Shadows of Gwrych Medieval Neighborhood (45 Lots TOTAL)

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Picked Upload!   This is a picked upload! It showcases some of the best talent and creativity available on MTS and in the community.
********** WELCOME TO GWRYCH KINGDOM **********

PLEASE take your time and read through the information in this First Post. This project can be overwhelming when thinking about downloading it, but the information provided here will be most helpful in making your download experience as painless as possible. There are several download options and a few things for you to keep in mind about this massive neighborhood. You may want to just take as much time as necessary (a day or 2 even) to look over everything before downloading anything. And don't forget to take a look at the Gwrych 45 Updates (at the end of this post). ~*~Stephanie~*~


**POST 1**
General Information and Gwrych User Object DOWNLOADS


- ". . . at ca 'n dragwyddol buchedd... to have life everlasting. . ."

In the midst of North Wales, there is a castle that intertwines into the craggy hillside, rising high above the Irish Sea. For centuries tales have been told about spirits lingering on the grounds of Gwrych Castle, especially that of the Countess of Dundonald, Winifred. The Countess inherited Gwrych from her grandfather, Lord Bamford-Hesketh. Countess Winifred was very passionate about ensuring that the Gwrych Kingdom be a place of prestige and honour. She worked tirelessly to maintain the castle grounds and the land throughout the kingdom. Upon her death the Countess left the castle to the Prince of Wales with the hope that the crown would maintain it. However, the castle was passed from hand to hand and over the years Gwrych has fallen into great disrepair. Many a traveler proclaims to have seen or felt the presence of the disenchanted Countess. It is widely believed that Countess Winifred haunts the castle grounds believing one day her spirit will inspire someone to restore the great castle. These tales of intrigue and mystery leave a shadow over the land itself. From afar, even in it's crumbling state, Gwrych Castle and all the land surrounding it seems to draw you in, holding even the most skeptical captive. There are those who have traveled to Gwrych only to vanish. Did they really disappear or have they been transported by Countess Winifred to a time when Gwrych was a place of great glory?

~~Perhaps it is time for you to find out for yourself!~~


This download is just the beginning of the Gwrych Collection. It is basically the starter set for the other Gwrych lots. It contains 45 lots for the Kingdom and the Duchy. The March, Barony and many additional lots are in other Gwrych uploads. Each individual Gwrych upload contains something different.



My vision for the Gwrych neighborhood is that it shall be a Medieval/Fantasy lot lovers "Starter Kit"...a gift for those who want a completely medieval neighborhood ready to play without having to hunt down objects and pull it together. Thus I created 45 lots full of Castles, Hovels, Churches, Businesses, etc.

This is not for ALL Simmers because...
1. it is a themed neighborhood and not everyone is into medieval Simming.
2. it is OBJECT HEAVY to keep the "Medieval" theme more authentic.
3. I used all EPs and Stuff Packs to create the lots.

When I uploaded this original Gwrych set of 45 lots (and subsequent lots including and up to the Gwrych March lots), I built with ALL EPs and STUFF PACKS. This collection of 45 lots was built with ALL EPs and STUFF PACKS. However, if you have ALL EPs, you can load the lots without having the STUFF PACKS. This should not harm your game or cause game crashes. What it will do is remove build mode objects I may have used in creating the lots (walls, floors/ceilings and fences). So, if you have ALL EPs and load the lots, there will be a bit of editing to do in replacing the walls, floors/ceilings, fences or other build mode items which it may remove. While you can load the lots without having the required STUFF PACKS, you MUST have all required EPs for the lots to load!

Sorry to those of you who cannot download the lots for any of the above reasons. But please feel free to browse and leave a comment nonetheless.



There are 2 ways to download. You can get all Gwrych Information, Objects, Lots and Maps by downloading the 13 zips in Post 1 and following the instructions below and within the zips to install them or you can pick and choose which lots and maps to download.

Read on...

