Tiffany Scott

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BASIC sim file added, means: packed without hair and skintone, to fit the new MTS guidelines.

My 2nd sim where VELVET skintone is used, this sim is not that cute but has a more defined face and i gave her piercing eyes and a more sad face. At first i wanted to create her as the gothgirl, which i will also release sometime soon, but i only kept the pale skintone on this one. Body definitions are slender, because she hates fat.

As always i picked a hair which goes well with the facial shape, allthough it was hard to find and it has a few errors, which you can see in the pictures, but it's not that of a big deal imo. If that botheres you, change it and i will again post some hair suggestions in the comments..

- Coward -
- Exciteable -
- Friendly -
- Tidy -
- Perfectionist -

- Food: No fat
- Color: Black
- Music: Rock, Electro




╗╗ Included in the downloadfile:
→ "Oh my Eyes - Contacts" by escand (Esciohmyeyescontacts.package)
→ "Grape lipstick" by Subaxi (grapelip_creatrice_subaxi.package) (Policy says to me: "Do not modify, you can include, but link back to my blog" That's why i included it)
→ "Halter Tops" by Cheapncheerful (everyday) ([CnC] Haltertops 1.package)
→ "Halter Dress" by Poppy (formal) (ukpoppy_afblwtehaltrngdrss.package)
→ "Goth boots" by Aikea Guinea (everyday) (AF/AM Stompy Boots 01.package, F=female M=Male)
→ "Bosie Peggy 090607 conversion" by Bosie (Bosie_Peggy_Fh090607_d0019_For_TS3.package)
→ "Running Sport Top" by Shep (athletic) (Running_Sport_Top_by_Shep.package)
→ "Adult + Young-Adult Thong" by innocentsheep (sleepwear) (Thong 2C AdultF.package)

╝╝NOT Included:
→ Non-Default VELVET Full Skintone by LadyFrontbum

-MODS- which determine her look, like she looks in the pictures:
You can download Anach UI Mod in order to easily pick LadyFrontbum's non-defaultskintone in CAS or you use the scrollwheel without the mod (not recommended..)! Don't miss this mod, it's another must have!
The sim might show up in blurry skincolor if you select it from the simbin, this is a common hickup with non-default skintones, but it's easily fixable.. if you see your milky sim, just switch back to the simbin and your sim should switch to it's normal skintone that i've choosen.
If your sim is solid black you didn't install the skintone/Rez Delnava's UI Mod correctly. Black sims only occure, if the skintone is missing.

-- Latest Patch, Awesomemod sliderhack (x5) (or any other sliderhack): -> >> CLICK <<
-- Chin to Neck Slider by Heiret
-- Facial sliders: -> by bella3lek4, and download here: >>CLICK<< Thanks to "candy1985" for providing a downloadsource!
-- Facial and body Sliders: -> by jonha
-- Head Shape slider by jonha
-- Adjustable Female Breast sliders -> by Delphy
-- Non-Default VELVET Full Skintone by LadyFrontbum
-- "Oh my Eyes" Contacts by escand (included)
-- "Grape lipstick" by Subaxi (included)

Very Important!
You NEED any sort of sliderhack, or her face will snap back, if you try to edit it! Additionally you also NEED all the sliders and "Awesomemod" OR any mod which increases the sliderlimit like "Johna's sliderhack" or "S3Z's IncreasedSliderLimit", or her face looks not exactly like in the pictures!

--> Just put the ".sim" file from the download rar into the
"My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/SavedSims" folder.
--> The ".package" files which are included in the download file must be installed correctly to create his unique look. The easiest way to install them is to download Delphy's "TS3 Install Helper Monkey" . Package files must be placed in your game directory "xxx/Sims 3/Mods/Packages" and the CC shows up correctly.

HF with Tiffany

Custom Content Included:
- Halter Dress by Poppy /
- "Oh my Eyes" Contacts by escand /
- Halter tops by Cheapncheerful /
- Goth boots by Aikea Guinea /
- Goth boots by Aikea Guinea /
- Bosie Peggy 090607 conversion by Bosie /
- Grape lipstick by Subaxi /
- Running Sport Top by Shep /
- Adult + Young Adult Thong by innocentsheep /
- Adult + Young Adult Thong by innocentsheep /
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