Rotatable Driveways

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Mootilda unfortunately passed away in September of 2014. They were a respected member of the community and contributed to the Simming community for many years.
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Have you ever been frustrated by the difficulty of rotating a driveway on a lot?

Although there has been a process for doing this, any particular lot would only allow driveways to be rotated in one direction. If you weren't building the lot from scratch, there was a good likelihood that the driveway wouldn't rotate in the direction that you wanted. In addition, it was impossible to create circular driveways which allowed travel in multiple directions.

This mod removes that restriction. Now, both Driveway Entrances (the part usually attached to the road) and Driveway Extensions can be rotated using the standard in-game object rotation technique (using the "<" and ">" keys).

  1. The moveobjects cheat may be necessary to place a driveway.
  2. Sims may walk through cars placed on driveways in non-standard locations.
  3. Car animations may be off. For example, cars may drive off-road, or "jump" to and from the road if the driveway is in an non-standard location.
  4. Driveways may start off rotated in your game, depending upon your lot's rotation. So, you may need to rotate them to place them in a standard location.
  5. In general, driveways will flatten terrain automatically. However, sometimes rotated driveways will be placed partially underground. This should be obvious as you are placing the driveway. In this case, you will need to flatten the terrain before placing the driveway.
  6. This mod will only affect new driveways. If your current driveway will not rotate, sell it and buy a new one.
  7. This mod does not need to be installed to use lots with rotated driveways. Once a rotated driveway has been placed on a lot, it will remain in that location regardless of the presence of the mod. For that reason, my suggestion is that you do not share this mod with your packaged lots, but instead give people a download link.
  8. Artifacts may occur on diagonally placed driveways (see attached pictures).
  9. Diagonally placed vehicles will not work in-game. Your sim will just stand there forever looking at the car or worse. Therefore, diagonal driveways should be considered to be decorative only.
  10. To use a diagonal driveway piece, you may find it easier to place a car on the driveway before rotating the driveway.
  11. This mod has not been tested with custom driveways. However, if they use the standard EA driveway logic, they should be affected by this mod.
Installation Instructions:
The zip file contains 3 different folders, each with 2 different mods. Install the mods from the NL folder if your latest EP or SP is Nightlife. Install the mods from the AL folder if your latest EP or SP is Apartment Life or later. All other game configurations will use the mods in the OFB-FT folder.

Here is a list of the game engines used by the various SPs:

Each folder contains 2 mods which can be used with that game configuration. One mod allows the Driveway Entrance to be rotated, and removes the restriction that it must be exactly 10 tiles from the edge of the lot. The Nightlife version of this mod also removes the restriction that driveways can only be placed on locked tiles. The other mod allows the Driveway Extension to be rotated. I separated these two functions because it makes less sense to rotate the Driveway Entrance; its interaction with the road means that it is less useful and more annoying to rotate this piece, and that the animations are more bizarre. You can install both the Entrance and Extension, or just one or the other.

Install a maximum of one Entrance mod and one Extension mod, based on the game engine that you are running.

This mod requires driveways and is compatible with EPs from Nightlife to Mansion and Garden. I believe that this mod will also be compatible with all versions of the Store Edition, but that has not been tested. Because driveways come with both Nightlife and Apartment Life, there is no requirement for any specific EP.

I am not aware of any conflicts with this mod. If you find any, please report them to me so that I can start a list.

Additional Credits:
Quaxi, and Peter and Igne Jones, for SimPE, which was used to make this mod:

Numenor, for the AnyGameStarter, which allowed me to test this global mod with various EP configurations:
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