. . . do the following:

Download the 13 zips in Post 1. These 13 zips contain everthing you need to set up your Gwrych Neighborhood.

Extract the "4 Gwrych User Objects" ZIPS to your Documents/EA/Sims2/Downloads folder. These zips contain all Gwrych User Created Obects used to create all 45 Gwrych lots.

I used the "Forge Set" by Buntah available HERE and "The Blacksmith Station" by Phaenoh available HERE in my "Township Part 2" in Post 5. Seeing that permission is not given to use these objects in lots, YOU MUST download both the Forge Set and the Blacksmith Station for that particular lot to show up properly.

Extract the "ALL Gwrych Maps" zip to your Documents/EA/Sims2/SC4Terrains folder. This zip contains all Gwrych neighborhood maps created for this project.

Gwrych Kingdom Neighborhoods 1 and 2 are meant to compliment one another and 3 and 4 are meant to compliment one another. I am using Gwrych Kingdom Neighborhoods 3 and 4. Neighborhood 3 is my Main neighborhood and Neighborhood 4 is my Vacation neighborhood. The Collegio Isle Neighborhood Maps (in Post #8) is a small isle for the educational community in Post 8.

Extract the "7 ALL Gwrych Lots" zips to your Documents/EA/Sims2/Teleport folder. These zips contain the Teleport lot files that place the lots in the Lots Bin in your game for all 45 Gwrych lots.

The "Gwrych Images and Information" zip contains reference files with the main images for the 45 lots and the general information about Gwrych.


. . . do the following:

Download "ALL 4 Gwrych User Objects" Zips under the "Download" Tab of this Post (Post 1) and extract the objects in the 4 zips to your Documents/EA/Sims2/Downloads folder. These zips contain all Gwrych User Created Obects used to create all 45 Gwrych lots.

You can download and extract the 1 "ALL Gwrych Maps" zip to your Documents/EA/Sims2/SC4Terrains folder. This zip contains all Gwrych neighborhood maps created for this project. If you don't want all maps, then simply downlad the maps from "Post #2" and "Post #8" that you want and follow the directions above.

Gwrych Kingdom Neighborhoods 1 and 2 are meant to compliment one another and 3 and 4 are meant to compliment one another. I am using Gwrych Kingdom Neighborhoods 3 and 4. Neighborhood 3 is my Main neighborhood and Neighborhood 4 is my Vacation neighborhood. The Collegio Isle Neighborhood Maps (in Post #8) is a small isle for the educational community in Post 8.

Select and download from the various Gwrych Kingdom and Duchy Lots any you would like to include in your neighborhood.

You may also wish to download the "Gwrych Images and Information" zip in this Post (Post 1)as it contains reference files with the main images for the 45 lots and the general information about Gwrych.


Here is an image of my Gwrych Neighborhood setup. Keep in mind I am using Gwrych Kingdom 3 (which is the map in the image below) as my Main Neighborhood. There are 2 other images attached to "this" Post (Post 1) to show you how my main Gwrych Neighborhood looks. They are also included in the "GWRYCH IMAGES and INFORMATION" zip (in Post 1) for future references.



There are no true known issues at present. If you find something odd with one of the lots, be sure to let me know! I will fix what is in my power to fix!




Shadows of Gwrych Medieval Neighborhood - 45 Lots

This thread includes the "MAIN" Gwrych KINGDOM lots and the MAIN Gwrych DUCHY lots.
Downloads are included in each of the 8 Posts.

Post 1 - Gwrych User Objects
This post contains ALL User Created Objects, Walls, Floors & Terrains used to create ALL 45 lots in this thread. Due to the large number of lots, object redundancy, unzippable recolours and the limitation of upload size, I decorated the lots and packaged them without user created objects. I found it more practical to package the User Created objects separately for everyone's convenience. Therefore...YOU MUST download and add all 4 "Gwrych User Objects" zips to your Downloads Folder for the lots to show properly and fully decorated. Simply download the 4 "Gwrych User Objects" zips at the end of "THIS first post" and extract them to your Downloads Folder "BEFORE" entering your game. Then you will be all set to build your medieval Gwrych Kingdom.

