Teen and Adult career: Devon Coven, with chance cards
edit: I fixed the icons for all my careers. Thanks to lientebollemeis for showing me how. (Version 1 only)
This career is vague based on Buffy - The Vampire Slayer. The Devon Coven is an association of witches located in Devon. They are first mentioned in the Episode "Grave" (6x22) when they loan Giles their magic, so that he can stop Dark Willow. In season seven the Coven helps to rehabilitate Willow and later finds potential Slayers and sends them to Buffy. We don't learn that much about the Devon Coven in the series, so I had to invent alot myself, but every information given can be found in job descriptions and chance cards.
All levels have Chance Cards and the entire career is available in English and German.
As always, I translated the text from German to English, so corrections are very welcome, of cause also coments and questions.
Again huge thanks to Emma_Barrett and Superfly for their great tutorials about how to create a career.
Detailed job descriptions: (If you want to be surprised, don't read them

1. Fantasy Fan, Thu-Su, 5pm-9pm, $10
You devour everything about Fantasy that you can find: books, films, games. Your favourite characters are always magicians and you wish you could perform magic, too.
2. Hobby witch/wizard, , Tue,Thu,Sa, 5pm-10pm, $70, Requirements: 1 Cooking, 1 Charisma, 2 Creativity, 1 Cleaning
You actually found a book with spells in the library. They aren't very powerful but they do work. Maybe you should look for other witches and wizards. You could improve your magical powers together.
3. Founder of the Witches and Wizards Club, Fr-Su, 4pm-9pm, $120, Requirements: 3 Cooking, 3 Charisma, 3 Creativity, 2 Cleaning, 3 Friends
Together with others you founded a club for witches and wizards. Poorly the others can't really perform real magic or don't want to, so the activities of the club are restricted on the cake sale every full moon.
1. Founder of the Witches and Wizards Club, Fr-Su, 4pm-9pm, $120
Together with others you founded a club for witches and wizards. Poorly the others can't really perform real magic or don't want to, so the activities of the club are restricted on the cake sale every full moon.
2. Novice, Mo-Fr, 8am-4pm, $340, Requirements: 4 Cooking, 4 Creativity, 1 Logic, 3 Cleaning, 3 Friends
Finally you found other witches and wizards. The Devon Coven was founded centuries ago and the teachers can teach you how to use your powers without the risk of harming yourself or others. You favourite teacher is Ms. Harkness and her lesson is that everything is related.
3. Aspirant, Mo-Fr, 8am-5pm, $520, Requirements: 5 Cooking, 2 Charisma, 4 Creativity, 2 Logic, 4 Cleaning, 3 Friends
You're now an aspirant on the status as a full-value witch. Heed the lessons you learned then you can improve your powers. These powers are a part of you now but they can also overcome you, so stay careful.
4. Witch/Wizard, Mo-Fr, 12am-8pm, $900, Requirements: 6 Cooking, 4 Charisma, 5 Creativity, 3 Logic, 4 Cleaning, 4 Friends
You finished your studies and are full-value witch now. Always remember that the sage uses his powers only when necessary. Try to do good and maybe the Coven might have a special duty for you.
5. Librarian, Mo-Fr, 10am-5pm, $1260, Requirements: 6 Cooking, 4 Charisma, 5 Creativity, 5 Logic, 4 Cleaning, 4 Friends
You maintain the enormous library of the Coven. Your tasks are provision of teaching materials, researching of new spells and evaluating of prophecies. Also ensure that more powerful writings don't come to the wrong hands.
6. Seer, Mo-Sa, 1pm-9pm, $1520, Requirements: 6 Cooking, 7 Charisma, 6 Creativity, 5 Logic, 4 Cleaning, 5 Friends
You developed the ability to look through present and future. You recognise threats and possibilities to prevent them. Moreover you find potential slayers, young girls, chosen to fight the forces of evil, when their time is come.
7. Contact man/woman to the Watcher's Council, Mo-Fr, 12am-6pm, $1674, Requirements: 6 Cooking, 8 Charisma, 7 Creativity, 6 Logic, 4 Cleaning, 6 Friends
The Watchers' Council is an institution whose purpose is fighting vampires and other demons. An important part of this is supervising and training of the slayer and her potential successors. As contact woman to the Watchers' Council you coordinate your efforts in your fight against the evil and you tell the Watchers where your seers found potential slayers. But you shouldn't give them every information harmlessly because the Watchers' Council sometimes uses very ruthless methods.
8. Teacher of Relations, Mo-Fr, 8am-5pm, $1740, Requirements: 8 Cooking, 9 Charisma, 8 Creativity, 7 Logic, 5 Cleaning, 7 Friends
Ms. Harkness retired and you were chosen to assume her class. Remember her lessons and bring the young novices and aspirants on the right way.
