Skills Lose Progress (UPDATED: 5 January 2020)
SkillDecay.png - width=351 height=136
ForgetSkill.png - width=356 height=147
Screenshot.jpg - width=1600 height=1200
5 January 2020:
- Added Polish translation. Thanks Wojtek!
- Decimal values can now be input into the Change Settings menu
31 December 2019:
- Added French, Dutch, and Russian translations. Thanks SecretX, Lessien Vardamir, and Knight!
- Decreased periodic lags and freezing (hopefully)
- Fixed bug concerning automatic menu resizing

Have you ever felt it was a bit too easy to make your Sims perfect? Want to add a little bit of realism to the skill building process?

What Is This Mod?
This is a pure script mod that makes skills lose progress over time, similar to the social group influence from University Life. Note that the University Life expansion is NOT required for this mod to work. Now, even if a sim has mastered a skill, they have to continue to use it or risk losing their hard-earned skill points.
When a world is first loaded or a new game is started with the mod installed, any skills that are at 0% progress will be boosted to 15% progress to prevent immediate level dropping. When skills are leveled up, the progress bar will start at 10%, and when a skill decays by a level, the progress bar will drop to around 90% to prevent immediate reacquisition of dropped levels. Additionally, a jitter value is used to slightly randomize the rate of skill decay, meaning that for any given period of time, some skills may lose progress faster or slower than others.
By default, all skills that appear in the journal, as well as some hidden skills, will be subject to decay. These settings can be changed; see "Settings" and "Tunings and Translations" below for more info. Note, however, that some hidden skills are tied to special careers or game mechanics, and enabling their decay may result in unhandled behavior.
Skill Name | Enabled for Decay? |
Acrobat Career | False |
Advanced Technology | True |
Air Guitar | False |
Alchemy | True |
Arcade Machine | False |
Artisan | True |
Athletic | True |
Ballet | False |
Band | False |
Bass | True |
Blocks | True |
Bot Building | True |
Bowling | False |
Broom Riding | False |
Bubbles | False |
Bug Eating | False |
Charisma | True |
Chess | False |
Child Athletics | True |
Child Bass Guitar | True |
Child Drums | True |
Child Gardening | True |
Child Guitar | True |
Child Piano | True |
Club Dancing | False |
Collecting | False |
Consignment | False |
Cooking | True |
Cooking (Child) | True |
Dancing | False |
Dancing (Store) | True |
Darts | False |
Diving | True |
DJ Turntable | False |
Dominoes | False |
Driving | False |
Drums | True |
Fairy Magic | False |
Firewalking | False |
Fishing | True |
Foosball | False |
Gambling | True |
Gardening | True |
Gnubb | False |
Golfing | False |
Guitar | True |
Hacking | False |
Handiness | True |
Homework | False |
Hopscotch | False |
Horseshoes | False |
Hunting (Dog) | True |
Hunting (Cat) | True |
Inventing | True |
Jumping | True |
Karaoke | False |
Laser Rhythm-a-con | True |
Learn to Talk | False |
Learn to Walk | False |
Logic | True |
Lycanthropy | True |
Magician Career | False |
Martial Arts | True |
Mixology | True |
Mooch | False |
Nectar Making | True |
Painting | True |
Peg Box | False |
Photography | True |
Piano | True |
Pool (the game, not the body of water) | False |
Potty Training | False |
Racing | True |
Riding | True |
Sandbox | False |
Science | True |
Scouting | False |
Scuba Diving | True |
Sculpting | True |
Shuffleboard | False |
Singer Career | False |
Skating | True |
Snake Charming | False |
Snowboarding | True |
Social Networking | True |
Spell Casting (Store) | False |
Spellcasting (Supernatural) | True |
Street Art | True |
Styling | False |
Surfing Skill | False |
Table Tennis | True |
Tattoo Art | False |
Trampoline Skill | False |
Tricks | False |
Video Gaming | False |
Violin | True |
Water Balloon / Snowball Fight | True |
Waterskiing | True |
Wildlife Friend | False |
Windsurfing | True |
Writing | True |
Xylophone | False |
All settings in this mod are saved on a per-world, per-savegame basis, and can be changed through the NRaas-style "Skills Lose Progress" interaction within the "Gamefreak130" submenu of Computers and City Hall. Global settings used when starting a new game or loading the mod for the first time can be changed through the optional tuning package (see "Tunings and Translations" below).
Setting | Description | Default Value |
Skill Decay Rate | The base percent of skill progress that a Sim will lose per hour of not practicing a skill | 0.25 |
Skill Decay Rate Jitter | The maximum percent of skill progress that may be randomly added to or subtracted from the Skill Decay Rate | 0.15 |
Export Settings | Saves all current settings to a Library file | |
Import Settings | Load saved settings from a Library settings file, if any exist | |
Reset Settings | Resets all settings to their global defaults, as defined by XML tuning | |
Enable Decay | Enable or disable decay for individual skills | |
[Skill Name] | Whether or not this skill is enabled for decay | See Above |
Tunings and Translations
The optional tuning package contains the global tuning used for settings in the "Gamefreak130.SkillsLoseProgressSpace.PersistedSettings" and "Gamefreak130.SkillsLoseProgress.SkillTuning" XML resources.
Currently, the following languages are supported:
- English
- Dutch
- French
- Polish
- Russian
Compatibility and Uninstallation
Built, tested, and (mostly) working on game version 1.69. It may work on earlier versions, but it has not been tested; do so at your own risk.
As stated earlier, NO expansion packs are required for this mod to run.
As this is a pure script mod, conflicts with other mods should be next-to-nonexistent.
Uninstallation should not create a huge problem -- simply remove the mod from the packages folder.

- If a sim masters a skill but then it drops back down to level 9, another certificate will be mailed if the sim masters the skill again. Personally, I think the certificates are generic enough that this is a non-issue, and they can be sold for 1,000 simoleons apiece
Additional Credits
Battery for his C# utility libraries, which I used as a basis for menus and reflection in this mod
Everyone who tested and gave feedback on this thread
Armiel for her Traditional Piano used in the default thumbnail
Various modders and their scripting tutorials scattered throughout the Interwebs
Tashiketh for keeping this site up and running
My many test sims for putting up with my nonsense
And you, for checking out this mod!
Uploaded: 5th Jan 2020, 97.7 KB.
| Optional tuning package not required for the mod to run; see Tuning and Translations in description for more info
Uploaded: 27th Dec 2019, 946 Bytes.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 16th Jan 2021 at 11:18 PM - Fix Settings Table
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About Me
I typically keep my Github repos private, but I'm happy to share my source code if you ask nicely.