Catalog Cleanup Mod V2
CatalogModV2-main.jpg - width=500 height=500
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CatalogModV2-build.jpg - width=1139 height=711
The sole purpose of a catalog mod is to rearrange items to make them easier to find. As a by product of that it makes your deco tabs less 'soul crushingly large'. If you download ANY CC, you know what I mean. For some reason regardless of whatever the CC is, its creator will put it in the deco sculptures tab regardless of whether it's actually 'art' or even a 'decoration'. Similar to my previous version, the fountains have been moved to plumbing misc. To help clean out the wall hangings tab, I moved anything that was hanging but not actually a painting to Deco Misc. Click for pick.
The hobbies have a lot of decorations that only really correlate to these tabs. The exercising tab picked up the most and now it's kinda awesome. The recreation tab got all the playground stuff. Creative and knowledge picked up some stuff too, but I think I might have done those in my last version too.

The other major departure from Maxis order is the Party tab. I was at a loss for what to do with all the crappy holiday junk that the holiday packs saddled us with until I looked at what BlueSoup did. She (he?) put them in the Party tab and I have to admit, that's brilliant. Holidays are part and parcel to parties, so it's perfect!

I have also done some slightly weirder things, like the towels. Bath towels were put in with Showers and Tubs, and hand towels are in with Sinks. Any CC toilet papers I have are in with toilets, but TS2 doesn't have any on its own. At first this was a little weird to me, but now I'm liking it. Neither baths or sinks ever get very large with CC (I download weird things, so I have a ton of custom bathtubs) so even with that everything is still easy to find. I've heard that some people put bathroom deco in plumbing misc, but that's where fountains, radiator, and pipes are now. I also shuffled the lights around, candles are now on their own in Misc and both streetlamps and lawn lights are in Outdoor Lighting. Click for pic.
The other weird thing I've done is move the computers into the Entertainment category. The reason for this is because the TV and Computers tab gets way too large really quickly with CC tvs and computers, while the Entertainment category rarely has anything else added to it. And let's be honest, everyone here knows that computers are really for entertainment.

Similar to my last mod, the kitchen misc tab has become the catchall for kitchen deco. According to some of the comments in my last mod, I'm not the only person who does that. I've also found that the large appliances tab works well as a laundry tab. There is no maxis laundry items, but its the kinda thing I like to download, so that's where I put them all.
I didn't just stick to Buy Mode, I've also changed some things up in Build as well. The garden tab gained a few things and the orchard trees were moved to the Trees tab, cuz they are trees... The garage/driveway picked up the HVAC ductwork because they are often in garages. I have some CC air conditioner ground units and hot water heaters that are in there as well. The pool tab became more of a patio tab and picked up water toys and umbrellas and anything relating to water sports.

