Online Center V30 (December 2nd, 2014)
OnlineCenter.jpg - width=1220 height=800
JunJayMdM Online Center
ReadeBooks1.jpg - width=607 height=350
Read eBooks options
ReadeBooks2.jpg - width=577 height=710
Let's choose which genres of eBooks to browse
ReadEbooks3.jpg - width=621 height=830
Now we just need to pick an eBook to read
Settings.jpg - width=618 height=416
Online Center Settings
PlumbBook1.jpg - width=378 height=378
Meeting a Sim on PlumbBook
PieMenu1.jpg - width=800 height=500
Showing Interactions
PieMenu2.jpg - width=800 height=500
Showing eShopping Interactions

If you don't know how ---> Game Help:Sims 3 Delete Cache Files
- JunJayMdM.OnlineCenter V30
- December 2nd, 2014
- Fixed more bugs in eBooks code, especially reversed prices, dog changed the code...yes it was my dog! (P.S. My dog was not harmed after the discovery. P.P.S. I don't own a dog)
- Minor code optimizations.
- Added Swedish translation (thanks to Makkxa).
- December 2nd, 2014
November 25th, 2014 - Added setting to enable/disable NRaas Consigner integration (see 'Settings' section below for details).
November 25th, 2014 - Added integration with NRaas Consigner (see 'Description' section below for details).
November 25th, 2014 - The 'Change Name' interaction will now allow you to select multiple Sims.
November 25th, 2014 - Fixed minor bug in eBooks code.
November 25th, 2014 - Minor code optimizations.
November 16th, 2014 - Moved the mod from Simlogical to MTS (which is why it's starting from Version 28, I'm not crazy. Well, yes I am, but....)
November 16th, 2014 - Fixed potential bug where interactions were not added to Smartphones for newly created Sims.
November 16th, 2014 - Added 'Opportunities' option to eBooks. If the autonomy is enabled, they will attempt to read those first in order to complete the Opportunity.
November 16th, 2014 - Added 'eBook Thumbnail' setting (see 'Settings' section for details).
November 16th, 2014 - Updated French (FRE_FR) translation (thanks to Occultine).
November 16th, 2014 - Updated Chinese (CHS_CN - CHT_CN) translation (thanks to egureh).
November 16th, 2014 - Full revision of the mod, focused on improving performance and optimizing all the tasks related to interactions and settings. The result was a new rewrite of the framework, along with many bug fixes.
March 15th, 2014 - Fixed interactions names not showing properly when using NRaas Retuner.
March 12th, 2014 - Added Chinese translations (thanks to egureh).
March 11th, 2014 - Added French translation (thanks to Occultine).
March 11th, 2014 - Fixed interactions not being added to SmartPhones if EP11 Into The Future is installed without EP9 University Life.
March 11th, 2014 - Made changes to the Settings Cleanup to perform more efficiently.
February 4th, 2014 - Replaced a process on loadup that was causing freezes under certain circumstances.
January 25th, 2014 - Verified 1.67 Compatibility.
January 25th, 2014 - Added error catching when interactions are added on World loaded.
January 15th, 2014 - Verified 1.66 Compatibility.
January 12th, 2014 - Added new 'Find Recipes' Setting to change the chance of learning new recipes (see the "Online Center Settings" post below for details).
January 10th, 2014 - Fixed potential bug where the game would hang when playing a new Household on a new game.
January 8th, 2014 - PlumbBook's private messages will now be sent only from Sims not on the same Lot.
January 8th, 2014 - Fixed potential bug where interactions won't run from inventory.
January 8th, 2014 - Full revision of the whole code, resulting in optimized peformance and many bug fixes.
November 15th 2013 - Fixed Autonomy Status not working properly (i.e. autonomous interactions running even if Autonomy was disabled).
November 15th 2013 - Fixed bad tunings for Tablets (ooops).
November 13th 2013 - Finally, all interactions are now available for Tablets too.
November 13th 2013 - Fixed a potential bug in the main interaction, causing Sims to get reset when the Computer reference was lost.
November 7th 2013 - Added dialog to choose from RabbitHoles or Registers (if both available in the world) when eShopping for Books and Groceries.
