Majors for custom carees: Devon Coven, Division, Nobility (HRR), Initiative, Watchers
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In reaction on a comment by Hanroz on my Nobility (HRE) career, I decided to create majors fitting some of my careers, as well as Lily Windsor's Watchers' council career. To prevent misunderstandings: all my careers work without university. This is just to add some athmospere.
So no delay, here is detailed information:
1. Sparring - Which one was the sword and which one the shield?
8am-10am; 4 body, 1 mechanics, 1 cleaning
2. Riding - Saddle, mount, don't fall off - from here to there with one HP
10am-12am; 5 body, 2 mechanics, 2 cleaning
3. Heraldry - Standing golden lion and red tower on azure field, that was the count of...
2pm-4pm; 2 mechanics, 2 charisma, 2 creativity
4. Genealogy - Who inherits what from whom? And who should I marry?
4pm-6pm; 3 charisma, 3 creativity, 3 logic
5. Court etiquette - Whom can I treat contemptuously? And who can treat me that way?
6pm-8pm; 3 cleaning, 4 charisma, 4 logic
6. Organising feasts - Serve the good wine first
8pm-10pm; 3 cooking, 3 cleaning, 5 charisma
7. Epics and Minnesang - Entertainment for long evenings without a TV
12am-2pm; 3 cleaning, 6 charisma, 4 creativity
8. Court intrigues - Wrong smiles and sharp daggers
2pm-4pm; 6 charisma, 5 creativity, 5 logic
Watchers' council
1. Classification 101 - Demons, Monsters, Hell Gods
8am-10am; 1 mechanics, 1 body, 2 logic
2. Research 101 - The Black Chronicles and other standard references
10am-12am; 2 mechanics, 1 body, 4 logic
3. Sparring - Point at the heart and don't let them bite you
12am-2pm; 3 mechanics, 4 body, 4 logic
4. Classification 202 - Strengths and weaknesses of different demons
8am-10am; 4 mechanics, 4 body, 6 logic
5. Research 112 - Fairy tales and legends as a source
10am-12am; 4 mechanics, 2 creativity, 7 logic
6. Research 203 - Research in the internet - Sorting out New Age pages
10am-12am; 6 mechanics, 2 creativity, 8 logic
7. The Slayer - The Taming of the Shrew
4pm-6pm; 4 charisma, 4 creativity, 8 logic
8. Diaries - so that not every Watcher has to start at scratch
2pm-4pm; 4 charisma, 5 creativity, 9 logic
Devon Coven
1. The history of magic - from the druids of the lost age to the modern techno shaman
10am-12am; 1 cooking, 2 logic
2. Responsibility - The sage only uses his powers when necessary.
2pm-4pm; 2 cooking, 1 cleaning, 4 logic
3. Roots, molecules, thoughts - everything is connected
4pm-6pm; 3 cooking, 1 creativity, 5 logic
4. Punctuality - A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
6pm-8pm; 4 cooking, 2 charisma, 6 logic
5. The world of magic - Not only humans
10pm-12pm; 5 cooking, 3 charisma, 3 creativity
6. Politics in the magic world 101 - When should the Coven intervene?
4pm-6pm; 4 charisma, 3 creativity, 7 logic
7. Addiction prevention - To avoid magic dealers
2pm-4pm; 6 cooking, 5 charisma, 7 logic
8. Politics in the magic world 201 - The Watchers' council doesn't have to know everything
4pm-6pm; 5 charisma, 4 creativity, 8 logic
1. Rules for recruits - don't break ranks but shine
8am-10am; 2cleaning, 3 body, 1 logic
2. Sparring - Krav Maga, Karate, etc.
10am-12am; 2 mechanics, 5 body, 1 logic
3. Technology 101 - Weapons and explosives
2pm-4pm; 4 mechanics, 5 body, 2 logic
4. Technology 102 - Hacking computer systems
4pm-6pm; 6 mechanics, 5 body, 3 logic
5. To exert control - Propaganda and puppet governments
8am-10am; 4 charisma, 5 body, 4 logic
6. Your life outside of Division - nothing but a camouflage
10am-12am; 5 charisma, 5 body, 5 logic
7. Evaluation talk with the Inquisitor - Psycho terror and tea
2pm-4pm; 7 charisma, 6 body, 2 creativity
8. Final Exam - Your first killing mission
4pm-6pm; 6 mechanics, 7 body, 7 logic
1. Camouflage and secrecy - public knowing would be counterproductive
8am-10am; 2 charisma, 2 body, 2 creativity
2. Sparring - Point at the heart and don't let them bite you
10am-12am; 2 mechanics, 4 body, 3 creativity
3. Recognising HST - Scanning body temperature and other methods
2pm-4pm; 3 mechanics, 4 body, 3 logic
