Theme Space: Aerospace Engineer Career
Here is my submission for Theme Space! A cool career for the space loving, logical and mechanical enthusiastic Sims.
Big thank you to Elizabeth Aspir from Desiderata Valley for changing careers!

Job Descriptions (detailed):
Level: 1
Job Title: Aeronautical Lab Intern
Description: Welcome to the SimSpace Aeronautical Laboratories where you’ll be assisting & observing top engineers in creating the newest spacecraft for outer space exploration programs.
Wage: $128
Work Days/Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5pm
Skill Requiments: Logic x1
Friends: 0
Level: 2
Job Title: Data & Technology Researcher
Description: Your job is to research on various factors such as fuel efficiency, flight safety and compiling data information.
Wage: $215
Work Days/Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5pm
Skill Requiments: Logic x2, Cleaning x1
Friends: 1
Level: 3
Job Title: Tests & Trials Technician
Description: You’re now a technician specialising in trialling and testing new concept designs. You investigate design flaws that could potentially cause accidents and take part in flight-test programs. Crash dummies at the ready!
Wage: $430
Work Days/Hours: Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat 8-6pm
Skill Requiments: Logic x3, Cleaning x3, Mechanical x2, Body x1
Friends: 3
Level: 4
Job Title: Satellite Development Team
Description: You and a team of other geniuses are developing a new Earth observation satellite. Rumour has it that this program is being funded by the government and private investors.
Wage: $645
Work Days/Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5pm
Skill Requiments: Logic x4, Cleaning x4, Mechanical x3, Creativity x3
Friends: 4
Level: 5
Job Title: Avionics Engineer
Description: Now you focus mainly on the electronic systems that are in aircrafts, satellites and shuttle. Those systems monitors fuel, pressures and create communication back to base camp. Earth to Simspace, can you hear me?!
Wage: $765
Work Days/Hours: Wed-Sun 8-6pm
Skill Requiments: Logic x5, Mechanical x4, Creativity x4 , Body x2
Friends: 6
Level: 6
Job Title: Head of Materials & Manufacturing Department
Description: Your previous skills as a technician and engineer will come back in handy now. You’re head of a team that resolves issues that arise during the design and development. You oversee that all goes well during manufacturing.
Wage: $900
Work Days/Hours: Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat 9-6pm
Skill Requiments: Mechanical x5, Creativity x5 , Charisma x2,
Friends: 7
Level: 7
Job Title: Draft & Design Leader
Description: Back to the drafting board- you’re the leader of a team that designs new concepts for aircrafts, satellites and shuttles. Your experience in avionics, data research and trialling make you well skilled and knowledgeable for this role!
Wage: $1200
Work Days/Hours: Tue-Fri, 9-5pm
Skill Requiments: Logic x6, Cleaning x5, Mechanical x6, Creativity x6 , Charisma x4 , Body x3
Friends: 8
Level: 8
Job Title: Propulsion Engineer
Description: You now specialise in a specific type of engineering called Propulsion- its all about improving the performance and reliability of compressors, jet engines, and rocket motors. It’s all about the force, baby!
Wage: $1850
Work Days/Hours: Wed-Sun 8-6pm
Skill Requiments: Logic x8, Cleaning x6, Mechanical x8, Body x4
Friends: 9
Level: 9
Job Title: Systems Integration Manager
Description: Long hours, big piles of work on your desk. You’re the systems integration manager; you oversee a team of 12 direct reports, to lead the SimSpace team and providing technical direction and decision making for project deliveries.
Wage: $2130
Work Days/Hours: Tue-Sat 8-6pm
Skill Requiments: Logic x9, Cleaning x7, Mechanical x9, Creativity x7, Charisma x5, Body x5
Friends: 10
Level: 10
Job Title: Head of SimSpace Exploration Program
Description: Congrats, you’re one of the most noted Aerospace Engineers! You’re the head of the new upcoming SimSpace Exploration Program- a voyage into the unknown; will there be water on Mars? Will there be alien life? Who knows?!
Wage: $2350
Work Days/Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 11am-5pm
Skill Requiments: Logic x10, Cleaning x8, Mechanical x10, Creativity x8, Charisma x6, Body x6
Friends: 12
All levels have a chance card written (Detailed):
1) Whilst pottering about in the lab, $me notices a small pile of dented metal sheets on the floor. Does $me throw it in the bin?