November 7th 2013 - The main interaction now implements the original ComputerInteraction, which resulted in less code, less load, less hassle, less issues.
November 7th 2013 - Fixed a potential bug in the errors detection causing Exceptions being thrown while trowing Exceptions (ah the irony...).
November 7th 2013 - Improved framework for better code management.
October 29th 2013 - Added 'Buy Lotto Ticket' interaction (see the "Online Center Interactions' post below for details).
October 29th 2013 - Added new 'Check PlumbBook' Setting (see the "Online Center Settings" post below for details).
October 29th 2013 - Sims checking PlumbBook will now randomly receive private messages from other Sims.
October 24th 2013 - Activated HoloComputer interactions for 'Into The Future' EP.
October 21st 2013 - Added reference for Bot Emporium (consignment) and HoloComputer that come with 'Into The Future' EP.
October 21st 2013 - Updated mod for 1.63.
October 21st 2013 - Old mod for patch level 1.50 up to 1.57 has been archived and made available for download.
September 9th 2013 - Sims will pay the full price for eBooks only the first time they read them.
September 9th 2013 - Fixed potential bug where, in some cases, laptops were not put back in the inventory.
September 9th 2013 - Several bug fixes and improvements.
September 9th 2013 - Updated internal framework to its final form (finally!).
September 9th 2013 - Verified 1.57 Compatibility.
August 16th 2013 - Cleaned the code for eBooks and, while at it, fixed a bug with Written Books not being retrieved.
August 12th 2013 - Added new Settings.(see the "Online Center Settings" post below for details).
August 12th 2013 - Added Fishing Books to the eBooks database.
August 12th 2013 - Added Recipes Books to the eBooks database.
August 12th 2013 - Added Alchemy Recipes Books to the eBooks database (requires EP7 Supernatural).
August 12th 2013 - Version number and date are now shown on the Settings dialog.
August 12th 2013 - Massive code change and bug fixes (thanks to Twallan for the "auto-resize" dialogs)
July 1st 2013 - Added Written Books to the eBooks database.
July 1st 2013 - Added Comics to the eBooks database (requires EP9 University Life).
July 1st 2013 - Added "All Genres" to the eBooks dialog.
July 1st 2013 - Fixed a couple of minor issues with the eBooks dialog.
June 28th 2013 - The 'Read eBooks" interaction has been completely rewritten from scratch to include all General Books listed by genre, and a price to pay for reading them (see the post below for details).
June 28th 2013 - The 'Check PlumbBook' interaction has been revisited and improved. If you have EP9 University Life installed, it will improve your Social Networking skill too.
June 28th 2013 - All the interactions are now available for SmartPhones too (you need to have EP9 University Life installed).
June 28th 2013 - Added a Settings interface for the interactions (see the "Online Center Settings" post below for details).
June 28th 2013 - The whole mod has been restructured and updated to be compatible with the 1.55 patch.
November 9th 2012 - Changed how PlumbBook handles relationships, for more reliability (thanks to Twallan for the suggestion).
November 8th 2012 - Interactions are now faster to execute (especially "Check PlumbBook").
November 8th 2012 - Revised interactions to see which ones should be available on Vacation, in a way that won't interfere with "NRaas Traveler" installed.
November 8th 2012 - Added detection of "Books" and "Food" registers to "eShopping". If no Rabbitholes are available, those will be used.
November 8th 2012 - Added a Setting under "Online Center Settings..." to enable/disable General Store, Nectar Store and Relic Store (see the post below for details).
November 8th 2012 - Added General Store, Nectar, Pets and Relics shopping in the "eShopping" interaction (see the post below for details).
November 8th 2012 - "Check PlumbBook" will now work on Vacation too (thanks to Twallan). Relationship gain is now more modular, the more friends you have, the less you will gain.
November 2nd 2012 - Fixed an issue with notifications not being shown for errors caught on startup.
October 30th 2012 - Verified 1.42 Compatibility.
October 30th 2012 - Added Fun modifier for Sims with the NightOwl trait in "Check PlumbBook" and "Read eBook" interactions.
September 27th 2012 - Verified 1.39 Compatibility.
