HQ compatible eyes, eyebrows, makeup, skin, skin colors after patches - skin colors added 1/23/2021
SkinSuit.jpg - width=824 height=770
SkinSuitFixed.jpg - width=745 height=806
With the June 3 patch EA changed the way it uses textures for eyecolors, eyebrows, and makeup. With patches in Oct/Nov, it made the same change to the textures that define skin definition and body/face details. With the Dec 2020 patch, the skin colors were converted and a zillion more swatches were introduced. In order to show up correctly all those parts need to be default replacements now, either with HQ LRLE-format replacements, custom TGIs for the textures, or with the texture TGI type changed to fool the game. These are default replacements of the EA eyes, brows, makeup, skin textures, and skin colors that should work correctly in HQ. They use the EA textures resized for HQ.
PLEASE NOTE: WHILE THE NEW SKIN COLOR REPLACEMENTS WORK IN MY GAME WITH TEEN - ELDER, THEY DO NOT WORK WITH CHILDREN OR TODDLERS. Your children and toddlers will probably still have completely black skin and default brown eyes.
AND PLEASE NOTE: IN MY GAME ONE FAMILY CAUSES THE GAME TO CRASH WHILE LOADING. I think this may be because they have sims with tans or sunburns.
It's going to take some more time for me to track down the problem with children and toddlers and (I think) with tans and burns. I'll also be updating with packages for MAC makeup and facepaints. Meanwhile I guess this is better than nothing.

There are now nine sets of packages. PLEASE FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS:
- Skin definition textures - These are in three zip files because they're so big and wouldn't upload all together. Find your basegame HQ packages and replace the following packages: SkinBuCu.package, SkinOther.package, SkinPu.package, SkinTfYafAfEf.package, and SkinTmYamAmEm.package with the fixed versions. (Replace SkinOther.package with SkinOther1_Fixed.package and SkinOther2_Fixed.package.)
- Replacements of makeup, eyecolors, and eyebrows: These are in two zip files, a 'No Wrench' version that replaces only the textures, does not display a wrench icon, and should not conflict with custom default replacements; and a 'With Wrench' version that does display a wrench and will conflict with custom defaults. (This is the original default replacements.) INSTALL ONLY ONE.
- Replacement of default skin color textures: These are in four zip files, again due to file size, SkinColorsHQ_DDS, SkinColorsHQ_LRLE1, SkinColorsHQ_LRLE2, and SkinColorsHQ_Overlays. INSTALL ALL FOUR.
- If you already have the makeup, eye colors, eyebrows, and skin definitions installed, all you need to do now is install the four skin color packages.
- As of the 11/24/20 update to this download, it's recommended you remove the old default replacement packages and replace with the new 'no wrench' replacements, which will not show a CC wrench icon and will not conflict with custom default replacements.
- If you use the 'with wrench' packages: If you use custom default replacement eyes, don't install the 'wrench' eyecolor packages here, they will conflict. If you use custom replacement eyebrows, don't install the eyebrows packages. Same for makeup, if you use custom replacements of makeup. Each type is in a separate package for each pack so you can pick only what you need.
- These are in separate zip files for skin textures, 'no wrench' defaults, and 'with wrench' defaults. The packages are identified by BaseGame/EP/SP/GP. Install what you need.
- You still may have to remove stuff from your sim to get it working - newer clothing/accessories/makeup may not be included.
If I've left something out please let me know!
Additional Credits:
Many thanks to alf-si, Lazy Eyelids, and veelous - without their HQ textures I couldn't have provided anything for packs I don't own. The skin textures here are just converted versions of some of their packages.
More thanks to yukovee, who provided valuable information and testing!
And thanks to SeluXereZ for kicking my butt to take another look after the recent patches.
1/23/2021: Added four skin color packages.
Uploaded: 23rd Jan 2021, 50.23 MB.
Uploaded: 23rd Jan 2021, 31.03 MB.
Uploaded: 23rd Jan 2021, 61.23 MB.
Uploaded: 23rd Jan 2021, 75.14 MB.
HQ Defaults NO wrench.zip
Uploaded: 24th Nov 2020, 59.32 MB.
HQ Defaults WITH wrench.zip
Uploaded: 24th Nov 2020, 60.12 MB.
HQ SkinDefinitions.zip
Uploaded: 24th Nov 2020, 70.65 MB.
HQ SkinOther1_Fixed.zip
Uploaded: 24th Nov 2020, 80.18 MB.
HQ SkinOther2_Fixed.zip
Uploaded: 24th Nov 2020, 80.43 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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About Me
My policy on use of my work:
Feel free to use any of my meshes, morphs, skins, or whatever as a base. If you change, convert, or enhance my stuff you may post it without asking, but please give credit. If you use them without changes, please post a link to my downloads rather than reposting. However, you may include them with Sims or lots without asking, but with credit.
Please do not post anything using my creative work on any pay site or the Exchange, unless it's in a free section of a pay site. If you want to post your own original creation made using my tools to a pay site or the Exchange, you may do so, but give credit for the tool.
Obviously my tools are for free use by anyone, but I'd appreciate a credit if you post something created with them.
So basically: no pay site, no Exchange, give credit. Other than that, meh.
If at some time I lose interest in Sims 3, or am too busy, or die, anyone who wants to may update/modify/add to any of my work as long as they follow the MTS policy on updating broken or outdated custom content.
I don't take requests. Suggestions for enhancing work I'm doing or have done are welcome, whether or not I act on them, but please no requests for totally unrelated stuff that I probably have no idea how to do.