Chance A Good: $me picks up the pile and throws it away into the scrap metal bin. “Ah $me, thanks for clearing that up for me!” says a colleague. CLEANING +1
Chance A Bad: $me picks up the pile and throws it away into the scrap metal bin. “Ah $me, that’s part of a satellite I was assembling!” says a colleague. LOGIC -1
Chance B Good: $me decides its best not to, in case it’s something important and pops it onto a work surface. “Ah $me, thanks for not throwing that out! I’m using it to assemble a satellite” says a colleague. +1 LOGIC
Chance B Bad: $me decides its best not to, in case it’s something important and leaves it on the floor. “Ah $me, don’t you ever do any cleaning around here?” says a colleague annoyed. -1 CLEANING
2) $me is hard at work compiling data information that’s due for a team presentation in the morning. Suddenly their colleagues burst into the office and are laughing away, “Come on $me, lets go the pub!” says one of them. Does $me join them?
Chance A Good: $me decides that they’ve worked long enough, quickly finishes up and joins their colleagues at the pub. The next morning the presentation went smoothly and $me gets credited for their hard work! +1 LOGIC
Chance A Bad: $me decides that they’ve worked long enough, quickly finishes up and joins their colleagues at the pub. The next morning $me is hungover at the presentation and the bosses aren’t impressed. -1 CHARISMA
Chance B Good: $me decides to stay and complete the task. Its best not to go to the pub, imagine what the bosses would think if they found out. The next morning the presentation starts badly as $me’s colleagues are hungover. Luckily $me saves the presentation and the bosses are impressed. +$150
Chance B Bad: $me decides to stay and complete the task. Its best not to go to the pub, imagine what the boss would think if they found out. The next morning after the presentation, $me bosses approaches them “Hey, why didn’t you come out last night? You never hangout with us!” -1 CHARISMA
3) Whilst using Mona the crash test dummy during a test run, $me notices that Mona isn’t strapped in properly into the seat. With only seconds left before “take-off” should $me halt the test and check?
Chance A Good: $me shouts “Stop the test!” and quickly jumps into the test aircraft to strap Mona in. “Good spot $me, that could of affected the whole test run.” Says their colleague. +1 LOGIC
Chance A Bad: $me shouts “Stop the test!” but it’s too late off it goes. When the team check the aircraft they noticed that Mona was unstrapped and out of the seat. This could have affected the whole test run results! -1 LOGIC
Chance B Good: $me decides it’s not an important factor for this test run, luckily that was correct as they were only testing the electronic systems. +1 LOGIC
Chance B Bad: $me decides it’s not an important factor for this test run, but they were wrong! This was for testing the force of the new engines and how it could impact any passengers onboard. -1 LOGIC
4) Rumour has it that the government and private investors are funding this Earth observation satellite that $me is working on. $me is rather curious about it all, should they do some snooping?
Chance A Good: $me decides to snoop around their boss’s office and find out information. Suddenly, $me boss walks into the office and says “Hey, what can I help you with?” $me lies and says they were just dropping off paperwork.
Chance A Bad: $me decides to snoop around their boss’s office and find out information. Suddenly, $me’s boss walks into the office and accuses $me of being untrustworthy. -1 DEMOTION
Chance B Good: $me whilst in their boss’s office, decides its best not to snoop around and quickly gets out of there! +1 CREATIVITY
Chance B Bad: $me whilst in their boss’s office, decides its best not to snoop around but too late! $me’s boss walks into the office and accuses $me of being untrustworthy. -1 DEMOTION
5) Whilst playing about with some circuit boards, $me notices a potential flaw in one of his colleagues circuit boards. Does $me kindly notify their colleague?
Chance A Good: $me gently notifies their colleague of the potential flaw and they appreciate the constructive criticism. +1 CHARISMA
Chance A Bad: $me gently notifies their colleague of the potential flaw and they reject the constructive criticism. -1 CHARISMA
Chance B Good: $me decides not to notify them of the potential flaw but their colleague discovers it for themselves. +1 CHARISMA
Chance B Bad: $me decides not to notify them of the potential flaw, another more senior engineer spots it and embarrasses the colleague. $me feels bad. -1 CHARISMA
6) $me is quite sleepy and their department is running quite smoothly, should $me take a quick nap in their office?
Chance A Good: $me thinks its best to take quick nap before continuing with the pile of work on their desk. An hour later $me wakes up refreshed and finishes there work by the end of the shift. + 1 BODY
Chance A Bad: $me thinks its best to take quick nap before continuing with the pile of work on their desk. $me suddenly wakes up to find one of there bosses scowling at them. “Don’t you do that again!” -1 BODY
Chance B Good: $me thinks they better not and continues with the pile of work on their desk. $me powers through and finishes there work by the end of the shift. + 1 BODY
Chance B Bad: $me thinks they better not and continues with the pile of work on their desk. $me suddenly wakes up to find the janitor staring at him. “Scuse me sir, can I still clean in here?” Looks like $me must of passed out! – 1 BODY
7) Whilst drafting a new aircraft design, $me becomes aware that is quite similar to one designed by a rival company, does $me continue with the design?