9. Councillor, Mo-Sa, 10am-4pm, $1930, Requirements: 9 Cooking, 9 Charisma, 9 Creativity, 8 Logic, 5 Cleaning, 8 Friends
You were called to the council, the highest instance in your coven. The council decides about special situations and oversees the use of more powerful magic in the western hemisphere.
10. Head of the Council, Mo-Sa, 9am-4pm, $2020, Requirements: 10 Cooking, 10 Charisma, 10 Creativity, 10 Logic, 5 Cleaning, 10 Friends
As the head of the council you barely have more warrants because every important decision has to be made by the entire council but you do have more duties. You're in direct contact with the head of the council of the Lhasa Coven and with the head of the Watchers' Council. Though you don't trust especially the last one, your corporation is necessary to fight the forces of evil. By the way, the evil seems to concentrate on Sunnydale, a town in California, for some years now. Maybe you should send an observer.
My cousin told me that Lvl 10 is kinda lame. Therefore I created an alternative version with a new job description and chance cards for Level 10 where you don't lead the council but leave it to become a White Wizard/Witch.
You've reached the highest level of theurgy and decided to leave the council behind. Instead of politics you're concerned with the essence of the universe itself. Your knowledge and your powers are so great that you could stand even the First Evil. Maybe you should think about a travel to Sunnydale, to support the slayer in her struggle. You already have an idea but you'll need a special artefact. Too bad, these artefacts are always so well hidden.
Everything else stays the same.
The Teen career can be found as "Hobby witch" because it doesn't have a direct connection to the Coven, but of course both careers are connected.
Chance Cards
Teen Lvl 1
You promised that you would help the librarian of your school today but your Dungeons&Dragons group meets today. Where do you go?
A Library
While working at the library you find a weird book. It actually seems to contain spells. As you try the "librum incendere" the book starts burning. The librarian forbids you to speak Latin in front of the books and teaches you the ground knowledge about magic.
While working at the library you find a weird book. It actually seems to contain spells. As you try the "librum incendere" the book starts burning. The librarian forbids you to speak Latin in front of the books and you have to pay $100 for the destroyed book.
You are the dungeon master today and you make such a good job that you earn a charisma and a creativity point.
You are the dungeon master today but always thinking about your broken promise you are distracted and make such a bad job that you lose a charisma and a creativity point.
Teen Lvl 2
You're at the Magic Box to buy some reagents for a new spell. According to your book you need newt eyes but you could also buy salamander eyes with cataract for half the money.
A Buy newt eyes
It is not for nothing that newt eyes have such a good reputation. They are worth the money and you earn a cooking point.
It is not for nothing that newt eyes have such a good reputation, although they really strain your budget.
B Buy salamander eyes
Only snobs insist on newt eyes. You buy the salamander eyes for $50 and earn a cooking point, preparing the potion.
Only snobs insist on newt eyes. That's what you believe but as you prepare the potion it explodes. You lose one cleaning point and have to buy the newt eyes yet again, really straining your budget.
Teen Lvl 3
"The lunar cycle...yada yada...menstruation...yada yada...femininity..." This club is really disappointing. You wonder if you should invent an excuse to leave the meeting early. Or do you want to give them a tongue-lashing?
A Excuse
You invent a believable excuse, earning one charisma point. At a café you meet another club member who wasn't able to bear it anymore, too. You both realize that you are the only real wizards in the club.
You invent an excuse and go to a café but another club member sees you and finks on you. They think that you lack team spirit and they prelude you.
B Teach them what a witch is
You show the club what a real wizard is and perform some spells. The others are really impressed and you gain one creativity point.
You want to bring to mind that witches should cook potions not cakes but they are not keen with your proportions. They think you just confirm bad clichés and you lose one charisma point.
Adult Lvl 1
The lunar cycle ... yada yada ... menstruation ... yada yada ... femininity. This club is really disappointing. You wonder if you should invent an excuse to leave the meeting early. Or do you want to give them a tongue-lashing?
A Excuse
You invent a believable excuse, earning one charisma point. At a café you meet another club member who wasn't able to bear it anymore, too. You both realize that you are the only real witches in the club. (Earn 1 charisma point, pay $5 for the coffee)
You invent an excuse and go to a café but another club member sees you and finks on you. They think that you lack team spirit and you lose one charisma point.
B Teach them what a witch is
You show the club what a real witch is and perform some spells. The others are really impressed and you gain one creativity point.
You want to bring to mind that witches should cook potions not cakes but they are not keen with your proportions. They think you just confirm bad clichés and you lose one charisma point.