Post 2 - Gwrych Neighborhood Maps
(4 Sets of Neighborhood Island Maps to Choose From)

Post 3 - KINGDOM MAINLAND LOTS (12 Lots to Download)
1. Kingdom Abbey: Cathedral, Monastery & Convent (Residential)
2. Kingdom Bathhouse (Community)
3. Kingdom Castle - "Gwrych Castle"
(Downloaders Choice: 2 Residentials, Hotel or Apartment)
4. Kingdom Gatehouse (Community)
5. Kingdom Manor
(Downloaders Choice: Residential, Hotel or Apartment)
6. Kingdom Nobility Retreat (Residential)
7. Kingdom Servant Retreat (Residential)

Post 4 - DUCHY - MAINLAND LOTS - Set A (6 Lots to Download)
1. Duchy Castle - "Harlech Castle" (Residential)
2. Duchy Manor (Residential)
3. Duchy Henafol Inn & Surgery - Apartments (1 Doctor's House Apartment) & Small Bathhouse
4. Duchy Township 1 - (Community)
- Courthouse, Gaol, Stables, Small Food Market
5. Duchy Parson Cottage (Residential)
6. Duchy Chapel (Community)
- Chapel and Charity Shop

Post 5 - DUCHY - MAINLAND LOTS - Set B (8 Lots to Download)
7. Duchy Apothecary - (Residential Home Business)
8. Duchy Township 2 - (Community)
Fairgrounds (Open Market), Forge, Community Barn/Farm
9. Duchy Township 3 - (Community)
- Restaurant, Tavern
10.Ye Bakery (Residential Home Business)
11.Harvest Field (Community)
12.Duchy - Ditches 1 & 2 (Community)
- DITCH 1 - Ax Throwing, Chess, Darts, Campfire, Barbecue, etc.
- DITCH 2 - Knight Training and Artillery

Post 6 - DUCHY - MAINLAND LOTS - Set C (7 Lots to Download)
13.Ye Tailor (Residential Home Business)
- Fabric Shop, Clothing Store
14. 2 Woodland Lots (Community)
- Outdoor Activities
15. 2 Graveyards (Community)
- Graves Site and Park
16.Breconshire Docks and Beach (Community)
17.Duchy Miller's House (Residential)

Post 7 - DUCHY - MAINLAND LOTS - Set D (7 Lots to Download)
18.Henafol Village Row Houses(Apartments)
19.Henafol Reeves Cottage (Residential)
20.Henafol Peasant Hovels (Residential)
- Grazing Field and Work Sheds
22.Meadow (Community)
- Hay Field and Work Sheds

Post 8 - EDUCATION/UNIVERSITY EXTRAS (5 Lots to Download and 1 Set of Neighborhood Maps)
Since higher education in medieval times was a bit more scattered in general, I decided to create a really small "Collegio Island" to house 2 University lots: The Art Conservatory and The Science Institute. The Conservatory is for Musicians, Artists and Writers. The Institute is for Theologians, Doctors and Lawyers. I have also added revised versions of 1 Manor House and 1 Row House for your "intellectual" students to live in during their educational experiences!

* Collegio Isle Neighborhood Maps
* Collegio Beach
* Collegio Science Institute (Theologians, Lawyers and Surgeons)
* Collegio Art Conservatory (Artist, Musicians and Writers)
* Collegio Conservatory Cottages (for Artists)
* Collegio Institute Manor (for Scientists)

45 Total Lots to Download
5 Sets of Neighborhood Maps to Download


GENERAL INFORMATION About The Gwrych Project

*This Project was originally meant to be a part of the Deluxe Designers Inc. (D.D.I.) creations. Once D.D.I. disbanded, I decided to reorganize the small 3 lot project into a complete medieval neighborhood.