4. Weapons technology - Wooden stake vs. stun gun
4pm-6pm; 5 mechanics, 5 body, 3 logic
5. Tracing technology - Pheromone scanner and tracking devices
6pm-8pm; 6 mechanics, 5 body, 4 logic
6. HST classification 302 - Werewolves - no scruples after retransformation
4pm-6pm; 6 mechanics, 6 body, 6 logic
7. Extra class: "The Slayer" - Ally or threat?
6pm-8pm; 3 charisma, 7 body, 6 logic
8. Missions management 314 - To catch HST unharmed
8pm-11pm; 7 mechanics, 7 body, 6 logic
All majors are available in German and English. They have their own GUIDs, so they won't override anything. They were cloned from the psychology major, so they should be linked with these maxis careers: Paranormal, Law Enforcement, Show Business, Education, Intelligence, Law. But I assume you will use my respective career.

You need to download FrikaC's Majors Made Easier to use custom majors.
Many thanks to Rosebine, maxon and d4RE for many many corrections.
I hope you have fun with my work and would be happy about any comment.
Additional Credits: SimPE Nysha for the tutorial about how to create a major
Joss Whedon and everyone responsible for Buffy
The makers of Nikita
Rosebine, maxon and d4RE for many many corrections
a picture from this site: might have been an inspiration for the key icon
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2018, 3.2 KB.
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2018, 3.4 KB.
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Devon Coven
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2018, 4.7 KB.
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Devon Coven career:
Division career:
Initiative career:
Lily Windsor's Watchers' council career:
by Sims99Fanatic 15th Aug 2013 at 3:06am
+1 packs
Adult career: the Initiative, based on "Buffy the vampire slayer"
by Jonas510 19th Apr 2014 at 7:56pm
2 7.1k 7
Teen and Adult career: Devon Coven, with chance cards
by Jonas510 updated 13th Feb 2017 at 11:19am
2 9.5k 13
Teen career: The Key, based on Buffy - The Vampire Slayer, with chance cards
by Jonas510 updated 13th Feb 2017 at 11:17am
3 8.5k 9
Major - The Slayer, based on Buffy - The Vampire Slayer
by Jonas510 updated 29th Sep 2019 at 7:46am
+1 packs
Teen and Adult career: Dark Magic
by Jonas510 updated 13th Feb 2017 at 11:10am
based on Buffy, available in German and English, all Lvls have Chance Cards more...
1 16.8k 36
Two teen careers: Genius, based on Wicked Science
by Jonas510 updated 13th Feb 2017 at 6:34pm
Two teen careers, in German and English, with chance cards, based on Wicked Science more...
7.9k 3
Adult Career: Order of Aurelius, based on Buffy - The vampire slayer
by Jonas510 updated 14th Mar 2015 at 11:03pm
Complete career in German and English; with Chance cards more...
2 8.5k 10
Teen and Adult career: Devon Coven, with chance cards
by Jonas510 updated 13th Feb 2017 at 11:19am
Available in German and English, based on Buffy - The Vampire Slayer more...
2 9.5k 13
Major - The Slayer, based on Buffy - The Vampire Slayer
by Jonas510 updated 29th Sep 2019 at 7:46am
A Major for your slayer sims to learn the background Information of their destiny. more...
+1 packs
Teen and Adult career: Nobility (HRR)
by Jonas510 updated 13th Feb 2017 at 11:15am
Career for noble and/or medieval Sims more...
9 18.9k 41
The Slayer career (Buffy) Teen and adult with chance cards
by Jonas510 updated 13th Feb 2017 at 11:24am
Job description in english and german, chance cards in german more...
18 9.9k 19
Transcendental court career, based on Stairway to heaven
by Jonas510 20th Oct 2016 at 12:24pm
Transcendental court Hello. This time I bring you a somehow eccentric career for your transcendental Sims. more...
2 8.8k 5
Adult career: Wolfram&Hart, based on Angel, with chance cards
by Jonas510 7th Jun 2014 at 8:31pm
complete career available in German and English more...
3 8.5k 7
Adult career: the Initiative, based on "Buffy the vampire slayer"
by Jonas510 19th Apr 2014 at 7:56pm
Complete career is available in German and Englisch; Chance Cards for all Lvls more...
2 7.1k 7
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |