Modulin Set - Part 2 - Right End Flower Shop [updated]

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Update: the required CC is now less of a hassle to download! Most of what was non-included is now included (I initially misunderstood a thing and took a needlessly complicated approach, sorry about that). I also replaced the BB planters with planters from PineappleForest to tighten the amount of CC required for the set (see updated pictures).

Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9

This flower shop is intended to be run as an active business and the empty spots on the shelves are impatiently waiting to be filled with your sims’ flowery creations. If you leave it as a regular community lot, none of the flowers will actually be for sale (though I guess it could still serve as a very esthetic café since the espresso bar would still be in service).
Many thanks to PineappleForest, whose gorgeous creations are heavily featured in this one.

The upload is divided into 3 packages (the lot alone + the required CC in two parts, it was just easier for me this way). You need all three (+ the non included CC listed below) for the lot to appear complete in your game. In the second required CC package, you’ll notice that PF’s wood&paper lantern master mesh is highlighted red by the clean installer. I’m not sure why that is but as far as I can tell from download testing and playtesting there’s nothing wrong with that file, so don’t be alarmed.

Here comes the full CC list. Please let me know if you encounter any issue or if a link ever breaks.

Non-included CC

Downloads preceded by M are also required for the Minimart (part 1)
Downloads preceded by T are also required for the Toy Store (part 3)
Downloads preceded by B are also required for the Bridal Shop (part 4)
Downloads preceded by H are also required for the Home (part 5)
Downloads preceded by P are also required for the Playground (part 6)
Downloads preceded by C are also required for the Corner Apartments (part 7)
Downloads preceded by I are also required for the Fishing Spot (part 8)
Downloads preceded by A are also required for the High-End Apartments (part 9)
Downloads preceded by ∞ are required for all lots from the Modulin set.
This means that if you’ve already downloaded another lot from the set, you can disregard the files marked with the letter corresponding to that lot, since you should already have them in your game.

Numeror - ∞CEP

Hafiseazale - CEP extras: scroll down to the list of links titled “DOWNLOAD CEPS”. In the files for Nightlife, get “HA_CEP_Extra_NL_SpringMajesty_Documents” and “HA_CEP_Extra_NL_SpringMajesty_ProgramFiles”. Put the former in C:\Users\\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\zCEP-EXTRA and the latter in C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\zCEP-EXTRA.

Ms Barrows on TSR
-∞Eloquence Single Glass-Ornate Door Straight
(Non required diagonal version here)
-TBAEloquence Double Glass-Ornate Door Straight
(Non required diagonal version here)
-MPCIAEloquence Double Short Ornate Window Straight
(Non required diagonal version here)
-Eloquence Set Gold Recolor
-MTPCVictorian Indoor Railing - Peeling Blue
-MTBPCVictorian Fence-Matching Stairs - Peeling Blue
Important: There are custom instructions to install these stairs, you can find them on this page, under the “Required” tab (the stairs used in this build only require you to copy-paste the paragraph starting with “#msb_vicporch_peelingblue_modularstair”).
-For the window flower boxes you need three files:
CVictorian Column/Offset Column - MASTER MESH
Victorian Window Box - Oleander 1-Tile (Straight)
Victorian Window Box - Daisy 1-Tile (Straight)
-Chelmsford Wallpaper with Full Molding
-Chelmsford Wallpaper with Kick Molding
-Val Caron Wallpaper with Kick Molding

Padre on TSR
Harlem II - Curly Planter (it’s the biggest plant in the right hand side corner as you enter through the front door)

