Modulin Set - Part 7 - Corner Apartments (4 units)

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A corner lot! That connects to the road on two sides! Video tutorial here if you’re interested in making your own (or if you're interested in making rowhouses that attach together like the builds in this set).

It’s nothing new actually (credits to Mootilda for the LotAdjuster) but I only found out how to do it fairly recently so I’m excited.
Sims can walk on both road segments and I moved the pedestrian portal with the Portal Revealer so that passers-by can spawn from the corners that make sense.

The building contains four apartments with rents ranging from §1,517 to §1,778.

They are fully furnished but the game won’t let you rent them furnished beyond the bare necessities by default. To rent an apartment fully furnished, there are two options that I know of:
- once your household is on the lot, activate testingcheats and shift+click on the door of the apartment you want. You should have the option to “rent furnished”;
- or you can download Pescado’s apartment hack, which will give you that option without the need for testingcheats, on top of other features and fixes.

From left to right:
Apartment 1 is the most colorful, it’s furnished for a couple and two children/teens
Apartment 2 is old-fashioned and cozy, it can fit a couple and a toddler/baby
Apartment 3 is the most modest-looking, borderline grungy, and is suited to a single sim
Apartment 4 is bright and modern, it can accommodate a couple and a child/teen

The high chair in the second apartment requires Lamare’s Accessible toddler high chairs mod to be usable where I placed it.

Full CC list incoming. Don’t forget to download the non-included CC (and the default replacements if you’d like them) if you want the lot to appear complete in your game. Let me know if you have any questions or issues, I'm happy to help.

Non-included CC

Downloads preceded by M are also required for the Minimart (part 1)
Downloads preceded by F are also required for the Flower Shop (part 2)
Downloads preceded by T are also required for the Toy Store (part 3)
Downloads preceded by B are also required for the Bridal Shop (part 4)
Downloads preceded by H are also required for the Home (part 5)
Downloads preceded by P are also required for the Playground (part 6)
Downloads preceded by I are also required for the Fishing Spot (part 8)
Downloads preceded by A are also required for the High-End Apartments (part 9)
Downloads preceded by ∞ are required for all lots from the Modulin set.
This means that if you’ve already downloaded another lot from the set, you can disregard the files marked with the letter corresponding to that lot, since you should already have them in your game.


School set: you need two “pens and pencils case”: the blue one (ATS2_obj_school_pencils01) and the beige one (ATS2_obj_school_pencils02).

CEP extras (needed for gabilei123’s wall paintings to display correctly): scroll down until you find the list of links under “DOWNLOAD CEPS”. In the base game files, you need:
HA_CEP_Extra_BG_TheLadyonRed_Documents.package (put into C:\Users\\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\zCEP-EXTRA)
HA_CEP_Extra_BG_TheLadyonRed_ProgramFiles.package (put into C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\zCEP-EXTRA)
HA_CEP_Extra_BG_OilFantasyScape_Documents.package (put into C:\Users\\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\zCEP-EXTRA)
HA_CEP_Extra_BG_OilFantasyScape_ProgramFiles.package (put into C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\zCEP-EXTRA)
In the PETS files, you need:
AHA_CEP_Extra_PETS_StumpedHound_Documents.package (put into C:\Users\\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\zCEP-EXTRA)
AHA_CEP_Extra_PETS_StumpedHound_ProgramFiles.package (put into C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\zCEP-EXTRA)

TSheep and Sheep Painting CEP extras
Put HL_CEP_EXTRA_childClassicFT into \Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\zCEP-EXTRA.
Put HL_CEP_EXTRA_childClassicFT-programFiles into C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\zCEP-EXTRA.

Inge Jones
A"Is Chair a Booth" / "Is Sofa a Sectional" global patches: you need the sofa patch “SharedIsSofaASectionalGlobal” for blake_boy’s modular sofa to work (the sofa itself is included CC, I used it in the living room of the left-most apartment).

