same room, will be disturbed by the interaction (Except for TVs and Stereos; Light Sleepers will be disturbed by those instead).
- If TVs and Stereos get turned Off during the interaction, either by the player or another sim (manually canceling the interaction doesn't count), Insane Sims will get angry and receive a 'Upset' moodlet. Also, they won't get rewarded with the positive moodlets (awwwww). The same applies if TVs and Stereos get broken while being used.
Talk To Self
This is an EA interaction that it's been overriden.
I added the same Stages, a Reaction Broadcaster and new balloons.
It gives Insane Sims a 'Let Off Steam' moodlet.
There is no ITUN file because the tuning is injected from the code, with alterations to match the behavior of the 'Converse With' interaction.
Counter Appliances
If you purchased the Ice Cream Maker and the Deep Fryer from the Store (or any other Counter Appliance), it will work for them too.
Insane Simbots are excluded from Counter Appliances, they will use the EA interaction instead.
Only available for Young Adults and above.
It uses the "ConverseWithAppliance" animation from the EP Ambitions.
It gives Insane Sims a 'Great Lecture' moodlet.
If interacting with the Microwave, they will also get an additional 'First Romance' moodlet. (They will get it everytime, they're insane, don't be picky)
TV, Stereo, FishTank, FishBowl, Mirror and Fridge
Only available for Children and above.
If the TV / Stereo is not ON, Sims will turn it ON when they start interacting with it, then turn it OFF when they're finished only if noone else is watching/using it.
More sims can Converse with these objects at the same time. 'Ask to Join' and 'Join' are available if you click another Insane sim or if you click the interacting sim.
(After repeated tests I've come to the conclusion that 6 is the max number of sims that can converse at the same time, granted there are no obstacles around and the path is free)
It uses the "TalkToSelf" animation, typical of Insane Sims.
It gives Insane Sims a 'Let Off Steam' moodlet.
If other Insane Sims witness another Sim conversing with these objects, they will rush to join the fun (NPCs included). They'll drop whatever they're doing (unless critical) because conversing is so much fun!
The Push is an autonomous behavior so, as such, it will work only if autonomy is enabled (both in the mod and the game options).

- You can click anywhere on the Terrain and under the "JunJayMdM" menu you will find "InsaneConverse Settings".
- If you want the Settings menu shown only when cheats are enabled, download the extra file named "JunJayMdM.OnlineCenter_RestrictedSettings" and add it to the Mods folder. Simply remove it to make the Settings menu always available.
This setting will enable/disable the autonomy for the "Converse With" interaction.
Set Interaction Length
This setting will let you set the length, in Sim Minutes, of the 'Converse With' timed stage.
This mod has its own localization, this means that all strings will need to be translated into each language.
Code | Language | Avalaibility |
CHS_CN | Chinese Simplified | Needs Update |
CHT_CN | Chinese Traditional | Needs Update |
CZE_CZ | Czech | Needs Update |
DAN_DK | Danish | Needs Update |
DUT_NL | Dutch | Needs Update |
ENG_US | English | Complete |
FIN_FI | Finnish | Needs Update |
FRE_FR | French | Needs Update |
GER_DE | German | Needs Update |
GRE_GR | Greek | Complete |
HUN_HU | Hungarian | Needs Update |
ITA_IT | Italian | Complete |
JPN_JP | Japanese | Needs Update |
KOR_KR | Korean | Needs Update |
NOR_NO | Norwegian | Needs Update |
POL_PL | Polish | Complete |
POR_BR | Portoguese | Complete |
POR_PT | Portoguese | Needs Update |
RUS_RU | Russian | Needs Update |
SPA_ES | Spanish | Complete |
SPA_MX | Spanish | Complete |
SWE_SE | Swedish | Needs Update |
THA_TH | Thaiwanese | Needs Update |
- First of all, download the 'Strings' file in the Download tab
- Extract it, open the TXT file for the language you want to translate, with Notepad (check the code in the filename)
- Replace the text you find inside all the <STR> and </STR> lines
Example :
<STR>Converse With</STR> -----> <STR>Translated Text</STR>
- Do not change anything else in the file or it will become unusable
- Ignore {0.String} or {0.Number} if you see them
- Now choose 'Save As...' and give it a name containing the language code or I won't be able to identify it
- Before saving, make sure that the format is Unicode, or it will become unusable
- Last, zip the file and attach it in a post in the Comments tab
- You don't need to have 'Ambitions' installed, it will work fine as long as your game is patched up to date.
- Do not feed it to pigeons unless they're starving.
- This mod shouldn't have bugs but if it does, please report them.
Additional Credits:

Inge and Peter Jones for S3PE
MTS tutorials and modders that helped me a lot learning about tuning and scripting
Twallan for his precious mods and the Tuning Injector.
barbarat, desiree101(DeeSim), J4Ks for testing
BXXN, Levini, TammyLin Saphir, tasos500, juliettegossens123, CrazyGuy BR, sarkotka for the translations
| November 17th, 2014 - Version 20
Uploaded: 17th Nov 2014, 59.1 KB.
| Old version of the mod for patch level 1.50 up to 1.57
Uploaded: 27th Oct 2013, 41.6 KB.
| Add this if you want to restrict the Settings menu (see 'Settings' section in the post)
Uploaded: 16th Jul 2013, 463 Bytes.
| November 11th, 2013 - This zip contains the Strings Files, download this if you want to submit a translation (see 'Translation' section in the post)
Uploaded: 2nd Sep 2012, 5.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 17th Nov 2014 at 8:21 PM - Updated mod
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