If you need the full list:
Aquarium Expensive -> Pets
Computers (2) -> Entertainment
Prickly Pears (2) -> Flowers
Grandfather Clock -> Small Electron
Garden Lamp -> Outdoor Lights
Streetlights (3) -> Outdoor Lights
China Mask -> Deco Misc
Chinese Fan -> Deco Misc
Hahyetal -> Deco Misc
Keumungo -> Creative
Kite -> Deco Misc
Kids Painting Posters (3) -> Children
Cattail -> Shrubs
Lily pad -> Shrubs
Fruit Bowl -> Kitchen Misc
Model Plane -> Children
Moroccan Screen -> Curtains
Candles -> Lighting Misc
Wooden Sim -> Creative
Rosebush -> Flowers
Clothing Sign -> Gen Misc
Grocery Sign -> Gen Misc
Video Game Sign -> Gen Misc
Walk Sign -> Gen Misc
Community Dining Table -> Tables
Toy Oven -> Cooking
Trash Can (2) -> Kitchen Misc
Fountains (2) -> Plumbing Misc
Medieval Lights (3) -> Lighting Misc
Sports Wall Art (7) -> Exercising
Greek Letters (8) -> Gen Misc
Sprinkler -> Plumbing Misc
Ivy Trellis -> Shrubs
Vanity -> Mirrors
Illuminated Block -> Floor Lamps
Photo booth -> Electronic Misc
Bowling Lane -> Exercising
Nightclub Fountain -> Plumbing Misc
Karaoke Machine -> Creative
Disco Lamps (3) -> Party
Candle Lamp (2) -> Lighting Misc
Warning Signs (5) -> Gen Misc
Grass Blades Vase -> Plants
Napkin Holder -> Kitchen Misc
Bowling Rack -> Exercising
Juice Rack -> Party
Pots and Pans -> Kitchen Misc
Chair Saloon -> Hobbies Misc
Euro Fountain -> Plumbing Misc
Streetlight -> Lighting Misc
Lemonade Stand -> Recreation
Giant Bear -> Children
Modern Screen -> Curtain
Business Signs (4) -> Gen Misc
Towel Racks (2) -> Showers
Towel Rings (2) -> Sinks
Wedge Sculptures (2) -> Party
Open and Close Sign -> Gen Misc
Trash Can -> Kitchen Misc
Aquarium -> Pets
Atomic Fountain -> Plumbing Misc
Streetlamp -> Outdoor Lamps
Japanese Kite -> Deco Misc
Pet Food Poster -> Pets
Spacemech -> Children
Rocket ship -> Children
Cricket Bat -> Exercising
Gargoyle -> Deco Misc
Leash Rack -> Pets
Pet Signs (3) -> Pets
Pet Store Sign -> Gen Misc
Wall Atomic Art -> Gen Misc
Fountains (2) -> Plumbing Misc
Ceiling Candles -> Lighting Misc
Tiki Lamps (2) -> Outdoor Lamp
Streetlight -> Outdoor Lamp
Orchard Trees (3) -> Trees
Dream-catcher -> Deco Misc
Tengu Mask -> Deco Misc
Tiki Mask -> Deco Misc
Wall Quilt -> Hobby Misc
Shadow Box -> Deco Misc
Lily pad -> Shrubs
Ceiling Pots -> Kitchen Misc
Ceramic Rooster -> Kitchen Misc
Corner Shelf -> Shelves
Lawn Chicken -> Garden
Tiki Umbrella -> Pools
Weather Sculpture -> Electron Misc
Kitchen Jars (2) -> Kitchen Misc
Lightning Rod -> Electronics Misc
Rocks (4) -> Garden
Scarecrow -> Garden
Tiki Screen -> Curtains
Wall Cabinet -> Counters
Dried Flowers -> Kitchen Misc
Hanging Skillets -> Kitchen Misc
Oven Mitts -> Kitchen Misc
Plate Rack -> Kitchen Misc
Race Flags -> Cars
Spice Rack -> Kitchen Misc
Wall Sun -> Deco Misc
Weather Vane -> Deco Misc
Address Sign -> Garden
Seasons Banner -> Gen Misc
Vanity -> Mirrors
Flamingo -> Garden
Gnome -> Garden
Zen Garden -> Recreation
Fountains (2) -> Plumbing Misc
Hot Springs -> Hot Tubs
Lucky Shrine -> Plumbing Misc
Pirate Ship -> Pools
Potted Bamboo -> Trees
Sauna -> Hot Tubs
Antlers -> Deco Misc
Driftwood (2) -> Garden
Life Preserver -> Pools
Rustic Anchor -> Pools
Sea Weed (4) -> Shrubs
Rocks (2) -> Garden
Mountain Sign -> Gates
Tori Gates -> Gates
Hieroglyphics -> Deco Misc
Samurai Swords -> Deco Misc
Hotel Sign -> Gates
Tea Table -> Recreation
Little Palm Tree -> Shrubs
Plumeria Tree -> Shrubs
Build-A-Ruins (5) -> Architecture or Deco Misc (two packages, only keep 1)
Fun for Roofs (4) -> Architecture or Deco Misc (two packages, only keep 1)
Roof Dragon -> Architecture or Deco Misc (two packages, only keep 1)
Pagoda Spire -> Architecture or Deco Misc (two packages, only keep 1)
Basketball Hoop -> Exercising
Restorable Car -> Cars
Child Painting -> Children
Caterpillar Wall -> Children
Hung Jersey -> Exercising
Hanging Quilt -> Hobbies Misc
Paint Floor Stains -> Creative
Basketball Court -> Exercising
Bath Rug -> Toilets
Chair Mat -> Desks
Airplane -> Children
Ant Farm -> Pets
Birdhouse -> Garden
Blank Canvases -> Creative
Baby Mobile -> Children
UFO Model -> Children
Exit Sign -> Gen Misc
SSX Figurine -> Exercising
Football -> Exercising
Sports Helmet -> Exercising
Book Pile -> Knowledge
Metal Robot -> Robot
Microscope -> Knowledge
Garden Henge (2) -> Garden
Molecule Model -> Knowledge
Movie Stand up -> Party
Robot Trophy -> Hobbies Misc
Rocks (2) -> Garden
Shoji Screen -> Curtain
Mountain Sign -> Gates
Art Supplies (2) -> Creative
Desk Supplies (3) -> Desks
Audio Supplies -> Audio
Tools -> Cars
Spices -> Kitchen Misc
Trophy Sports -> Exercising
Award -> Deco Misc
Ballet Shoes -> Exercising
Chalk Board -> Children
Hockey Sticks -> Exercising
Soccer Net -> Exercising
Aquarium Massive -> Pets
Techie Computer -> Entertainment
Jungle Gym (5) -> Recreation
Swing Set -> Recreation