BetterbeSim on TSR
-BPure Inspiration Bathroom 2, Mirror vert
-PPure Inspiration Bathroom 2, Mirror hori

-BA2 Boxes Stack Mesh
-BA2 Box Stack BlueFlowers recolor
-BHA3 Box Stack Mesh.
-B3 Box Stack Brown recolor

Living Dead Girl on TSR
Vintage Audio - Cassette Player

Ms Barrows on TSR
-∞Eloquence Single Glass-Ornate Door Straight
(Non required diagonal version here)
-TBHAEloquence Single Tall Ornate Window Straight
(Non required diagonal version here)
-MFPIAEloquence Double Short Ornate Window Straight and diagonal version
-MPIAEloquence Single Short Ornate Window
(Non-required diagonal version here)
-TEloquence Set Galvanized Recolour
-MFTPVictorian Indoor Railing - Peeling Blue
-MFTBPVictorian Fence-Matching Stairs - Peeling Blue
Important: There are custom instructions to install these stairs, you can find them on this page, under the “Required” tab (the stairs used in this build only require you to copy-paste the paragraph starting with “#msb_vicporch_peelingblue_modularstair”).
-For the columns, you need:
FVictorian Column/Offset Column - MASTER MESH
Victorian Column/Offset Column - Offset MESH
Decrepit Victorian Set - Peeling Blue Column
-The calendar in the living room of the second apartment from the left requires 6 files to be exactly as shown:
MTHAMulti-Use Photo Frame - Square (Medium) MESH
HMulti-Use Photo Frame - Landscape MESH
MTHAPhoto Frame Calendars - Square Master Mesh
HPhoto Frame Calendars - Landscape Mesh
HPhoto Frame Calendars - Recolour Beige 2011-10
Recolours Set 26 - Nocturne Blue and Silver

Padre on TSR
Nadir carpet - Avocado

Sims2Sisters on TSR
-HJeneva Curtain mesh. The lacy white curtain I used all over.
-Jeneva curtain recolors No.2 (download the set and - unless you want more - only keep): Hs2s_rec2_1_curtain_113312, s2s_rec4_2_curtain_113312, s2s_rec4_3_curtain_113312