Included CC

Adele - Odette buid set: broad wood floor in blonde, simple wall tiles in cream
Amovitam - TS3 Greenhouse items: vintage finds lots of signs, signs RC3
Buggybooz - KitchenBasic set: master mesh “BB_KitchenBasic_Counter”
Buggybooz - Kitchen clutter set: store jar, small store jar
Buggybooz - Sharkelicious kitchen: counter (“BB_ShakerliciousKitchen_Counter”), island counter
Buggybooz - Bindi lounge set: coffee table, end table 2
Buggybooz - Bindi extras: wide shelf
Buggybooz - Feast of Frames: BV poster frame 1, Olive Peynter City Scape style frame 1, RCs “BB_RecolourPoster_BV_TravelPoster_RC3_ABuckle”, “BB_RecolourPoster_BV_TravelPoster_RC4_ABuckle”, “BB_RecolourPosterBV_TravelPoster_RC5_ABuckle”, “BB_RecolourPoster_OlivePeynterCityScape_RC8TVenter”
Charmful - Nature-themed Gouache-styled Paintings: “charmful_naturegouachepainting6”, “charmful_naturegouachepainting9”
Curiousb - Neighborhood Terrain Default Replacements Set: neighborhood sidewalk tiles (seasons version)
FairyForest - Rug slaved to Jonesi’s blanket: 2x2 main mesh ("FW-ODT-TeppichBedBlanket01-01-01-MESH"), 01-03-02-StoffOhneRand recolor
Gabilei123 - Stodgy Badger Family Portrait Recolors: “GL_FP2_Rahmen_Gold2” (in “GL_FP2_Frames”) and “GL_FP2_Blumen_Passpartout_02” (in “GL_FP2_Paintings”)
Gabilei123 - Spring Majesty Recolors: frame recolor “GL_FEW_Rahmen_Holz_mittel”
Gabilei123 - Spring Majesty without butterflies: NL repoed mesh, blumenset 2-3 recolors
Hek - Sommerferien living room: loveseat, sofa, flower vase, small flower vase; vase RCs gelb, hellblau
Hek - Recolors of Buggybooz’s KitchenBasic: tilesdarkgray
Honeywell - Interior Wall Collection: Bohemian Brick in “Hi-Yo Silver!”
Jonesi - Bed blanket fixed by HugeLunatic (second link “Download Double Bed Version Fixed”)
Note: when you're on the dropbox page, if nothing happens when you click download, try changing the page's url from "" to "". Then click download again and it should work. You can do this for all dropbox links that seem to be broken.
justJones - Harvest porch: bench, tub o’ plants
Liz - Claybee business set: community phone recolor “liz_biz_clyb_phoneComm-clay”
Liz - Lilac bathroom set: floral sink recolor B“liz_bath_llc_sinkFloral”
Liz - Claybee Study set: K&B corkboard recolor “liz_stdy_clyb_deco-cork-creme_KBS”
Liz - Celebration Plants Recoloured set: Bridesmaid No More bouquets recolors “liz_27cel_plant-bnm_14-ballet”, “liz_27cel_plant-bnm_15-sugrplm”, “liz_27cel_plant-bnm_23-sky”, “liz_27cel_plant-bnm_24-mint”
Liz - Pink Sugar Bathroom set: Bridesmaid No More recolor “liz_bath_pksg_plantBNM-salmon_CEL”
Liz - Cosmic bedroom set: harmonious centerpiece plant recolor “liz_bed_cos_plant-harm-violet_CEL”
Liz - Lilah bedroom set: harmonious centerpiece plant recolor “liz_bed_llh_plantHarm-orng_CEL”
Liz - Harmonious Glass Recolor
Macarossi - September Plant Collection: potted hibiscus
Macarossi - October Decorative Plant Set: foxgloves, garden irises, garden lupins, pedestal planter
Mustluvcatz - Moving Day set: master mesh “MLC EmptyBox MASTER”, large closed box
P34nut - Yellow Birch Wooden Floors: caramel
PineappleForest - Lamp Collection: Glass&Brass AntiqueBilliardLamp_MASTERmesh, Glass&Brass lantern fence light, Glass&Brass round wall lamp, Glass&Brass lantern post, Glass&Brass fantastical street lamp, Glass&Brass three glass bells table lamp; RCs MetalSteel, Satin-Marble
PineappleForest - Terracotta set: TerracottaSetPlanterSmall_TheRequiredMESH, Large_MESH, PlanterMedium_REPOmesh, TulipPot_Large_REPOmesh, TulipPot_Small_REPOmesh; RCs 01_Clay, 04_ClayOld1, 05_ClayOld2, 16_GlazeTealOnBrown, 18_GlazeLtGreyOmbre
PineappleForest - Lantern Pack: required mesh (“PF_Wood&PaperLantern-SmallAndon_TheRequiredMESH”), hanging lantern (“PF_Wood&PaperLantern-Hanging_REPOmesh”)
PineappleForest - Heap of Decor Items: potted taro plant, pattern beige pot recolor, pattern brown pot recolor, brown pot recolor
PineappleForest - Lotus Plant set: “PF_LotusPlantFlower_MasterMESH”, “PF_LotusPlantFlowerCeramicPlanter_RepoMESH”
PineappleForest - Small lotus planter