*"Shadows of Gwrych" is designed mainly for the avid "Medieval" Sim fans who have dedicated an entire game, "Any Game Starter" environment or separate Windows log-in to the creation of a "complete" Medieval neighborhood for your Sims. However, everyone is welcomed to peruse the downloads and grab what you like!

*Because the "Shadows of Gwrych" Project is a medieval themed project, it is "OBJECT HEAVY". With this in mind, this project was created using "ALL" Maxis EPs and Stuff Packs, as well as myriad of period appropriate User Created Objects. I also contributed a few dozen "medieval" walls, floors and terrains to the User Created Objects in the zips. Capturing the essence of medieval times was a major goal in the creation of this project...after all, one cannot have medieval lots without medieval objects! Please keep this in mind.

*The project will be presented in several threads: The first thread is this thread "Shadows of Gwrych Medieval Neighborhood (45 Lots)". I will present the remaining Gwrych lots in June and July 2010 in smaller sets. See my Journal for details. Basically you will have enough lots to create an entire kingdom of Kingdom lots, Duchy lots, March lots, Barony lots and general lots. The lots in the KINGDOM and DUCHY are more "prestigous" than those in the MARCH and BARONY. There are homes for nobility, skilled laborers and peasants.

*The lots range in size from 1 x 1, 2 x 1, 1 x 2, 1 x 3, 3 x 3 and 5 x 5. The average lot is 3 x 3. Please be patient with the 5 x 5 lots (namely The Gwrych Kingdom Castle and The Kingdom Abbey) when you are entering them for the first time or saving changes made to them. They tend to take a little more time to initially load & each time you save them after editing than the smaller lots!

*All lots have been tested for functionality and user object stability, but be sure to report any lot issues in a post if you find something major that disrupts game play.

*Certain lots are "prototype" or "clone" lots...meaning they were designed to be placed multiple times throughout your Gwrych Hood(s)...From Post 5 - the "Harvest Fields" and "Ditches" were designed for this purpose. From Post 6 - the "Woodlands" and "Graves" are clone lots. From Post 7 - the "Village Row Houses (Apartments)" and "Peasant Hovels" (Residential Lots) are clone lots. Feel free to mix and match as you wish.

*The RESIDENTIAL lots in this project include an invisible smoke alarm in the kitchens and a "hidden" burglar alarm (thanks Sophie-David making Maxis wall objects "height adjustable" for me). The burglar alarm has been hidden behind book shelves, counters and fireplaces F.Y.I.! Where I didn't use the "height adjustable" Maxis burglar alarm, I used Nanisims Picture Burglar Alarms. Basically, there should be burglar alarms and smoke detectors in all Residential lots!

*While this collection of lots is inspired by Gwrych Castle and Medieval Wales, it is "NOT" meant to be an exact replica of Gwrych Castle and Medieval Wales. Below are a list of links to the actual Welsh Castles that inspired my Gwrych Project:
Gwrych Castle
Harlech Castle



* Sophie-David made Maxis objects available (including the Cauldron, the Witches Podium, etc.). These objects are included in the lots, but are not included in the downloads as they are a part of the game. However, if you delete them from your lots, you will no longer have access to them. So use a bit of discretion when deleting things.

* Sophie-David has also created a few barrel'ly' things including recoloured trash barrels and a trash barrel end table. I used the end table under the Maxis mailbox as a place to put the mail.

* In addition, Sophie-David has also created a few invisible things specifically for this project. There is an invisible dishwasher in the dining and kitchen areas of most Gwrych lots. There is an invisible mirror in the chapel on the pulpit of Gwrych Castle, and in the Classroom, Cathedral and Chapter House in Gwrych Abbey St. Mary's above the podiums for your Sims to “practice speech”. Simply click on the half wall or click around the leg of the podium to get access to the mirror. There is an invisible sewing machine table in all of the lots that include Dragonart's Rumplestiltskin's Spinning Wheel. The Spinning Wheel is placed over the sewing machine table. Just click on the spinning wheel to access the sewing machine. In addition, if you see "sewing items" on a regular table, the invisible sewing machine has been placed in that table. Simply click on the table to access the sewing machine! The animations aren't perfect, but it is much more authentic seeing the Spinning Wheel or a Sewing Table instead of an antique sewing machine!