Chance A Good: $me continues with the design and presents it at the next team meeting. Luckily the bosses love it and think it’s even better than the rival company. +1 CREATIVITY
Chance A Bad: $me continues with the design and presents it at the next team meeting. Unfortunately the bosses notice the similarities “Have you got no original ideas?!” they shout. -1 DEMOTION
Chance B Good: $me scraps the idea and starts on a new one in time for the next team meeting. Luckily the bosses love it and think it’s even better than previous design. +1 CREATIVITY
Chance B Bad: $me scraps the idea and starts on a new one in time for the next team meeting. Unfortunately the bosses hate the new design, thinking its too old fashioned “Have you got no modern ideas?!” they shout. -1 DEMOTION
8) $me is working with their team on a jet engine design using 35million “Llama Power”. $me doesn’t think this type of engine power is strong enough, does $me express their concerns to their team?
Chance A Good: $me expresses that using 35 million Llama Power might not as be as strong as 37-39million. The team agrees and changes it, this results in an excellent aircraft! +$500
Chance A Bad: $me expresses that using 35 million Llama Power might not as be as strong as 37-39million. The team disagrees and keeps it, resulting in a weak aircraft! -$500
Chance B Good: $me prefers to avoid confrontations and does not express their concerns. Luckily the Llama Power is strong enough and this results in an excellent aircraft! +$500
Chance B Bad: $me prefers to avoid confrontations and does not express their concerns. Sadly, like $me suspected, the Llama Power isn’t powerful enough and results in a weak aircraft! -$500
9) Whilst overseeing one of the teams, it comes to $me’s attention that one of the workers is taking photos of the drafted designs. $me thinks this could be a mole, do they confront the worker?
Chance A Good: $me takes the worker aside and subtly interrogates them to figure out of there from a rival company. Turns out $me was right, they are a mole! They were sending the photos to the rival company. +2 LOGIC
Chance A Bad: $me takes the worker aside and subtly interrogates them to figure out of there from a rival company. Turns out $me was wrong and they were just taking photos to learn the components and structures. -2 LOGIC
Chance B Good: $me thinks they’re are just being too paranoid. Too many long days and even longer nights and they decide to shake off the feeling. Turns out $me was just paranoid and they were taking photos to learn the components and structures. +2 LOGIC
Chance B Bad: $me thinks they’re are just being too paranoid. Too many long days and even longer nights and they decide to shake off the feeling. Turns out $me was wrong and they were sending the photos to the rival company. -2 LOGIC
10) Whilst being interviewed on live television, a journalist shouts “Do you believe in aliens $me?” …Well $me, do you believe in aliens?
Chance A Good: $me responds “Yes, I do believe there are other life forms outside of Earth, whether it may be aliens, a germ or a plant. There must be something else out there.” The crowd responds with agreement. +1 CHARISMA
Chance A Bad: “Yes, I do believe there are other life forms outside of Earth, whether it may be aliens, a germ or a plant. There must be something else out there.” The crowd responds with disagreement and laughter. -1 CHARISMA
Chance B Good: $me responds “No, I do not believe in aliens, cryptids or any supernaturals.” The crowd responds with agreement. +1 CHARISMA
Chance B Bad: $me responds “No, I do not believe in aliens, cryptids or any supernaturals.” The crowd responds with disagreement and laughter. -1 CHARISMA
Other *IMPORTANT* Info:
• I've included a glossary in the zip file explaining terminology used in this career.
• I’ve used the Hatchback, Sedan, Town Car & Limo as work vehicles.
• I’ve used the Lab Coat, Cheap Suit, Tweed Jacket &Power Suit as the work outfits.
• I’ve used the Hydroponic Garden as the Career Reward, a bit random.
• I’ve tried making the chance cards interesting & realistic as possible.
Additional Credits:
Various Job Application Sites
Uploaded: 26th Aug 2018, 25.0 KB.
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Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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#themeSpace, ##themeSpace, #xxctxx, #career, #aerospace, #engineer, #space, #custom, #real, #realistic, #science, #mechanic, #mechanical, #logic
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Free Time
About Me
I've been playing sims since I was 9.
I like recolouring items to create more maxis match stuff. I try keeping as much of it simple and base game so it's fun for all!
General Policies:
-DO NOT reupload any of my work.
-DO NOT edit/modify any of my work without my consent.
-IF you use my work for any photographic or video work, please let me know and also credit me.
-Please DO NOT steal my trademark names that I use for colours.
With my recolours/textures:
You may include with Sims.
You may re-use my textures for related projects.
Uploading Terms for anything else:
-Upload to MTS ONLY!
-DO NOT upload onto TSR/ the Exchange
-Let me know if you've credited me, love to see what you've made!
-Have fun!
-A big thank you for those who have downloaded, thanked, favourited and commented! You guys bring joy to me.