In-And-Out Invisible Pool Spot - For "Athlete" Sims & Large Dogs Swimming
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In-And-Out Pool Spot ! (Sims & Pets)
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Pie Menus & Interaction Icon
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Large Dog In Pool
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Get Out Process
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Get In Canon - Process
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Get In Straight - Child
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Blue Texture Of Pool Spot
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Get In Canon
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Get Out 1
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Get Out 2
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Dog - Get In
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Dog - Swimming
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Dog - Floating
LargeDogGetOut.jpg - width=1016 height=600
Dog - Get Out
get in straight pregnant.jpg - width=885 height=600
Get In Straight - Pregnant
Update 03/0318 :
- Added a "no pet version" requested by kluless. There's only one file needed and it will conflict with pet version : chose only one set. Beware that this version is still in testing because I don't have any way to test it myself : I count on you, if you get a bug or something not normal, just tell me.
- Added a fix for the Marco Polo bug, as promised. The file will complete the 3 others (or the only one other file if you chose "no pet" version). I had to default a line in the Marco Polo Controller. See Incompatibities for more details.
Update 02/03/18 :
- Added tests so that it works fine without Night Life EP installed.
- made it available for pregnant sim, only if not in last period and if it is to enter the pool (no canon ball jump). You still need a ladder to get out of pool for pregnant sim.
- Fixed conflict with "GummiluttSwimmingGivesHygieneSeasons" mod

Here is a new little modded object to make our sims fishier (in a good way) than ever !
With this object, sims can dive in the pool from the floor anytime they want : no need to go all the way to the ladder or diving board to get in the pool. And it's way funnier than a ladder !
They can even get out of the pool witout a ladder too, as in real life, with their muscles !
Last (but not the least), because of the Pet theme of February Monthly Contest, I've added a way for large dogs to swim in pool !
Just download the version that you want (pet or no pet) and the marco polo fix, and here you are !

With this pool 2 tiles object, child throught elder get 1 new way to get in pool but 2 animations chosen randomly : canon and straight ; and 1 new "muscular" way to get out of pool. You can place many tiles because the mesh is not heavy at all. Sims start building body skill and fitness enthousiasm while using it of course (the same as pool ladder).
Beware : if you remove this pool spot and there is no pool ladder, sims will die.
The 2 diving animations are from Seasons EP (autonomous marco polo interaction) and the "getting out" animations are from Bon Voyage EP (log roll object).
About dogs, only large dogs can swim for now, as I haven't made animations for small dogs yet. I don't plan to make it available for cats, puppies and kittens. Remember that dogs can't go out without my pool spot, however I don't think they'll die, they'll keep on swimming... The 3 files in the .zip are needed.
However, if you don't have Pet EP, I've made a "no pet" version : there's only one file, that will conflict with the pet version, and you won't get swimming pets of course !
In addition to those files, you got a default for avoiding the bug when playing Marco Polo.
>> Pet version = 4 files / No pet version = 2 files.
To make it possible, I had to default some Maxis files : Idle Large Dog ; Pool Controller ; Pool Globals ; Pet Globals ; Destination - For Go Here And Shoo.
There was a strange "sub index definition" value that I couldn't find and modify in my object, so I had to default Marco Polo Controller too (otherwise the sim tries to use the pool spot to get back in pool and it failed and then bugged)

Moreover, you get 2 recolors : blue and invisible. The blue default one is usefull to place or retrieve it, as you won't forget where you've put all of them. Afterwards, thought, it can be set to invisible in live Mode only or always, for one or all. Just set it as you wish by clicking on it "Option".
How to find all the pool tiles when always invisible ?
So that you know, the blue texture is from Maxis and it is ugly and not needed as it certainly won't match your deco. If I were you, I would make it invisible in game.

However, when everything is invisible and you want to remember where they are, no need to worry : as there's a mesh, the tiles are always clickable. Just click "Option>Make visible one or all"
You can also buy a new one and change the options of all of them from this one.
You'll find it in : >>> Build category > Miscellenous > Pool > 20$
Now poor sims can swim without buying a diving board and pool ladders ! I didn't put it to 0$ so that it shouldn't reduce the environment rating.
*CC interaction "go near water" working as "go here" when clicking on floor, because the maxis interaction isn't working (the mesh tiles prevent it to work).

Known Issues
However, there's some little glitches too :
- it's recolorable but I don't think it is useful : when invisible in live mode only, it will go back to its original texture (the blue one) in buy mode.
- Moreover, sims & dogs make a little circle in water before getting out of the pool. I couldn't avoid it but I think it is not a lot of trouble.
- Also, I haven't taken out yet the "look at" reaction when the object is new.
- Now compatible with "GummiluttSwimmingGivesHygieneSeasons" mod.
- Sometimes, there's a little bug when entering water : the sim is teleported a few inch backwards but it doesn't interrupt the interaction.
-the bug that might be a little off is when playing Marco Polo, but I'm working on fixing it.> I provide you a fix that is in addition to the other files.
- Last, the blue texture isn't quite pretty but since you're going to make it invisible anyway....
Differences with version 1 at Leefish web site
I have already uploaded version 1 a year ago at Leefish web site.
Since then, I have sorted the pie menu strings and turned the TTAB to be more autonomy available (in hope sims would use it to get in autonomously more often).
The Pet addon is new too.
Anyway the two files will override each other and they are almost the same : you need only one.
- In the default file for pet version :
Idle Large Dog 0x7F4C1DD2 > 1016 + 1015 + dog anim STR#
Pool Controller 0x7F6BDCA5 > TTAB (+ added custom dogs anim STR#)
Pool Globals 0x7FE49F9B > 2008 + 2009 + 200B (+added custom 2010)
Pet Globals 0x7F67DD1B > 2092
Destination - For Go Here And Shoo 0x7F1F956A > 100D + 102C - In the default fix Addon for Marco Polo :
Marco Polo Controller 0x7FECC0A7 > 101E
Seasons (because of diving animations) and Bon Voyage (because of the "getting out" animations), and Appartment Life (because I cloned the ladder with it installed).NEEDED
Obviously Pet EP and the cheat "boolprop ControlPets on" are needed for the pet version.
Hoping you'll appreciate,
Additional Credits:
I've examined a lot of Chris Hatch BHAV, but not his "jump in spot" because mine is from a ladder, so completly different. I've taken his jump in spot's catalog description thought.
I've used many things from maxis (animations, ladder's and jump in spot's bhav).
HugeLunatic's slot tutorial was very useful.
And SimPE obviously.
At last, thanks to d4RE and Rosebine for helping during test process.
Ankoyume_PoolSpot-GetInOut -
| No Pet Version - 1 file needed
Uploaded: 3rd Mar 2018, 47.9 KB.
| Play Marco Polo Bug Fixed Addon - Needed For both Versions
Uploaded: 3rd Mar 2018, 522 Bytes.
Ankoyume_PoolSpot-GetInOut -
| Pet Version - 3 files needed
Uploaded: 2nd Mar 2018, 114.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 3rd Mar 2018 at 8:34 AM
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Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Seasons |
![]() | Bon Voyage |
![]() | Apartment Life |
About Me
- you don't forget to credit me for the original work,
- you don't claim money for it
- and you don't repost it without any change from you.
I'm very understanding because what I wish to create is often improvements of existing CC objects, even if it's just to translate it in french ... And also, I'd like to know about your creations inspired by mine, if you can : I'm quite curious !
What kind of creator am I ?
I'm very interested in modding and I can't mesh, unhappily. However, as I'm new in the Custom Content world (since summer 2013 !), I'll improve slowly but surely ! Or I hope so ...