Included CC

13pumpkins - Transcendence Painting Recolors: 13p_Transcendence_Vintage2, 13p_Transcendence_Vintage3
Adele - Odette build set: simple wall tiles in cream
Amovitam - Clutter volume 6: shelfgen mesh + rec1
Bienchen - AL-matching roof windows: roof window 1
blake_boy - Annie Modular Sofa: sofa, sofa no cushion; RCs Original and BlackFruits
Buggybooz - Aurore bedroom set: sofa (master mesh), armoire, boxes table, end table, wall lamp (master mesh) + RC_beige, table lamp, beigestripe wallpaper, flowers bedding
Buggybooz - Feast of Frames (first download): BV poster style frame 1, BV poster style frame 2, Transcendence style frame 1
Buggybooz - Kia set: painting mesh “BB_Kia_Painting_OlivePeynter” + RC_Schiele, double bed, hallway bench, kube end table, photo frame, table lamp, wardrobe
Buggybooz - Kitchenbasic set: backsplash, cookerhood_smokealarm, counter, counterRC_creamdream, counterRC_invisible, cupboard1_xtra_large, cupboard2_xtra_large, fridge1_allEPs, fridge1_RCshinysteal, fridge1_RCcreamdream, splishy splashy sink, stove2gas, trash compactor
Buggybooz - Shakerlicious kitchen: counter, cupboard1, small cupboard 1, dining chair, fridge1, fridge1 RCwhite, kiddy highchair, sink, trash compactor
Buggybooz - Shakerlicious Extras, part 2: BB_KitchenBasic_Stool1RC_ShakerNatural
Buggybooz - Sage office and dining: table lamp, chair, clutter placemat, dining table 2x1, sideboard
Celebkiriedhel - Oven Hoods with built-in Smoke Alarm: BG Value
Celebkiriedhel - MLC Toys Recolors: xylophone in MLCRainbowTheme
The Coffin Crew - SÖMNIG Vampire Sleep Set: vampire bed, desk; RCs vampirebed_basecolour-white and vampirebed_boxcolour-white
CTNutmegger - Maxis Match Wall Cabinets: BG Value cabinet
Curiousb - Neighborhood Terrain Default Replacements Set: neighborhood sidewalk tiles (seasons version)
Darkmoon689 - BG Cheap Shower Curtain: RC_04-waves
Domicile-interior - BB Kitchen Recolors: caro rec3b BB_KitchenBasic_Counter
Domicile-interior - Jonesi blanket recolors, part 1 and 2: rec 6, rec 7, rec 10a
Droopsi - Project "1000 cozy little things" - Knitting&Embroidery. Part 3. Bedding”: Droopsi_maxis_bedding_KE_rec02
Engelchen - BB Sage Recolors: chair-clothRC1, chair-woodRC2, clutter-placemat-rc1, diningtable2x1-rc2, sideboard-rc2, TableLamp-rc5
FairyForest - Rugs slaved to Jonesi’s blanket: 01-01-01 mesh, 04-01-01 mesh; RCs 01-03-02-StoffOhneRand, 01-03-04-WebFein
Fakeblood - 4t2 Novvvas Pacific Tile Floor: 13, 14, 18
Gabilei123 - Recolors of Base Game Painting "Lady On Red": Rahmen_weiss, Regenbogenlori
Gabilei123 - Recolors of Base Game Oil Painting "Fantasy Scape": Benjamin_William_Leader_Conway, Frederick_Schafer_Fluss, Rahmen_Holz_weiss_gold
Gabilei123 - More Recolors of Painting "The Stodgy Badger Family Portrait": Passpartout_Blumen_6, Rahmen_Streifen_rosa
Gabilei123 - Recolors of Painting "Stumped Hound": Kapelle, Rahmen_Holz_weiss
Guatla - Broken bathroom set, in BrokenBathroom: toilet paper, toilet paper holder, towel
Gwenke33 - Seasonal hydrangea bush: mesh, rec05
Heget - Freetime Quilt Recolors: in the first link (“more quilts”): Maxisquilt_recolor24, Maxisquilt_recolor26
Hek - Bibliothek set: sideboard mesh, RCs sideboard_ahorn, sideboard_deco2
Hek - BB’s Kitchenbasic Recolors: tileswhite
HolySimoly - Bowl of Pears
Honeywell - Recolors of the bathroommate foot rug: RC-4gray-medium, RC-4gray-small, RC-8green-medium
Honeywell - Bespoke and Maxis Curtain Recolors: “HW_curtainBespoke___print2_rc-trussdusk”
