anniversary_front.jpg - width=698 height=472
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This mod adds new gameplay, hence is experimental. Feel free to give feedback in comments for unusual behaviour. Note : For those who experience wrong text description in this mod custom memory, getting something like "I organized a great party" or even blank description instead of actual memory description, It is because your game region language is not US English. Since my custom memories are clone from game's held party memory, and I only the change US English language and not the other region language, so you have to change the memory description to your own region language. You can follow these steps here but the one that you have to change is "Catalog Description" in the this mod main package instead of "Text List" in the localization plugin. Catalog description contains all description text for custom memories
First things first :
Compatibility :
This mod is not compatible with base-game-only. The resources I've overriden are taken from Apartment Life, but in the coding also contains functions and constants from Freetime and Seasons
What does this mod do ?
- Basically, this mod does counting and reminding of relationship anniversary by months basis. Please note : the term "a month" refers to "a quadrant" or "a season"
- Whenever a sim starts going steady, being engaged or getting married, the counting starts from 0. Whenever a sim is no longer steady, engaged or married the counting resets and stops. Being enganged after going steady does not reset the counter though.
- By default, every month on the same date as relationship began, the counter increase by 1 and notification will show up as reminder. Whether you want to celebrate the anniversary or not is up to you. This can be adjusted by using SimPE as shown in pic 3. You can make the anniversary is every two months or every three months instead of every months by modified the tuning parameter using SimPE.
Example :
Jack proposed Jane on "2 days left in Winter" (which is Day 3 of Month 3 if the seasons order is Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring and days per seasons is the default 5 days). So, on the next "2 days left in Spring", Jack and Jane will have their first anniversary, and in "2 days left in Summer" they will have their second anniversary and so on.
Let say, on "1 day left in Summer", Jack is married to Jane, so there is no more anniversary on "2 days left in Autumn" but they'll have first wedding anniversary on "1 day left in Autumn" instead. - If you use seasons or quadrant length mod where the length of every season or quadrant is different, if the current season's length is less than the date of relationship begins, anniversary will occurs on the last day of the seasons.
Example :
You have mod which change the seasons length :
- Spring : 4 days
- Summer : 6 days
- Fall : 4 days
- Winter : 5 days
and the neighborhood has seasons order : Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring.
On the "2 days left in Summer" (which is day 5 of Summer), Jack is married to Jane. So their first anniversary will be on "1 day left in Autumn" (day 4 of autumn), since there is no day 5 in Autumn. - By default, everytime the relationship counter of the sim in active household is changed, the partner sim's counter is also changed and be synchronized, either the partner is member of active household, non-active household playable sim or a townie. This can be adjusted by using SimPE as shown in pic 3 (for you whose gameplay style is rotational playing, you may want to deactivate sync with playable non-household partner and keep sync with townies on)
- By default, if the sims are married, they can have bronze wedding anniversary (2nd anniversary), silver wedding anniversary (4th anniversary), golden wedding anniversary (6th anniversary) and platinum wedding anniversary (7th anniversary). On these days, they will receive special notification and money as appreciation gift. This can be adjusted by using SimPE as shown in pic 3. If partner sync is ON, the money gift on anniversary will still be given to partner sims even if they are not member of active household.
- When a couple sims reach golden anniversary, they can throw an anniversary party, thus they can fulfill the "golden anniversary" lifetime want through this way. So, with this mod, there are two ways to achieve golden anniversray lifetime want. First is the game's way : when the couples are elder and have a good mood, and second is through achieving golden anniversary with this mod.
- The couple sims will receive a custom memory on special anniversary (bronze, silver, gold or platinum) as shown in pic 2.
- If a sims has relationship before this mod is installed, after this mod is installed, this mod will give random relationship date as anniversary date for that sim, but the counter still starts from 0.
- Relationship check will only occur around midnight along with the season counter. So if your sim is divorce and married again with the same spouse on the same day, the relationship counter will not be reset.
- For those who also have Holidays mod, please also download plugin 01. And if you also have Holidays' plugin 00 (month length), please also download plugin 02 along with plugin 01. Please do not install plugin 01 if you do not have Holidays mod, and do not install plugin 02 if you do not have Holidays' plugin 00 (month length).
- For you guys with season length mod or age length mod, you may want to tune this mod as shown in pic 3, since this mod's setting is set to comply game's standard : 5 days per seasons or 5 days per quadrant and with default age length, so golden anniversary will only can be achieved when the sims is elder (or 30 days after they get married).
Conflicts :
OK, This mod is conflict with my holiday mod, but I provide the plugin to make it compatible. And also it is use the same STR# as Mood Swing+Midlife Crisis, so for you guys who has already localized the mood swing mod's STR# into your own language and game region's text, you should localize it again or you will get the english text again because this mod is override the STR#. Just download this mod's "plugin 00 localization and blank fixed", open with SimPE and change the STR# as shown by pic 4.
Other than that, I found no other conflict in my game and also this mod should be compatible with inTeen since there is no BHAV conflict. But technically, this mod will conflict with other mods that override these game resources :
- Season - Update (BHAV, Group : 0x7F232ABA, instance 0x1002)
I also create some new instance under
- Group 0x7FD46CD0 : 0x0732 (BHAV), 0x0733 (BHAV)
- Group 0x7F232ABA : 0x1023 (BCON), 0x1080 (BHAV), 0x1081 (BHAV), 0x1082 (BHAV), 0x1083 (BHAV), 0x1084 (BHAV), 0x1085 (BHAV),0x1086 (BHAV), 0x1087 (BHAV), 0x1088 (BHAV), 0x1089 (BHAV), 0x108C (BHAV), 0x108D (BHAV), 0x108E (BHAV), 0x108F (BHAV), 0x1090 (BHAV), 0x1091 (BHAV), 0x1092 (BHAV), 0x1093 (BHAV), 0x1094 (BHAV)
- And also 4 custom memories under group 0xFFFEFEFC, 0xFFFEEFFC, 0xFFFEFFEC, 0xFFFFEEFC
Install :
- Just put my mod in Downloads folder of your sims 2 data. If this mod does not work, try to change the load order, like rename my mod to "z_pqw_t_anniversary.package".
- For inTeen user, please make sure this mod and all of its plugin, if any, are loaded after inTeen, by checking if there is "zzzz_" in front of original filename, and adding "zzzz_" if they have not been renamed yet.
- This mod must be load after "pqw_holiday.package", "pqw_mood_swing.package" and their plugins if any. If you do not change the name of those packages and this package, then it should be just fine, as it complies the load order.
- It is adviced for you to backup your nhood once in a while and before installing this mod just in case.
Additional Credits :
- Creators of SimPE
- ihatemandatoryregister who kindly offered to help me make correction of my syntax. The text of mood-swing part of this mod's current verison is the edited version by ihatemandatoryregister
Uploaded: 30th Mar 2018, 69.8 KB.
| ONLY install this plugin if you have installed holidays plugin 00 (month length). DO NOT install this plugin if holidays plugin 00 is not installed
Uploaded: 9th Mar 2018, 1.2 KB.
| ONLY install this plugin if you have holidays mod. DO NOT install this plugin if holidays mod is not installed
Uploaded: 9th Mar 2018, 839 Bytes.
| String list template for localization only. See the description for details
Uploaded: 9th Mar 2018, 57.1 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 2nd Apr 2018 at 3:28 AM
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Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
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![]() | Apartment Life |