Modulin Set - Part 1 - Left End Minimart [updated]

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If you want to know how to make builds that attach together like the ones in this set, I made a video tutorial on rowhouses that you can watch here (turn on subtitles if my mumbling is unclear, I made sure they're good).

Update: the required CC is now less of a hassle to download! Most of what was non-included is now included (I initially misunderstood a thing and took a needlessly complicated approach, sorry about that). A few jars have been replaced with different jars (see updated picture), and a small towel was deleted, which reduces the amount of CC needed for this build and for the overall Modulin set at a minimal esthetic cost.

This is the first part of a building project I’m working on, the Modulin set (named after the creator of the Isotopia rug). The idea is to make a modular street of lots that can attach together seamlessly like rowhouses, and that you can combine in different ways depending on your town’s design and needs. Each lot can be downloaded independently so you can pick and choose which ones you want.

This first part is the Left End Minimart, which is meant to have another building from the set attached to its right side. Upcoming are the flower shop, the toy store, the bridal store and a home (and more in the future). Edit: first batch complete! Find the links in the recommended downloads.

This minimart can be run as an active business (hence the kitchen/break room on the upper floor), which would allow you to set the decorative items for sale (the fruit and veggies, the various jars and herbs). Otherwise it can of course be kept as a regular community lot, in which case your sims will only be able to purchase from the produce bins. Even then, I found during playtesting that my visiting sims often autonomously want to view the decorative fruit and vegs upon arrival, as if to check them out before making their selection.

This upload comes with included CC that is required for the lot to appear as intended. It also requires non-included CC that I have provided links to below so you can download it separately. The full list of included CC comes right after, please ignore the CC listed outside this description box.

Note: if you have Veranka’s bakery display from her Deliciously Indulgent Bakery Set, you will need to delete it and let Mustluvcatz’s Veranka bakery display with added slots replace it (it’s among the included CC). That is if you want Mustluvcatz’s 1-tile version of the display (that I used twice on the lower floor) to work.

Non-included CC

Downloads preceded by F are also required for the flower shop.
Downloads preceded by T are also required for the toy store.
Downloads preceded by B are also required for the bridal shop.
Downloads preceded by H are also required for the home.
Downloads preceded by P are also required for the playground.
Downloads preceded by C are also required for the corner apartments.
Downloads preceded by I are also required for the fishing spot.
Downloads preceded by A are also required for the high-end apartments
Downloads preceded by ∞ are required for all lots from the Modulin set.
This means that if you’ve already downloaded another lot from the set, you can disregard the files marked with the letter corresponding to that lot, since you should already have them in your game.


School set: you need the notebooks. I used them on a counter downstairs.

Living Dead Girl on TSR
-HNotepad & Pen - Mesh. I used it on a counter upstairs behind the cash register.
-Notepad & Pen - Teal Floral Recolor
-HVintage Audio - Retro Transistor Radio Mesh. It’s on a counter downstairs.
-HVintage Audio - Retro Transistor Radio Purple Recolor

Ms Barrows on TSR
-∞Eloquence Single Glass-Ornate Door Straight
(Non-required diagonal version here)
-HEloquence Single Stage Ornate Window Straight
(Non-required diagonal version here)
-HEloquence Double Stage Ornate Window Straight
(Non-required diagonal version here)
-PCIAEloquence Single Short Ornate Window
(Non-required diagonal version here)
-FPCIAEloquence Double Short Ornate Window
(Non-required diagonal version Chere)
-HAEloquence Set Recolor - Steel
-FTPCVictorian Indoor Railing - Peeling Blue
-FTBPCVictorian Fence-Matching Stairs - Peeling Blue
Important: There are custom instructions to install these stairs, you can find them on this page, under the “Required” tab (the stairs used in this build only require you to copy-paste the paragraph starting with “#msb_vicporch_peelingblue_modularstair”).
-The calendar in the break room requires 4 files:
THCAMulti-Use Photo Frame - Square (Medium) MESH
THCAPhoto Frame Calendars - Square Master Mesh
Recolours Set 25 - Asters and Fruit
TVintage Calendar - Recolour 1947-12

Included CC

Adele - Odette Build Set: blocky wood floor in warm grey, marble tiles A in warm grey, simple wall tiles in cream
Adele - Sibilla tiles: stone with diamond tile inlay “stonetile2v3”
Buggybooz - KitchenBasic set: master meshes “BB_KitchenBasic_Counter” and “BB_KitchenBasic_Stool1”
Buggybooz - Shakerlicious Kitchen set: master mesh “BB_ShakerliciousKitchen_Counter”, peg rack, low peg rack, black board for peg rack, black board RCpiccy1, deco wooden spoon, dining chair
Buggybooz - KitchenBasic Extras: counter 1, undercounter deco cabinet kobe 1&2, undercounter deco cabinet allsorts 1&2, Kobe wall chest
Buggybooz - Kitchen Clutter set: storejar, storejar RCs 1-2-3-4-5clear-6blue-6green-6orange-6turquoise
Cassandre - Country Life Set on natdreamsims (in the seventh download link): cabbage crate, box, box rc, box rc5, carrot basket, avocado, apple crate, big pumpkin, big pumpkin rc1, big pumpkin rc3, medium pumpkin, small pumpkin, fruit basket, fruit basket 2, herbs, flour bag, coffee bag rc (recolor for the flour bag), cider bottle, empty basket, empty crate, mushroom basket, pears, lemon basket, rope, tomatoes, onions, pear crate, watermelon
Curiousb - Neighborhood Terrain Default Replacements Set: neighborhood sidewalk tiles (seasons version)
Gwenke33 - Seasonal hydrangea bush: mesh and rec05
Hek - Recolors of Buggybooz’s KitchenBasic: tilesbluegray, tilesdarkgray, tilesgray, tileswhite
Honeywell - Recolors of the bathroommate foot rug: RC-8green-large
Honeywell - Interior Wall Collection: Bohemian Brick in “Hi-Yo Silver!”
Lama - Druid Set: druid’s sickles on wall, sickles on wall iron recolor, “Green Man” wall sculpture, mistle ball, herb containers, druid’s tripod, hanging herbs
Lama - Herbs rack: mesh and RC3
Lama - Horsa lamp
Liz - Claybee business set: community phone recolor “liz_biz_clyb_phoneComm-clay
Macarossi - October Decorative Plant Set: garden irises, foxgloves, garden lupins
Michelle - Simple Sink NO Toothbrush: mesh, white recolor
Michelle - Produce bin recolors: ProduceBin-SeasonsMintAd, ProduceBin-SeasonsMint
Miik - Conversions of Mr Necturus fruit and veggies shared by MilkRain: cabbage, grapes, peach
Mistletoesquest - Medieval style produce bins recolors: MQ_producedisplay_medieval1_011606, MQ_producedisplayMedieval2_011706, MQ_producedisplayMedieval3_011706
Moune - Le Morvan Kitchen Baskets: basket master mesh, leek basket
Mustluvcatz - Veranka bakery display edit + one-tile version
P34nut - Yellow Birch Wooden Floor Collection: caramel
PineappleForest - Lamp Collection: in the Vintage Lamps Collection file: AntiqueBilliardLamp_MASTERmesh, Fantastical Street Lamp, Glass&Brass fence lantern, Glass&Brass lantern post, Glass&Brass round wall lamp, RC MetalSteel, RC MetalVerdigris, RC Satin-Pastel
PineappleForest - Sweet Bouquet Set: in SweetBouquetSet_[NL]: smaller mesh; in VaseCollection4Recolors: Gradient-EmeraldPurple
PineappleForest -
Terracotta Set: TerracottaSetPlanterSmall_TheRequiredMESH, large terracotta planter, medium terracotta planter, terracotta tulip planter medium, RC02_ClayLight, RC04_ClayOld1, RC05_ClayOld2
Pixelhate - Time Factor Walls: Wood 04-1, Wood 04-2, Wood 04-3, BrickStrip 05-A, BrickStrip 05-B, BrickStrip 05-C
Pollination Tech - this upload: Surfing the Universe poster recolors minimartApplesPoster - minimartGrapesPoster - minimartOrangesPoster, recolor of Veranka’s window poster (with mesh)
Shastakiss - BB Shakerlicious 1-tile square table
Shastakiss - Veranka Bakery rustic rack rowboat recolor
Shastakiss YetiChalet recolors - AL wooden railing rowboat recolor, AL radial wooden stairs rowboat recolor, BG dartboard charcoal recolor, BG park chair/bench/table driftwood recolor + included Hafiseazale CEP extra, BG Japanese maple bluegreen recolor, uni medieval sofa twig recolor
Shoukeir/Sims2Play - Old Mirror mesh
SilentLucidity - Full Range Shiftable OMSPs: end table OMSPs 1-2-3-5 and invisible recolors
TheJim07 - Built-in Halogen Spots mesh
Veranka - Io bathroom soap
Veranka - Wall diploma
Veranka - Bikes and Racks set: NostagiCycle, NostalgiCycleRC1, Pushin’ Pedals Old Skool Low Rider, Pushin’ Pedals Smooth Cruise
Veranka - TS3 Bakery Set: rustic rack, flour sack
YanderePlum - Community bathroom stalls palm recolor

Default replacement (non-included, non-required)

Shastakiss - BG Community Trash Can Default Replacement

Additional CC used in my screenshots (non-included, non-required)

Criquette&WitheredLilies, Greatcheesecakepersona, Lowedeus - Skylines: “Alpine”
Curiousb - Neighborhood Terrain Default Replacements Set: dirt terrain replacement, dirt road replacement, road overlay (the download links to the bundles are broken, you have to use the yellow link to the individual downloads)
Lowedeus - The Great Sky of Totalitarianism: neighborhood skybox in “Tower”

Additional credits and thanks to Mootilda for the Lot Adjuster and the Clean Installer.
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