[New and Improved 9/11/21] Functioning Well - and Off-Grid Plumbing!
1. you need to collect water.png - width=1511 height=928
2. collect water.png - width=1495 height=959
3. collecting water.png - width=1503 height=958
4. barrel.png - width=1541 height=963
5. check water amount.png - width=1543 height=938
6. you don't have any water to add.png - width=1501 height=951
buy mode.png - width=534 height=198
change setting.png - width=665 height=682
pail.png - width=777 height=769
ani add-on.png - width=727 height=591

Made things (hopefully) simpler!
-There are now only 2 versions: bucket and pail versions.
Global vs Non-Global off-grid functionality is now handled by a setting which can be changed using testing cheats and shift-clicking on the Functioning Well.
The setting is for the save, so you could have a globally off-grid save, and another save which is non-global (ie not off-grid unless made so with an well/stack of barrels).
The default setting is Non-Global, so all new saves will be Non-Global until changed to Global via the well.
-For those who use ani's Bucket of Water mod, I made an add-on which will add my "Collect Water" interaction to her animated well. So instead of using my boring one, you can have a pretty animated one, and also use her off-grid bathtubs at the same time without needing 2 wells.
Just to note for any confusion that without this add-on, both mods are completely compatible, but the add-on just makes it easier if you use both (and animated well is awesome, thanks mspoodle!)
-Water pump rock object: to make a lot on-grid when it would otherwise be off-grid. Requested by Wojtek for an apocalypse world.
-Added using washing machines to off-grid interactions.
Thanks MissPat and Sonja for testing

To replace old versions:
Just replace the files, and delete scriptCache. If you had a save you were using the Global version in, don't forget to change the setting for that save to Global!

- Fixed an issue with the sponge bath interaction, which should use up water buckets properly now
- Fixed an issue with the string for the Unclog interaction
- Fixed an issue where if you cancel an interaction before it started, it would unlock buckets that were locked for a different interaction
New version:
- A new version which implements water in a different way - instead of using buckets that are created by collecting water at the well, you need to buy pails which can be filled up at the well. Interactions will use a certain amount of water from the pails
- The pail object is a clone of the milk pail from pets, and therefore requires pets (for now). Polycounts: High/Low 930/446 and can be found in misc decor
- Please seeĀ this thread for more details on how everything works including default amounts of water required for each interaction and capacity of pailĀ

- Also, if you run into any issues or have feedback, feel free to post on the above thread
- I have renamed the files to hopefully make things more clear. V1 is the version that uses buckets, and V2 is the version that uses pails. I also called them global and non-global rather All and Specified because I feel like it's more clear what it means. There is a global and non-global option for each version of the mod. Only pick one of the 4 files.
- If you are replacing a version of the mod that is used in a save, I would recommend resetting the town before removing the mod to make sure no sims are using any plumbing objects. You could also delete the associated objects like the well/barrels/buckets. I'm not sure exactly if anything terrible would happen especially if you have nraas ErrorTrap, but if you want to be safe then take the extra precaution

- Hmmm I think that's it

I didn't realise this before, but reloading an off-grid save made it so the custom versions of the plumbing interactions were no longer being used (unless you quit to main menu and reload), and buckets were not staying in the barrel stack through quitting and reloading the save.
Both of these things have been fixed thanks to Battery.
And in fact, objects that were placed pre-mod install do not need to be replaced to get the new interactions anymore.
i'm sorry that I didn't catch this before, but hopefully it should now be sorted

I've done some stuff.
There are now two versions:
FunctioningWellAll - works in the same way as the previous version in that once installed, all objects with interactions affected by the mod require buckets of water, whether on your home lot or off.
FunctioningWellSpecified - Only lots with a well or barrel stack on it will be affected - The interaction definitions are replaced same as usual, but when checking for/using water, if the lot the object is on doesn't have a well or stack of barrels, it will be classed as "on-grid"(?or something?) and buckets of water aren't required or used up.
For both versions, it's still only the active household that is affected, non-active sims can still use all plumbing stuff without buckets of water.
Please note: If you have the Specified version of the mod, objects that don't require the buckets, because the lot is on-grid, still have the custom interactions, and so if you are uninstalling, you need to make sure those objects are not being used when the game is saved - It's a good idea to reset your town.
I've also added some things to both versions:
The All-in-One-Bathrooms are now off grid.
The "Put In Inventory" interaction has been added to the buckets, so you can pick them up off the ground.
Aaaand I think that's it

What is this "Functioning Well" you speak of?
It's a well! That functions!
The idea of this mod is to basically make life more difficult for your sims - Instead of being able to just use objects like showers and sinks with their invisible plumbing, your sims must first collect water from the well in order to flush the toilet, take a bath, wash dishes etc...
It's great for off-grid/ living off the land/ old timey pre plumbing era gameplay.