PineappleForest - Potted Plants Collection: XL fern in a round pot, XL fern recolors 2-3-4, S fern in a round pot, S fern recolor 4, small flowering cacti, large flowering cacti, small cacti recolors 2-5-6, large cacti recolors 2-3-4-5-6-7
PineappleForest - Succulent Set Revised: aeonium in square pot, aeonium recolors 8-9-10-11, two succulents in rectangular pot, pachypodium in round pot, small sansevieria in rectangular pot, tiny succulent 02b
PineappleForest - Sweet Bouquet set: sweet bouquet smaller, sweet bouquet medium, sweet bouquet large; RCs “LargeFlowerArrangement-Sweet--01B”, “LargeFlowerArrangement-Sweet--03A”, “LargeFlowerArrangement-Sweet--03B”, “LargeFlowerArrangement-Sweet--03C”; vase RCs Gradient-EmeraldPurple, Gradient-LilacWhite, Gradient-RedBlack
PineappleForest - Shabby set: PF_ShabbyCoffeeTable_v2_TheRequiredMESH
PineappleForest - Fountains and Algae set part 2, in “Hole-yPotsCascade[SNs]_Recolours”: RackRecolor_OldSteel” and recolor_07TerracottaAlgae
Pixelhate - Time Factor Walls: BrickStrip 05-A, BrickStrip 05-B, BrickStrip 05-C
Sarah*rose - Jonesi’s blanket recolors: rc_poppies yellow
Shastakiss - Veranka Bakery Today’s Special sign recolors: rowboat
Shastakiss YetiChalet recolors: BG Japanese maple bluegreen recolor, BG club counter / commercial club counter / uni espresso counter wood recolors: counterclubbase_driftwood, counterclubbase_rowboat, counterclubtop_driftwood, counterclubtop__greyblack, OFB storybook counter wood driftwood recolor, BG outside chair rowboat recolor, BG outdoor table rowboat recolor, OFB Euro shelving driftwood recolor, BG park chair/bench/table driftwood recolor, SSNS flower barrel rowboat recolor, M&G planter box “dw” and “rb”recolors, SSNS trellis planter driftwood recolor, BG quaint desk driftwood recolor, BG octagonal end table driftwood recolor, K&B kitchen bottles charcoal recolor, BG wooden stairs driftwood recolor (+template for recolorable stairs by Numeror), wood fence driftwood recolor
SilentLucidity - Full Range Shiftable OMSPs: end table OMSPs 1-7-8-10 + invisible RCs, smaller OMSPs 7-9-10 + invisible RCs
Suratan - Satinistics loveseat recolors, in the patterned recolors files: rc18, rc19
Veranka - New Vintage kitchen: sink, sink RC01
Veranka - Io bathroom: soap
Veranka - Flowers Market: glass roof, glass roof end, glass roof door add-on, tray plants, tray flowers, pallet, trolley, shelf 1, shelf 2, plant 1, plant 2, plant 3, plant 2 RCpot01, plant 3 RCpot01, flowers 1, flowers 2, flowers 4, flowers 5, flowers 1 RCpot01, flowers 1 RCplant02, flowers 2 RCplant01, flowers 2 RCplant02, flowers 4 RCplant01, flowers 4 RCplant01, pots 1, pots 2
Veranka - TS3 Bakery set: cash register, handy cookie jar, Today’s Special wall sign, Today’s Special wall sign RCa01
Veranka - Old Mill set: jars of electric fireflies, clustered electric firefly jars
Veranka - Old Mill Ivy set: untamed wall ivy A left&right, B left&right, E left&right
Veranka - Pots and Planters set: rose bush planter, rose bush planter RCplant03-RCplant06-RCpot02, colocasia, colocasia RCpot02
Veranka - Abatey lamp set: table lamp, table lamp RCshade04
Veranka - Hipster Loft set: industrial chic wall light, wall light RC02
Veranka - Into the Future plants: estuaries are the bestuaries house plant
YanderePlum - Community bathroom stalls palm recolor

Default replacements (non-included, non-required)

PineappleForest - Hydroponic Garden Rack default: dark grey frame
Shastakiss - BG community trash can default
Shastakiss - BG sunflowers in a vase default replacement: link titled “bg sunflowers with ofb”. You only need the file “DEFAULT_bg_PlantHouseSunflower” for this build.
Shastakiss - BG rosebush default

Additional CC used in my screenshots (non-included, non-required)

Criquette&WitheredLilies, Greatcheesecakepersona, Lowedeus - Skylines: “Alpine”
Curiousb - Neighborhood Terrain Default Replacements Set: dirt terrain replacement, dirt road replacement, road overlay (the download links to the bundles are broken, you have to use the yellow link to the individual downloads)
Lowedeus - The Great Sky of Totalitarianism: neighborhood skybox in “Tower”

Additional credits and thanks to Mootilda for the Lot Adjuster and the Clean Installer.
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