Honeywell - Better Bath collection: HW_dropshadow_MASTER, Plumbing-tubShowerColonial__MASTER, 03-Plumbing-Shower_slave, rc-watercolor_CrimsonCharcoal_showerCurtain, 05-Plumbing-sinkVanity__MASTER, 10-Accessories-towelBar__MASTER, 14-Accessories-toiletPaper_slave, rc-circulo_skySmoke_bundle, rc-geo_taupe_bundle, rc-solid_drizzlingMist_bundle, rc-solid_offwhite_bundle
Honeywell - Crustikus Maxis Addons: 1 Tile Dressers & Mirror: 1tSmall
Honeywell - Interior Wall Collection: Bohemian Brick in “Hi-Yo Silver!”
HugeLunatic - One-tile desks: Country1tileDeskSSN
HugeLunatic - Quilted Toddler Blanket (FT version)
Inzey - Conversion of MarcusSims91′s Dover Bedroom Set: double bed, end table 1, stacked books, stacked books RC01, standing books, wire mesh bin
Jonesi - Bed blanket fixed by HugeLunatic (second link “Download Double Bed Version Fixed”)
Note: when you're on the dropbox page, if nothing happens when you click download, try changing the page's url from "" to "". Then click download again and it should work. You can do this for all dropbox links that seem to be broken.
julsfels - Additional elements for AL and MG roofs: ALDachDiagonal-01-MESH-AL-MG, ALDachDiagonal-03-EckeRechts-MESH-AL-MG, ALDachDiagonal-04-EckeLinks-MESH-AL-MG
Kabismeboy - Sony Playstation 2
Kaskurgi - Pottery Barn Maxis Bedding Set #1: kask-PBBeddingDecoupageRC
Kaskurgi - Pottery Barn Maxis Bedding Set #2: kaskPBBeddingSabiIkat, kaskPBBeddingSandDollar
Kaskurgi - Pottery Barn Maxis Bedding Set #3: kaskPBBeddingSpringFling, kaskPBBeddingTickingBlue
Liz - Unicorn Nursery: clam shell sconce RC “liz_nrs_uni_ltwlClam-05grey”
Liz - Claybee Bedroom: TV reco “liz_bed_clyb_tv-clay_PETS”
Liz - Lilah bedroom set: RC of the harmonious centerpiece plant “liz_bed_llh_plantHarm-orng_CEL”
Liz - Harmonious Glass Recolor
Liz - Claybee study: corkboard recolor “liz_stdy_clyb_deco-cork-creme_KBS”
Liz - Under the Sea Bedroom: portrait of fuzzy babies recolor “liz_bed_uts_pic-fzzybbs_PETS”
Liz - Dim Sum Kitchen and Dining: collage in black&white recolor “liz_pic_collBW-dmsm”
Liz - Wailea Kitchen: BV poster recolor “liz_pic_travel-wailea_BV”, BG hanging scroll recolor “liz_pic_wntrblsms-wailea-flowers”
Michelle - Base Game Bathroom Object Recolours: SimpleTubFromKrampftIndustries-White, SewageBrothersRestezeToilet-White
Michelle - Simple Sink NO Toothbrush: mesh, white recolor
Michelle - Plain Carpet in YETI Colours: beachglass, inchworm
Michelle - Vim's Large Air Vent Recolours and Add-Ons: RCs HoroSatinWhite and VerticalCream
Michelle - 2 Single Beds to Match BB's Double Beds: Kia single bed
Missimis - Sims in Paris Nursery Recolors: changing table RC1b, crib RC1b
Moxxa, msteaqueen - Moxxa 3t2 B5 large book: mesh + RC18-1
Nengi65, HugeLunatic, Suratan - Rugs (first download): N65_BigRug3x4_MasterMESH; RCs 21, 51, 83
Nysha - Yasimo F# Symphonator Keyboard: mesh
Ohbehave - Jonesi blanket recolors: #5
P34nut - Yellow Birch Wooden Floors: nougat
PineappleForest - Lamp Collection: in ModernistLampsCollection: wall power cord and switch, cool wand sconce master mesh, cool desk lamp slave; in VintageLampsCollection: G&B_AntiqueBilliardLamp_MASTERmesh, G&B lantern fence light, G&B pyramid table lamp, G&B round wall lamp; RCs Satin-Pastel, Satin-Marble, MetalSteel
PineappleForest - 1920s Schoolhouse Pendant Light: mesh + RC02
PineappleForest - Potted Plants Collection: small cacti mesh
PineappleForest - Heap of Decor: art books stack + RC YellowBlack
PineappleForest - Zecutime Sofa Add-On & Recolors: add-on chair, RC FabricWornRec01-PlainCanvas
PineappleForest - Bazaar Coffee Tables: ottoman coffee table, RCs BazaarSofa-Cushion-PatternLightGrey and BazaarSofa-Wood-GreyStain