The well object itself is the decor object "The Old Dried-Up Well" from The Sims 3 Store, that comes with the Brunch at the Old Mill set.
Except it's no longer a decor object, or dried-up! Your sims can and need to actually collect water from the well in order to use plumbing related interactions.
Different interactions will require different amounts of water. (See the Interaction List below for details)
Depending on the version of the mod, water is either represented as Buckets (objects that can be collected at the well) or a number representing the amount of water in a pail which can be filled up at the well. Pails have a maximum capacity, and so can contain only a certain amount of water when filled up. Max value is tunable, found in the Interactions XML (see below for more details.)
To collect buckets of water, Collect Water from the well. To fill pails, add them to your sim's inventory and either Collect Water by clicking on the well to fill up all pails in the sim's inventory, or Collect Water from the pail itself, to fill the individual pail.
The interactions that involve some kind of "plumbing" are replaced with new versions, that check if your sims have enough water before letting your sims do the interaction. If your sims have enough water, they can use the object as normal, and the required amount of water will be used up.
Sims can either use water that is in their own inventory, or water can be stored in the stack of barrels object to be accessible across the household.
Note about the barrels: The stack of barrels is the decor object from WA, but works as an inventory to store buckets of water instead. It requires WA for now, but hopefully soon I will try and make it base game compatible. If you don't have WA you can still use the mod, but each sim will have to have buckets in their own inventory to use plumbing objects.
The well can be found in Misc Plumbing and Outdoor Decor for 200 simoleons. You can place it on a community lot instead of buying it with your own funds.
The barrels can be found in Misc Plumbing and Misc Storage also for 200 simoleons. These need to be placed on your home lot.
The bucket can be found in buydebug for 0 simoleons (Bucket version only).
The pails can be found in Misc Plumbing and Misc Storage for 90 simoleons (Pail version only). These need to be placed on your lot, and added to sims' inventories in order to be filled at the well.
It's also only active sims that need water to use stuff, so the rest of town shouldn't be walking around with terrible stink clouds around them all the time.
Global vs Non-Global
The latest versions v1.1+ (I'm trying helpful naming conventions now :p) handle global/non-global functionality via a setting rather than mod version.
GLOBAL means that all lots are off-grid, and active sims will need to collect water from a well before they can use plumbing objects on their lot. Note that inactive sims don't require or use up water, but if the setting is global, and you change households, the new active household will be off-grid too.
NON-GLOBAL means that only (active) sims who have a Functioning Well, or Stack of Barrels on their lot will be off-grid. Therefore switching to a new household will not necessarily mean the new sims will be off-grid, only if they have the required objects.
Non-Global setting also means that you can keep the mod installed even if you want to play a save that doesn't have any off-grid functionality at all.
The default setting (the setting when you load a new save, and until you change it) is NON-GLOBAL. This value is tunable if you would rather have all new saves globally off-grid by default (zoeoe_WaterMod.Interactions value kIsGlobalDefault).
To change the setting for a save, enable TestingCheats and shift-click on the Functioning Well to toggle the global setting On/Off.
If you want a notification when a save loads, to say the mod is installed and what the setting is for the save, edit the XML zoeoe_WaterMod.Instantiator and change kEnableDebugNotif to True.
Collecting water from the well:
To start with, you'll need to collect water from the well, otherwise your sims will be living a pretty nasty life!
The well has one interaction, "Collect Water", which is available to human sims aged child and up.
I have no animation experience, I'm afraid, so all that happens is that sims will walk up to the well and do a "swipe" animation. Unless you have ani's Bucket of Water mod, and the ani mod add-on

Using the barrels:
The stack of barrels allows all sims in your household to access water to use plumbing related objects. It has two interactions -
"Add Water" moves all the water from your sim's inventory into the barrels' inventory.
"Check Water Amount" tells you both the total amount, and available amount of water in the barrel.
The total number is both the water that is free to use for interactions, and water that sims will need for their current interaction, but haven't actually been used up yet. See below for more of an explanation.
Doing the replaced interactions:
If you have enough water, you will be able to use the replaced interactions. Once the interaction starts running (your sim begins walking to the object), the amount of water required will be "locked", which means they won't count as water available to use for other interactions. Once the actual animation starts, the water is then used up.
This means that if you cancel an interaction before your sim has actually interacted with the object, the water can become available to use for another interaction, and at the same time, sims can't start interactions if the water that is already being used for another interaction. Sorry if this is confusing - it's not crucial to understand, just an explanation of how it works

