**OBSOLETE** Maids and Butlers will feed fish ! (3 Flavors)

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A new revised version of this mod has been created and it's available at the following link

'Feed' Fish Interaction Fixer + Optional Maid/Butler will feed fish

This mod will be no longer updated.

05/11/12 UPDATE :

- Multiple feeding has been defeated and will never occur again
- Changed Feed Autonomy from 36 Hours(EA Value) to 24 Hours. This will drastically reduce the chance for fish to go unfed and die.
- Added Butler version (EP3 LATE NIGHT ONLY)
- Added Butler and Maid combined version (EP3 LATE NIGHT ONLY)

The purpose of this mod is to prevent fish from dying, this means that only if active sims can't provide food for the fish, the butler and/or the maid will intervene. So, don't be alarmed if you can't see them feeding fish, this means only that they're fine or they have been already fed by other sims

A huge thank goes to CyberBob78 who made this new update possible, which is why I added his name to the mod, it's also his


It looks like that if you only have 1 aquarium in your lot (no fishbowls), it will be neglected by maids and butlers.
To overcome this issue, add a fishbowl or another aquarium and put a fish inside, then place it wherever you like in your lot.

It's a simple workaround that will completely solve the problem.


Game Version : 1.33 -1.34 - 1.36 - 1.38 - 1.39
(it should probably work with other versions too but it's only been tested on 1.33 up to 1.39, so use it at your own risk)

Conflicts :

The following resources have been changed :

- FeedAllFishOnLot_FishBowlBase (ITUN)
- FeedAllFishOnLot_IFishContainer (ITUN)
- FishBowlBase (XML)

This mod will conflict with any other mod that changes the above files.

Description :

I was so shocked when I found out that my maids and butlers will not feed the fish in my beautiful aquarium, didn't they use to do that in TS2 after all?
I couldn't stand it, I had to do something about it!

Well, I did!

With this mod, hired maids and butlers will check if fish are hungry and feed them if necessary.

It comes in 3 flavors :

- MaidWillFeedFish : Maids will now feed hungry fish in aquariums and bowls.


- ButlerWillFeedFish : Butlers will now feed hungry fish in aquariums and bowls.

- MaidButlerWillFeedFish : Butlers and Maids will now feed hungry fish in aquariums and bowls.


This mod should work with all EPs and SPs installed and all types of tanks and bowls, since it just changes the Feed and the Autonomy interaction.



Additional Credits:
Inge and Peter Jones for S3PE
CyberBob78 , nonamena and Buzzler for supporting and helping me improve this mod's functionality
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