* I created over 300 Textures specifically for the Gwrych project! Relax...I "ONLY" used 116 StephSim textures in the 45 lots. At any is a sampling of the textures included in the "Gwrych User Objects" Zips:
Each "Gwrych User Objects" zip contains StephSim Textures.

* I included an extra download below (in this post - Post 1) called "GWRYCH IMAGES and INFORMATION" ZIP. This zip includes the main exterior view images of each lot, the neighborhood setup images and a general information file for your convenience in organizing your Gwrych Downloads.




*** June 2012***
I've updated the Kingdom Gwrych Bathhouse. It now only requires ALL EPs and No Stuff Packs. I also edited the front of the castle so that it is now flat on all sides. Depending on your game set up and computer capabilities, this only makes a difference if you were having trouble with the lot loading. It should now load properly for everyone. I have also updated the Teleport Files in the "ALLGwrychLots_4of7" zip in the Main Post - Post 1(under the Downloads Tab). So, you will have the most updated version of the lot. Thank you Taratears for alerting me of the problem.



***December 2011***
The Collegio Institute Manor DORM has been updated in Comments Post #8. The lot did not have a mailbox, which made it load in Build Mode. For those of you who figured this out and added a mailbox, this does not apply to you. For everyone else, all you need to do is add a residential mailbox to your original lot or download the updated zip file in Post #8. I have also updated the Teleport Files in the "ALLGwrychLots_2of7" zip in the Main Post. So, you will have the most updated version of the lot. A few build mode cosmetic changes were made to the lot as well, but the floor plan remains the same. Also, this particular lot is has been repackaged without the STUFF PACKS. Now, your Sims can enjoy the Institute Manor DORMS!

***June 2010 UPDATE***
I have made it easier for those who want to download EVERYTHING to download only 13 files to get all 45 lots, 5 sets of Neighborhood Maps, Objects and Gwrych Images and Information. My suggestion if you are just finding this thread OR if you want to download "everything" please read the information in this first Post carefully (especially the "Three Things To Note Before Downloading Anything" section below). Enjoy the downloads.

***August 2010 UPDATE***
I used many barrels and invisible objects created by Sophie-David. David has updated his "Ye Olde Copper Barrel & Sack Miscellany" Collection (found HERE with "enhanced animation, meshes, thumbnails and extra recolours". Be sure to peruse the thread, download what you want and overwrite those files in your Gwrych Downloads in-game folder. David's "invisible" items can be found HERE, HERE and HERE. There is also a very unique update to the Apartment Life Mailbox that you may find useful found HERE.

***September 2010 UPDATE***
Added Edta's "FIXED" Counter (thanks to Sophie-David).
If you are using the original Edta's medieval cupboards set (specifically, "edta-medievalcupboard.pkg" and "edta-medievalcupboard2.pkg"), they will conflict with any lots that use the Maxis Gothic Stained Glass Window, due to a GUID conflict.

I used Maxis Gothic Stained Glass Window in several of my Gwrych lots, so if you have Edta's original counter meshes in your Downloads Folder, those files will more than likely cause the game to crash because Edta's original counter shares the same GUID with Maxis Gothic Stained Glass Window.

Luckily, there is a fix thanks to Sophie-David.I highly suggest deleting Edta's original counters from your Downloads folder. If you prefer to use the counter, download the repaired version from the "Files" section of this thread.

Please note: I did NOT use Edta's counters in any of my Gwrych lots. This is not a Gwrych problem, but only an issue for those who have Edta's original counters in their games. My suggestion is to delete the original counters or to replace them with the "repaired/fixed" versions included in the "Files" section of this thread. You do NOT need these counters for Gwrych to work properly.

