Study Skills Online V37 (November 19th, 2014)
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JunJayMdM - Study Skills Online

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- JunJayMdM.StudySkillsOnline V37
- November 19th, 2014
- Fixed potential bug where the interaction was getting canceled on Laptops if started from the inventory
- November 19th, 2014

November 17th, 2014 - Fixed potential bug where interactions were not added to Smartphones for newly created Sims
November 6th, 2014 - Fixed potential bug where settings would reset for Sims out of town (i.e. Free Vacation, Boarding School, ...)
November 1st, 2014 - 'Career/University' Priority will now include Skills that affect Degree Performance
November 1st, 2014 - Minor code optimizations
July 21st, 2014 - Full revision of the mod, focused on improving performance and optimizing all the tasks related to interactions and settings. The result was a new rewrite of the framework, along with many bug fixes
July 21st, 2014 - Updated Spanish (SPA_MX - SPA_ES) translation (thanks to jal_2010)
March 15th, 2014 - Fixed interactions names not showing properly when using NRaas Retuner
March 13th, 2014 - Updated Chinese translation
March 13th, 2014 - Fixed interactions not being added to SmartPhones if EP11 Into The Future is installed without EP9 University Life
March 13th, 2014 - Made changes to the Settings Cleanup to perform more efficiently
February 23rd, 2014 - Replaced numeric values for the 'Set UserDirected Threshold' setting with a descriptive text (as seen in 'Skills Configuration')
February 23rd, 2014 - Checks for restricted skills are now more accurate
February 23rd, 2014 - Fixed dependent skills not being filtered properly in 'Show Skills Availability'
February 23rd, 2014 - Added workaround to a potential bug with the 'Advanced Technology' skill, caused by EA's infinite wisdom
February 17th, 2014 - Added Cleanup for the 'Tablet Interaction Type' setting
February 17th, 2014 - Expanded 'Tablet Interaction Type' setting (see 'Settings Specifics' section below)
February 7th, 2014 - Added Artisan skill from a Store Item (see 'Description' section below)
February 4th, 2014 - Replaced a process on loadup that was causing freezes under certain circumstances
February 4th, 2014 - Added Surfing skill from a Store Item (see 'Description' section below)
January 29th, 2014 - Added new skills from Store Items (see 'Description' section below)
January 29th, 2014 - Fixed Event Listeners improperly saved (if you got Script Errors from NRaas ErrorTrap reporting them as Unhandled Reference, this fixed it)
January 25th, 2014 - Verified 1.67 Compatibility
January 25th, 2014 - Added error catching when interactions are added on World loaded
January 15th, 2014 - Verified 1.66 Compatibility
January 10th, 2014 - Fixed potential bug where the game would hang when playing a new Household on a new game
January 8th, 2014 - Fixed potential bug where interactions won't run from inventory
January 8th, 2014 - Full revision of the whole code, resulting in optimized peformance and many bug fixes
November 30th, 2013 - Added Finnish (FIN_FI) translation (thanks to tonttuli)
November 28th, 2013 - The modifier for Sims with the Genius or Computer Whiz traits has been greatly reduced and the effective value will now be shown in the 'Skill Gain Rate' setting
November 28th, 2013 - Added new setting to set the 'Skill Gain Rate' individually for each Sim (see 'Settings Specifics' section below)
November 28th, 2013 - Reduced default 'Skill Gain Rate' to 8 and minimum value allowed to 2
November 28th, 2013 - Added a scoring system to the autonomy, improving focus on Skills of interest
November 28th, 2013 - Settings code overhaul, many bug fixes and improvements, especially to the Cleanup for unused values
November 15th, 2013 - Fixed a bug in the Debug processes
November 15th, 2013 - Fixed Autonomy Status not working properly (i.e. autonomous interactions running even if Autonomy was disabled)
November 13th, 2013 - Added new setting to switch between Default and Tabcast type of interaction for Tablets (see 'Settings Specifics' section below)
November 13th, 2013 - The interaction is now available on Tablets too (see details in the sections below)
November 13th, 2013 - Fixed a potential bug in the main interaction, causing Sims to get reset when the Computer reference was lost
November 8th, 2013 - The main interaction now implements the original ComputerInteraction, which resulted in less code, less load, less hassle, less issues
November 8th, 2013 - Fixed a potential bug in the errors detection causing Exceptions being thrown while trowing Exceptions (ah the irony...)