September 14th 2012 - "Read eBooks" and "Find Recipes" interactions are now available in Vacation Worlds.
September 13th 2012 - Fixed bad bug where the "Consignment Shop" interaction was not showing (thanks to "DeeSim").
September 13th 2012 - Fixed a few eShopping strings not showing.
September 12th 2012 - Added "Potion Shop" to eShopping (EP7 Supernatural only).
September 12th 2012 - The "Shopping" interaction is now called "eShopping".
September 12th 2012 - "PlumBook" has been renamed to "PlumbBook".
September 2nd 2012 - Verified 1.38 Compatibility.
September 2nd 2012 - The whole mod has been rewritten to be more efficient and reliable.
September 2nd 2012 - "Find Recipes" has been changed to work only if there are recipes to learn.
September 2nd 2012 - "Check Plumbook" will now be faster, also Charismatic and Friendly sims will use it more and will have more chances to meet new sims. Shy sims the opposite. Perceptive sims will learn more traits.
August 8th 2012 - Added "Read eBooks" and "Find Recipes" interactions. Read the post below for details.
August 2nd 2012 - ("Check PlumBook" only) The interaction is now always available as long as the computer can be used, then if there are no sims to check, you will be notified. Also, added a notification when new Sims are met on PlumBook. Relationship gain is now modular and will not always be the same for all Sims.
August 1st 2012 - Fixed a bad bug causing sims to get reset. As long as I was there, I rebalanced a bit the chance of meeting new sims and increased the relationship gain.
July 31st 2012 - Fixed a minor bug where the sim could get reset while Checking PlumBook (thanks to Twallan).
July 31st 2012 - Added a new interaction called "Check PlumBook". This was suggested by coltraz, over at NRaas. (He suggested "SimBook" but I called it "PlumBook"). See the post below for details.
July 30th 2012 - The interaction will now show up when coming back from a vacation world, on laptops carried in the sims inventory (thanks to Twallan).
July 17th 2012 - Disabled Autonomy for the "Read eSimNews" interaction. Besides being pointless (it's not like reading the newspaper, if you want to see your sim typing on a computer then the game already got some of those interactions), it had a bug where at the end of the Autonomous interaction, the sim would try to do it again and whine cos there was him doing it and not realizing it. If you got lost, then forget it, it's just a bug.

Game Version : 1.63 - 1.67

- This mod removes the following EA Interactions on Tablets :
- ChooseBookOnTablet
- PickUpTabletForReading
- ReadBookOnTablet
- PickUpTabletForShopping
- ShopForBooksOnTablet
- Any other mod that overrides those interactions might not work or cause problems.
- If you have the NRaas OnceRead Tablet module installed, the interaction to read books on Tablets will still be available, so I recommend removing it. Note that OnceRead Tablet also overrides the Tabcast by adding all skills, but you may use Study Skills Online which integrates that functionality.
- Aside from that, this mod will hardly ever conflict with another one. The worst it can happen is that it won't work, if you have a Core mod installed that changes the resources used by my mod. As far as I know, no such mod exists.
Known Issues and Quirks
You will still read "Telephone Services" in the window dialog when calling services online. Nothing much I could do about it
- This mod adds a set of new interactions to Computers, SmartPhones (requires EP9 University Life or EP11 Into The Future) and Tablets (requires Store item) under "Online Center...".
- eShopping, Read eBooks, Check PlumbBook, these are only 3 of the features of this mod. See the 'Interactions' section to read all of them.
- If you have NRaas Consigner installed, eShopping from registers will use its system instead of the EA default one (it can be changed in 'Online Center Settings').
There are quite a few interactions in this mod, so click the button below to show them all and read how each one works
NOTE : Not all interactions are available when traveling.
- Online Center.../Buy Lotto Ticket
- Available for Young Adults and Above
- Exactly what the original Grocery interaction does
- Online Center.../Check the Baking Report
- Requires EP2 Ambitions installed
- Available for Children only
- Exactly what the original newspaper interaction does
- Online Center.../Call for Services
- Available for Teens and Above.