***October 2010 UPDATE***
Apparently, you CANNOT use "move objects on" to place objects on the back of a counter where there is a kitchen sink. In some of my Gwrych lots, I placed decorative items (sponges, hour glasses, plants, etc.) in the back corner of counters that have kitchen sinks. If you are receiving a counter error message when entering a Gwrych lot with a Sim for the first time...there may be objects sharing kitchen sink counter space (like the hour glass, sponge, plant or jars) that I overlooked in the process of fixing this problem. To fix this problem, all you need to do is to load a new version of the lot, enter it WITHOUT A SIM and delete any objects that are sharing a counter with a kitchen sink.

Also, if there seems to be no sink in an area where there should be one (especially bathrooms and kitchens)...try adding a sink to the empty counters. If you cannot place a sink on a counter, that counter should be deleted and put back in the game before adding a sink. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Remember, enter the lot WITHOUT a Sim to make changes.



The following links are to items "NOT" included in the Gwrych Downloads. These objects are not "needed" to load my lots. I am simply providing the links below for your convenience.

*There are also a few Church Items available at Around The Sims 2 FOUND HERE.

*There are also a few "free" church downloads available at Sim Design Avenue (formerly "Caravan Sims") - CLICK HERE - After you enter the site, click the "Themes" Tab and scroll down to the "Church" items.

*The "perfect" Cross for the top of the ALL Gwrych churches is from ReligioSims. While RelgiouSims is closing, HChangeri will be moving the items to Retail Sims 2. Be sure to CHECK HERE to obtain the Large Holy Cross for the top of your Gwrych churches.

*REMINDER - There is also a "Forge Set" by Buntah available HERE. Phaenoh has also created a forge stand of the Robot Making Machine that you can download from HERE. I did use both objects/set of objects in my Township Part 2 in Post 5. Seeing that permission is not given to use these objects in lots, YOU MUST download both the Forge Set and the Blacksmith Station for that particular lot to show up properly.



Sim Model Hairstyles from XM Sims 2:
Note: All hair used by my model sims comes from XM Sims 2

Sim Model Clothing by MTS creators Tiggerypum (meshes), EnbliththeFair, iamliz13 and Alex:
- Nun Outfit -
- General Medieval Dresses - (see Post 3)
- Blue Medieval Dress -


Special Thanks to Sophie-David (for objects, love and support), Numenor (for CEP), Gwenke33 (for the Medieval Quilts), Mary Lou (for the creation of "Mini-Lots" which can be found HERE, to plasticbox (for inspiring me to organize my project in a different way), to Delphy for providing an environment for Simmers to share, to MTS Moderators for taking the time to sift through this massive project AND (last but not least) to all Sims 2 Object Creators whose "medievalish" objects I used to accent my lots!


The Custom Content listed below is here to give credit to the creators for their objects. All of these objects are included in the MUST DOWNLOAD zips at the end of Post 1 ("this post").

- 83 StephSim "Medieval" Walls
- 11 StephSim "Medieval" Floors
- 12 StephSim "Medieval" Terrains
- 1 Beach Terrain
- 1 Gravel and Stone Terrain
- 1 Lichen Terrain
- 1 Moss and Brick Terrain
- 1 Stone and Grass Terrain


Note: These are ALL the objects included in ALL Gwrych lots available for download here. This does not mean that every lot has every object. Please keep this in mind!