November 8th, 2013 - Improved framework for better code management
October 29th, 2013 - Added new Skills to for 'Traits' and 'Lifetime Wish' dependencies
<--- Older entries have been deleted --->
Game Version : 1.63 - 1.67

This mod overrides the following EA Interactions on Tablets :
- PickUpTabletForAudio
- ListenToAudioProgram
Any other mod that overrides those interactions might not work or cause problems. Aside from that, this mod will hardly ever conflict with another one. The worst it can happen is that it won't work, if you have a Core mod installed that changes the resources used by my mod. As far as I know, no such mod exists.
Known Issues and Quirks
This mod simply adds a "Study Skills Online" menu to all computers, smartphones and tablets, where you can choose skills for your sims to learn. Once a skill has been chosen, your sim will start studying it.
- If you have the Online Center mod installed, you will find the 'Study Skills Online...' menu button under the 'Online Center...' path.
- If you purchased the MultiTab 6000 from EA Store, you can choose whether to have Sims study skills by using it classically or with the Tabcast.
The 'Listen to Tabcast' interaction has been moved inside the 'Study Skills Online' menu. If you have the NRaas OnceRead Tablet module installed, my 'Listen to Tabcast' interaction will be disabled, so you will still have it outside the menu, plus the classic Study Skills interaction inside. It's also important to note that the NRaas interaction is not affected by Autonomy Settings, while mine is, so I strongly suggest ro remove that module to avoid confusion, unless you really need it, in which case just keep an eye open
- If you purchased The Lucky Simoleon Casino from EA Store, the Gambling skill will be available under 'Choose Skill...'.
- If you purchased Lady Ravendancer Goth's Book o' Spells from EA Store, the Spell Casting skill will be available under 'Choose Hidden Skill...' (this requires 'Hidden Skills' enabled in 'Study Skills Online Settings').
- If you purchased Stiff as a Board, Light as a Feather Dance Collection from EA Store, the Dancing skill will be available under 'Choose Skill...'.
- If you purchased Fit as a Fiddle Violin from EA Store, the Violin skill will be available under 'Choose Skill...'.
- If you purchased Surf’s Up Sun & Fun Wave Station from EA Store, the Surfing skill will be available under 'Choose Hidden Skill...' (this requires 'Hidden Skills' enabled in 'Study Skills Online Settings').
- If you purchased Artisan's Glassblowing and Jewelry Making Station from EA Store, the Artisan skill will be available under 'Choose Skill...'.
Here's a list with all the skills available :
Skill Name | Minimum EP required | Notes |
Advanced Technology | EP11 - Into The Future | - |
Artisan | Artisan's Glassblowing and Jewelry Making Station | Available only if you own the Store Item |
Athletic | Base Game | - |
Bartending | EP03 - Late Night | - |
Bass Guitar | EP03 - Late Night | - |
Bot Building | EP11 - Into The Future | - |
Charisma | Base Game | - |
Cooking | Base Game | - |
Dancing | Stiff as a Board, Light as a Feather Dance Collection | Available only if you own the Store Item |
Drums | EP03 - Late Night | - |
Fishing | Base Game | - |
Gambling | The Lucky Simoleon Casino | Available only if you own the Store Item |
Gardening | Base Game | - |
Guitar | Base Game | - |
Handiness | Base Game | - |
Inventing | EP02 - Ambitions | - |
Laser Rhythm-a-con | EP11 - Into The Future | - |
Logic | Base Game | - |
Martial Arts | EP01 - World Adventures | - |
Nectar | EP01 - World Adventures | - |
Painting | Base Game | - |
Photography | EP01 - World Adventures | - |
Piano | EP03 - Late Night | - |
Riding | EP05 - Pets | - |
Science | EP09 - University Life | - |
Scuba Diving | EP10 - Island Paradise | - |
Sculpting | EP02 - Ambitions | - |
Social Networking | EP09 - University Life | - |
SpellCraft | EP07 - Supernatural | - |
Street Art | EP09 - University Life | - |
Violin | Fit as a Fiddle Violin | Available only if you own the Store Item |
Writing | Base Game | - |

- You can find "Settings" under the "Study Skills Online..." menu, or when clicking on the Terrain (if enabled) under the "JunJayMdM" menu.