Interactions that are replaced
All the interactions that are replaced in this mod to require water to be collected in order to be used:
(Note the Pail version has slightly different values, but same interactions)
Wash Hands > 1
Wash Dishes >1 (Clean Up interaction is replaced to call the new wash dishes interaction)
Spongebath > 2
Flush Toilet > 1 (Use Toilet, Clean Toilet, Repair Toilet, Vomit (in toilet) are also replaced so sims will only automatically flush afterwards if they there is a bucket of water available to use)
Take Shower > 3 (For your very flammable sims, please note that they will need 3 buckets to Put Out Self, just like a regular shower. Same with Shower WooHoo

Take Bath > 4
Take Bubble Bath > 5
ScubaAdventure > 5
Bathe Large Dog > 3
Bathe Small Pet (cat or small dog) > 3
Use All-in-one-bathroom > 4
Use Washer > 3
The numbers of buckets/amount of water required for each interaction are tunable - see Tunable Values below.
There are some plumbing objects that are not affected (sims will be able to use these without needing to collect water).
Hot Tubs, Dishwashers, The Outdoor Shower and Public Shower from the Store - Possibly will add these in the future.
Tunable Values
The amount of water required for each interaction is tunable. If you want to change them, open the package file and find the resource called zoeoe_WaterMod.Interactions. Right click on it and click on Notepad to edit the XML.
For the BUCKET version, each value is the number of buckets used up, and so the values must be positive integers, as you can't use a fraction of a bucket.
The PAIL version, each value is a certain volume of water, with the pails having a set max capacity. This max capacity is tunable (Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Miscellaneous.zoeoe_WaterMod.Pail), default 3. So if an interaction is set to use "6", it will use 2 whole pails. If it's set to 1.5, it will use up half of a pail.
eg. Valid for BUCKET and PAIL versions.
kWashHandsWater value="1"
kFlushToiletWater value="1"
kWashDishesWater value="2"
eg. Only valid for PAIL version.
kWashHandsWater value="2"
kFlushToiletWater value="1.75"
kWashDishesWater value="6"
updated to support:
French - SecretX
German - KittyTheSnowcat
Russian - Knight
Polish - Wojtek

There are a few strings in this mod that can be translated. If anyone is interested in translating them, the main strings (interaction names etc) are in the STBL resources called zoeoe_WaterMod_strings. There are also the other STBLs for the object names and descriptions.

There are 2 versions of the mod now, and you can only use 1:
zoeoe_FunctioningWellBUCKET - water is represented by a bucket object. Buckets can be collected from a well, and interactions will use x number of buckets.
zoeoe_FunctioningWellPail - water is represented by a number contained in a pail. Pails can be bought from buy mode and filled up at a well. Interactions will use x amount of water stored in a bucket.
There are also two optional addons:
zoeoe_FW_aniBucketOfWaterMod_addon - adds my "Collect Water" animation to ani's animated well in her Bucket of Water mod, so buckets can be collected/pails filled using the animated well. This addon REQUIRES ani's mod.
zoeoe_FW_WaterPump_rock - a rock that can be added to any lot to act as a water pump, which will override the off-gridness of a lot and make it on-grid. Eg if you are playing in a globally off-grid world, you can give a lot water with the water pump. It's a rock because I couldn't clone a better object, but the transmogrifier should work on any object as there are no interactions/slots etc.
To install, just put the package in your mods folder. Only one version at a time

If you want all plumbing objects in the world to be off-grid for your active household then use the ALL version.
If you only want plumbing objects on lots with a well/barrel stack to be off-grid, use the SPECIFIED version.
I'd recommend starting an off-grid save after you have installed this mod, or if you have a save started, don't build your house until after the mod is installed. That way you won't have to replace all your sinks and showers etc to get them to function properly off-grid.

Before uninstalling the mod, make sure your sims are not interacting with any plumbing objects when you save, otherwise the objects may become unusable. If this does happen, they should be okay if you sell and replace the objects, but I haven't tested this extensively so be warned!
It's a good idea to reset your town/reset all sims before uninstalling to make sure no sims are using objects affected by the new interactions. This is relevant even if the save isn't off-grid, as the interactions have still been replaced if you've played in the world with the mod installed.

