Hangout After Work (UPDATE: 01/08/2019)

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Latest version : package file with modified date : 2/24/2018 08:5x PM. Please make sure you have the latest version.

Want some new variety in your game ? Want give your sims chances to hanging out with their co-workers after their long and hard working time ? Then try this mod in your game.

This mod adds new gameplay, hence is experimental. Feel free to give feedback in comments for unusual behaviour.
  • If you experience blank popup, notification, dialog box or message, try these steps here
  • If you want to translate/localize the text into your game region, you can follow these steps here
  • If you experience other unusual behaviours, you can try to follow these steps here
  • Every plugin is not independent mod package, unless it is said so. You have to install the main package if you want to use a plugin.

DEMO VERSION AVAILABLE. What is demo version ?


First things first :
Compatibility :
This mod is not compatible with base-game-only. The resources I've overriden are taken from Apartment Life, but the coding also contains functions and constants from Freetime, Nightlife, Pets, Bon Voyage, and Open For Business

What does this mod do ?
Added event where there is slight chance for your sims to do activity after work in the background. Two kind of event category : slacking off and hanging out. For hanging out, there are 7 events that will be randomly picked : Bowling, Cinema, Cafe, Gym, Auction, Park, Concert.

While slacking off has no bonus effect, hanging out has different bonus effects depends on the event, that explained in picture number 2. When events occured, your sims will go home late from work, for 2 hours (70% chance), 3 hours (25% chance), 4 hours (5% chance) late (hey, they're hanging out or do overtime, so will be home late).

Conflicts :
Known Conflicts:
  • inTeen (BHAV conflict. The additional version that supposed to be compatible with inteen has been uploaded)
  • MQ Bring friend home from work dialog. You can follow these steps here to make it work.
  • No Carpool for Mothers (Reported by allison731, BHAV conflict)
Technically, this mod will conflict with other mods that override these game resources :

Should not affect pet career nor business.

Flavours :
There are 5 flavours uploaded for this mod. Just choose one of your choice. Those flavours are :
  • 3% chance of slacking off and 5% chance of hanging out (rar file that contains "_1" in the filename)
  • 5% chance of slacking off and 10% chance of hanging out (rar file that contains "_2" in the filename)
  • 5% chance of slacking off and 15% chance of hanging out (rar file that contains "_3" in the filename)
  • No slacking off and 15% chance of hanging out (rar file that contains "_4" in the filename)
  • Version number 3 for inteen compatible. For you guys who has inteen installed in your game, please download this file, otherwise, my original mod will be overriden by inTeen, thus won't work at all . I only make 1 flavour for inteen based on most downloaded flavour, but you can customize the setting as your desire. The step is in the following. Do not change the package name since it is needed so that my mod will be loaded after inTeen.
Want to set your own flavours other than above ? Do not worry, just open your package using SimPE. Open resources as shown in picture number 3, and change the value, commit and save.

For instances :
  • If you want the chances of of slacking off only 3% and hanging out 25%, just enter value of "% (+1) slacking off at work" with 2 (from 3-1) and value of "% (- % slacking off) hang out after work" with 27 (from 2+25. 2 is the value of "% (+1) slacking off at work")
  • If you want no chance of slacking off and hanging out 20%, so enter value of "% (+1) slacking off at work" with -1 (from 0-1) and value of "% (- % slacking off) hang out after work" with 19 (from -1+20. -1 is the value of "% (+1) slacking off at work")

    Note : sorry for confusing tutorial. It is coding-related stuff.
  • If you want the time of your sims' hangout/overtime is fixed for certains hour, just change the value of "Hangout hour(s) - 0 for random between 2,3,4 hours" with hour you desires, e.g 1 for 1 hour, 2 for 2 hours, 3 for 3 hours, 5 for 5 hours. 0 is the default, where this mod will picked random value of 2 (70%), 3 (25%) and 4 (5%) hours.

Install :
  • Just put my mod in Downloads folder of your sims 2 data. If this mod does not work, try to change the load order, like rename my mod to "z_pqw_afterworkactivity.package".
  • For inTeen user, please make sure this mod and all of its plugin, if any, are loaded after inTeen, by checking if there is "zzzz_" in front of original filename, and adding "zzzz_" if they have not been renamed yet.

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