- Black Night Life Stove by Ailias
- Edge Smoothers by Ailias
- Cracker Barrel Chess by Aligeth
- Tiled Arches and Windows (White Recolour) by Baba Yaga
- Sack Chair by Berg
- Dynasty and Sun King Dresser Recoulours by BillySims139
- Maxis Grey Wood Community Phone Recolour by BillySims139
- Unique Gravestones by bootsbrisket
- Medieval Fairgrounds Set by BrassTex
- Cloister Column by BrassTex
- Kitchen Jars and Vinegar Drizzlers by Buggybooz
- Jail Cell Cot by CC Designsby Charisa1114
- Quilt Shop Set Objects by CocoMama
- Stone Border Arch and Door by crocobaura
- 3 Pharmaceutical Plant Paintings by Dark Lady 79
- Closed Casket Mesh by DBCAB
- Medieval "See Through Me" University Window Archway Recolour by Djmusic
- Dark Barnwood Maxis Dresser, Table and Chair Recolours by DLMulsow
- Red Barnwood Maxis Dresser and Bedding Recolours by DLMulsow
- Dark Barn Wood Floor by DLMulsow
- Dark Weathered Wood Wall by DLMulsow
- Enchanted Harp by Dr. Pixel
- Rumplestiltskin's Spinning Wheel by DragonArts
- Basic Horse and Pose 4 by Dragon Slave
- Second Hand Bed Spread by DumBblOndE
- 3x4 Rug Mesh by Echo
- Straw Cottage Roof Object and Building Wall Meshes by Ermelind
- Bread Machine by FeeEssen
- Church Pipe Organ by FeeEssen
- Cross Wall Light by FeeEssen
- Hay Wagon Seat by FeeEssen
- Hitching Post by FeeEssen
- Large Heap of Wood by FeeEssen
- Rustic "Wheel" Grill by FeeEssen
- Tower Bell by FeeEssen
- Wellington Boots by FeeEssen
- Hanging Skeleton by Gromit
- Knight (Suit of Armor) by Gromit
- Lab Skeleton by Gromit
- Other Skeletons by Gromit
- Wood Awning and Pool Ladder from Post 2 of "The Dark Project" by The Guild Masters
- Larger Treasure Chest from Post 11 of "The Dark Project" by The Guild Masters
- Medieval Money Chest from Post 11 of "The Dark Project" by The Guild Masters
- Rug Pelts from Post 12 of "The Dark Project" by The Guild Masters
- Straw Roofs from Post 2 of "The Dark Project" by The Guild Masters
- Tome Book and Recolours from Post 11 of "The Dark Project" by The Guild Masters
- Medieval Quilt Recolours (created just for this project) by Gwenke33
- Driveable Farm Wagon by Hexameter
- Handcart, Plough and Tools from "Anno 1790" house by Hexameter
- Magnificently Medieval Armchair by HugeLunatic
- Scroll Phone by HystericalParoxysm
- Russian Banya Set (Bathhouse) by Jeka
- Celtic Table Cross by KevinsHope
- Interactive Church and Wall Crosses by KevinsHope
- Interactive Wall Cross Yen Recolour by KevinsHope
- Stone Sofa by Khakidoo
- "Open Me" Door "Prairie" Recolours by Kimdelee
- "Open Me" Window "Prairie" Recolours by Kimdelee
- Wall Banner and 2-Tile Banner Meshes by Lethe_s
- Mortar and Pestle by Lethe_s
- Pedestal Planter by macarossi
- Pond Rocks by Macarossi
- September Plant Collection: Window Planter by macarossi
- Stone Flower Planters by macarossi
- Pelt Rug 3 from Post 6 of "A MidSimmer Night's Dream"by Magick Modders
- Serf Furnishing Objects from Post 6 of "A MidSimmer Night's Dream" by Magick Modders
- Just A Ladder by Marvine
- Trashed Wooden Bathtub by Mary Lou
- Antique Fireplace Stove by -Maylin-
- Athelyna Set by -Maylin-
- Chateau Door by -Maylin-
- Haystack Bed by -Maylin-
- Old Coffee Maker by -Maylin-
- Red Lantern & Black Recolour by -Maylin-
- Bread Rolls by mdhttr323
- Cheap Bookshelf Recolour by mia86
- Chimneyless Fireplace and Grey Recolour by mia86
