Adult Career: Order of Aurelius, based on Buffy - The vampire slayer
Hi Buffy fans. This time I bring you a career for your vampire sims. They can now join the Order of Aurelius, a traditional order, lead by the Master a fascinating and charimatic, not to forget very powerful vampire. The order is activ in the first two seasons of Buffy and the Master is the Big Bad of the first.
As always, I translated the text from German to English, so corrections are very welcome, of cause also coments and questions.
Again huge thanks to Emma_Barrett and Superfly for their great tutorials about how to create a career.
As I play with motive decay mods, my vampire sims are partly active over day, too. Therefore I didn't realize that nocturnal only vampires will spend their whole "lifetime" at work. Howsoever, I createt another version of the career, giving your vampire sims three more hours at home. It has a different GUID, so you can use both.
Detailed job descriptions: (If you want to be surprised, don't read them

1. Bait, 8pm-6am, mo-sa, $50
A group of vampires catched you and you think it's a good sign that they didn't kill you yet. As far as you know they want to use you as a bait to defeat somebody who could become dangerous for them. Maybe you should play the game, than you could probably stay alive.
2. Member, 8pm-4am, mo-fr, $310, Requirements: 1 charisma, 3 body, 1 friend
Though the plan to use you as a bait didn't work that well, you did your part and are now accepted as full-value member of the Order of Aurelius. Make yourself familiar with the rules and traditions of the Order, respect the command chain and most important: never offend the Master.
3. Elite, 8pm-4am, mo-sa, $530, Requirements: 2 charisma, 6 body, 3 creativity, 2 friends
You're one of the Order's best fighters. You work together with two other vampires and the success record of the Three is flawless. Rewards are great but also punishment, in the case you fail.
4. Sire, 8pm-4am, mo-fr, $590, Requirements: 4 charisma, 5 body, 5 creativity, 4 friends
You made the decision to turn a special person into a vampire, not as a servant or member of the order but as your companion. Choose wisely and you will spend a wonderful eternal life together.
5. Renegade, 11pm-5am, mo-sa, $770, Requirements: 5 charisma, 5 body, 6 creativity, 1 friend
Your beloved doesn't like the circumstances under the reign of the Master and although the Order was your home for a long time you've chosen to leave it. The Master is sorry about your decision but respects it, a sign of the close connection, you build. Hopefully your new companion is worth this sacrifice.
6. Whirlwind Member, 0am-6am, mo-fr, $850, Requirements: 7 charisma, 7 body, 7 creativity, 3 friends
You are a group of four vampires now and you're feared in whole Europe. You appropriate among the most dangerous vampires in the world and the Master would be proud, after all you four derive from his blood line.
7. Favourite Child, 8pm-4am, mo-fr, $1340, Requirements: 8 charisma, 7 body, 4 logic, 7 creativity, 4 friends
The Whirlwind broke up and you returned to the court of the Master. Though he received you again and you're still one of his favourites, you now have to share this honour. Prove the Master that he can trust you to strengthen your position in the Order.
8. The Vessel, 10pm-5am, mo-sa, $1610, Requirements: 8 charisma, 8 body, 5 logic, 8 creativity, 5 friends
The time of the Harvest has come and the Master has chosen you to be his Vessel. He gave you a part of his might and the power of every of your victims will flow to the master. A closer connection is hardly possible.
9. The Anointed One, 0am-6am, mo-fr, $1666, Requirements: 9 charisma, 8 body, 8 logic, 5 mechanics, 9 creativity, 1 friend
Already the oldest prophecies know you. You're the mightiest weapon of the Master, his pupil and absolute favourite. Men would say, you are his heir but of cause the Master will triumph and you will rule on his right forever.
10. The Master, 10pm-6am, mo, tue, thu, fr, sa, $2110, Requirements: 10 charisma, 10 body, 10 logic, 6 mechanics, 10 creativity
You're the mightiest vampire of all time. It's only a matter of time until the old prophecies are fulfilled and you wipe mankind from the face of the earth to reshape the world after your own imagination. Your favourite prophecy is about the slayer that will come to you to let her be killed by you.
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Updated: 21st Mar 2018 at 6:20 PM - corrected some typos in the description
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