- Not available for SmartPhones, they obviously got the telephone one
- Exactly what the original telephone interaction does
- Online Center.../Change Name
- Available for Teens and Above
- You can change your sims name
- Online Center.../Check PlumbBook
- Available for Children and Above
- When checking PlumbBook, your sim will increase the relationship with all the other sims already known, plus there's a chance of meeting new ones. Stuff about other sims might also be learned (traits, single, job, etc...)
- If 'Private Messages' is enabled in the 'Check PlumbBook' Settings, Sims will also randomly receive gossip or secret messages while checking PlumbBook
- If you have EP9 University Life installed, the sim's Social Networking skill will be improved
- Online Center.../Find Recipes
- Available only if there are recipes to learn
- Available for Teens and Above
- Sims can find and learn recipes
- Online Center.../Read eBooks
- Available for Children and Above
- Sims can read eBooks online. You can either choose a specific one or a random one
- When you choose a random eBook or when done autonomously, only free eBooks will be read by the Sim, unless you set the maximum price allowed with the 'Set Maximum Price for Random eBooks' setting
- Some eBooks are free, others aren't. As soon as your Sims start reading one, the full price will be charged. Once an eBook has been paid the first time, it will be free to read. This, of course, is applied to each Sim individually
- Online Center.../Read eSimNews
- Available only if there are news in the current world
- Available for Children and Above
- It's like reading the newspaper...but online!
- Online Center.../Check Weekly Events
- Available only if there are opportunities/events in the current world
- Available for Children and Above
- Exactly what the original newspaper interaction does
- Online Center.../Find Discount Classes
- Available for Teens and Above
- Exactly what the original newspaper interaction does
- Online Center.../eShopping.../Consignment Shop
- Requires EP2 Ambitions installed
- Available only if there's at least one Consignment Register with a Role Sim assigned in the current world
- Available for Teens and Above
- You can buy items or consign them. If you have consigned items, the interaction to Cancel will also appear
- Online Center.../eShopping.../Potion Shop
- Requires EP7 Supernatural installed
- Available only if there's at least one Potion Shop Register with a Role Sim assigned in the current world
- Available for Teens and Above
- You can buy items or consign them. If you have consigned items, the interaction to Cancel will also appear
- Online Center.../eShopping.../Bot Emporium
- Requires EP11 Into The Future installed
- Available only if there's at least one Bot Emporium Register with a Role Sim assigned in the current world
- Available for Teens and Above
- You can buy items or consign them. If you have consigned items, the interaction to Cancel will also appear
- Online Center.../eShopping.../Shop For Books
- Available only if in the current world there's a BookStore or a Books Register with a Role Sim assigned
- Available for Children and Above
- You can shop for books
- Online Center.../eShopping.../Shop for Groceries
- Available only if in the current world there's a Grocery or a Food Register with a Role Sim assigned
- Available for Children and Above
- You can shop for Groceries
- Online Center.../eShopping.../General Store
- This interaction depends on a setting. Check the 'Settings' section under "Vacation Registers"
- Requires EP1 World Adventures installed
- Available only if in the current world there's at least one General Store Register with a Role Sim assigned
- Available for Children and Above
- You can shop at the General Store
- Online Center.../eShopping.../Nectar Store
- This interaction depends on a setting. Check the 'Settings' section under "Vacation Registers"
- Requires EP1 World Adventures installed
- Available only if in the current world there's at least one Nectar Register with a Role Sim assigned
- Available for Children and Above
- You can shop at the Nectar Store
- Online Center.../eShopping.../Relic Store
- This interaction depends on a setting. Check the 'Settings' section under "Vacation Registers"
- Requires EP1 World Adventures installed
- Available only if in the current world there's at least one Relic Register with a Role Sim assigned
- Available for Children and Above
- You can shop at the Relic Store
- Online Center.../eShopping.../Pet Store
- Requires the Pet Store received by buying the EP5 Pets Limited Edition
- Available only if in the current world there's at least one Pet Store or a Pet Store Register with a Role Sim assigned
- Available for Children and Above
- You can shop at the Pet Store

- You can find "Settings" under the "Online Center..." menu, or when clicking on the Terrain (if enabled) under the "JunJayMdM" menu.
- Every change you make to these values will be permanent when you save the game.