- Long Table and No-Leg Extender by mia86
- Medieval Thatch Roof 2 by mia86
- Decorative Cat by mickyss
- Decorative Dog by mickyss
- Waterwheel by MsBarrows
- Burglar Alarm Pictures by nanisim
- Loggia Fence by nanisim
- Fairybulosa Bridge Chain, Fences and Rocks by olemantiker
- Barn Set Objects by Paleoanth
- Mad Scientist Set Objects by Paleoanth
- Eponymous Garden Plants by Parsimonious
- Fairy Tale Romance Black Mesh Build Set (Windows, Doors and Arches) by Parsimonious
- Oggs n' Ends Set: Telescope, Broom and Ink Quill by Parsimonious
- Pay Phone Cover and "Pirate" Wood Recoulour by Parsimonious
- Pirate's Bay: Build Set (5 Windows and 2 Doors) by Parsimonious
- Pirate's Bay: OFB Bins, Shelves and Produce Stands (The Entire Set) by Parsimonious
- Golden Weigh Scale by Parsimonious
- Spring Onion Tavern Recolours (Dartboard, Card Table, End Table and Chair) by Parsimonious
- Invisible Door by pfish
- Invisible Pool Light by pfish
- Invisible Smoke Alarm by pfish
- Fallout Maxis Recolours by Purity Project
- Firewood Shed by RealGanacampo
- Farm Animals (Without Custom Sounds) by rebecah
- Castle Wall Fence by rebecah
- Invisible Window by rebecah
- Holiday Candles Resized & 1 Recolour by Reyn
- Hay Bales by Rosaline_10
- Invisible Driveway & Extensions by roddyaleixo
- Medieval Magazine Rack by RugRatOne
- Hanging Meat by simsistic
- Ye Olde Cooper's Barrel Collection Objects: Barrel Tables, Chairs, End Tables, Food Contains and 4 Recolours for each by Sophie-David
- Invisible Mirrors by Sophie-David
- Invisible Sewing Machine by Sophie-David
- Invisible Dishwasher by Sophie-David
- "Lady of Shalott" Painting/Television by Sophie-David
- Rossetti Painting: "Tibullus" by Sophie-David
- Medieval Recolours by sophisim
- Medieval Shop and Open For Business Signs by sunni9676
- Farm Set Objects: 2 Hens, Henhouse and Egg Basket (click on "Verschiedenes") by Tarox Sims
- Decorative Animals (Squirrel, Badger, Rabbit, Fox) by Tazmanoregon
- 2-Tile Banner Recolours by Tiggerypum
- Medieval Flag and Recolours by UK1967
- Medieval Cannons and Cannonball by UK1967
- Medieval Gallows and Columns by UK1967
- Medieval University (Myne) Door by valasia
- "Open Me" Tall Windows and Stone Recolour by windkeeper
- Crystal Ball Television by Wintermuteai1
- Crystal Sphere Computer by xanathon
- Rug Recoulours by 15pupmaus49

Note: All Other Tarox Downloads used for this project are under the "Möbel" tab. The following objects are included in the zips as well. They are listed below to give credit to the creators.
- Medieval Bathroom Set: Mirror and Bathtub by Tarox Sims
- Medieval Part I: Kitchen Dishes, Shelf Light and Bench Stools by Tarox Sims
- Medieval Part II: Battle Ax Stand by Tarox Sims
- Meditteranean Dining Set: Chandelier and Vases by Tarox Sims
- Roman Set II Objects: Small Scroll Bookshelf and Large Closed Scroll Bookshelf by Tarox Sims
- Stacked Cups and Plates (from Green Kitchen Set) by Tarox Sims


Be sure to download ALL 4 "Gwrych User Objects" zips under the Download Tab of THIS first Post (just below) and extract them to your Downloads Folder BEFORE entering your game. Without doing so, your Gwrych lots WILL NOT show properly. These 4 zips contain ALL of the objects and textures used to create ALL of the Gwrych lots available in this entire thread.


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