- Every change you make to these values will be permanent when you save the game.
- You will find more details about these values, when selecting the option ingame.
'Skill' Gain Rate
The skill points gained per Sim minute while studying. The higher the value, the faster the skill will gain points.
It can be set individually for each Sim.
The modified value for Sims with the Genius or Computer Whiz traits, is also shown.
'Hidden Skill' Gain Rate
The same as the above one, but this is only for Hidden Skills.
Tablet Interaction Type
How Sims will interact with the Tablet to study skills.
It can be set individually for each Sim.
If you choose 'Default', they will study skills by browsing with it.
If you choose 'Tabcast' they will study skills by using the 'Listen to Tabcast' interaction.
This option will disappear if you have NRaas OnceRead Tablet installed and only the Default interaction will be available.
Set UserDirected Threshold
Minimum level required for a skill to be studied on a computer.
A value of -1 disables the minimum level required.
A value of 0 will make it available only if the Sim already started learning it.
A value of 1 will make it available only if it's visible in the 'Skills Panel'.
A value of 10 will prevent it from being studied.
NOTE : This will NOT affect the Autonomous interaction and does NOT apply to hidden skills.
Enable/Disable 'Autonomy Settings'
This option disables/enables 'Autonomy Settings'.
If disabled, the autonomous 'Study Skills' interaction will be disabled for all Sims in the current World.
All its individual settings will be preserved.
Enable/Disable Hidden Skills
This option disables/enables Hidden Skills availability.
If you want to see the progress get this mod ----> Hidden Skills Unhidden by gobot101
You can see a list of all the hidden skills available in the "Hidden Skills Unhidden" thread. Remember that they're not always available to study, it depends on the sim.
It is important to note that, since hidden skills are not supposed to be learned this way, some will gain faster and some slower. You might see empty notifications when leveling up and a good portion of the names are not even localized. There's nothing I can do about it and since this is considered "Cheating", it's a small price to pay.
Enable/Disable 'Settings' Menu on Terrain
This option disables/enables the Settings Menu availability when clicking on the Terrain.
Reset Values to Default
This option resets all values to default (except "Show Settings Menu on Terrain" and the "Autonomy Settings" if you choose not to).
Since Version 12, Autonomy Settings can be set individually for each playable Sim in the active Household. When 'Autonomy Settings' is clicked, you'll be able to choose the Sim you want to change the settings for. If there's only 1 playable Sim, it will get chosen automatically.
Apply to Other Sims
This option appears only when Autonomy Settings are changed for the first time. You can select one or more Sims in the active Household and decide which settings you want to apply to them.
Autonomy Priority
You can adjust this option to decide what type of skills the chosen Sim should give priority to.
- Disabled : No priority. The Sim will autonomously study a random skill.
- 'Career/University' Skills : The Sim will autonomously study skills needed to advance in their careers or improve Degree Performance. If unemployed or not in a University, priority is given first to the Lifetime Wish then Traits.
- 'Lifetime Wish' Skills: The Sim will autonomously study skills needed to fulfill their Lifetime Wish. If they don't have one yet or it's already been fulfilled, priority is given first to Career/University then Traits.
- 'Traits' Skills : The Sim will autonomously study skills based on their traits. If not available, priority is given first to Career/University then Lifetime Wish.
If a priority has been set and none of the requirements are met, the autonomy will choose a random skill as a last resort.
When Autonomy Priority is not Disabled, dependent skills will be ignored by the Skills Configuration.
Autonomy Status
This option disables/enables the interaction's Autonomy for the selected Sim and type of object.
Reset Autonomy Settings
This option appears only when Autonomy Settings are changed for at least one playable Sim in the active Household. You can select one or more Sims you wish to reset Autonomy Settings for.