- You will find more details about these values, when selecting them in the game.
- Reset Values to Default
- It resets all values to default (except "Show Settings Menu on Terrain")
- 'Settings' Menu on Terrain
- It disables/enables the Settings Menu availability when clicking on the Terrain
- 'Check PlumbBook' Settings
- Autonomy Status
- It enables/disables Computers, SmartPhones and Tablets Autonomy for the 'Check PlumbBook' interaction
- Change Check Accuracy
- It changes the chance Sims will skip checking a Sim on PlumbBook
- A higher value will increase the chances of skipping Sims
- A value of 0 will make sure that every Sim will be checked
- This value is also affected by the Sims traits and how many Sims they know
- Change Learning Chance
- It changes the chance of learning about other Sims when checking PlumbBook
- This value is also affected by the Sims traits and how many Sims they know
- Change New Relationships Chance
- It changes the chance of meeting new Sims when checking PlumbBook
- A higher value will increase the chances of meeting new Sims
- A value of 0 will make sure new Sims won't be met
- This value is also affected by the Sims traits and how many Sims they know
- Change Relationship Gain
- It changes the amount a relationship between two Sims will gain when checking PlumbBook
- This value is also affected by the Sims traits and how many Sims they know
- Private Messages
- Whether Sims will receive private messages while checking PlumbBook
- Autonomy Status
- 'eShopping' Settings
- NRaas Consigner Integration (Requires NRaas Consigner installed)
- If Disabled, eShopping from registers will use EA's default system
- If Enabled, eShopping from registers will use NRaas Consigner's system
- Vacation Registers (Requires EP1 World Adventures installed)
- If Disabled, General Store, Nectar Store and Relic Store, found under "eShopping...", will be available only in China, Egypt and France (NOTE : Nectar Store will be available only in France)
- If Enabled, General Store, Nectar Store and Relic Store, found under "eShopping...", will be always available, for all Worlds
- NRaas Consigner Integration (Requires NRaas Consigner installed)
- 'Read eBooks' Settings
- Autonomy Status
- It enables/disables Computers, SmartPhones and Tablets Autonomy for the 'Read eBooks' interaction
- Change Price Multiplier
- It changes the multiplier applied to the base price for reading an eBook
- eBook Thumbnail
- It disables/enables whether the eBook thumbnail will be shown in the 'Read eBooks' dialogs
- Set Maximum Price for Random eBooks
- The maximum price a Sim will pay to read an eBook, randomly chosen either by Autonomy or directed by the User
- Show Unread eBooks Only
- It hides/shows Read eBooks in the dialogs
- Autonomy Status
- 'Find Recipes' Settings
- Autonomy Status
- It enables/disables Computers, SmartPhones and Tablets Autonomy for the 'Find Recipes' interaction
- Change Learning Chance
- It changes the chance of learning a new Recipe every 10 Sim Minutes.
- Set Maximum Learnable Recipes
- It sets the maximum number of recipes a Sim can learn with one usage of the 'Find Recipes' interaction
- Autonomy Status
If you feel like translating the strings, click the 'Language Availability' button below and check if a specific language "Needs Update", then read the instructions by clicking the 'Instructions for Translation' button.
NOTE : Settings are not available for translation. Why? Because they can be compared to the explanations here on the thread and it's easier for me to provide help for them.
