Modulin Set - Part 8 - The Fishing Spot

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A place to fish and get some air without leaving town. This little park is designed to be placed in between two buildings from the Modulin set, but it can become a right/left end lot or a standalone park if you destroy the right and/or left building facades.
If you just want the park and intend on destroying both facades: you don’t need to download the non-included CC from Ms Barrows; among the included CC, you also don’t need Honeywell’s bohemian brick wall and PixelHate’s Time Factor brick walls (untick the 4 wallpaper files in CleanInstaller), nor PineappleForest’s Glass&Brass round wall lamp.

The arched bridge is perfectly walkable without any animation glitch. You can see how to make arched bridges in Ani Bats’s excellent tutorial on the constrainfloorelevation cheat here (at 28:50).

I used the “no hygiene” version of NixNivis’s outhouse (included CC), which only raises bladder upon using, but they also have a version that raises both bladder and hygiene. If you’d rather have that one, you can find it here.

Here’s the full CC list:

Non-included CC

Downloads preceded by M are also required for the Minimart (part 1)
Downloads preceded by F are also required for the Flower Shop (part 2)
Downloads preceded by T are also required for the Toy Store (part 3)
Downloads preceded by B are also required for the Bridal Shop (part 4)
Downloads preceded by H are also required for the Home (part 5)
Downloads preceded by P are also required for the Playground (part 6)
Downloads preceded by C are also required for the Corner Apartments (part 7)
Downloads preceded by A are also required for the High-End Apartments (part 9)
Downloads preceded by ∞ are required for all lots from the Modulin set.
This means that if you’ve already downloaded another lot from the set, you can disregard the files marked with the letter corresponding to that lot, since you should already have them in your game.


Ms Barrows on TSR
-∞Eloquence Single Glass-Ornate Door Straight
(Non required diagonal version here)
-MPCAEloquence Single Short Ornate Window
(Non-required diagonal version here)
-MFPCAEloquence Double Short Ornate Window Straight
-BDecrepit Victorian Set - Faded Grey Fence (master mesh) and BVictorian Indoor Railing - Faded Grey

Included CC

Ailias - "Scratch the Trees!" Invisible Recolor
Dr Pixel - Outdoor Sink: mesh
Gwenke33 - Seasonal hydrangea bush: mesh and rec05
Gwenke33, HystericalParoxysm - Seasonal Maxis tree recolours and resized trees: meshes: ShrubbyS_Jumbo, ShrubbyS_Large, ShrubbyS_Medium, ShrubbyS_Small, JapaneseMapleLarger, MidbiscusSmaller
Honeywell - Interior Wall Collection: Bohemian Brick in “Hi-Yo Silver!”
Liz - Claybee business set: community phone recolor “liz_biz_clyb_phoneComm-clay”
NixNivis - Outhouse: no hygiene version
Numeror - Recolourable wooden modular stairs
PineappleForest - Lamp Collection: in Vintage Lamps Collection: Glass&Brass master mesh AntiqueBilliardLamp_MASTERmesh, G&B Fantastical Street Lamp, G&B fence lantern, G&B lantern garden post, G&B round wall lamp; RCs MetalSteel, Satin-PureWhite
Pixelhate - Time Factor Walls: Wood 04-1, Wood 04-2, Wood 04-3, BrickStrip 05-A, BrickStrip 05-B, BrickStrip 05-C
Shastakiss YetiChalet recolors - BG hibiscus purple recolor, BG Japanese maple bluegreen recolor, BG park chair/bench/table driftwood recolor
Sophie-David - The Perfectly Natural Toddler & Pet Bed: mesh, RC HayYellow

Default replacements (non-included, non-required)

Shastakiss - BG community trash can default

Additional CC used in my screenshots (non-included, non-required)

Criquette&WitheredLilies, Greatcheesecakepersona, Lowedeus - Skylines: “Alpine”
Curiousb - Neighborhood Terrain Default Replacements Set: dirt terrain replacement, dirt road replacement, road overlay (the download links to the bundles are broken, you have to use the yellow link to the individual downloads)
Lowedeus - The Great Sky of Totalitarianism: neighborhood skybox in “Tower”

Additional credits and thanks to Mootilda for the Lot Adjuster and the Clean Installer.
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