Medicine Cabinet (2) -> Mirrors
Wheel Wall Hanging -> Cars
Radiator -> Plumbing Misc
Bohemian Details (12) -> Architecture or Deco Misc (two packages, only keep 1)
Ceiling beam -> Architecture or Deco Misc (two packages, only keep 1)
Books (2) -> Knowledge
Bowling Trophy -> Exercising
Air Vents (12) -> Garage
Alien Soup Sculpture -> Children
Cereal Boxes -> Kitchen Misc
Gearhead Tools -> Cars
Jock Supplies -> Exercising
Magic Clutter -> Misc Hobbies
Jewelry Box -> Dressers
Pipes (5) -> Plumbing Misc
Wall Pottery -> Sculpture
Trash Chute -> Kitchen Misc
2005 Holiday
Christmas Tree -> Party
Dancing Snowman -> Party
Bow, Star, Wreath (2) -> Party
Reindeer -> Party
Ceiling Bells -> Party
Lights (3) -> Party
Paper Garland -> Party
Gingerbread House -> Party
Holiday Candle -> Lighting Misc
Nutcracker (2) -> Party
Presents -> Party
Santa Statue -> Party
Small Tree -> Party
Stockings -> Party
Kinara -> Party
Halloween Inflatables (3) -> Party
Menorah -> Party
Cornucopia -> Kitchen Misc
Build-able Snowman (4) -> Party
2006 Holiday
Christmas Trees (2) -> Party
Mistletoe -> Party
Decorated Maple -> Hidden
Candle Arch -> Lighting Misc
Christmas Cards -> Party
Euro Santa -> Party
Nutcracker Gnome -> Garden
Table Lotus -> Lighting Misc
Wooden Snowman -> Party
Fish Hangings -> Children
Growth Chart -> Children
Casanova Mask -> Deco Misc
Jester Mask -> Deco Misc
Round Mask -> Deco Misc
Stepping Stones -> Garden
Globe -> Knowledge
Life Preserver -> Pools
Oars -> Pools
Propeller -> Deco Misc
Ships Wheel -> Deco Misc
Luxury Fountain -> Plumbing Misc
Egyptian Painting -> Deco Misc
Hurricane Candle -> Lighting Misc
Party Tea lights -> Lighting Misc
Umbrella -> Pools
Party Banner -> Party
Wedding Bells -> Party
Wedding Garland -> Party
Retail Block -> Shelves
Floor Dresser (2) -> Dresser
Fashion Curtain -> Curtains
Mannequins (3) -> Hobbies Misc
Retail Sign (3) -> Deco Misc
Teen Computer -> Entertainment
Goth Candle -> Lighting Misc
Laundry Pile -> Dresser
CD Rack -> Audio
Coat Hangers (2) -> Dresser
Surfboard -> Pools
Vanity -> Mirrors
Hanging Pots -> Kitchen Misc
Oven Vent -> Cooking
Towel Rack (2) -> Shower
Kitchen Bottles -> Kitchen Misc
Kitchen Canisters -> Kitchen Misc
Tea lights -> Lighting Misc
Wall Deco -> Children
IKEA Cabinet -> Shelves
CD Benno Tower (3) -> Audio
Helmer Drawer -> Desks
Easel Racket -> Creative
Shelf Lack (3) -> Shelves
Heart Pillow -> Children
Ceiling Fans (3) -> Ceiling Lamps
Slate Fountain -> Plumbing Misc
Street Light -> Outdoor Lamp
Pond Algae (3) -> Shrubs
Lily pads (2) -> Shrubs
Cow and Piggy -> Kitchen Misc
Rock Mushrooms -> Garden
Stone Fairy -> Garden
Stuffed Freezer Bunny -> Children
Garden Tools -> Garden
Ivy (3) -> Shrubs
Lupines -> Flowers
Sunflowers -> Flowers
Solar Panels (2) -> Electronic Misc
Windmill -> Electronic Misc
If in general you like what I've done, but one or two things are 'wrong' to you, it's really easy to fix. Open up my mod in SimPE and either delete what you didn't want moved, or change its placement to a place you like better (it's a drop down box with categories to pick from - super easy). If you hate everything I did, I can suggest my first version, BlueSoups, or give it a shot yourself. If you hate almost all maxis content or are playing a medieval or Apox hood, may I suggest my Apox set?
You may notice in my pictures are the UNI electronics, OFB craftables and many of the career rewards. I have mods that make them buyable, and if you put them in your Bins folder instead of your Downloads folder, they won't have the CC Star of Shame on them.

Additional Credits:
Creds to Selly_2009 for reminding me that I had a mostly finished mod set that I needed to get out the door. And for finding a Dec/Hex mix up in my tutorial.
Also creds to BlueSoup for the 'Holiday Stuff to Party Tab' idea.
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| Download this one and then the ones for each EP and SP you have
Uploaded: 4th Jan 2013, 2.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 31st May 2013 at 7:43 PM
#buy mode, #recat, #recatalog, #catalog, #recategorize, #reorganize, #organize, #organization
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About Me
- Please don't reupload my work anywhere else. Just point them back here, I'm not going anywhere! :)
- Please ask permission before using my work as a base for your project. I almost always say 'yes' and often times I will help you with your project! :bunny:
- If you make something (like a story or a video) and it has something of mine in it, send me the link, I love to see my stuff 'in action'!
- Sadly, but honestly, I can't take on requests. You can ask if it's something already related to one of my current projects, but I'm not likely to take on your project for you. MTS has lots of wonderful tutorials ;)