No autonomous swinging on swing set and age restrictions - [09/11/10 - Compatible with all latest versions and games]
NoSwingSet.JPG - width=412 height=401
I say NO MORE. This has to end! So I present to you:

NoAutonomousVisitors_NotUsableByAE_Swingset - Visitors can't swing on swing set autonomously; also Adult and Elders can't swing at all, ever. Now kids will finally be able to swing on the playground and not to wait while some policeman is having all the fun; also will be able to enjoy quality time with guests. My favorite.
NoAutonomousVisitors_NotUsableByTAE_Swingset - same, but restricted to children only.

NotUsebaleByAE_Swingset - Children and teens from all over the world, unite, and swing all day! Adult and Elders can't swing at all, ever.
NotUsableByTAE_Swinset - same, but restricted to children only.

NoAutonomousVisitors_SwingSet - All ages can swing on swing set autonomously, except your guests. Behave now, or no cookie for you.
NotAutonomous_SwingSet - This is a sad mod, as no one anywhere will swing, unless you say them to. This means a playground, where no one will swing by themselves. Now that's a dreadful sight.

Additional Credits:
| Elders can't swing at all, ever
Uploaded: 28th Jun 2009, 1.1 KB.
| Visitors can't swing on swingset autonomously, also Elders can't swing at all, ever
Uploaded: 28th Jun 2009, 1.2 KB.
| No one on any lot, including community lots, can swing on swingset autonomously
Uploaded: 27th Jun 2009, 1.1 KB.
| Visitors can't swing on swingset autonomously
Uploaded: 27th Jun 2009, 1.1 KB.
| Teens, Adult and Elders can't swing at all, ever
Uploaded: 27th Jun 2009, 1.1 KB.
| Adult and Elders can't swing at all, ever
Uploaded: 27th Jun 2009, 1.1 KB.
| Visitors can't swing on swingset autonomously, also Teens, Adult and Elders can't swing at all, ever
Uploaded: 27th Jun 2009, 1.2 KB.
| Visitors can't swing on swingset autonomously, also Adult and Elders can't swing at all, ever
Uploaded: 27th Jun 2009, 1.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
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Updated: 9th Nov 2010 at 3:03 PM
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No Autonomous Sprinkler - [09/11/10 - Compatible with all latest versions and games]
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:!: 09/11/10 - Compatible with all latest versions and games. more...
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