Adult Lvl 2
Everything is related? You always wanted to own s special flower that can be found only in South America. Do you want to let it grow right here before your feet or do you heed another lesson: Only use your powers when necessary.
A Conjure the flower
Beneath an English oak grows a tropical flower now. You earned one creativity point.
Beneath an English oak grows a tropical flower now but it doesn't belong here. The next night it freezes and you lose one logic point.
B Let it be
Everything may be related but this plant doesn't belong here. Get a logic point instead.
Everything may be related but this plant doesn't belong here. You go back to the class instead and watch one of your classmates impressing the others with this very spell. (Lose one charisma point)
Adult Lvl 3
You found a spell to teleport and would like to test it but you have been warned not to cast such mighty spells without guidance. Do you want to ask a teacher for help or a very talented classmate?
A Teacher
Your teacher is pleased about your curiosity and your prudence. She helps you to master the spell and you're incorporated in the circle of full-value wizards.
Your teacher is pleased about your curiosity and your prudence but she thinks that you're not ready to cast this spell. You can't convince her and lose one charisma point.
B Classmate
You ask a very talented classmate for help and together you can master the spell, earning two creativity points.
You ask a very talented classmate for help but as she comes in contact with such powerful magic she gets angry and malicious, not to forget her hair turn black. The council can reverse the change and you know why not to cast deeper magic without guidance. You lose a charisma point and have the feeling to have to learn much more. (Demoted)
Adult Lvl 4
You had a very detailed dream last night of a girl fighting vampires. You didn't recognise that you were dreaming until you woke up. So was it a dream or maybe a vision? You wouldn't be the only seer in the coven.
A Dream
You think it was just a dream but you recognise the situation somehow. You look through your old study materials finding some information about the slayer in the "History of magic". You want to learn more about her and spend as much time in the library that you're promoted to the librarian.
You think it was just a dream but you recognise the situation somehow. Poorly you don't remember how. The next week one of the seers has a vision of a potential slayer but she gets killed even before you could inform the Watchers' Council. You feel guilty and lose two charisma points.
B Vision
What you've seen was so detailed that it couldn't be a dream. With the help of a seer you can find a potential slayer and inform the Watchers' Council. You get promoted to the circle of the seers.
What you've seen was so detailed that it couldn't be a dream. You ask a seer for help but you can't find out more, moreover you miss an important symposium, losing a logic and two cooking points.
Adult Lvl 5
You found the Pergamum Codex in your library, an anthology of prophecies that was lost for centuries. The prophecies concern the slayer and could be important for the Watchers' Council but the servants of evil didn't have hands on these information for centuries, too and might use them.
A Give the Codex to the Watchers' Council
The Watchers' Council can use the information to defeat an ancient enemy and you earn two logic points.
One of the prophecies says that the Master, an ancient vampire, will kill the slayer but the Watchers' Council doesn't give the slayer this information and you see that they can't be trusted. (Lose two charisma points)
B Hide the codex
You think that the information of the Codex are too dangerous to spread them. You hide the book and will give information to selected people when necessary, earning one logic point.
You think that the information of the Codex are too dangerous to spread them. Poorly an ancient vampire knows the text nevertheless; maybe he was present when it was written. Luckily he can be stopped but you lose two charisma points.
Adult Lvl 6
You had a vision showing you a Watcher who wants to betray his colleagues. Do you want to inform the Council or confront the pretended treacherous Watcher first?
A Inform the Watchers' Council
You inform the Watchers' Council about the betrayer in their rows. The can stop him before he can cause too much damage. You earn a logic point and get promoted to the official contact man to the Watchers' Council.
You inform the Watchers' Council about the betrayer in their rows and they act with their common brutality. When you learn what they did with the man you feel guilty, losing a charisma point and a logic point because you knew about their methods before.
B Confront the betrayer
You set out for London to confront the betrayer. As you meet him, he doesn't seem evil and explains that he needs to bring a book of the Watchers' library to the slayer. She needs the information to stand a huge danger and her Watcher just didn't have the time for the Council's bureaucratic methods. You earn a logic point and a creativity point for not acting overhasty.
You set out for London to confront the betrayer but as you arrive he already decamped with some valuable and dangerous books from the Watchers' library. You lose two logic points for wasting time.
Adult Lvl 7
A rogue Watcher asked your coven for help. As contact woman to the Watchers' Council you get assigned to handle this uncommon situation.
A Inform the Watchers' Council
You inform the Watchers' Council about their rogue member's request. The man explains to you all that a very powerful witch has suffered a huge loss and is in danger to lose herself to the dark magic. The Watcher believes that his Council's methods would be counterproductive and moreover he doesn't want to kill the witch but rehabilitate her. Your coven elaborates a plan to reach this and you can convince the Watchers' Council to dedicate the affair to you. You earn two charisma points.
