Indonesian Paintings Part 1
INDONESIAN-PAINTING-PART-1-GIF.gif - width=1000 height=766
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RumahAdatTongkonan.png - width=2593 height=868
LukisanGunungan.png - width=1169 height=1000
PemandanganSawah.png - width=2718 height=1180
WanitaMembawaSesajenDalamTradisiMapeed.png - width=2163 height=1180
PuraGapuraPenjorPayung.png - width=2166 height=1180
PakaianJakarta.png - width=1229 height=1020
Lukisan Representasi Budaya Tradisional Sumatera Barat.png - width=1022 height=868
UpacaraTawurAgungKesanga.png - width=2566 height=868
Indonesian Painting Part 1.png - width=1266 height=1080
*Adding more Southeast Asia representation for The Sims 4: For Rent Expansion Pack*
*Also, today 17th August is celebration of Independence Day of Indonesia* 🇮🇩
Base Game compatible, no Expansion Pack needed.
- This Part 1 consists of 8 Paintings.
- The paintings are cloned from Base Game with same price as the originals.
- The swatches are same as the originals. The only things I changed are the images for paintings & size of some painting frames a bit to fit to the image ratio.
- The images for paintings are not made by me. The images are free stocks from and
- Copyrights of images are the respective artists from each stock image providers.
Can be found on Decorations > Paintings & Posters
Rumah Adat Tongkonan
Tongkonan Traditional Houses
Tongkonan is the traditional ancestral house, or rumah adat, of the Torajan people in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Tongkonan has a distinguishing boat-shaped and oversized saddleback roof. Like most of the Indonesia's Austronesian-based traditional architecture, tongkonan is built on piles. Its construction is a laborious task, and it is usually built with the help of all family members or friends.
In the original Toraja society, only nobles had the right to build tongkonan. Commoners live in smaller and less decorated homes called banua.
Lukisan Gunungan
Gunungan Painting
Gunungan is a conical or triangular structure (tapered peak) inspired by the shape of a mountain (volcano), is a figure in the Indonesian theatrical performance of wayang.
Gunungan is used as a sign of changing plays/story stages.
Gunungan can act as land, forest, roads and others by following the dialogue of the dhalang (puppeteer in an Indonesian wayang performance.)
Pemandangan Sawah
Rice Field Landscape
Wanita Membawa Sesajen Dalam Tradisi Mapeed
Woman Bringing Sesajen (Food Offerings) In Mapeed Tradition
Balinese women on their way to perform the Mepeed ceremony to celebrate the Kuningan (traditional sacred Balinese holiday).
They wear the Kebaya and Tenun which are the traditional attire of Balinese.
These kind of tradition native to the Indonesian island of Bali.
Pura, Gapura Candi Bentar, Penjor, Payung Tedung
Pura is a Balinese Hindu temple and the place of worship for adherents of Balinese Hinduism in Indonesia.
Gapura Candi Bentar is a gate consists of two temple buildings that have identical shapes and are placed parallel as the main gate to enter the courtyard area of the house or the outermost gate. Usually, its uses as the main entrance of the temple or place of Hindu worship in Bali.
Penjor is a Balinese Hindu religious symbol of prosperity installed on the day of the Galungan ceremony.
Payung Tedung is umbrella for Balinese religious ceremony.
Pria & Wanita Berpakaian Adat Jakarta
Man & Woman Wearing Jakarta Traditional Clothes
Betawinese traditional Demang dress. It is worn during formal Betawinese occasions such as weddings, formal cultural gathering, folk meetings, etc. Baju Demang is the name in Indonesian for this clothing. It is worn in a pair for male and female.
Men is worn a Beskap for the shirt, a Songkok for the headdress, a kain samping for the upper layer of the trousers worn under the beskap, and black trousers for the pants that match the color of the Beskap.
The woman is worn a Kebaya and a skirt (kain) with Betawinese batik pattern.
Lukisan Representasi Budaya Tradisional Sumatera Barat
Painting of West Sumatera Traditional Culture Representation
Rumah Gadang (Minangkabau: "big house") or Rumah Bagonjong "house for the Minangkabau people" (Minangkabau: "spired roof house") are the traditional homes (Indonesian: "rumah adat") of the Minangkabau in West Sumatra, Indonesia.
The architecture, construction, internal and external decoration, and the functions of the house reflect the culture and values of the Minangkabau. A Rumah Gadang serves as a residence, a hall for family meetings, and for ceremonial activities. In the matrilineal Minangkabau society, the Rumah Gadang is owned by the women of the family who live there; ownership is passed from mother to daughter.
The houses have a dramatic curved roof structure with multi-tiered, upswept gables. Shuttered windows are built into walls incised with profusely painted floral carvings.
The term Rumah Gadang usually refers to the larger communal homes; however, smaller single residences share many of its architectural elements.
Upacara Tawur Agung Kesanga
Tawur Agung Kesanga is a sacred ceremony which is held annually as part of the celebration of Nyepi, Bali’s ‘Day of Silence’.
Tawur Agung is a great complex of offerings in which tawur means ‘to pay or restore’. Everything that we take from nature is restored through the Tawur ritual, dedicated to the invisible buta, with the aim that they will be pacified and not disturb the world.
The ritual is held in Kesanga, the ninth month in Balinese Saka calendar. It is carried out by local people at the crossroad of their village on the day before Nyepi. Its meaning is one of purification as an expression of harmony between humankind and nature — peace for the universe as the whole.
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
TheBleedingWoodland_TS4_IndonesianPainting_LukisanGunungan.package | package | 521990 |
TheBleedingWoodland_TS4_IndonesianPainting_LukisanRepresentasiBudayaTradisionalSumateraBarat.package | package | 437774 |
TheBleedingWoodland_TS4_IndonesianPainting_PemandanganSawah.package | package | 834354 |
TheBleedingWoodland_TS4_IndonesianPainting_PriaWanitaBerpakaianAdatJakarta.package | package | 264505 |
TheBleedingWoodland_TS4_IndonesianPainting_PuraGapuraCandiBentarPenjorPayungTedung.package | package | 588111 |
TheBleedingWoodland_TS4_IndonesianPainting_RumahAdatTongkonan.package | package | 1310395 |
TheBleedingWoodland_TS4_IndonesianPainting_UpacaraTawurAgungKesanga.package | package | 524439 |
TheBleedingWoodland_TS4_IndonesianPainting_WanitaMembawaSesajenDalamTradisiMapeed.package | package | 492668 |
Uploaded: 17th Aug 2024, 4.60 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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