Console Karma Music in the Lifetime Rewards Shop (UPDATED: 16 January 2020)
16 January 2020:
- Added Russian translation. Thanks Knight!
- Added previously-unreleased music from the Karma Power menu of the console versions of The Sims 3: Pets! You can preview the new tracks in the embedded video below. Do note that these three new tracks are of a lower quality than the others; there is nothing I can do about that, unfortunately.

I've always felt the Map View music used in the Lifetime Rewards shop was a bit...out of place. Now, with the help of mypantsfelldown, the background music is a bit less mundane, and higher quality to boot!
What Is This Mod?
This is a scripting mod that replaces the Map View music heard in the Lifetime Rewards shop menu with more mystical-sounding tracks from the Karma Power menu of the console versions of the game. You can listen to the added tracks in the embedded videos above.
As an added bonus, both this new music AND the existing world loading music can be previewed in-game through their own tabs in the Options menu!

Compatibility and Uninstallation
Built, tested, and (mostly) working on game version 1.69. It may work on earlier versions, but it has not been tested; do so at your own risk. No expansion packs or stuff packs are required for this mod to run.
This mod overwrites the "OptionsDialog" LAYO resource, and will conflict with any other mod that does the same.
Currently, only English and Russian are supported. Translations are very welcome and much appreciated; formatted string tables and unhashed keys have been provided in the package if you wish to help.
Uninstallation should not create a huge problem -- simply remove the mod from the packages folder.

None yet, surprisingly.
Additional Credits
mypantsfelldown for his work in compiling the music tracks into a game-readable format
Various modders and their scripting tutorials scattered throughout the Interwebs
Tashiketh for keeping this site up and running
My many test sims for putting up with my nonsense
And you, for checking out this mod!
Uploaded: 5th Jan 2020, 26.07 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 26th Jan 2020 at 6:43 AM - Mod Updated; See Changelog
#lifetime, #reward, #lifetime reward, #music, #new
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About Me
I typically keep my Github repos private, but I'm happy to share my source code if you ask nicely.