You inform the Watchers' Council about their rogue member's request. The man explains to you all that a very powerful witch has suffered a huge loss and is in danger to lose herself to the dark magic. The Watcher believes that his Council's methods would be counterproductive and moreover he doesn't want to kill the witch but rehabilitate her. Your coven elaborates a plan to reach this but you can't convince the Watchers' Council to dedicate the affair to you. You lose two charisma points and the Watchers only give the ok to your plan as their special forces are taken down.
B Hear the rogue Watcher
The Watcher explains to you that a very powerful witch has suffered a huge loss and is in danger to lose herself to the dark magic. The Watcher believes that his Council's methods would be counterproductive and moreover he doesn't want to kill the witch but rehabilitate her. Your coven elaborates a plan to reach this and you earn two creativity points.
The Watcher explains to you that a very powerful witch has suffered a huge loss and is in danger to lose herself to the dark magic. The Watcher believes that his Council's methods would be counterproductive and moreover he doesn't want to kill the witch but rehabilitate her. Your coven elaborates a plan to reach this but you wonder if the Watchers' Council would have been able to help and lose one logic point.
Adult Lvl 8
You prepare your class as one of your most talented pupils comes in and asks you for help concerning a new spell she discovered. You're not sure if she's ready yet.
A Cast the spell with her
She has a great potential and you help her casting the spell. It was a variation of the spell you didn't know already and you earn a creativity and a cooking point.
She has a great potential and you help her casting the spell. Poorly she wasn't ready yet and gets overpowered. She needs two weeks to recover and you lose two logic points.
B Stave her off
You explain her that she isn't ready yet but promise her to cast the spell with her when she is. You commend her care and earn one charisma point.
You explain her that she isn't ready yet but promise her to cast the spell with her when she is. Poorly she is talented but not patient and tries to cast the spell on her own. She loses control, gets hurt and needs two weeks to recover. You lose two logic points for not taking the right measure of her.
Adult Lvl 9
In Sunnydale lives a very powerful witch who has suffered a huge loss and is in danger to lose herself to the dark magic. Some councillors have chosen to give their power to a rogue Watcher, a friend of that witch, to stop her without killing her. The plan is very risky and every councillor can choose to give the man his or her power.
A Give him your power
The affair is very serious and the plan can only succeed when the whole coven stands behind it. You earn a logic point and a charisma point for convincing other councillors.
The affair is very serious and the plan can only succeed when the whole coven stands behind it. Poorly you can't convince the Council, losing a charisma point. It needs a long discussion until the head of the council and the Watcher can convince the others.
B Don't give him your power
The affair is very serious and the plan can't succeed when you let an amateur handle it. You wonder which councillor would be the best choice but as you want to inform the others you must see that half of the council already gave their power to the Watcher. If there should be a chance of success nevertheless the Watcher will need the power of the whole coven. You earn a logic point for your discernment.
The affair is very serious and the plan can't succeed when you let an amateur handle it. You wonder which councillor would be the best choice but as you want to inform the others you must see that half of the council already gave their power to the Watcher. If there should be a chance of success nevertheless the Watcher will need the power of the whole coven. You waited too long and lose two logic points.
Adult Lvl 10
The seers tell you that many attacks on potential Slayers lately have been ordered by the First Evil. How do you want to react on this disturbing message?
A Inform the Watchers' Council
You inform the Watchers' Council and together you decide to support the Slayer in her fight against the first evil.
You inform the Watchers' Council and together you decide to support the Slayer in her fight against the first evil. Poorly your enemy is one step ahead and as the Watchers troop up their headquarters are destroyed, killing most of the Watchers. Your coven is now the last help for the Slayer and because your organisation never had an interest in acquisition of prosperity, this task is a challenge for your budget.
B Intensify the search for potential Slayers
The seers concentrate on searching other potential Slayers, sending them to Sunnydale. Together they can defeat the army of the First Evil.
The seers concentrate on searching other potential Slayers, sending them to Sunnydale. Poorly, while you're busy with that, the Watchers' headquarters are destroyed, killing most of them. Your coven is now the last help for the Slayer and because your organisation never had an interest in acquisition of prosperity, this task is a challenge for your budget.
The Icon Shows Spinster's Rock, a Stone circle in Devon, because I thought a traditional wiccan coven would visit such places.
For now this is my last Buffyverse career but if you miss something, tell me and I'll see what I can do.
Additional Credits: SimPE
Devon Coven.zip
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Uploaded: 20th Jun 2014, 17.4 KB.
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Updated: 21st Mar 2018 at 6:17 PM - corrected some typos in the description
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