This is a full script mod, and doesn't override any core files or resources. However, on load it does replace the interaction definitions of the interactions listed above. So if you have a mod that also does that
NRaas Shooless is an example of this. If you have both installed, the interactions affected by Shooless (Shower, Use Toilet, Spongebath) will no longer be "off-grid". The interaction names for Use Toilet and Spongebath show up blank too.
One thing to note is that because this mod changes the interaction definitions, if you have mods that adjust the ITUN files of one of the interactions that are replaced, it won't have an effect. You can edit my custom ITUN files to your liking though, they are in the package file

If you do find a conflict, let me know.
The only other thing I have found is that if you have nraas WooHooer installed, the shower WooHoo won't work even if your sims have enough water. They do the social interaction and just stop. It does work if one sim is already in the shower though, so nothing too disastrous

Ani's Bucket of Water mod DOES NOT CONFLICT, as they do different things: my mod replaces the EA interactions, and ani's mod adds a new bath object with a new bathing interaction. Also note that the bucket from the BUCKET version of this mod and ani's bucket are not interchangeable.
Resources Used
- The Functioning Well is a clone of the The Old Dried-Up Well decor object from the sims 3 store. [You don't need the one from the store to use this mod]
- The bucket's mesh comes from one of the decor objects from Pets, that has two buckets stacked. The smaller one rotated to be upright is the one in my mod.
Polycounts: High/Low LOD 364, (it just has the one LOD as cloned from bubble bath)
I used the Metal Eroded Texture by Giles Hodges for the bucket
I also used the already exported and unprotected dlls by Inje
A thank you to ani and her mods, namely the woodcutter and anvil mod, which greatly helped me figure out how to approach certain parts my mod.
And another thank you to Nona Mena's custom ITUN tutorial
Future Plans/Ideas
I've been working on this for quite a while now, and so I really wanted to get what I've done out before it drives me insane, but even though it's pretty much done, there are a few things I feel could function in a better way. I'd also be happy to hear any ideas/preferences that you have for how this could work. Here are just some things I have thought about:
Revamping the way water is represented. I know it's not particularly realistic to have buckets as the smallest unit of water, but it was the easiest way I could think of implementing this system. I think a better way would be to have a sort of "pail of water" that you can buy, and then fill up from the well, and then interactions could use up a certain portion of water from the pail. This is something I'd really like to do but I think would be a big job! - Which sims and which objects are affected. Currently it's only active sims that need buckets of water to use all plumbing objects in the world (at least ones that the interactions have been updated properly). This doesn't make complete sense, as they'd be using water from their home lot for objects in different locations. I may change it so only the home lot is "off-grid", or sims will need buckets in their inventories to use plumbing objects off their home lot. Or should all sims in town be affected and go round smelly? That might be preferable for a medieval village
- A modern tank. It might be a good idea to also have a more modern looking way of storing water on your lot, for a modern off-grid style play, rather than using barrels.
- Eco-friendly sims. I was going to have a different number of buckets for eco-friendly sims using the shower, but in the end didn't get round to it. This is something I could add in, and maybe other lower values for other interactions if the sims is eco-friendly.
Anyway, sorry for the huge description

If you have any problems, or feedback, please let me know, and I'll try to fix it.
I hope you like it

Additional Credits:
A big thank you to Battery for all the help with my many struggles. I also used S3PE, Buzzler's STBLize tool, and Visual Studio 2017.
Note from the Creator:
| V1.1 LATEST VERSION - Choose this file or zoeoe_FunctioningWellPAIL
Uploaded: 9th Nov 2021, 1.06 MB.
| V1.1 LATEST VERSION - Choose this file or zoeoe_FunctioningWellBUCKET
Uploaded: 9th Nov 2021, 1.58 MB.
| V1.1 LATEST VERSION - Optional, requires ani's bucket of water mod
Uploaded: 9th Nov 2021, 5.1 KB.
| V1.1 LATEST VERSION - Optional, adds a rock shaped water pump to make a lot on-grid if otherwise off-grid
Uploaded: 9th Nov 2021, 45.6 KB.
Uploaded: 16th Nov 2020, 1.58 MB.
Uploaded: 16th Nov 2020, 1.58 MB.
Uploaded: 16th Nov 2020, 1.05 MB.
Uploaded: 16th Nov 2020, 1.05 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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