Code | Language | Avalaibility |
CHS_CN | Chinese Simplified | Complete |
CHT_CN | Chinese Traditional | Complete |
CZE_CZ | Czech | Needs Update |
DAN_DK | Danish | Needs Update |
DUT_NL | Dutch | Needs Update |
ENG_US | English | Complete |
FIN_FI | Finnish | Needs Update |
FRE_FR | French | Complete |
GER_DE | German | Needs Update |
GRE_GR | Greek | Needs Update |
HUN_HU | Hungarian | Needs Update |
ITA_IT | Italian | Complete |
JPN_JP | Japanese | Needs Update |
KOR_KR | Korean | Needs Update |
NOR_NO | Norwegian | Needs Update |
POL_PL | Polish | Needs Update |
POR_BR | Portoguese | Needs Update |
POR_PT | Portoguese | Needs Update |
RUS_RU | Russian | Needs Update |
SPA_ES | Spanish | Needs Update |
SPA_MX | Spanish | Needs Update |
SWE_SE | Swedish | Complete |
THA_TH | Thaiwanese | Needs Update |
- First of all, download the 'Strings' file in the Download tab
- Extract it, open the TXT file for the language you want to translate, with Notepad (check the code in the filename)
- Replace the text you find inside all the <STR> and </STR> lines
Example :
<STR>Study Skills Online</STR> -----> <STR>Translated Text</STR>
- Do not change anything else in the file or it will become unusable
- Ignore {0.String} or {0.Number} or anything similar to those if you see them
- Now choose 'Save As...' and give it a name containing the language code or I won't be able to identify it
- Before saving, make sure that the format is Unicode, or it will become unusable
- Last, zip the file and attach it in a post in the Comments tab
*** NOTE : One or more lines might contain a "\n" . That's a Line Break. Just place it where you want the line to break
Example :
"The cat is smoking\nweed on the porch" will read :
"The cat is smoking
weed on the porch"
- You don't need to have EPs installed, it will work fine with the Base Game only, as long as your game is patched up to date.
- You can purchase the Tablet from EA Store ---> MultiTab 6000
- This mod likes to smoke so open the Packages folder frequently to avoid other mods dying from second-hand smoke.
- If you find bugs in this mod, call the exterminator or simply report them to me
Additional Credits
Inge and Peter Jones for S3PE and S3SE
MTS tutorials that helped me a lot learning about tuning and scripting
Twallan for his precious mods and tips
Cherry, cmomoney, CyberBob, desiree101, Peter Jones for testing
Armiel for her Builder's Island
All the modders in general and the good mods out there
egureh, Makkxa, Occultine for the translations
| December 2nd, 2014 - Download this only if you want to submit a translation
Uploaded: 2nd Dec 2014, 17.5 KB.
| December 2nd, 2014 - Version 30
Uploaded: 2nd Dec 2014, 98.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 3rd Nov 2016 at 12:49 AM - typo
Study Skills Online V37 (November 19th, 2014)
by JunJayMdM updated 19th Nov 2014 at 6:57am
189 221.5k 667
by JunJayMdM 20th Nov 2014 at 7:48pm
21 45k 193
by PJSims 14th Feb 2022 at 12:08pm
11 14.4k 59
by YolkSims updated 8th Jul 2022 at 7:28am
29 44.5k 102
by TheSweetSimmer updated 27th Oct 2022 at 6:55pm
68 225.2k 321
by echoweaver updated 12th Jun 2023 at 3:56am
+1 packs
by Twinsimming updated 21st Feb 2025 at 9:17am
+1 packs
University Life
by Arro updated 17th Feb 2025 at 1:26pm
9 5k 22
**OBSOLETE** Maids and Butlers will feed fish ! (3 Flavors)
by JunJayMdM updated 11th May 2012 at 4:27pm
This mod is no longer updated. Check link in the header for a New Improved Version. more...
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Study Skills Online V37 (November 19th, 2014)
by JunJayMdM updated 19th Nov 2014 at 6:57am
Sims can learn skills using a computer, smartphone or tablet more...
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Everyone Clip/Find Coupons (January 25th, 2014)
by JunJayMdM updated 19th Oct 2013 at 11:49am
Everyone can find coupons on a computer or clip them from a newspaper, not only sims with the Frugal trait. more...
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'Feed' Fish Interaction Fixer + Optional Maid/Butler will feed fish (January 25th, 2014)
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Insane Converse V20 (November 17th, 2014)
by JunJayMdM updated 17th Nov 2014 at 8:13pm
Insane Sims will converse with Counter Appliances, TVs, Stereos, Mirrors, Fridges, FishTanks and FishBowls more...
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No Autonomous "Watch TV" while carrying a baby (January 25th, 2014)
by JunJayMdM updated 18th Oct 2013 at 8:17pm
Sims will put down the infant/toddler before watching TV. more...
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Everyone Work From Home (January 25th, 2014)
by JunJayMdM updated 19th Oct 2013 at 12:33pm
All sims can work from home, not only workaholics! more...
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