Buyable Beach Towels (with custom script)

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Mod Description

While doing some object recategorizing I found the Island Paradise beach towels which I decided to make purchasable in game. Though they make for nice decorations, I was slightly disappointed to find that sims couldn't use them to relax and sunbathe on. So instead I chose to clone the beach towel object and attach a custom script to it that comes with custom interactions to allow sims to use them and choose between the available patterns for both the towel and attached umbrella.


This is a essentially a NEW object that borrows the models, textures and such from the default beach towels from Island Paradise (hence you will need the expansion). Along with original interactions to nap or change postures (available once the sim is relaxing on the towel) and toggle the umbrella and stereo, it comes with the following custom interactions:

Relax HereSim relaxes on the towel and the towel remains in place after use (as opposed to the default towels which are automatically deleted)Sims will not autonomously try to use a towel placed outdoors during bad weather or at night unless the sim is a vampire OR a werewolf during a full moon
Beach TowelChoose between the 10 available default towel patterns including the Lifeguard career specific oneAvailable in Build/Buy mode by Shift+Clicking on the towel and also in Live mode if testingcheatsenabled is on
Beach UmbrellaChoose between the 10 available default umbrella patterns including the Lifeguard career specific oneAvailable in Build/Buy mode by Shift+Clicking on the towel or umbrella and also in Live mode if testingcheatsenabled is on
Put Up UmbrellaToggles the beach umbrella to appear at one of the six possible positions around a towel of your choice (the default interaction would choose a random one for you) or lets you shift the position of the already up umbrellaAvailable in Build/Buy mode by Shift+Clicking on the towel or umbrella and also in Live mode at all times

(You can also change the patterns of any beach towels including the default ones and beach umbrellas using NRaas DebugEnabler)

Can be found under:
  • Buy mode: Decorations / Rugs and Outside / Outdoor Activities (when sorting by room)
  • Build mode: Pool Objects and Resort Objects
for the rather reasonable price of 1 Simolean

This mod has NO EFFECT on the default interaction that sims use to sunbathe (which creates a temporary beach towel for them to use on the spot which is deleted after they are done) so on Beaches and Resort lots you will still see sims autonomously choose to do that instead of using these towels unless you use a separate tuning mod or NRaas Retuner to block the interaction completely (doing so you'd have the advantage of controlling where sims sunbathe since they would only be able to do it where you placed a beach towel instead of wherever they happen to be standing which can be head-smackingly odd in some cases)

End Notes

Build and tested on patch 1.67

Requires Island Paradise

This is a custom scripted object separate from the original default beach towels in the game (it does depend on the resources of the original object though). It does NOT conflict with Inge's Sunbathing Fix mod (which I recommend you get to stop sims from autonomously sunbathing using the default towels during bad weather or at night and also kicks sims out of their relaxing behinds when the weather turns bad) nor will it conflict with any other mods dealing with sunbathing (or any other mods at all for that matter) as far as I know.

Additional Credits:
The Jones' for S3PE as always and specifically Inge for her Sunbathing Fix mod (or I might have totally made the same bungle as EA and allowed sims to autonomously sunbathe on a cloudy hailing night)
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