One with Nature
own_title.jpg - width=816 height=584
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own_sleepOutside.jpg - width=816 height=584
own_sleepOutsideBuff.jpg - width=816 height=584
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own_interactions2.jpg - width=816 height=584
Version 1.0.8
- Fixed a bug that would cause the mod to malfunction in vacation worlds
Version 1.0.7
- Added Chinese translation by chleochen233
- Added Dutch translation by SimsProductions
- Added Spanish translations by Nyvielz
- Slightly adjusted the way sims react to being peed on
- Added Italian translation by LadyIsabeaux
- Updated German translation thanks to Nasenfahrrad
- Added Danish translation by spumble
- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation by cabrera80
- Added Polish translation by Nanchi
About this mod
This is a pure scripting mod that adds a set of new interactions to your game, most of which are designed to let your sims fulfill their needs without having to rely on build/buy objects. Your sims will be able to:
- Relax and daydream on the ground
- Sleep on the floor and have dedicated “sleeping spots”
- Pee on the floor outside
- Have “sponge baths” in the ocean
- Bathe in swimming pools
This mod also comes with some custom moodlets because I really enjoy making those.

How to install
Simply put the spherefish_OneWithNature.package file into your mods/packages folder. The Tuning file is optional, you can use the XML inside it to adjust the mod to your liking. As with any new mod, I strongly suggest that you back up your current neighborhood before putting it in your game just to be save.
New interactions
Relax and Daydream

Sleep Here
You can also assign dedicated sleeping spots to your sims, so that they will try to go sleep there autonomously. You can only assign sleeping spots on your sim's home lot (though you can change that via tuning). By default, assigning a sleeping spot disables the lot sleeping filter for that sim (meaning they might sleep on the ground even if there are beds on the lot–see the “Autonomy” section below for more info).
Note that the mod automatically cleans up sleeping spots for non-active (NPC) sims when you load up your game.

Pee Here
Be careful not too pee right next to other sims unless you want to make them angry!

Bathe in Nature
Your sims can take sponge baths in the ocean or bathe in swimming pools. I added the pool interaction as sort of a compromise because I couldn't figure out how to make sims route into ponds, so at least they can bathe in “pond-like” pools now (plus it also works for Roman baths etc).
Sims can perform the bathing interactions autonomously, though they will only do it if there are no Hygiene-filling objects (bathtubs, showers, etc) on the lot. When going to bathe in the ocean autonomously, they should automatically route back to wherever they came from afterwards.

The majority of the interactions can be performed autonomously, though sims will only do it if your lot does not have any object to replace the nature interaction. (Eg sims will only try to pee outside if the current lot doesn't have a working toilet.)
You can adjust Autonomy via tuning and even turn it off completely if it doesn't fit with your playstyle.
The following objects prevent autonomous nature interactions:
Sleeping objects
Beds, tents, couches, lounge chairs, rocking chairs, igloos, altars (for vampires only), fairy houses (for fairies only)
Hygiene objects
Showers, bathtubs, all-in-one bathrooms, pools. By default, sinks do NOT prevent autonomy, though this can be enabled via tuning.
Bladder objects
Toilets, all-in-one bathrooms
The Tuning XML can be found in spherefish_OneWithNature_Tuning.package
Variable | Function | Value |
kAllowAutonomy | Allow autonomous interactions for all sims | True |
kAllowNPCAutonomy | Allow autonomous interactions for NPCs | True |
kAllowRelaxingInteractions | Allow relax/daydream interactions | True |
kAllowSleepingInteractions | Allow sleeping on ground | True |
kAllowBathingInteractions | Allow bathing in oceans/pools | True |
kAllowPeeingInteractions | Allow peeing on ground | True |
kAllowSleepingSpots | Allow sims to have dedicated sleeping spots | True |
kAllowAutoSleepingSpotAssignment | Automatically assign a sleeping spot to sims that don't have one when using the "Sleep here" interaction | False |
kIgnoreLotSleepingFilterIfSimHasSleepingSpot | Allow sims to autonomously sleep on the floor if they have a sleeping spot even if there are beds on the lot | True |
kIgnoreLotToiletFilter | Allow sims to autonomously pee outside even if there are toilets on the lot | False |
kIgnoreSinksForLotBatheFilter | Allow sims to autonomously bathe in pool/oceans even if there are sinks on the lot | True |
kMaxOceanDistanceForAutoBathing | Max distance sims will walk to autonomously bathe in the ocean | 200 |
kUseNakedOutfitForBathing | Set to false to make sims wear swimming clothes when bathing in pools | True |
kPeeOutsidePrivacyRadius | Min privacy radius for peeing in nature autonomously | 5 |
kMaxDaydreamTime | Max time in minutes sims will daydream on the floor | 120 |
kMinTemperatureForSleepingOutside | Min temperature in F required for sims to sleep outside | 32 |
kMinTemperatureForAutoDaydreaming | Min temperature in F for sims to daydream autonomously | 59 |
kAllowRelaxOnFloorInside | Allow sims to relax on the floor inside | True |
kAllowRelaxingOnSlopes | Allow sims to relax on slopes | False |
kAllowPeeOnFloorInside | Allow sims to pee on the floor inside | False |
kAllowSleepingSpotsOutsideHomeLot | EXPERIMENTAL, only change if you know what you're doing | False |
kCleanUpNPCSleepingSpots | EXPERIMENTAL, only change if you know what you're doing | True |
Possible issues
- The animation transition between relaxing and daydreaming looks a bit weird
- The sponge bath animation has some clipping issues for child sims
- The “Pee here” interaction icon looks kinda dumb
- Sometimes sims have routing issues when using the “bathe in ocean” interaction which cause them to either swim to the right spot instead of wading or stand and bathe on the water
- There is a weird glitch that sometimes pops up when using the “bathe in pool” interaction that prevents the Hygiene motive from going up. If it happens to you, just try to repeat the interaction.
This is a pure scripting mod, so hopefully it should not cause any major conflicts. If you notice any bugs or script errors, please let me know!
This mod was built and tested with patch version 1.67.
This mod is available in the following languages:
- English
- German
- French (by Emilie234)
- Russian (by Knight)
- Polish (by Nanchi)
- Portuguese (by cabrera80)
- Danish (by spumble)
- Italian (by LadyIsabeaux)
- Spanish (by Nyvielz)
- Chinese (by chleochen233)
- Dutch (by SimsProductions)
If you'd like to translate it into your language, just post your version in the comments or send me a message and I'll add it as soon as I can.

Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
spherefish_OneWithNature_Tuning.package | package | 2027 |
spherefish_OneWithNature.package | package | 840472 |
Uploaded: 30th Dec 2022, 553.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 30th Dec 2022 at 7:54 PM
#nature, #primitive, #wild, #wilderness, #bathe in ocean, #pee here, #sleep here, #new interactions
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