Pixelhate - Time Factor Walls: BrickStrip 05-A, BrickStrip 05-B, BrickStrip 05-C
Pixelry, msteaqueen - Blankets: mesh + RC 5, RC 7, RC 11
Riekus13 - Dover Bedroom Recolors: DoverBed-01, DoverEndtableA-04
SepiaFlower - Modern Wallpaper Set1: full #2, full #3, full #4, wainscoting #6
Serabiet/io - Walls for liminal spaces: grandmafloral3-4-5-6
Shastakiss - BB Shakerlicious 1-tile square table
Shastakiss YetiChalet recolors - AL apartment door driftwood recolor, BG Japanese maple bluegreen recolor, AL radial wooden stairs rowboat recolor, AL wooden railing rowboat recolor, BG octagonal table rowboat recolor, SSNS country end table driftwood recolor, BG quaint coffee table rowboat recolor, BG quaint dining table rowboat recolor, BG outdoor table driftwood recolor, BG quaint desk driftwood recolor, BG easel wood rowboat recolor, BG outside chair rowboat recolor, BG park chair / bench / table mermaid recolor, BG cheap bookcase rowboat recolor, BG value bookcase rowboat recolor, bg single cheap / double basic bed driftwood recolor, SSNS country single / double bed driftwood recolor, SSNS country floor mirror driftwood recoolor, OFB mission mirror driftwood recolor, FT painting classic recolors lizmytinger_bear and frame_rowboat, AL frame collection recolors pewter and gnomeflamingo, FT comfy TV twig recolor, BG toy box snow recolor
Shoukeir/Sims2Play - Decorative books: 4books, 4books-recolor, 5Hbooks, 6books, 7books, 9books, 9books-recolor, 9books-recolor2
Shoukeir/Sims2Play - Old Mirror mesh
SilentLucidity - Full Range Shiftable OMSPs: OMSP1et, OMSP4et, OMSP6et, OMSP7et + invisible recolors
Sims In Paris - Nursery Kids 5, fixed by Michelle: crib and changing table meshes
Suratan - Half-tiles walls and matching floors: matching_tiled_floor_20
Suratan - Spring mood wallpapers: walls_17, walls_without_paint_07, walls_without_paint_16, walls_without_paint_22
Tara - BV Poster recolors: “tara_ccposter_recpeople”
Veranka - Abatey Lamps: table lamp + RCs metal01 & shade02
Veranka - Aura Bathroom: Aura Bathroom MASTER, MASTER_RC02, MASTER_RC05, sink B, toilet
Veranka - Clothesline Art: mesh + RC01
Veranka - TS3 Bakery: flour sack
Veranka - Changing room: sports bag + RC01
Veranka - Duo bathroom: small towels
Veranka - Into the Future Decor: dark matter
Veranka - Flowers market: plant 3
Veranka - Io bathroom: decorative towels A + RCb01, soap + RC01, wall toothbrush (master mesh) + RCbrush01 + RCcup03, toothbrush
Veranka - Nautical Living: framed knot collection, miniature sailboat
Veranka - Sao Living: open book
Veranka - Simi bathroom: Acc MASTER, Acc MASTER_RCa09, toilet paper add-on, towel small add-on, soap
Veranka - TS3 Laptops: XS 4258p Laptop AL + RC01

Default replacements (non-included, non-required)

Shastakiss - BG lamps default replacements: “default_shasta_bg_ltgwallquaint”, “default_shasta_bg_ltgfloorquaint”.

Additional CC used in my screenshots (non-included, non-required)

Criquette&WitheredLilies, Greatcheesecakepersona, Lowedeus - Skylines: “Alpine”
Curiousb - Neighborhood Terrain Default Replacements Set: dirt terrain replacement, dirt road replacement, road overlay (the download links to the bundles are broken, you have to use the yellow link to the individual downloads)
Lowedeus - The Great Sky of Totalitarianism: neighborhood skybox in “Tower”

Additional credits and thanks to Mootilda for the Lot Adjuster and the Clean Installer, and to Inge Jones for the Portal Revealer.
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