Show Skills Availability
This option shows a list of skills that the chosen Sim will attempt to autonomously study. The list is created based on the Autonomy Priority set and the Skills Configuration.
Skills Configuration
This option lets you configure every single skill's availability for the chosen Sim. You can select one ore more skills and then change the value to your liking.
A value of -1 disables the minimum level required.
A value of 0 will make it available only if the Sim already started learning it.
A value of 1 will make it available only if it's visible in the 'Skills Panel'.
A value of 10 will prevent it from being studied.
NOTE : If a skill depends on one of the priorities set, any value specified here will be ignored.
- The skill names are directly taken from the game, so they're completely localized for all languages (except some Hidden Skills, they can't be translated).
- Settings are not available for translation. Why? Because they can be compared to the explanations here on the thread and it's easier for me to provide help for them.
If you feel like translating the strings, check in the table below if a specific language "Needs Update", then read the instructions.
Code | Language | Avalaibility |
CHS_CN | Chinese Simplified | Complete |
CHT_CN | Chinese Traditional | Complete |
CZE_CZ | Czech | Needs Update |
DAN_DK | Danish | Needs Update |
DUT_NL | Dutch | Needs Update |
ENG_US | English | Complete |
FIN_FI | Finnish | Complete |
FRE_FR | French | Needs Update |
GER_DE | German | Complete |
GRE_GR | Greek | Needs Update |
HUN_HU | Hungarian | Needs Update |
ITA_IT | Italian | Complete |
JPN_JP | Japanese | Needs Update |
KOR_KR | Korean | Needs Update |
NOR_NO | Norwegian | Needs Update |
POL_PL | Polish | Complete |
POR_BR | Portoguese | Needs Update |
POR_PT | Portoguese | Needs Update |
RUS_RU | Russian | Complete |
SPA_ES | Spanish | Complete |
SPA_MX | Spanish | Complete |
SWE_SE | Swedish | Needs Update |
THA_TH | Thaiwanese | Needs Update |
- First of all, download the 'Strings' file in the Download tab
- Extract it, open the TXT file for the language you want to translate, with Notepad (check the code in the filename)
- Replace the text you find inside all the <STR> and </STR> lines
Example :
<STR>Study Skills Online</STR> -----> <STR>Translated Text</STR>
- Do not change anything else in the file or it will become unusable
- Ignore {0.String} or {0.Number} if you see them
- Now choose 'Save As...' and give it a name containing the language code or I won't be able to identify it
- Before saving, make sure that the format is Unicode, or it will become unusable
- Last, zip the file and attach it in a post in the Comments tab
*** NOTE : One or more lines might contain a "\n" . That's a Line Break. Just place it where you want the line to break
Example :
"The cat is smoking\nweed on the porch" will read :
"The cat is smoking
weed on the porch"
- You don't need to have EPs installed, it will work fine with the Base Game only, as long as your game is patched up to date.
- Some skills require purchasing from The Sims 3 Store in order to appear. Check the 'Description' section to see which ones.
- No matter how much it cries, no matter how much it begs. Never, never feed it after midnight!
- If you find bugs in this mod, call the exterminator or simply report them to me
Additional Credits
Inge and Peter Jones for S3PE
MTS tutorials that helped me a lot learning about tuning and scripting
Twallan for helping me with the localization and his mods and tools
Buzzler, Inge Jones, Consort, cmomoney for helping
Armiel for her Builder's Island
claudiasharon, desiree101(DeeSim), Sydserious for testing
All the modders in general and the good mods out there
homermill, jal_2010, KuriXarya, MacSim, MiniMimi, Nic, skyty, tonttuli, wintchs, wheatberry, witchwq, yannickvanloon for the translations
| November 19th, 2014 - Version 37
Uploaded: 19th Nov 2014, 77.0 KB.
| Old version of the mod for patch level 1.50 up to 1.57
Uploaded: 20th Oct 2013, 52.5 KB.
| July 21st, 2014 - Download this only if you want to submit a translation
Uploaded: 9th Jun 2012, 5.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 19th Nov 2014 at 7:37 AM - Updated mod
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